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Showing posts with label back health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back health. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Back Pain and Your Job

United-Games-300x250.pngBack pain for Athletes and Warriors can be a very inconvenient mystery. But managed right through strength, flexibility, nutrition and rest, anyone can slowly and gradually break free from this menace. Read on freedom warriors!

Back Pain and Your Job
This article is reprinted from, and is the property of the Back Association of Canada (BAC).

Sit much? Well, how much? What causes most people's back pain? The person who finds a cut and dried answer to that one will win the Nobel Prize. Not that the question hasn't been studied. Over the years, many back pain researchers have directed their energies to the issue of cause.

This does not mean, however, that you cannot be treated successfully. Quite the contrary! Over the past few years, health care professionals have realized that, when it comes to treating back pain, it's almost always enough to know the category - or categories - into which the problem falls. Narrowing the problem down further doesn't usually make a whole lot of difference since the conservative treatment for each category is more or less the same.

A few decades ago, trauma (falls, for instance) was extremely popular as a cause while, in recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to sitting. During the years between, lifting has been at the top of the list. So has "cause unknown". For instance, Dr. C. Hirsch, an American researcher, found that it was impossible to pinpoint the cause for six out of ten of the back pain sufferers he studied.

The problem is that back pain is complex. Just for openers, we are talking about a problem whose source - never mind whose cause - cannot, in many cases, be identified. (Is the pain coming from the 4th lumbar vertebra, or the 5th? The facet joint or the disc?). A second issue is that a person's state of mind plays an important role. An anxious person who has a back injury can end up with a serious, long-lasting problem, while someone else is back to normal in a couple of days. So it makes sense that linking cause and effect can be a nightmare.

With that in mind, an interesting study was published by another American researcher, Dr. Alexander Magora. Rather than trying to link back pain with a specific cause - like a fall or a poor lifting technique - Dr. Magora studied the occupations of more than 3,300 people. He was interested to know how much of their work day people spent doing three particular kinds of tasks: tasks that required them to sit; tasks that required them to stand; and, tasks that required them to lift.

In the case of sitting and standing, the workers were divided into three categories. Oftenmeant that a person sat for more than 4 hours each working day; sometimes meant between two and four hours each day, on average; and rarely or nevermeant that a person sat for less than two hours a day. (In the case of lifting, the categories were a bit different since the weight of the object also had to be considered.)

The results were very interesting, especially when it came to sitting. For example, hardly any of the back pain sufferers in Dr. Magora's study (3.5%) had jobs that required them to sit "sometimes". On the other hand, more than half of the back pain sufferers sat "rarely, or never" (54%). And a little less than half of them had jobs which required them to sit "often" (42%).

"Both too much sitting, and too little sitting," Dr. Magora concluded, "seems to be related to low back pain ." To put it simply, people are far less likely to suffer from a bad back if their jobs require them to do a variety of tasks - some sitting, some standing, some lifting - during the course of the work day.

It will require a commitment from management if a change in job routine is going to happen on a large scale. In the meantime, however, many of us could change our work habits, if we made it a priority in our own minds. For instance, if you have three hours of typing and two hours of filing, why not divide it up into 20 minute chunks? At the very least, it can't do your back any harm.

Get totally free with US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning's Runners Back and Rehab Program:

Running and Back Rehabmaxresdefault-28.jpg

These Runner and Back Rehab Programs were designed to develop overall strength, but also take into account the potential for lower back pain that runners experience. These programs utilize basic back stabilization exercises and specific stretches to help strengthen the entire back. Also, the other exercises in the program help to minimize any further back pain.

Throughout the length of the Runner and Back Rehab Program, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts. This variation provides a more consistent "programmed response" to exercise which will help to avoid those depressing plateau's in progress.

The starting point of the program is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best!

Click here and fill out the fitness profile form to get started.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Wassup' with this 'Chiro' Thing?

Diego-and-Nate-Senior-Night-2015.jpgI have been associated with our guest writer Paul Becker for over a decade now and he is considered one of the foremost authorities in the world of Natural Bodybuilding and fitness. We have covered this chiropractor issue many times before, but Paul gives us a unique perspective.

Checking in with the Bone Cracker

Working out can sometimes cause your body to get out of alignment or put some other strain on the structure of your body. When this happens it is a wise idea to check in with a good chiropractor and have them help you get back in alignment. Dealing with heavy duty weights on a consistent basis means you need to keep your structure as viable as possible, and a chiropractor is a great way to do so. In fact many of the top bodybuilding pros see a chiropractor on a regular basis and one former multi Mr. Olympia (Franco Columbu) was himself a chiropractor.


How do you know if the chiropractor you are using is good or not? The next time you get a sore back, be deliberately vague on your symptoms. That’s because a good chiropractor can find the problem on his or her own, and a quack can’t. A good chiropractor uses the hands to check the body over and in this checking they find the source of the problem, and then go to work fixing it. So if your chiropractor can get to the issue without you having to be specific, you have a good chiropractor.

Occasional Visit

You don’t need to go to a chiropractor all the time and indeed going too often can drain your wallet. However, an occasional visit is well worth the money and effort and will pay off with big dividends in your training. When your body is free from the impairments that a structure out of alignment causes you can then lift and train at maximum output and that is worth a lot. Also being properly aligned in your structure helps prevent other injuries from occurring.

Consider getting your body adjusted by a chiropractor every now and then to help keep the foundation upon which you build your muscles in top condition.

About The Author: 

Paul Becker is a natural (steroid free for life) bodybuilder and fitness consultant. Visit his website at

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