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Friday, May 13, 2016

Bikini Model Diet and Exercise Plan Success Story

I can imagine and have experienced myself what it feels like to see your body change in the most positive of ways. Every one of these transformations could have been anyone who makes a commitment, designs and delivers a plan and is willing to do what it takes to execute said plan. No its not easy, but hardly impossible for anyone willing.

Bikini Model Diet and Exercise Plan Success Story

Bikini Model Plan Success Story - Kristin

Bikini Model Diet and Exercise Plan Success Story – Kristin! 

I’m so proud of today’s transformation feature Kristin! She actually completed her Lose Weight plan, and then was hungry for more progress. She tackled the Hitch Fit Bikini Model plan and dove right in at the completion of her first transformation. Kristin did an incredible job and was diligent and consistent, learned even more about her body, and most importantly learned that she loves this new fit version of herself!! At the end of her Bikini Model plan she has dropped nearly 25 pounds of body fat and completely changed her body composition!! Awesome job Kristin!!

Bikini Model Weight Loss Plan

Kristin’s Stats: 

Weight at start of Lose Weight Feel Great: 150

Weight at start of Bikini Model Plan: 135

Ending weight: 126

Starting body fat Lose Weight Feel Great: 27.56%

Starting body fat Bikini Model Plan: 21.79%

Ending body fat Bikini Model Plan: 14.83%

Bikini Model Plan Before and After Pictures - KristinBikini Model Plan Client Kristin – Before and After Weight Loss

Bikini Model Plan Success Story - KristinBikini Model Plan Success Story – Kristin’s Before and After Weight Loss Photos

Bikini Model Plan Before and After Weight LossBikini Model Diet & Exercise Plan Success Story Kristin

Kristin’s Story:

“I didn’t even wait until I had finished the Hitch Fit Lose Weight Plan before I signed up for the Bikini Model Plan. I knew I wanted to achieve more and get further. I would be lying if I said looks wasn’t a big part of the motivation but it would be an equal lie to say it was the only factor. I love the way a fit body appears but I am amazed by how it feels!

On some level you of course know that being fit will feel better but experiencing it has been more then I expected. My whole life is better in every aspect. And the level of satisfaction and confidence I have now is incredible. Every sacrifice and hard day was worth it. Doing this is just worth what ever it takes to get there.

It is time consuming and takes commitment but making fitness and health my hobby (this is what I started calling it) is the key to a great life. I am experiencing so many unexpected improvements in all aspects of my life through this.

Don’t get me wrong though, there is never a day that getting up early to workout is fun or going into the gym for my second workout of the day is exciting. These things are still a struggle. What is easier though is doing it anyway! Knowing that this is what I want and learning that this is what it takes.

The bikini model plan wasn’t harder then the first program per se but near the end it was tough mentally to keep up the strict commitment. I soared through the first 8 weeks with no problem and loved all the workouts and the new eating routines but then at week 9 I just felt like I hit a wall. I just wanted a break (lets not kid ourselves – I wanted chocolate). And it didn’t help that I had hit a plateau at week 4.

Diana was great and supportive (which I have really needed during both programs – just to know I am doing ok and it’s ok to have a bad day or even a bad week. And it’s ok to hit a plateau). At this point she told me to take a couple days off and to even take a week break. I took a full week off and she completely supported me. This really helped and I was able to come back feeling mentally and physically stronger. This helped me push harder for the last few weeks and probably get further then I would have otherwise.

Without Diana telling me this was ok and encouraging me to keep pushing (promising results would eventually arrive) I might have felt defeated and disappointed in myself. But with her help I was able to see past the wall and get over it. Now I know this can and will happen and it is ok. Results truly will arrive with consistency. This is a huge thing I have learned. Quitting is all too easy. Faltering and getting back at it is what makes you stronger and successful.

I can’t even imagine eating “normal cheat foods” such as chips, fast food, or sugary baked goods. That sounds crazy (and it’s not like I never can or will have these things) but after doing this for 6 months, and loving my body and loving how I feel, I honestly LOVE eating healthy food and will choose it any time over something unhealthy. I’m sometimes even embarrassed at the grocery store due to how many vegetables I am buying.

Healthy food isn’t ever a sacrifice or a hard choice anymore.

I have also learned that how I eat, the amount of water I drink, and the amount of sleep I get directly and immensely effects my motivation and energy when it comes to my workouts and my day. So every choice has a consequence and knowing what I want to achieve helps me make those good choices. I just don’t find this lifestyle difficult anymore and that is what I am most grateful for through this process – I can now sustain this body and this lifestyle.

I think that continuing on and doing a second program was hugely important for making it to this point. If I had been happy and content with my physical results after the lose weight program I think I would have slowly made my way back into old habits. I just hadn’t turned that corner yet. This 4-6 month mark has really been the big change.

My habits are no longer my old habits, they are my new habits: clean healthy eating, exercise and continued improvement.

Something amazing that occurred during this second program as well, is that I really learned how to listen and hear my body. When your eating habits and daily life habits are all over the map there is just no way to know what is making you feel a certain way. The whole thing is chaos. But after months of making healthy choices and doing things correctly I know exactly what is causing what. I know if I didn’t drink enough water. I know if I had dairy (apparently I have a slight lactose intolerance – who knew?) and I know if I didn’t get enough sleep.

I feel like I know so much about myself now. I would never have thought I could be so in tune and aware of myself. Perhaps I thought I was before but now I know the difference. And I didn’t reach this point in the first 12 week program, it was only by continuing on and reaching further. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next 6 months and then the next year and then past that!

I am so grateful that I found Hitch Fit and gave it a chance. It is what I needed and for what I got there isn’t a price tag.”

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