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Showing posts with label pitcher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pitcher. Show all posts

Monday, May 7, 2018

Kaycie Wenzel - Softball Recruiting Video - 2019 and 3 Softball Drills To Do At Home

Kaycie Wenzel softball recruiting/skills video. Manteno High School Class of 2019 and Illinois Stars [Video below]

Presented on US Sports Net by CoachTube Softball!

3 Softball Drills To Do At Home

All while simply using regular household items to work on their game. It’ll not just get them more focused on the sport, but also at the same time, I’m sure you will see some rapid improvement with their on-field performance. Throughout this article, I’ll walk you through some at-home drills you can teach your players.
Drill #1: Posterboard Strike Zone
This drill you can do with a number of different things, but I’ll suggest using a posterboard. Grab some tape and create a strike zone on the board. Then, tape it about a foot off the ground. Once you have your strike zone built, head upstairs and grab a few pairs of socks rolled up (in other words, your softballs). The last item you’ll need is a camera. Anything will do here, you can even tell them to grab one of their parent’s phones. Set it behind where you’ll be pitching from and set it to record video.
Finally, now that you’re ready to practice, work on the motion of going through the windup and throwing the socks (i.e. softball) into the posterboard. With the video footage, you’ll be able to dissect the motion and overall throwing process. Some valuable insight that most youth players never evaluate.
Drill #2: Arm Strength and Hands Drills
A major part of being an effective softball player is having soft hands and a strong arm. An easy drill for this only requires a net or a wall. For the hands aspect of this category, all you have to do is throw the ball off the wall. This will allow you to practice various ground balls, short hops, and so on. Then, for arm strength, just use the wall as a way to practice throwing. Work on arm motion particularly here.
Don’t have a solid wall to use? No worries, just use a tennis ball and the garage. Trust me, it works just as well.
Drill #3: Take Some Cuts
This final drill might just be the simplest one for your players to practice. For this, they’ll just need a mirror and a bat. The player will get in front of the mirror and simply take full cuts while seeing in-person how their stance looks, as well as the swing. While it might sound like a nominal drill, it’s actually key to developing a consistent swing.
As for how often it would be recommended to do this drill, I’d suggest having them take 15-20 swings at a time on 3 different instances each day.
Practice, Practice, Practice!
In the end, one of your primary jobs as a youth softball coach is to develop the work ethic necessary to grow as a player and a person. Even though you won’t be working first-hand on these drills with your players, you will be the one responsible for growing their love for the game!
                                                                                                         More Softball Articles...

Saturday, June 10, 2017

If You Hit The SWOD, You Get The SWOD Softball Yoooou're Up!

The subject line of today's SWOD intro is a very inside parody of one of the many things Softballers say: 
We also know that the world's best Softball players train and work year round to be the best they can be. In a couple of weeks an NCAA Softball Champion will be crowned and many a young lady around the globe will be hoping and dreaming for a chance to play on that big stage.  Your Coach 'Nateroooooski' is ready to help you be the strongest, fastest, most agile, quick reacting, player you can be. So enjoy today's SERIOUS WORKOUT OF THE DAY. As we dive deep into your solid softball strength and conditioning program.

All 36 unique workouts, with additional speed, quickness, agility, and reaction workouts, sprint conditioning, nutrition and more are available to Softballers, and any serious athlete or fitness warrior with the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System.

As always my army of 'BaddA$$es', please train smart as well as hard. Consult a physician before engaging in any strength and conditioning program.

This workout sample is from week 2 day two of the  3 Day Competitive Softball - Pitcher Program.


The Softball Programs have everything needed to maximize the physical tools used for playing softball. Rotational power movements, shoulder and lower back injury prevention exercises, forearm strength, it's all here! Playing softball places specific demands on the body and these programs will help meet these demands!

In these Softball Programs, the sets, repetitions, exercise prescription, and actual weight of the programs are based off an initial fitness level and a specific strength to bodyweight ratio. With simple feedback, the progression of the program will follow the body’s unique adaptation process to exercise.

Work hard, play hard, and have fun!

Select a Program

3 Day Competitive Softball - Pitcher
Click Here
3 Day Competitive Softball - Fielder
Click Here

Week 2 - Day 2 (Wednesday) of Your Softball ProgramWeek Difficulty: Hard
  View Printer Friendly Version
Printer Friendly, and Exercise Descriptions Are Available To Fully Registered Clients

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise

SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Theraband Rotators (all positions)
15 reps,12 reps 
Reverse Hypers
15 reps @ 25 lbs,15 reps @ 25 lbs 
Kneeling Cross Body Extension
13 reps,13 reps 
Barbell Wide Grip Bent Over Row
15 reps @ 70 lbs,15 reps @ 70 lbs,
12 reps @ 65 lbs 
Dumbbell One Arm Row (elbow close)
15 reps @ 35 lbs,15 reps @ 35 lbs 
Lat Pulldown Wide Grip Front
15 reps @ 70 lbs,15 reps @ 70 lbs 
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 15 lbs,15 reps @ 15 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 12 lbs,15 reps @ 12 lbs 
Dumbbell Biceps Curl
15 reps @ 25 lbs,15 reps @ 25 lbs 
Dumbbell Seated Forearm Extension
15 reps @ 5 lbs,15 reps @ 5 lbs 
Dumbbell Seated Forearm Flexion
15 reps @ 11 lbs,15 reps @ 11 lbs 
Standing Toe Press
15 reps @ 105 lbs,15 reps @ 105 lbs 
Seated Toe Press
15 reps @ 55 lbs,15 reps @ 55 lbs 
Med Ball Side Throw (standing)
6 reps,6 reps,
4 reps 
Cable High Pulley Torso Twists
20 reps @ 15 lbs,15 reps @ 15 lbs 
Cable Low Pulley Torso Twists
20 reps @ 15 lbs,15 reps @ 15 lbs 
Hanging Bent Knee Leg Raises
18 reps,18 reps 
Cross Crunches
29 reps,29 reps,
23 reps 

Your competition will never know what hit them! Get your program today. Click here to get started.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Athletes! Make Baseball Very, Very Good To You!

