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Saturday, March 5, 2022

What Lowers Testosterone? The Answers May Surprise You. And Fat Cell Metabolic Rate Slowed by High-Carb Diets (new study)


  • Author Brian Cavena
People know that testosterone is a sex hormone, but it also has a significant impact on one's health, let’s take a look at “What Lowers Testosterone”.
It's critical to keep this hormone’s levels in check if you want to develop muscle mass, improve sexual function, or increase strength. (Continued below.....)

(...Continued.....)What Lowers Testosterone Levels: What are the Causes, and How Can You Prevent It?

It is true that testosterone levels are dropping all around the world. As a wave of low testosterone diagnoses sweeps the nation, many men are anxious about their testosterone levels. Furthermore, the typical man's testosterone level is roughly 25% lower than it was 30 years ago.

While numerous factors play a role in testosterone management, a good diet is essential for maintaining testosterone levels and preventing them from falling too low.

What is Low Testosterone Levels?

When testosterone levels are less than 300 ng/dL, it is known as low testosterone. Experts have stated that a normal range is 300 to 1,000 ng/dL. If you want to check the amount of circulating testosterone, you should go for a blood test called a serum testosterone test.

What Decreases Testosterone?

Testosterone management is dictated by multiple factors, but maintaining a balanced diet is essential for keeping testosterone levels in check and preventing them from falling too low.

Hundreds of hours of research have shown that some diets have negative impacts on testosterone levels. Soy, almonds, salmon, spearmint tea, red reishi mushrooms, flaxseed, processed carbs, and meat hormones are just a few examples. It's critical to eat these meals in moderation to effectively fight these side effects.

There are beverages to avoid as well as meals that alter testosterone levels. Beer and water with high estrogen levels are two of the most well-known beverages. It has been discovered that even modest alcohol use can lower testosterone levels by up to 6.8%.

In today's world, sleep deprivation is a relatively frequent condition. Lack of sleep leads to lower morning testosterone levels in middle-aged and older men (and even younger males).

Regular exercise naturally raises testosterone levels, but too much of it might have negative consequences. High-intensity activities have been associated with reduced sex drive and testosterone levels, according to some studies.

Cortisol levels are directly related to chronic stress, making it difficult for hormones to flow through brain pathways. This inhibits the production of reproductive hormones, including testosterone.

What Foods Decrease Testosterone?

Here are the foods that decrease testosterone levels:

Soy and soy containing foods

Soy is high in phytoestrogen isoflavones, which are estrogen-like chemicals found in plants. These phytoestrogens can activate estrogen receptors in your body, but they can also inhibit androgen receptor activity, which is where testosterone attaches. If it can't attach to those receptors, your testosterone won't be able to do its job — and you won't be able to either.

Despite multiple research, the verdict on soy is still out, with inconsistent outcomes. It's definitely better to think of soy as a possible testosterone killer and limit your intake until further study is done.

Products derived from milk

Before you go for that cheese plate or a tall glass of whole milk, think twice. Dairy products have been shown in several studies to lower testosterone levels. Pregnant female cows provide the majority of commercially produced and marketed milk, and their milk is high in estrogen and progesterone. These hormones decrease gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which males require for the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) (LH). Your testes can't create testosterone if they aren't released.


A few drinks here and there won't give your hormones a hangover. However, if you drink a lot of beer, spirits, or wine, your testosterone levels may drop.

Alcohol use impairs the function of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and testes, according to considerable study. The hypothalamus, like cheese, is unable to release GnRH, the pituitary gland is unable to release FSH and LH, and your testes are unable to make testosterone. In other words, if you're overserved all of the time, your hormones will become underserved. Worse, they're the ones who foot the bill. Alcohol abuse may harm your body in a variety of ways, including your liver, kidneys, and heart, in addition to destroying testosterone. Please drink responsibly and in moderation.

Products from bakeries

Who doesn't like a delicious cookie or loaf of bread, especially one that has just come out of the oven? Unfortunately, many baked products are heavy in trans-unsaturated fatty acids, often known as trans-fat, which have been linked to a drop in T levels. According to a 2017 study, people who ate meals high in trans-fat had testosterone levels that were 15% lower than those who ate the least. Baked products like pastries, danish, pies, and other sweet delights can raise your insulin levels, and it can result in low testosterone levels and poor taste. Keep this in mind the next time you're tempted to have a second doughnut.


You may have heard that spearmint and peppermint are natural stress relievers, digestive aids and provide sinus relief. They can also aid in the freshening of your breath. Mint may, unfortunately, stink when it comes to male hormones, according to some studies. More study is needed, particularly with human male participants, before a conclusive link between mint and low testosterone can be established.


