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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Tips for Exercising Success

Weight lifting, swimming, cycling, jogging, skiing, aerobic dancing, walking or any of dozens of other activities can improve your health. Whether it is a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, all exercise adds up to a healthier heart and mind. Here are some tips for exercising success:
  • If you have been sedentary for a long time, are overweight, have a high risk of coronary heart disease or some other chronic health problem, see your doctor for a medical evaluation before beginning a physical activity program.
  • Choose activities that are fun, not exhausting.
  • Add variety. Try not to rely too much on one activity or repeating workout, but develop a repertoire of several that you can enjoy. That way, exercise will never seem boring or routine.
  • Wear comfortable, properly fitted footwear and comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that is appropriate for the weather and the activity.
  • Find a convenient time and place to do activities. Try to make it a habit, but be flexible. If you miss an exercise opportunity, work activity into your day another way.
  • Use music to keep you entertained.
  • Surround yourself with supportive people. Decide what kind of support you need. Do you want them to remind you to exercise? Ask about your progress? Participate with you regularly or occasionally? Allow you time to exercise by yourself? Go with you to a special event, such as a 10K walk/run? Be understanding when you get up early to exercise? Spend time with the children while you exercise? Try not to ask you to change your exercise routine?
  • Share your activity time with others. Make a date with a family member, friend or co-worker. Be an active role model for your children.
  • Don't overdo it. Do low- to moderate-level activities, especially at first. You can slowly increase the duration and intensity of your activities as you become more fit. Over time, work up to exercising three or four times per week for 30-60 minutes.
  • Keep a record of your activities. Reward yourself at special milestones. Nothing motivates like success!
Copyright 1998 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Today's Scoreboard Mall Deals

Some Alcohol Good?

DALLAS (CNN) -- Consuming two to six alcoholic drinks per week can greatly reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death, according to a new report from researchers at Harvard Medical School.
The Physicians' Health Study used data from 21,537 men over a 12-year period. Researchers found that men who had two to four drinks per week lessened their risk for sudden cardiac death by 60 percent. Those who had five to six drinks per week lowered their risk by 79 percent.
Though some alcohol is good, more may not be better. Rates of sudden cardiac death increased among people who had more than two drinks per day, the study found.
The research did not look at drinking patterns. However, it is generally agreed among scientists that binge drinking, or drinking large amounts of alcohol in brief periods, can cause abnormal heart rhythms that can lead to sudden cardiac death.
Though the study's findings are considered significant, its authors are not recommending that people start drinking.
"Based on the data, I wouldn't recommend that non-drinkers start drinking," said Christine M. Albert, M.D., lead researcher. "One has to consider all the risks and benefits of drinking alcohol. You don't know how likely a person is to become addicted to alcohol, and there is also the risk of cancer to consider."
Previous studies have found that heavy alcohol consumption may increase an individual's risk of certain types of cancer.
"Consuming two or more drinks per day has been associated with an increased breast cancer risk in women. This study was done only in men, so we can't be sure if our results would apply to women as well," said Albert.
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is responsible for about half of all deaths from heart disease, the nation's biggest killer. SCD is usually caused by irregular heart rhythms. Heart attack, the death of heart muscle due to loss of blood supply, rarely causes SCD.
Prior studies have pointed to a similar beneficial effect of alcohol when consumed in moderate amounts. This study, however, is the largest to date. It is published in the American Heart Association's journal, Circulation.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Paradox: What kills may also cure

This Bug's Deadly Venom
May Help Save Lives

Regular readers of Cancer Defeated know our goal is to give information on natural remedies that can replace or complement conventional medicine's 'slash and burn' surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation.
I've recently come across an unusual supplement that's being touted as a 'natural chemotherapy.' But unlike conventional chemo, this remedy has no side effects, and patients feel better when they're on it.
In fact, pain relief seems to be the clearest, best-established effect of this substance. In one trial it was more effective than a powerful prescription pain killer. And if the studies hold up, it not only kills pain, but cancer cells, too!
Here's what we were able to find. . .
Continued below…

Video of the Week:
"Shocking Confessions of a Drug Company Insider"
In this exposé, a top executive of a major pharmaceutical company spills the naked truth about the drugs you and your family take... which drugs heal, and which ones KILL... what doctors turn to when they don't know the cure... what they do when they themselves or their loved ones are stricken with disease or illness... what life-saving resource they insist should be in every home. Watch this must-see video now because your life -- or the life of your loved ones -- may depend on it.

