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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

US Sports Self Defense Featuring: Concealed Carry 3 Cold Weather Considerations for Concealed Carry



Cold weather can complicate how we carry our everyday carry (EDC) handguns. Over the years, I have used and heard of different strategies to counter cold weather's effects on concealed carry.

Here is what works best for me.

Winter Concealed Carry Concerns

You may have to limit live-fire training in cold weather —

Some instructors hold outdoor shooting classes in the winter. I used to, but now I only typically hold shorter, private lessons in the cold months. Here is why.

Just like when people get so hot, they can't focus on anything other than getting out of the heat. When people get cold, especially their hands, they can't shoot as well. It's tough to fill magazines when you can't feel your fingers, and we can divide our focus between learning and staying warm. On a side note, get yourself something like the UpLula from Maglula to help with loading mags in the cold weather.

Not only does performance suffer once the person gets gold, but the likelihood of safety violations increases.

I'm not saying you should not shoot outdoors in the cold weather. The advice is more about the duration you spend in the cold weather.

More clothing —

I live in Ohio, so I have to change up my wardrobe for the 5 months of cold weather. However you dress to stay warm, here are some strategies to overcome the extra layers necessary in the winter.

riley shooting

Strategic layering –

I like sweaters because they provide more warmth and don't hinder my draw like a button-up flannel because they stretch a bit. I typically wear a long or short-sleeved t-shirt underneath and tuck it in behind my gun with a sweater. When it gets exceptionally cold, I'll add a long-sleeve shirt designed for cold weather; both tucked in behind my gun and under my sweater that I can forego a jacket.

I ditch my jacket whenever I can, because I find they can be unpredictably tricky to draw from, especially when zipped up. My carry method is the appendix inside waistband (AIWB) position. If I must wear a jacket, try to leave it unzipped, which provides me warmth but doesn't add an extra layer I need to clear. You may also find unzipping your jacket helps if you carry in other positions.

Say there is an event where I know I will be outside, and the weather requires a zipped-up jacket. In these instances, I wear several thinner layers of clothing, all tucked in behind the gun, and then using the jacket as the only cover garment. Then if I go inside and want to remove the jacket, I can untuck one layer over the gun.

I recommend you try different approaches and practice your draw with different clothing. When you practice your draw, you'll find that some materials are easier to grab and clear and some style of shirts are just exceptionally hard to draw with. It is worth the time to grab different combinations and try them out during your next dry fire session.

Gloves for concealed carry—

Gloves may be necessary sometimes. Thick gloves bay be warmer, but might be too thick to allow access to the trigger, mag release, etc. It may also complicate you clearing your cover garment(s).

I avoid wearing gloves unless I simply must. For instance, when I shovel snow and can't shield my hands inside jacket pockets, I put on gloves. In situations like these, here are some pointers for selecting a pair of gloves that work for your needs.

Balance of warmth and sensitivity –

In the balance of warmth and thickness, I'll sacrifice a little warmth for a thinner glove. Thinner gloves offer way more dexterity, which is important in accessing and running the gun.

gloves for concealed carry

These gloves from Viktos offer warmth while still allowing you to operate your firearm.

I know there are all kinds of ways to call an emergency number from a smartphone besides dialing it from the touch screen, but consider gloves that allow you to operate your phone's touch screen just in case. Plus, it's way more convenient.

I prefer gloves designed with some grippy material. Although most ‘tactical' gloves have grippy palm and finger surfaces, you don't have to buy shooting gloves.

It's a must that you practice drawing and handling the gun with your gloves on.

You might benefit from using one or two electronic hand warmers. I use one of these and find it incredibly helpful. As a bonus, the warmer can power your cell phone in an emergency.

hand warmer

Bigger gun in the winter—

What about carrying a bigger gun in the winter? After all, all the extra clothing may provide easier concealment, even allowing you to carry outside the waistband (OWB). While this is undoubtedly an option, I personally don't do it.

I find that my current method of carrying and gun choice provides me comfort and capacity I can live with regardless of the season.

Some people I respect carry a bigger gun in the winter. I'm not an absolutist on the matter; I just found the optimal carry position and gun, that works for me in a range of weather conditions and clothing choices.

Here is a fantastic course called Holsters, Concealment and Carry Positions, that will help you bypass years of trial and error in finding the best combination of gun and carry strategy.

No matter how you carry, I recommend practicing draws with your unloaded gun and particular setup before leaving the house. This strategy helps especially if you frequently change guns and carry positions.


I certainly don't hold a monopoly on cold-weather strategies for concealed carriers. Plus, everything that works for me may not work for you. However, if you are new to concealed carry in the winter months or haven't tried any of these strategies, it won't hurt to give it a shot.

What are some of the things you do that seem to work for you? Leave us a comment.

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Sportsroyals value the functionality, design and technology of our products highly to let our users get more effective workouts. Shop now!