Certain nuts have a negative impact on your hormones. Nuts have a good reputation for being abundant in healthful fats and minerals, but studies reveal that nuts strong in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, pecans, and almonds, might promote oxidative stress in storage tissues, lowering testosterone levels.


There's no denying that flaxseed has health advantages, such as lowering blood pressure and enhancing cholesterol levels and intestinal health. However, too much of it can turn into a testosterone killer.

Other foods that can lower testosterone levels are processed foods, vegetable oil, and Licorice root.

Risks Associated with Low Testosterone Levels

This hormone is largely responsible for men's sexual urges. A drop in testosterone might result in a drop in libido. One of the most significant concerns for men with low testosterone levels is the possibility that their sexual drive and performance will be harmed.

Men may have a variety of symptoms linked to sexual function as they age, which might be caused by reduced levels of this hormone.

Low testosterone production is not a prevalent cause of erectile dysfunction. Hormone replacement treatment may assist your erectile dysfunction if you have erectile dysfunction and poor testosterone production. These adverse effects aren't usually noticeable right away. If they do, it's possible that low testosterone levels aren't the main factor.

Low levels of this hormone can cause a variety of physical changes in your body. The “masculine” hormone, testosterone, is occasionally referred to as such. It helps in muscular mass development, promotes the growth of body hair, and adds to a more manly appearance.

Low testosterone levels can lead to fatigue, sleeplessness, and other sleep disturbances. Sleep apnea can be caused or exacerbated by testosterone replacement treatment. Sleep apnea is a significant medical disorder in which your breathing continuously stops and starts while you are sleeping. In the process, it can interrupt your sleep pattern and put you at risk for severe concerns, such as a stroke.

It is a hormone that has an impact on emotional control. Low testosterone has been related to depression in males. The reasons can be low testosterone-related irritation, diminished sex drive, and weariness.

Foods That Raise Testosterone

Some medical therapies, particularly in younger men, can help to boost low testosterone levels, but a person can also stimulate the body to create more testosterone by making dietary and lifestyle changes. The foods that raise testosterone are listed below.


Bromelain, an enzyme found in bananas, is known to help raise testosterone levels. Bananas are also great for keeping energy levels up and lowering antioxidants, making them the ideal on-the-go snack!


Red meat over consumption has become a severe health hazard. On the other hand, the right parts of meat are said to be helpful for men in improving their testosterone levels. More importantly, zinc is abundant in meats like ground beef. In addition, vitamin D is abundant in beef liver.

However, like with other things, you should consume beef without overeating. It is also possible to replace beef with a different protein. You can also go for a vegetable instead of eating it every day.


It is true that fish and oysters are helpful for low testosterone levels. However, a great approach to get zinc into your diet is to eat shellfish to improve testosterone levels.

Tuna and Salmon

Tuna is rich in protein, and it is also low in calories. You can also get a sufficient amount of vitamin D, which has been linked to higher testosterone levels. The typical person's daily vitamin D need is met by one dish of tuna. If tuna isn't your thing, other wonderful sources of vitamin D include salmon, cod, tilapia, and a variety of other seafood. When it comes to seafood, though, remember that moderation is key. To reduce your mercury consumption, limit yourself to two or three portions of seafood each week.

Tuna is high in Vitamin D, and it can be helpful in increasing testosterone levels by up to 90%! Vitamin D is important for sperm count maintenance, and tuna is a fantastic source of this vitamin, especially if you don't get much time outside!


Lemons (like other citrus fruits) are excellent testosterone boosters! They, like garlic, assist in reducing cortisol levels, allowing the testosterone to be created faster. In addition, they also contain vitamin A, which is necessary for testosterone synthesis and can help suppress estrogen levels, making testosterone more effective.

Oats for Porridge

Porridge oats are high in B vitamins, which are essential for testosterone synthesis. B vitamins are available in the market in many forms, and many of them may be found in testosterone-boosting meals. Vitamin B6 has a direct function in testosterone synthesis by suppressing estrogen production and therefore allowing testosterone levels to grow!


Beans contain sufficient quantities of both zinc and vitamin D. They're also a plant-based protein that helps with heart health. Baked beans are another fantastic source of vitamin D and zinc, but you'll still need to complement your diet with other sources.


This vegetable has long been regarded as one of the finest meals for increasing testosterone levels. It's one of the most popular superfoods! Spinach is a natural supply of magnesium, which has been linked to a higher amount of testosterone hormone. In addition, vitamin B6 and iron are also good for testosterone, and they are also found in spinach.

