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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Beast Sports Nutrition Presents The Serious Workout Of the Week! Week 3

Hello there Athletes and Warriors!
Hey from this point forward you can plan your entire workout week as we will be publishing your SWOD every Saturday or Sunday.

As always remember to eat, and sleep right as that will dictate your fitness success just as much as how much you bench this week.
If this is your first SWOD be sure to consult a doctor before engaging in any exercise, fitness, or nutrition program. The sets, reps, weights, and overall intensity of the below workout were originally designed for a specific athlete. Please adjust any factor to fit your present fitness level. 

After this word from our pals at Beast Sports Nutrition, we will get to this week's workout.

-Coach Nate

Athletes and Warriors! Printer Friendly Versions, Exercise Descriptions and Some videos are available exclusively for US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning client version of the program. Click here to get your custom strength, conditioning, or performance program today!

Week 3 - Day 1 (Saturday) of US Sports Strength and Conditioning Free Demo's Program
Week Difficulty: Medium Hard
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Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Leg Press (45 Degree)
10 reps @ 570 lbs,5 reps @ 685 lbs,
3 reps @ 795 lbs,6 reps @ 910 lbs,
7 reps @ 855 lbs,6 reps @ 795 lbs 
Dumbbell Plie Squat
8 reps @ 135 lbs,8 reps @ 135 lbs,
6 reps @ 135 lbs 
Machine Leg Curl
10 reps @ 160 lbs,10 reps @ 150 lbs 
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press (30 Degree)
8 reps @ 105 lbs,8 reps @ 105 lbs,
6 reps @ 105 lbs 
Dumbbell Arnold Press
8 reps @ 70 lbs,8 reps @ 70 lbs,
6 reps @ 70 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
10 reps @ 32 lbs,10 reps @ 30 lbs 
Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension
8 reps @ 40 lbs,8 reps @ 40 lbs,
6 reps @ 40 lbs 
Reverse Crunches
23 reps,23 reps 
Bent Knee Crunches
51 reps,51 reps,
39 reps 

Week 3 - Day 2 (Sunday) of US Sports Strength and Conditioning Free Demo's ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium Hard
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Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
5 Minute Cardio Warmup
105 Beats Per Minute. This is a basic warmup. Keep things nice and smooth! You can choose any exercise that feels best to you. Biking, Elyptical, Jogging, Walking etc. 
25 Minute Cardio Session
128 Beats Per Minute. You're getting some great work in. It's great to exercise and to be healthy! Focus on your goals and enjoy the process. 
5 Minute Cardio Session
135 Beats Per Minute. We are pushing the intensity up a little for this one. Stay focused and keep going. You will enhance your conditioning level and burn more calories in this more intense phase. Monitor your heart rate periodically as you exercise. 
5 Minute Easy Cooldown Activity
105 Beats Per Minute. Great job on your workout. Now, back off on the intensity and sowly cool your body down. As always, a few minutes of light stretching can help in the recovery process! 

Week 3 - Day 3 (Monday) of US Sports Strength and Conditioning Free Demo's ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium Hard
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Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Back Extension
11 reps,11 reps,
8 reps 
Cable Close Grip Row (Low Pulley)
8 reps @ 225 lbs,8 reps @ 225 lbs,
6 reps @ 225 lbs 
Lat Pulldown Close Grip Front
10 reps @ 180 lbs,10 reps @ 165 lbs 
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
10 reps @ 41 lbs,10 reps @ 38 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
10 reps @ 32 lbs,10 reps @ 30 lbs 
Dumbbell Hammer Curl
10 reps @ 70 lbs,10 reps @ 65 lbs 
Standing Toe Press
10 reps @ 250 lbs,10 reps @ 230 lbs 
Reverse Crunches
23 reps,23 reps 
Alternate Heel Touchers
51 reps,51 reps,
39 reps 

Week 3 - Day 4 (Tuesday) of US Sports Strength and Conditioning Free Demo's ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium Hard
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Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
5 Minute Cardio Warmup
105 Beats Per Minute. As always I will start things off nice and easy for you. Warming your body up is important for both injury prevention and for performance. Have a great workout and keep a positive attitude! 
25 Minute Cardio Session
128 Beats Per Minute. You're getting some great work in. It's great to exercise and to be healthy! Focus on your goals and enjoy the process. 
12 Minute Cardio Session
135 Beats Per Minute. Monitor your heart rate by taking your pulse at the carotid artery. Just place two fingers near your Adam's apple. Count the beats for 15 seconds and multiply this number by four. 
5 Minute Easy Cooldown Activity
105 Beats Per Minute. You made it! See, it wasn't so bad. :) This last 5 minute section is important to bring your bodies physiological functions back to normal. Again, good job on your workout! 

Week 3 - Day 5 (Wednesday) of US Sports Strength and Conditioning Free Demo's ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium Hard
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Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Bench Press
10 reps @ 225 lbs,5 reps @ 270 lbs,
3 reps @ 315 lbs,6 reps @ 360 lbs,
7 reps @ 340 lbs,6 reps @ 315 lbs 
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press (30 Degree)
8 reps @ 105 lbs,8 reps @ 105 lbs,
6 reps @ 105 lbs 
Dumbbell Side Lunge
8 reps @ 40 lbs,8 reps @ 40 lbs,
6 reps @ 40 lbs 
Dumbbell Step Up
10 reps @ 55 lbs,10 reps @ 50 lbs 
Machine Leg Extensions
10 reps @ 195 lbs,10 reps @ 180 lbs 
Machine Leg Curl
10 reps @ 160 lbs,10 reps @ 150 lbs 
Cable One Arm Row
10 reps @ 120 lbs,10 reps @ 110 lbs 
Dumbbell Biceps Curl
10 reps @ 60 lbs,10 reps @ 55 lbs 
Cable Triceps Pushdown
10 reps @ 170 lbs,10 reps @ 155 lbs 
Bent Leg Knee Ups from Bench
26 reps,26 reps,
20 reps 
Bent Knee Crunches
51 reps,51 reps,
39 reps 

Week 3 - Day 6 (Thursday) of US Sports Strength and Conditioning Free Demo's ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium Hard
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Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
5 Minute Cardio Warmup
105 Beats Per Minute. This easy warmup will allow you to start preparing your body and your mind for your workout. Make sure you drink some water throughout your workout. It is very important to stay hydrated. Work hard and you will feel great! 
25 Minute Cardio Session
128 Beats Per Minute. You're getting some great work in. It's great to exercise and to be healthy! Focus on your goals and enjoy the process. 
15 Minute Cardio Session
135 Beats Per Minute. Aerobic exercise will help you to lose fat by burning excess calories. It will also help to lower blood pressure levels and improve your cholesterol ratios. But best of all, it makes you feel great! 
5 Minute Easy Cooldown Activity
105 Beats Per Minute. I hope you had a great workout. Don't forget this last 5 minute session. Make an effort to eat healthy foods. It takes a combination of consistent exercise and healthy eating to achieve your goals. Again, good job on the workout. 

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