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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Working Out After Surgery

Depending on the surgery, there should always be some consideration for a rehab program. -Nate
How Long Should You Wait?

QUESTION: I usually do a combination weight training and cardio workout every other day. But I just had surgery to remove my appendix. How soon can I go back to working out, and what should I do to get back up to speed?
ANSWER: Your doctor is the best person to advise you on when it is safe to resume exercising. Every body and every surgery is different so there isn't one simple answer. But once you get your doctor's OK to start working out, ease back into it to avoid soreness or injury.
As a general rule, the amount of time you missed exercising should equal the amount of time you give yourself to return to your previous level. For example, say you were cycling 15 miles in an hour before you were laid up with an injury for four weeks. Your first week back do only 10 or 15 minutes at a slower than normal pace. The next week increase your time to 30 minutes, and then 45 minutes the following week. By the fourth week, you should be able to put in an hour, but don't push your pace. The following week you should be back up to speed.
Most importantly, listen to your body. If you're feeling tired, back off a bit. If you experience any pain or problems, see your doctor. Don't worry. Your desire to get back on track is a good sign that you'll be back to your usual routine before you know it.

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