I hear from Baseball players, parents, friends, and the people who love them often. The number one request in designing and delivering their programs is: "I need to increase speed" and number two is: "I need to increase power at the plate". Both are attainable with the right comprehensive strength and conditioning program.Image result for Baseball Home run animated
As a typical baseball player, at any level will play 80-170 games per year, your training program must encompass the entire year and year round to increase performance and reduce the chance of injury.


The Baseball Programs have everything needed to maximize the physical tools needed for playing baseball. Rotational power movements, shoulder and lower back injury prevention exercises, forearm strength, it's all here! Playing baseball places specific demands on the body and these programs will help meet these demands!

As will all the Baseball Programs, the sets, repetitions, exercise prescription, and actual weight of the programs are based off an initial fitness level and specific strength to bodyweight ratios. With simple feedback, the progression of the program will follow the body’s unique adaptation process to exercise.

Select a Program
3 Day Competitive Baseball Program - Fielder 
3 Day Competitive Baseball Program - Pitcher 

Go to to contact Coach Nate to see a free sample of this program

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Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

"If You Hit It Your Get It!" Softball Strength and Conditioning.

Ask your nearest softball player about the headline to this email LOL!
The fall and winter are the months that your softball players prepare their bodies for grind of the spring and summer. Softball continues to grow worldwide and is certainly a fun sport to watch.
Make sure your players are ready with US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System's Softball Program.

The Softball Programs have everything needed to maximize the physical tools used for playing softball. Rotational power movements, shoulder and lower back injury prevention exercises, forearm strength, it's all here! Playing softball places specific demands on the body and these programs will help meet these demands!
Image result for Softball pitcher animated
In these Softball Programs, the sets, repetitions, exercise prescription, and actual weight of the programs are based off an initial fitness level and a specific strength to bodyweight ratio. With simple feedback, the progression of the program will follow the body’s unique adaptation process to exercise.

Work hard, play hard, and have fun!

Select a Program

3 Day Competitive Softball - Pitcher

3 Day Competitive Softball - Fielder

To view a free sample of this or any program, , reply to this email, or go , fill out the fitness profile form to contact coach Nate. I look forward to helping you excel on and off the field!

US Sports Strength and Conditioning Powered By:
Discover The Awesome Healing Power Of SOUL!
Get Paid To Play Live Online Sports Games Free!
The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
Athletes! Improve Your Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reaction With The #1 Online Strength Coach

Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
BodyByBoyle OnlineShapeShifter Yoga
Discount Sports Supplements

US Sports Recruiting Assistance.

Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Baseball Players! The Diamond Never Takes a Day Off!


The Baseball Programs have everything needed to maximize the physical tools needed for playing baseball. Rotational power movements, shoulder and lower back injury prevention exercises, forearm strength, it's all here! Playing baseball places specific demands on the body and these programs will help meet these demands!

As will all the Baseball Programs, the sets, repetitions, exercise prescription, and actual weight of the programs are based off an initial fitness level and specific strength to bodyweight ratios. With simple feedback, the progression of the program will follow the body’s unique adaptation process to exercise.

Select a Program

3 Day Competitive Baseball Program - Fielder
View a Sample Of This Program Below
3 Day Competitive Baseball Program - Pitcher
Week 1 - Day 2 (Thursday) of Baseball Fielder ProgramWeek Difficulty:Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Theraband Rotators (all positions)
12 reps,8 reps,
8 reps  
Back Extension
13 reps,13 reps 
Kneeling Cross Body Extension
14 reps,14 reps 
Cable Close Grip Row (Low Pulley)
15 reps @ 160 lbs,12 reps @ 160 lbs 
Lat Pulldown Close Grip Front
15 reps @ 140 lbs,10 reps @ 125 lbs 
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 32 lbs,10 reps @ 29 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 25 lbs,10 reps @ 23 lbs 
Dumbbell Seated External Rotation
15 reps @ 20 lbs,10 reps @ 18 lbs 
Dumbbell Seated Forearm Extension
15 reps @ 11 lbs,10 reps @ 10 lbs 
Dumbbell Seated Forearm Flexion
15 reps @ 23 lbs,10 reps @ 21 lbs 
Standing Toe Press
15 reps @ 240 lbs,10 reps @ 215 lbs 
Seated Toe Press
15 reps @ 120 lbs,10 reps @ 110 lbs 
Med Ball Side Throw (standing)
6 reps,4 reps 
 Get the complete 12-72 workout Sports Specific program here
Nathan Lewis CSCS
US Sports Strength and Conditioning
If it's time to get serious about your fitness program, you need a
structured program tailored to your goals and abilities.

Using the world's most powerful online training tool, I can design
and deliver a 12-week fitness program fully customized to your personal
fitness goals, abilities, and time constraints. Features include:
Fully customized exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Videos demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
Routines utilizing equipment available to you — home or gym!
Personal contact with me anytime via built-in email system.
Integrated feedback loop for precise program monitoring.
For more information about my background fee structure and how to get
started, go to US Sports Strength and Conditioning
Just fill out the brief contact form to get started.

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