It's called Escozine, and this all-natural product contains serum that comes from the venom of the Caribbean blue scorpion, a relative of the spider. This species of scorpion, found in the Dominican Republic, grows to several inches in length, and its venom is described as "moderate". (I wouldn't want to find out exactly what that means.)
A chemical in the bite of this creature has the power to heal as well as wound.
Scientists have discovered a peptide in its venom called chlorotoxin. The same chemical that paralyzes the scorpion's prey also happens to target and destroy cancer cells.
The Medolife company markets its Escozine product through companies operating in the U.S. and the Dominican Republic. They are in clinical trials and apparently aim to get FDA approval. The company reports that the product has:
  • 89.5 percent success rate in clinical trials
  • No side effects or toxicity
  • Approval and certification for oncological treatments
A cancer survivor named Peggy, posting on the Cancer Survivor Network page of the American Cancer Society, said, "I am still alive today because of Escozine. I have or had stage four metastatic Her2 positive breast cancer. I underwent two rounds of chemo and eight weeks of radiation. . .I had a double mastectomy and everything removed that could possibly get cancer. It finally was in my liver and both lungs when the doctor said I had two months to live. I started Escozine and eight weeks later my CAT scan showed the cancer retreating. I am now 18 months later and no detectable cancer."
That's a remarkable story, but don't get carried away. It often happens that late stage cancer patients go into complete remission if they stumble on just the right treatment for them. But unfortunately, the same treatment may not be as effective for others.
The evidence I've seen so far does not suggest that most users will experience as big a miracle Peggy did (how I wish – and pray!) But the anecdotal evidence paired with the scientific studies suggest that Escozine is worth a second look. It could put a sting on cancer cells!
So how does scorpion venom help cancer patients manage their disease?
A potent painkiller and inflammation fighter
For starters, the serum used in Escozine appears to be a natural pain killer. In one study, groups of mice were either given: a) different amounts of blue scorpion serum, b) a powerful, pain killer called Paracetamol or c) neither substance (a control group).
Compared to the control group, animals that took Paracetamol showed 47% less pain.
However, those given high concentrations of blue scorpion serum exhibited 55% less pain than those that were not given any pain killers!
In another study of mice with artificially induced inflammation, scientists gave one group an anti-inflammatory drug called Dexamet. A second group received Escozine and a third group got no medication.
The group that received blue scorpion serum had up to 38 percent less inflammation than the control group.
Medolife provides these study results as proof that Escozine can be used as a complement to traditional cancer therapies to help ease some of its side effects.
But they're really excited about the studies that show…
Escozine attacks cancer cells with a vengeance!
More than 15 years of research show that thousands of people suffering different types of cancer and immune system disease have experienced significant relief from the Escozine serum.
For example, one pre-clinical trial conducted by Medolife involved testing on abnormal cells from four types of malignancies.
Investigators placed these damaged cells in test tubes and exposed them to blue scorpion serum.
In the case of all four malignancies, the number of abnormal cells decreased after being exposed to the venom. Remarkably, one group of cells decreased by 60 percent after one week of exposure. It will take testing in live subjects to confirm these results found in lab cultures.
Another eight-year open-label clinical study conducted at the University of California in San Diego involved 8,302 cancer patients with a variety of cancers in various stages of severity. Nine out of ten (89.5%) showed an improvement in the quality of life after using Escozine.
Essentially, these scientific studies have shown that Escozine's health benefits include its ability to:
  • Work cooperatively with cancer treatments to improve the body's immune system, thus enhancing its ability to fight against malignancies and cellular abnormalities.
  • Quickly reduce pain and inflammation to increase comfort, improve range of motion and increase the quality of life.
  • Starve malignant cells, depriving them of nutrition and energy needed to grow and wreak havoc on your body.
  • Replenish minerals and vitamins lost during cancer treatments, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, aluminum, selenium and more to keep your body running in optimal condition
  • Improve T-cell response—that is, your body's natural mechanism for killing abnormal malignant cells.
It's one thing to read scientific data and analyses. But it's something else altogether to hear from folks who have used a product.
Grateful users sing its praises!
Here are comments from some patients who used the supplement while undergoing cancer treatment:
  • Russian patient E.R., undergoing treatment for cervical cancer, had this to say about her use of Escozine: "In four days, I noticed the pain was greatly reduced."
  • Colorado, USA patient B.A, diagnosed with brain tumor cancer, exclaimed: "After I took Escozine with my chemotherapy, the side effects completely disappeared."
  • Kansas, USA patient and breast cancer survivor P.H. stated that Escozine has "more potential for healing than any other medicine offered by my oncologist."
 It's wonderful to learn a natural substance not only relieves pain, but, at least in some cases, totally cures cancer – AND is backed by a company that might gain mainstream approval of the treatment.