Todays' Devotional: Follow The Law By Being Led Of The Spirit

 From CDM

“But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law” (Galatians 5:18).

The Law of Moses demanded strict obedience to a long list of rules; however, the more that people tried to follow the law, the more they sinned. Under grace, the Holy Spirit leads us to love, never to sin.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

US Sports Lacrosse Improve your Lacrosse Team with these Drills


Improve your Lacrosse Team with these Drills

If you look at the numbers, it’s safe to say that the sport of Lacrosse continues to be a growing sport. In the United States alone, participation grew over 3% in 2017 with over 825,000 people playing the sport. That was the 12th consecutive year of growth with a net increase of at least 20,000 players each of those years. Participants include boys, girls and men and women from the youth level up to the high school and collegiate years.

With the increase comes the need for more knowledgeable coaches who can teach the game the right way. Sure, some coaches have played the game and have a good idea of the types of drills and practice sessions needed. But for the more beginning level coaches, it’s helpful to have some drills to fall back on that can help improve your team. Here are five drills that we think can help.

Catching Drills

Catching drills are important because throwing and receiving are such important parts of the game. Start with some stationary drills between paired up players. Have them make some throws and catches from their left side and then their right side until they are comfortable.

Move to catching drills where the players are running. They need to learn to throw and catch while on the move while also alternating between their right and left hands.

Finally, have them practice making poor throws so it’s more difficult to make the catch. This will get them practicing extending to catch passes or moving their stick from one side to the other.

Clearing Drills

Goalies need to practice making clearing passes after a save. Practice this by having one player shoot the ball while another moves downfield towards the midfield line to receive the pass from the goalie. You can start with the goalies making passes to stationary players and then change it up by having receivers on the move catching the goalie passes.

Ground Balls Drill

Pair players up and roll a ball so that each player has an equal chance to get it. The goal is to have them battle for the ball and not allow the other player to win it. Some tips here is for players to practice using their body to box out the other and gain possession or kicking the ball loose from a scrum to get a better advantage. This drill will teach players how to aggressively gain possession of the ball for their team.

Cradling Drills

Have players cradle the ball while running down the field. First using both hands and then switching to one hand and alternating between each hand. This is needed when a player needs to ward off a defender with their opposite hand.

Shooting Drills

These can be done in a variety of different ways to simulate game conditions. They should practice shooting on the move going to both their left and right, and sometimes with a defender in front of them. They can also practice shooting after scooping a ball off the ground or when coming from around the back of the net. You can also use cones to add specific target areas for players to improve accuracy. 

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US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: Grateful Earth!


Why do you need to Try Coconut Oil In Your Coffee?

Coconut oil coffee is the latest coffee trend. It's smooth and creamy and has health benefits. It boosts energy, metabolism, and immunity. Below is more science-backed information on coffee's health benefits.

Putting oil in your coffee may sound weird, but it's surprisingly delicious and may be healthy in moderation.

MCTs are absorbed and metabolized faster than LCTs, so they can't be stored as fat. MCTs are a body's "instant fuel." Coconut oil contains MCTs.

Because MCT oil is extracted from coconut oil, there are super benefits of using coconut oil in your coffee for extra energy, good health, and creamy, frothy coffee that tastes WILD.

Coconut coffee health benefits

Coconut oil is saturated fat, so consuming it often may not be healthy. My research shows that drinking coconut oil coffee once or twice a week or as a post-workout treat is not only delicious but also healthy.

1. Some fats are good.

Men who ate coconut oil's MCTs in the morning ate fewer calories throughout the day, according to a study. Unsurprisingly, a study found that people on a low-fat diet are hungrier and moodier than those on a ketogenic diet. Good fat doesn't make you fat, but sugar (i.e. carbs) does because the body stores excess sugar energy as fat in the liver.

Fresher, better-tasting coffee and Healthy Natural Coffee You Are Going to Love. Shop

People who "diet" by avoiding fats often eat too many carbs.

As the brain runs on fat rather than sugar, eating healthy fats in the morning may improve your mood and mental endurance.

2. Happiness boosts brainpower.

MCTs, improve Alzheimer's patients' cognitive functions, according to recent studies.

Although coconut oil may not directly boost brain function in healthy adults, it may reduce stress and help you think more clearly.

Even if you perform well under stress, everyone knows it's not sustainable and can cause many problems. Virgin coconut oil's antioxidants and other nutrients help you relax and boost your mental capacity.

The same study found coconut oil may help with depression. Coconut oil coffee can calm anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed people. Coconut oil's MCTs and polyphenols provide these benefits.

Make sure you get high-quality virgin coconut oil and try a self-experiment over a week.

3. Coffee and coconut oil pair well

Coconut oil boosts metabolism by creating heat. Coffee's interesting. Combining the two can boost a slow metabolism.