Egg Yolks

Another great source of vitamin D to include in your diet is egg yolks. In recent years, eggs have gained a negative image for being high in cholesterol, prompting many individuals to abandon egg yolks. However, it has been proven that egg yolks contain more nutrients than egg whites and. Moreover, they can aid men with low testosterone levels. You may comfortably eat one to three eggs for breakfast each day unless you have excessive cholesterol.

Use of Supplements to Raise Testosterone

Along with the proper diet, another effective way to boost testosterone naturally is with the use of supplements. Many people take testosterone boosters because they are considered to be a great way to increase muscle growth. Most of the testosterone boosters advertised on the internet claim to improve testosterone levels while, in fact, many of these products have no effect on testosterone levels at all. But some testosterone supplements do in fact enhance your testosterone levels, but this generally only lasts a few months.

When paired with a balanced diet, testosterone boosters can help enhance testosterone levels and provide additional advantages. Some testosterone boosters can enhance your testosterone levels by 20 to 50 percent, depending on the components and your lifestyle. Fenugreek is a well-studied plant that boosts testosterone levels and improves performance. So, it is recommended to use a testosterone booster containing Fenugreek.


An easy first step to deal with low testosterone levels is to create and keep to a balanced diet comprising the above-mentioned testosterone-boosting foods and supplements. However, to counteract low testosterone, we recommend you to see your primary care physician and plan your meals and supplements after consultation.

I'm a nutritionist and weight loss expert from Chicago Illinois. I've worked in the fitness industry for 10yrs. To find many nutritious meal ideas, workout routines and products to help you maintain a healthy and well fit body visit

Learn more about testosterone and how to raise your testosterone levels by visiting

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Friday, March 4, 2022

Forgiveness Is True Freedom and The Rock Almighty Voices with Whitecross


  • Author Natacha Cann
Forgiveness and reconciliation will give you a sense of true freedom. With that freedom, you can leave your past behind and move into all God has planned for your life.

Ephesians 2:10 is one of my favorite verses and it reads, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Recently, I was writing in my prayer journal and prayed about this scripture. I asked God to remove all from my life that prohibits me from walking in His will and completing the good works he has prepared for me. I wrote down several things I want to accomplish in life and asked God to show me if my desires are in line with His will. (Continued below...)

On this week's installment of The Rock Almighty Voices, we feature one of the icons of Christ-centered Rock with a fun, and goofy, interview from '88 with the band.

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(...Continued.....)As I pondered over my long list, I suddenly felt a sense of true freedom. It occurred to me that because I had put so many other burdensome things behind me, I could now clearly and freely focus on what God wants to do in and through me. I know one of the things that burdened me in the past and held me back was my unforgiving heart. Holding back on granting forgiveness can be a stumbling block to progress and most of the time we can’t see that reality. So much time is spent in bondage, being held captive by past mistakes, anger and regrets.

In order to get through that period of "bondage," I spent a lot of time in prayer, asking God to mend my broken relationships with my siblings. However, in addition to praying, I took action. I reached out to my siblings and wrote each one a letter of reconciliation, forgiving them for any grievance against me and asking them to forgive me as well. It was at that point I was able to experience true freedom in Christ. Once I stopped festering about the injustices against me and owned up to the role I played in my broken relationships, I was able to let God change my heart and heal me from the inside out. Once I let go of my hardened heart, I was able to take hold of God’s grace.

I have seen progress in my life because I took this journey to reconciliation and forgiveness. I know that what God wants for my life is always better than what I choose, so I chose forgiveness. Do you have a broken relationship that is weighing on your heart, mind or spirit? Is this burdensome situation holding you back from experiencing freedom in Christ? If so, there are a few things you can do.

First, pray that God will soften your heart toward your offender and the situation. Second, decide that forgiveness is not an option, but a necessity. Third, take action. Will you join me on the journey to forgiveness and healing by writing a letter of reconciliation? If so, visit my project website at The site walks you through the step-by-step process of how to write a letter of reconciliation to make amends.

God wants to do big things in your life today. Will you forgive someone today, or ask for his/her forgiveness, so you may be set free and be used for God’s glory?

Natacha Cann is a certified Life Coach, mentor and founder of The Healing Letters Project. The project encourages women to write letters of reconciliation to their family, friends and loved ones to make amends, seek forgiveness and repair broken relationships. 

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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

When Do You Need To Start Treating Your Side Gig Like A Real Business?


