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Thursday, December 29, 2011

The snack that zaps cholesterol, prevents enlarged prostate, and more

From Lee Euler, Publisher Cancer Defeated

Press Release Image Online Publishing and Marketing


Respected Doctor Claims…

"$2.50 Ballpark Snack Could be
Health Miracle in Disguise."

Doctor believes clinical research shows common ballpark snack could plummet your cholesterol readings, prevent an enlarged prostate, even balance your blood sugar… and that's just in the first 30 days!

Dear Friend,

As a board-certified medical doctor, Victor Marchione, M.D. can offer his patients the latest drugs and surgical techniques.

But some of the most promising medical breakthroughs he's prescribing today are FOODS. He calls them "functional foods."

That's because you can use them in targeted ways to heal specific health problems.

Medical researchers have discovered literally thousands of healing nutrients in foods. Clinical research studies at leading universities have documented the healing results. And Dr. Marchione has seen it for himself in his daily work with patients.

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