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Monday, October 1, 2018

Strength Coach: Are Crunches and Back Extensions Breaking your Spine?

Presented On US Sports Net By!

Dan Gabelman BS / PES / USA-W
Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning
The Sports Club / LA -- Boston
Strength Coach / Private Trainer

Many of my clients and some athletes at MBSC have asked why there are very minimal "crunches" and no back extensions in the training programs they perform. The information presented below is what I simplify in my answers to them and will either be a great reminder or enlightening information on how these exercises affect your spine. In addition I will explain the function of the "core," and why there is still some "crunching " in programs using a straight leg sit-up progression. 
A couple of reasons to avoid these exercises: 
1) "The traditional sit-up imposes approximately 3300 N or about 730 pounds of compression on the spine." (McGill, 88) This means that every time you do a sit-up, knees bent with feet locked under something, sitting up from the ground to vertical, that amount of pressure is crushing your intervertebral discs. Since most people seem to think that 300-500 crunches a day is necessary for six-pack abs that is 990,000 N or 219,00lbs of pressure on your spine and discs at a minimum. Lastly, "The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has set the action limit for low back compression at 3300 N. Repetitive loading about this level is linked with higher injury rates in workers, yet this is imposed on the spine with each repetition of the sit-up!" (McGill, 88) 
2) Back extensions are no better. On the roman chair (this is the piece of equipment that is set at 45 degrees and you can lock your feet and rest your thighs on it so that you can drop and lift your upper body, working the back) performing one back extension, imposes over 4000 N or about 890lbs of compression on the spine (McGill 91). In addition, there are many exercises performed on the floor lying on the stomach where some combination of the arms and legs are raised, or the entire torso is lifted off the ground. These types of exercises impose up to 6000 N or over 1300lbs of spinal load and compression (McGill, 91). These exercises are referred to as the "superman", "opposite arm opposite leg raise", "prone cobra", etc. Please avoid these exercises at all costs! Finally, the front squat (my personal preference) and deadlift both work the back and spine in the biomechanically correct fashion. Any variation of these such as the kettlebell deadlift, off-set kettlebell squat, front squat, 1-leg SLDL, trap bar deadlift, plate deadlifts, etc, function the same way. There is no isolation of the muscles and the body works as one functional unit. 
So how does the core function?............Keep reading....
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iHealthTube Featuring: These Natural Therapies Helped Cure His Lung Cancer and When Kids Get Cancer, What to Do About It

Faced with unexpected lung cancer, Dr. Carl Helvie searched out natural treatments a number of decades ago. In this video, he talks about the things he did to naturally treat his cancer, from his mental health to vitamins and supplements.

When Kids Get Cancer, What to Do About It
By: Alan Wighton

The word cancer is a scary word and the last thing a parent wants to hear is their child has been diagnosed with the problem. It’s bad enough for an adult to be diagnosed with cancer but for one’s own child, it would have to be extremely distressing. There is a lot more to cancer than just removing growths and through knowledge, there are many ways that families can help a loved one.

In a recent report on childhood cancer, stated that the survival rate at present is approaching 75 percent where as a few years ago it was only one in ten. The report went on to say that they were hopeful that within 20 years they would have a 100 percent cure rate but that was possibly being a little optimistic.

Those statistics may sound good but all cancer statistics are measured only over a 5 year period so those figures are not necessary a cure. The report also stated that 60 percent of children who survive childhood cancer will ultimately develop at least one chronic and sometimes life-threatening health problem within 20 to 30 years after treatment.

What to do about it? While there is no miracle cure for any cancer and there never will be, there are ways to help overcome it. Like all cancers, there are reasons why it first appeared so there are many things parents can do to help a child. Learn about it, get involved and don’t believe everything your doctor says as doctors are only taught their three ways of treating it which is surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Most doctors are ignorant about any other ways that maybe beneficial.

