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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Today's Devotional: Heaven's Department Of Defense


A Sure Defense

Choosing to stand for the Lord is a victory—no matter the outcome of the battle. 

From Intouch Ministries 

September 3, 2023

In Touch Ministries

1 Samuel 17:1-53

David’s battle with Goliath was more than a fight between two nations. It was a defense of Jehovah’s name and a challenge to those who doubted His supremacy.

King Saul doubted that the young man could be victorious over a seasoned warrior like Goliath. But as David pointed out in today’s passage, the only way a boy with a sling could defeat the giant Philistine was by the Lord’s hand (v. 37). In confronting Goliath, David showed courage, but what really drove him was righteous indignation: “For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he has dared to defy the armies of the living God?” (v. 26).

Today this narrative is often read merely as a triumphant underdog tale. Modern audiences may take comfort in the belief that they’ll never have to deal with such a scenario. But the real story is that David stood up for God, and there are times when we should do the same. We don’t need a degree to defend our faith. Our “smooth stones” (v. 40) are the truths we’ve learned from the Bible. Just remember that whatever the outcome, the battle is the Lord’s (v. 47), and He gives victory to the faithful.

Bible in One Year: Ezekiel 23-25

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