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American Friends of Tel Aviv University. "Pinch away the pain: Scorpion venom could be an alternative to morphine." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 21 February 2010. Available at
Cameron, L. 2013. Mighty mouse uses scorpion venom as painkiller. Michigan State University article available at
Holland, C. 2013. Does scorpion venom kill cancer? KHOU health news report. Available at
Medolife website. 2012. Escozine product information. Available at
Schlenske, D. 2013. Native American Nutri-Science. Available at

Editor in Chief: Lee Euler Contributing Editors: Mindy Tyson McHorse, Carol Parks, Roz Roscoe Webmaster: Holly Cornish Information Technology Advisor: Michelle Mato   Fulfillment & Customer Service: Joe Ackerson and Cami Lemr

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

We're an online cancer bookstore offering Outsmart Your Cancer, Cancer Step Outside the Box, Stop Cancer Before It Starts, Natural Cancer Remedies that Work, Adios-Cancer, Cancer Breakthrough USA, Missing Ingredient For Good Health, German Cancer BreakthroughHow to Cure Almost Any Cancer for $5.15 a Day and Keep Your Gallbladder!

Cancer Defeated
1545 N. Lee Highway, Suite 4
P.O. Box 1076
Lexington, VA 24450
© Copyright 2013 by Online Publishing & Marketing, LLC

Big Train (2011,2012) Hunter Renfroe Promoted

Bethesda Big Train News UpdatesJune 18, 2014

Hunter Renfroe Promoted 
L-R: Hunter Renfroe (BT '11-'12), Becky Crowley (Host Family), Wes Rea (BT '14) seen at last night's California League ASG.
Hunter Renfroe (BT '11-12) is taking advantage of every opportunity in the San Diego Padres farm system after being drafted 13th overall back in 2012. Following his start in the California League/Carolina League All-Star game in Wilmington, DE on Tuesday, Renfroe was promoted from Class A Advanced Lake Elsinore to Double-A San Antonio.
The  No. 5 prospect in the Padres' system, according to, was leading the California League in home runs with 16, hit 52 RBIs and had a solid .295 batting-average. 
Renfroe had developed into one of the best power hitters in the California League and his continued improvement over the past two seasons proved that this promotion was definitely well deserved, according to Padres' vice president of player development Randy Smith in a recent article on
Smith said, "The thing that I was very pleased with is he cut down on the strikeouts, the average came up and he carried that into June".  
With his promotion to the San Antonio Missions of the Double-A Texas League, Renfroe will have another opportunity to prove himself to better overall competition.  
We are all very excited to see how he plays in the Texas League and hope to see him in a Major League uniform in the very near future. 

2014 CRCBL Standings 
Alexandria Aces 
Baltimore Redbirds 
Gaithersburg Giants
FCA Herndon Braves
Rockville Express
D.C. Grays
Vienna River Dogs
SS-Takoma T-Bolts 
Youses Orioles
Baltimore Dodgers

This is going to rub some the wrong way..

icon10 Rules of Fat Loss
Chronic dieting can lead to major weight gain
NEW YORK, (Reuters Health) -- The dieter's nightmare is true -- weight-loss attempts increase the risk of major weight gain in the long term, researchers from Finland report.

And parents are partly to blame, although they can't help it -- genes passed from parents to children play a role in weight gain, according to the study findings.

Young adult men and middle-aged women who diet are at risk of subsequently gaining more than 10 kg (22 pounds) over the next 15 years, putting them at increased risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, the investigators found.

"We conclude that weight-loss attempts appear to increase the risk of long-term major weight gain in adults," write lead author Maarit Korkeila of the University of Helsinki, and colleagues in Finland.

They add, "much of the observed relation between weight-loss attempts and major weight gain can be attributed to a familial predisposition to gain weight, which ultimately overwhelms even ambitious weight-loss attempts."

Average weight gain was only weakly linked with dieting attempts, suggesting that it is possible for some people to maintain weight loss over the long term, the authors note.

The researchers followed 3,536 men and 4,193 women aged 18 to 54 for a period of 6 to 15 years. They recorded weight, weight-loss attempts, and possible confounding factors such as smoking, alcohol use, educational level, social class and marital status, at the outset and again at two points over the course of the study. Information was obtained through self-reported questionnaires.

The investigators also examined family factors in 1,705 sets of twins who had different dieting histories when the study began.

According to the results, almost all normal weight subjects who attempted to diet when the study began gained weight over 6 to 15 years. Men between 18 and 29 years and women between 30 and 54 years were at the greatest risk regardless of smoking, alcohol use, social class, educational level and marital status.

About 30% of US adults report that they are dieting at any given time, in part because weight loss is seldom maintained over the long term, the authors write in the December issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Their research confirms the results of other recent studies demonstrating that a history of dieting predicts weight gain in American adults. "Our findings agree with prospective information showing that dieting behavior may be related to the risk of weight gain," they conclude.

SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999;70:965-973.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Big Train Wins Both Sides of Double Header!