In both young and old cancer is simply a disease of a weak immune system. It appears when the body’s immune system is not functioning properly. All body cells are regulated with respect to growth and interaction with other cells. Cancer occurs when our immune system has been weakened and looses control of natural cell division. When a child is born their immune system is not fully developed and this is why breast feeding is so important to a new born baby. It’s the key to help develop this system which is there to keep us healthy right through life.

A far better approach when someone is confronted with childhood cancer is to strengthen their immune system and the only way to do that is naturally. You do that with a strict diet of natural food or food that we are supposed to be eating instead of processed foods that’s mostly available in supermarkets now days. Remembered the rise in all cancers has paralleled the rise in popularity of supermarkets and that’s because of food that’s been processed for profit.

Children can make these important changes because they haven’t adopted bad habits that most adults have. With a parents help it will be easier for them to correct the reasons why the cancer first grew. Another important change you won’t be told about is the connection between cancer and refined sugar. It was discovered many years ago to be the natural fuel for cancer cells. They thrive on it. Also don’t substitute sugar for aspartame, the artificial sweetener which is in diet drinks as there’s a strong link between leukaemia and lymphoma and aspartame. Those two cancers are common in children.

It is very upsetting to see children go through our mainstream toxic treatments knowing that it weakens the immune system further. Those treatments are only attempting to remove the cancer itself, but the growths are only a symptom and not the problem. The definition of a symptom is something else is wrong and that something is a weakened immune system. It is this you must correct.

Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist who has specialized in how the food we eat is related to our state of health. This article is from a site for those that are facing cancer.

Girl Pepper Sprayed by Police [BODY CAM FOOTAGE] and Juvenile Court System

Police bodycam footage shows officers pepper-spraying a 15-year-old girl following a bicycle accident with a vehicle in Maryland. [Video Below]

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Juvenile Court System
By: Jeff Stats

The Houses of Refuge were the first institutions that dealt with juveniles in terms of transforming them and putting them back on the right path in life. These houses were the prototypes of the modern juvenile courts as we know it today in the United States. 1823 was the year when the idea of creation such a construction appeared, that was when the government considered taking charge in cleaning up the city streets from loitering youth and acquainting them with moral principles of the society. In the mid of 1800’s special reform schools began opening in the Massachusetts area, this in time led to the formation of a new and separate juvenile system in the US that wasn’t known before. These schools not only educated delinquent youth but also set rules for the rest of the society, in case when those rules were not followed it automatically meant that the law was broken. The Crouse case was the formal foundation of the modern juvenile justice system, the government legitimized the notion of the state taking custody over child for the first time. The Juvenile Court Act of 1899 was the first official court of its type in the US that outlined the cases that it could have jurisdiction over and that separated it from the adult courts.

From the very creation of the juvenile courts and the ideal model of it to the present time, society has been dealing with a huge gap between this ideal and the reality. Before the 1960’s there was no legal rights that juveniles had, thus due processes were introduced and system moved away from the idea of child being somebody’s property: either of state or of the parents. After the 1980’s and to the present moment the initial idea of protecting children from bad influences and helping to rehabilitate, shifted to a more dramatic and strict system of identifying measure of harm for the society by a specific crime. The "punitive model" now serves for detection of harm level and accordingly assigning punishment for it. Numerous social factors have results in such changes; massive paranoia of increased number of violent crimes, abuse of drugs by the young, mass formation of the gangs. All of that coupled with the failure to accomplish the purpose of juvenile schools as they were intended to, led to the current punitive system that seeks to punish severely. "Mens rea"- guilty mind is not the prerogative of the adult offenders as was supposed in the early history of the American juvenile system; it became an essential part of today’s juvenile criminals’ portrait. There are number of theories that support the idea of an individual making a choice to commit a delinquent act. Those theories are: the choice theory, the deterrence theory- supporting classical school of criminology. On the other side there are biological theories that were based on the positive school. Morphological approach, Lombrozo’s atavism theory, Sheldon’s somatotype theory are theories proving the existence of the biological factor in forming of the delinquent individual. They are also influence by the genetic and inherited factors, such as criminals in the family-learning of the young to behave in the same way; delinquent twins are also more likely to both commit a crime than a regular person. Sarnoff Mednick’s studies on the adopted children made clear that the highest percentage of delinquent behavior was observed when both environmental and biological factors were combined. Conclusion could be drawn that none on two separate causes can fully be responsible for the amount of juvenile criminals nowadays.

