Here's a Special Memorial Day Message From Our Tactical Workouts Trainer: Coach Joe
Memorial Day is a time to honor our heroes and get together with family and friends for a long weekend.
Just watch out for the traditional picnic fattening fare.
You know the menu--grilled sausage, pizza, macaroni salad, hot dogs...
...but before I get into that, for my fellow Americans...
Please remember the men and women who died protecting our great USA.
Please remember the men and women who died protecting our great USA.
Land of the free, home of the brave.
And thanks to their sacrifice, we get to enjoy incredible freedoms... making a career out of your desire to help others get healthy!
Or how about the simple freedoms, we often overlook, like...
*riding bikes in your neighborhood
*sitting around the backyard fireplace on a starry night
*taking a family road trip
*sitting around the backyard fireplace on a starry night
*taking a family road trip
Now for a few important fat-loss strategies to help you manage the classic picnic temptations...
Follow these simple fat-loss strategies to enjoy yourself while maintaining focus on your goals.
1. Choose a turkey burger instead of the cheeseburger to save 200 calories.
2. Skip the bun and load your plate with fresh vegetables to save another 200 calories.
3. Drink ice cold water with lemon or seltzer water instead of the root beer to save 150 calories (side note: some fruity cocktails will add nearly 500 calories per 8 oz).
4. Potato salad can weight in at 400 calories per 1-cup serving.
Substitute fruit salad instead of that potato-and-mayonnaise concoction to save 300 calories.
5. Eat all of your normal meals before the picnic so you don't arrive with a growling stomach.
You'll be less likely to overeat.
6. Slow down and chew every bite. It takes your brain at least 20 minutes to sense that you are full.
To your success,
Coach Joe
And when you are ready to get "Jacked" Military and Warrior Style, Get Coach Joe's Tactical Workout Program Today!