It's also delicious. Depending on the type, coffee has a strong, acidic flavor. Coconut's tropical mellowness is a perfect match. Choosing your coffee grind for your brewing style will also help you avoid bitter coffee, especially with a French Press (keep it coarse).

4. Boost immunity

Together, coconut oil and coffee can help you fight off illness and build your immune system.

Coconut oil contains lauric acids, which fight antioxidants, bacteria, and other irritants.

It helps fight one of the hardest bacteria to control, Candida, which causes skin irritations, gut issues, sleep problems, and depression. Staphylococcus Aureus can also cause illness in humans.

Coconut oil can help with herpes, hepatitis C, and mononucleosis-causing Epstein-Barr. MCTs in coconut oil encase viruses in fat, which destroys the viral membrane.

Coconut oil isn't a cure-all, but it helps with many common illnesses.

Coconut oil is also good for your skin because it moisturizes and fights fungi, bacteria, and viruses that cause skin infections. Coconut oil is a great moisturizer and cleanser because of this.

For people prone to skin issues, adding coconut oil to coffee (full of polyphenols) to boost the immune system and using extra to soothe the skin seems like a winning strategy. Science supports coconut oil's superfood status. Doubtful? It's easy, try it!

5. Increase metabolism

Coconut oil is thermogenic, meaning it generates body heat. It can boost energy and fat-burning when consumed. Add coffee, and you're a powerhouse. As a three-chain fatty acid, coconut oil is processed by the liver into energy instead of fat. Adding it to coffee boosts your energy.

Caffeine boosts metabolism. Coconut oil is a natural laxative that improves digestion by cleansing the digestive tract. These two ingredients improve digestion without being too harsh on the body.

This week, try coconut oil coffee. It's easy to make and worth trying to see how it affects your health, energy, and mood. Buy Bundle & get 15 % off . Order Now

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Todays' Devotional: The Law Is Written On The Hearts Of All

From CDM

 “For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another” (Romans 2:14, 15).

Even though the Gentiles were not given the Ten Commandments, they can “do by nature” the things contained in them because the Ten Commandments contain God’s moral law. Even under grace, they’re still valid.

Monday, October 24, 2022

US Sports Football: Dan Quinn- Set Your Standard


by Lauren's First and Goal

Dan Quinn- Set Your Standard


Setting the Standard


What is the standard? 


Creating a culture or setting the tone for your ball club can commonly be referred to setting the standard. It's a motto that not only you but your teammates pledge by. In unison. Dan Quinn said “The standard is not easily maintained but each man is mentally tough, filled with resilience and surrounded by a brotherhood that will push him to be the very best he can be”.


Why is a standard important? 


It's vital to an organzations or football team's success that they have a standard. A rule of living, code of behavior, code of honor or touchstone. Without it, there is no structure. No one to hold one another accountable for their actions. You’ll hear it often. “It's a brotherhood, it is our responsibility to make sure that we pass on this standard to all new teammates to ensure that the proud tradition and reputation we have started continues”. It's a way of living that begins from ownership all the way to its players. The state of the standard is that you always give it one hundred percent. Book this course........ Enter Ambassador Code: 11586773 for all available discounts.


Whatever you accomplish, you accomplish as a team. In order to accomplish anything as a team, there must be a standard set. Everyone’s connected to one another. In order for a player to make an interception, the defensive line must’ve created pressure. There is no I in team. 


There is no one else who understands more than the Dallas Cowboys very own, Dan Quinn. He has developed a method that helps you set the standard within your team. How to create success from within, Introducing, 


**Set the Standard training**


Cowboys Defensive Coordinator, Dan Quinn, discusses the importance of setting standards within an organization. In addition to creating a culture and identity to the program. 


Simply click the ‘Book This Course’ button at the top right of this page, place your order, and you’ll immediately be logged into the training with full access. You’ll hit the ground running and begin improving your defense today!

The Coach


Lauren's First and Goal

Proceeds from the sale of these courses benefit the missions of Lauren's First and Goal

Currently, Dan Quinn is the Defensive Coordinator for the Dallas Cowboys. He came to prominence as the Defensive Coordinator of the Seattle Seahawks from 2013 to 2014 where he was the play caller for the team's Legion of Boom secondary. Seattle led the league in defense and made two Super Bowl appearances for consecutive seasons, winning the franchise's first in Super Bowl XLVIII. Quinn's most successful season with the Falcons came in 2016 when he led the team to Super Bowl LI. In 2001, Quinn was hired as a defensive quality control coach by the San Francisco 49er's and then promoted to defensive line coach in 2003. From 2005 to 2008 Quinn was the defensive line coach for the Miami Dolphins and then for the New York Jets.  Book this course today and enter Ambassador Code: 

11586773 for all available discounts


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US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: Soundcore | Fantasia Trading LLC

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Todays' Devotional: No More Tears!

From CDM

 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Revelation 21:4).

Death is only temporary. God’s promises of eternal life in heaven give hope to the believer.