Apart from the theories described above, there are numerous theories that study criminal behavior and origins from the point of societal position and economic condition of the individual. Famous Chicago project by McKay and Shaw proved that depending on what part of the city and neighborhood one grew up, a person was influenced accordingly. Thus children from the interstitial zone with cultural heterogeneity and high mobility and poverty were the ones under particularly bad influence that could result in future crimes. Strain theory is another support of the fact that people with unequal opportunities to achieve success in society would most likely commit crime while adopting their lives to the rest of the society. Cloward and Ohlin on the other side argued that juveniles do not just commit crimes if they cannot reach the middle class status by regular means, they claim that illegitimate opportunity structure in certain neighborhoods works as a unique society on its own. It gives opportunity of growth and learning as in educational institution with similar rewards, although on illegal terms.

The study of delinquencies and social impact led researches to the realization the social processes are of the great importance when studying the nature of the crimes. Social process theories, learning and social control theories, are dealing with the connection between socialization and delinquencies. Learning theory explains how and why juvenile commit crimes in terms of school and learning. In the process of learning, they get to see and know what it is and how crimes are performed and because of other multiple facts they choose to do it. In contrast, the social control theory states that some people choose a wrong path because they are not tied to any important part of their life such as family, friends, or job. Clearly they have not much to lose and having no bonds with society, they are most likely to commit a crime.

With the emergence of innovative technology and social classes inequality people were faced with numerous choices of behavior. Behavior of an individual is formed by multiple factors, outer and inner ones that are very hard to track and can never be studied and evaluated precisely. Therefore the driving forces of the crime are yet not studied well enough and the punishment measures cannot help prevent from future crimes. The gap between the two is ever-growing nowadays.

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Joseph Prince Recent Messages Featuring: The Key To Robust Faith

Would you like to have robust faith to receive every God-given blessing in your life? God has a key for us to unlock powerful faith that brings every breakthrough we need! Join Joseph Prince as he shows you from Scripture how you can begin to tap into God’s unlimited supply for every situation. Discover truths that will help you: • Break down the enemy’s strongholds on you and see complete victory. • Grow in the faith that pleases God and experience a strength that goes beyond age. • Live with overflowing joy and hope for the future. [Video Below] It’s time to stand firm on God’s promises for you and live the overcoming life that He meant for you to live! Get the full message at: -

Bless the Lord

Hebrews 13:15

Great things happen when you continually confess the mercy of God. Faith rises up on the inside of you. The reality that God loves you begins to sing through your spirit.
What's more, it brings honor to your Father when you believe His Word and magnify His love and mercy. You honor Him when you speak of His goodness and lovingkindness, when you talk about Him as your Father of love who does only good. It blesses Him when you praise Him as the great God of the universe who is eager to bless and who even gave His own Son because He so loved the world.
David was a man after God's own heart. He knew how to praise his God. Until you have the Word dwelling in you richly so that you can speak psalms and praises out of your own spirit, use the praises of David to magnify God. Speak them or sing them out loud to the Father.
Put His words continually on your lips. You will soon begin to experience the thrill and the joy of realizing that God is indeed "rich in mercy" because of His great love with which He loved us. Your faith will rise to new heights and your Father will be blessed! And you will be blessed.
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 89:1-18
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

The Rock Almighty Devotional and Praise with Idle Cure

OCTOBER 01 from cdm

“For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live]” (Ephesians 2:10, AMPC).
Out of His great love for us, God formed us in His own image and gave us the opportunity for spiritual rebirth. He wants us to experience the best that life has to offer, and Jesus Christ has made this possible.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Trending Sports News Featuring: Each team’s top takeaway from the 2018 MLB season

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