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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Dr. Josh Axe's Personal Story & The Power of the Body to Self Heal | Clip from TTAC LIVE 2019 and The Solution to Cancer, Treat the Cause And Not Just the Effect

Join Dr. Josh Axe from TTAC Live 2019 in Anaheim, CA! In this clip, Dr. Axe opens with his personal story and his mother’s cancer journey.

Combining biblical nutrition, holistic health, alternative medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ayurveda, and more… Dr. Axe was able to help his mother heal from conventional treatment for breast cancer, a second battle with lung cancer, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

 He describes a few of the methods they used, and the incredible power of the body to self-heal. After fighting breast cancer with rounds of chemotherapy and conventional treatment, his mother was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and a short time after, lung cancer.

 Learn a few of the methods they used to help her body self-heal. And stay tuned for more from his full presentation: How to Beat Cancer with Chinese Medicine and Biblical Nutrition!

 After the video, learn more from Dr. Axe on the power of probiotics and enzymes here:

The Solution to Cancer, Treat the Cause And Not Just the Effect

By: Alan Wighton

There is a solution to cancer and it doesn’t involve removing any cancer growths because the body can do that naturally and without any side effects. To remove cancer all you need is knowledge. The solution is to deal with the reasons why the cancer first grew instead of just treating the effect which is the growth. This system uses the powerful self-healing ability of the human body which everybody possesses.

Surviving cancer is all about gaining knowledge and learning how the body itself can fight the disease. It should make absolute sense to everybody that the body can cure itself as it does with many aliments we suffer from, if it is given the right support. The human body is an amazing item because it has a built in self-healing system and all you have to do is to correct the factors that first caused the cancer to appear.

Why aren’t we informed about this way of treating cancer? Treatments today are in place because they are all very good at making money. The reason why so many people are dying of the problem is because cancer is a deficiency disease and there is not a drug or a treatment to resolve that problem. It appears because of our modern way of living with our artificial food, the chemicals we use and our sedentary lifestyle.

One hundred years ago cancer was a rare disease whereas today in developed countries it is affecting every third person over their lifetime. Ask yourself what has happened over these one hundred years and the answer is our food has changed; we no longer get the exercise that the human body needs, and the chemicals we now unwittingly use. Those are the main causative factors that will bring on a diagnosis of cancer.

Many people believe that cancer develops without a reason but that is not true. All cancers are caused by the way we now live but because of our ignorance and the fact that we don’t have cancer prevention; we are kept totally unaware about the many products we use that are known to cause the problem.

Removing just the growth with the three mainstream treatments doesn’t solve the problem. Cancer will only develop when our immune system has been weakened which has allowed normal body cells to grow without control and become cancerous. The growth itself is just a symptom so the only way to solve the problem is to remove the cause of the symptom. When you do that the body will self-heal using the body’s natural ability to repair itself.

It is well known that cancer is a total body disease where the growth itself is merely a sign that something is wrong. Numerous studies have shown that a tumour that could not be cured 40 years ago still cannot be cured today with conventional treatments. The reasons why natural cancer treatments work so well is because they correct the root cause of the problem throughout the entire body. Once the causes are identified, reversing cancer is a simple matter.

If we were told the truth about cancer we could then make important decisions with our treatment options. Patients deserve to know the truth and to be able to make choices based upon genuine information. Sadly that is not the case today.

 Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition.

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