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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Munroe Global Featuring: Contrast in Kingdoms | Dr. Myles Munroe and Are we beginning to overlook the true reasons behind christenings?

From the very beginning God’s plan for His creation was centered on our being in a relationship with Him. It was never God’s plan to establish a religion. When governments collapse and human philosophies fail Rediscovering The Kingdom will become your guide through the treacherous storms of the 21st century. As Dr. Munroe unveils the reality and the power of the Kingdom of God, you will be challenged to the core of your religious soul as you discover realities that few have seen, let alone talked about. This teaching is a part of the multi-volume series, Rediscovering the Kingdom. [Video and more below] Rediscovering The Kingdom Vol. 1 Titles: Disc 1 - Discovering Your Kingdom Leadership Disc 2 - The Dominion Mandate of Leadership Disc 3 - Contrast in Kingdoms Disc 4 - The Kingdom Assignment of Jesus You can purchase the complete album via the link below. Available in CD, DVD, MP3 and MP4

Are we beginning to overlook the true reasons behind christenings?
By: Janice Lennon

With spectacles on, for example, on a recent episode of a popular reality television show, where a fight broke out after a babies christening, it is easy to question the real reasons behind the first of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. It seems that more and more often, sacraments are recurrently becoming more about the superficial than the true religious aspects in which they were originated upon. In the following paragraphs, we will delve into the typical Christening traditions within the Catholic Church and the reason behind each of these traditions.

Catholic christening originated from Christ himself. He stated, "Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John 3: 3-5) The act of being Christened brings, typically infants, into a new life in Christ as well as washing their soul free from Original Sin. It is also the first of three Sacraments of Initiation into the Church, the following two being the Sacrament of Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Confirmation. On the day of the infant's christening, both the child's parents as well as godparents stand before family and friends while the parish's priest pours water over the child's head while saying, "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

A Traditional aspect of Christenings includes the garments worn by the baptized individual, the Christening gown. These beautiful and intricately made gowns are typically white or off white, which signifies the purity of the baptized individual. More recently, Christening gowns have altered into several different styles other than the traditional gown; including christening rompers and baptismal suits. The Christening gown is also a treasured keepsake among family members. These christening gowns vary in length, style, and fabric, but the one thing they have in common is the elegance and richness provided in each gown. You can find Christening gowns, shoes, bibs, bonnets, Baptism Dresses, Baptismal gifts, and much more at

These are just a few of the many Catholic traditions involved in a Christening. It is important to remember, on this exciting and busy day, the real reason behind the Sacrament – welcoming another member of the Catholic Church into Christ's kingdom.

For more information about christening gowns and other baptismal products, please visit

Christening Gowns by is a division of Christian Expressions LLC
Janice Lennon is manager of Christian Expressions LLC. An online retailer specializing in Christian products. Founded in 1996 in Johnston, RI and serving customers worldwide.

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