BT Win Both Sides of Double Header

On Monday, the Bethesda Big Train hosted their first double header of the season against the Youse's Orioles.  Jake Valdez(St. Mary's College (CA)) got the start in the first game for the Big Train and was fantastic, pitching six innings, giving up four hits while striking out six batters and giving up no runs.  Tayler Stiles(Maryland) took the hill in the second game and pitched five innings, giving up three hits and no runs, while striking out four.     
In the first game the Big Train presented a hitting clinic for the fans. Altogether, the Big Train had 22 hits and 11 runs.  Six batters recorded more than one hit, while seven batters each had one hit.   

Jake Valdez was pitching to the inside and outside corners while consistently getting his fastball and off-speed pitches over the plate for strikes.  Out of the bullpen first was Jacob Billingsley(Mississippi State), who pitched two innings of no run and no hit ball.  Andy Frakes (San Francisco) came in to close out the 9th and quickly retired the side in order.  As tremendous as the hitting was for the Big Train, the pitching was equally as good, giving up no runs on four hits total.   

Before the rain-out, the Big Train had a 2-0 lead, but it took the Big Train until the 4th inning to strike another number on the board.  Behind singles from Kevin Tatum (Cornell), Tony DiLeo(Eastern Michigan), Stephen Alemais (Tulane), and Logan Farrar (Virginia Commonwealth), the Big Train were able to score three more runs on two RBIs by Alemais and one byFarrar.   

The Big Train had another big inning in the bottom of the 5th, accumulating four runs on five hits.  Stephen Alemais recorded his third RBI on the game and later scored on a double by Logan Farrar.  Ryne Willard (N.C. State) had two RBI on a hard hit single to give the Big Train a 9-0 lead.   

In the seventh inning, the Big Train pushed across two more runs.  Wes Rea (Mississippi State) and Cody Brown (Mississippi State) both came in as pinch hitters and recorded RBIs in the inning.   

The Big Train bullpen was able to silence the Youse's Orioles for the rest of the night, giving the Big Train an 11-0 victory in the top half of the double header.   

The hit brigade continued for the Big Train in the first inning of the second game totaling five runs on three hits.  Stephen Alemaisstarted off with a double and Logan Farrar singled to get things going in an inning that also included two walks, a hit batter, and a two RBI single by Ryne Willard.   

The Orioles' first threat of the night came in the 6th inning withLuis Collazo (Virginia Tech) pitching.  After a lead-off double and a single by the next batter, the lead-off hitter for the Orioles hit a sacrifice fly, to put them on the board.  Collazo was able to retire the rest of the batters to hold the 5-1 lead with the Big Train coming up to bat.  Devon Loomis (San Francisco) also came out of the bullpen for the Big Train and pitched two innings, giving up no hits and no runs.  Will Resnik (High Point) came in and shut down the Orioles in the 9th inning giving up no hits and no runs.   

The two pitching staffs were able to keep each other relatively quiet for the rest of the game, leaving the Big Train, 5-1, winners, and 2-0 on the day.   

Notes:  Wes Rea got his first hit and RBI of the season....Stephen Alemais recorded five hits and three RBI on the day...Logan Farrar had five hits and a walk....Ryne Willard had five hits and three RBI....Come out to the next home game against the Alexandria Aces on Wednesday Night for Beatles Night!

Volleyball players! Can You Dig it?


The Volleyball Program was built specifically for developing full body power for use in the sport of Volleyball. Within this program are Olympic movements like Power Cleans and Snatches. Also included are strength development exercises such as the Squat and Bench press. Finally, there are some fun exercises for fine tuning leg power such as the plyometric exercises Tuck Jumps and Static Squat Jumps.

The starting point of the Volleyball Program is based on your initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best!

Select a Program

3 Day Volleyball Program
View a Sample Workout of this Program below
Week 1 - Day 1 (Tuesday) of 3 Day Volleyball ProgramWeek Difficulty:Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Power Clean Deadlift
5 reps @ 215 lbs,4 reps @ 255 lbs,
3 reps @ 300 lbs,4 reps @ 340 lbs,
3 reps @ 320 lbs  
10 reps @ 310 lbs,5 reps @ 370 lbs,
3 reps @ 435 lbs,2 reps @ 495 lbs,
8 reps @ 435 lbs,10 reps @ 400 lbs,
8 reps @ 370 lbs  
Dumbbell Step Up
12 reps @ 60 lbs,8 reps @ 65 lbs,
8 reps @ 60 lbs  
Side to Side Double Leg Line Hops
8 seconds,6 seconds 
Theraband Internal\External Warmup Rotation (AD)
12 reps,8 reps,
8 reps  
Dumbbell Bench Press
15 reps @ 85 lbs,12 reps @ 85 lbs 
Dumbbell Incline Fly (45 Degree)
15 reps @ 30 lbs,10 reps @ 30 lbs 
Med Ball Chest Pass (standing)
12 reps,8 reps,
8 reps  
Train the right way for your sport! Click here to get this 36 workout program today.

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