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Monday, March 11, 2019

CoachTube Presents- Haylie Biever Ice Hockey Goalie Class of 2020 Recruitment Video

Haylie Biever #31 [Video below] Club: Battleford Female Midget AAA Sharks (Tier1) Height: 5'5" Weight 135 Age : (at the time this video was taken)16 Class of 2020 Position: Goaltender Email: Twitter: @biever_haylie Achievements: 2017 Midget AA Goalie of the Year Award- 2nd year Bantam 2017-2018 season AAA player of the game honors 3 times 2018 season AAA player of the game honors twice 2017 and 2018 Calgary Firestarter Midget AAA tournament player of the game honors ICE HOCKEY ADDITIONAL 2016/17 U16 Sask First Midget Goaltender

Presented by CoachTube!


Youth Hockey Goalie Training

Want your youth hockey team to have a reliable goalie that they can depend on to be effective against a variety of player situations? In Youth Hockey Goalie Training, seasoned youth hockey coach Patrick Burke utilizes the help of young players to demonstrate his game-tested approach to coaching an all-star goalie.
Patrick BurkeUSA Hockey and American Sport Education Program-Certified Hockey Coach
Patrick Burke, the principal of Vermont's South Burlington High School, is a USA Hockey- and American Sport Education Program-certified hockey coach and a USA Hockey ACE (Association Coaching Education) Director. 

Burke has coached at nearly every level from mites to college and has served as the head varsity coach at three New England high schools: St. Bernard (Conn.); Champlain Valley (Vt.), where he led his team to a state championship; and South Burlington (Vt). 

He has coached U-18 all-star teams in Vermont and in the New England Yankee All-Star Festival, and now is coaching on the youth level with the Essex (Vt.) Sting and the Vermont Shamrocks. His focus has always been on player development, hard work and fun. He has been recognized for coaching excellence by the Positive Youth Sports Alliance and was Vermont's principal of the year in 2006. 

As a player, Burke played AAA and junior hockey for the Ramapo (N.Y.) Saints and the New Jersey Rockets, as well as college hockey for Connecticut College. Book this course......

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