  • Author Sajith Channadathu
Even before the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many people used their free time to engage in their passions. Whether knitting scarves and selling them on Etsy or doing home repair work for neighbors, side gigs are becoming more common for people with standard, 9-to-5 day jobs. (Continued below.....)

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Side hustles are great options for many people for a few reasons — they serve as an extra source of income, help you make ends meet, or build savings for retirement. The money you bring in from a side gig can be used for various purposes, depending on your financial situation and future goals.

Aside from financial gains, side hustles allow you to do what you enjoy and are passionate about, something your day job might lack. It’s common for professionals in the corporate world to switch paths and take on a new business endeavor that’s more tailored to their passions.

Why Are Side Hustles Booming Right Now?

The pandemic has prompted many professionals to reflect on their careers. Some decided to leave their jobs entirely and fully invest time and money into their side hustle.

This contributes to what’s being coined as “The Great Resignation.” It’s a period where an unprecedented amount of the American workforce is resigning for many reasons.

According to U.S. Census data, U.S. Business formations rose by 47% in 2020. This highlights the slew of professionals taking advantage of the opportunity to create companies. However, it can be challenging to know if your side hustle is capable of scaling. You’re likely flooded with questions: Will this work? When do I quit my day job? Is this realistic for my financial situation?

Signs Your Side Hustle Could Be a Viable Business

Here are some telltale signs that your side hustle is ready to be taken to the next level:

• You’ve identified a need in the marketplace, and you can meet customer demands

• Your side hustle has taken on a life of its own

• You are already profiting from your side hustle

• You need a change from your day-to-day routine

• You’re an authoritative force in your industry

• You’ve built a reputation among your competitors

Of course, you could spend hours contemplating every small detail when deciding if your side hustle could be transformed into a real business. It’s also worth noting that how you speak about your gig can impact your perception of if it will be successful or not.

For example, if you continue to call it a side gig, that’s what it will be. If you truly believe in the products or services you offer, you should consider calling it what it is: a business. Dreams only work if you do.

Here are some signs that your side project may not be viable as a business:

• It cuts time into your day job without being profitable

• You create emotional reasons to justify why you have this side hustle

• You lack consistency when working on your side gig

• You’re not ready to put yourself out there

• You’re not meeting an existing customer demand

The decision ultimately comes down to you and your financial situation. It’s best to have six to 12 months of saved income before you decide to take your side hustle to the next level.

It may take that amount of time to earn profits from your business, and the last thing you want is to drain your savings. Financial security should always be a top priority for anyone entering the entrepreneurial landscape. Entrepreneurs need to be wise in their saving strategies to stay afloat if they experience any emergencies.

How to Transform a Side Gig Into a Business

If you’ve decided to elevate your side hustle, you must take steps to ensure you set your business up for success. This way, your company is more likely to survive and thrive in a competitive market.

  1. Draft a Business Plan

Without putting your business ideas onto paper, it’ll be challenging to know if this is something worth fighting for. If you do not already have a drafted business plan, make sure you write down all the details you’ll need to know in advance. For example, you should start with your mission statement and the overall goal you want to achieve. It should be followed by an executive summary, company description, organizational structure, and a breakdown of finances.

Planning is crucial when launching your business, so taking extra time out of your day to draft a thorough business plan will give you the best start.

  1. Perform Thorough Market Research

Market research will play a significant role in determining your target market and help you operate your business as it scales. It also enables you to determine how viable your business plan is.

Suppose your side hustle is selling handmade jewelry to local friends or family members. While this is certainly a good side gig, you may not be tuned into customer needs. Your ultimate goal in market research is to see what your customers do or do not like about your products or services. This will minimize the risks associated with launching a new business.

  1. Establish a Legal Business

It’s critical to take the right steps to separate your business and personal finances. Your side hustle may have given you some disposable income, maybe through a payment app like Venmo, CashApp or Zelle. This won’t be sustainable if you’re ready to take your side gig to the next level.

Choose how you want to incorporate your business and whether you want to establish a sole proprietorship, limited liability company (LLC), or partnership. Incorporation may seem daunting, but it’s quite easy as long as you have a couple of hundred dollars to cover fees. You’ll also need to register your business with the state and receive an employer identification number (EIN).

  1. Consider Purchasing Business Insurance

Business insurance is a necessity. It would offer protection if your company were to experience an emergency, such as fires, floods, or property damage.

While the state you’re in will determine what type of coverage you need, it’s worth investigating and investing in. There are many benefits to having small business insurance:

• It attracts new clients to your business

• It enables you to find and keep new employees

• It protects your business from lawsuits and claims

• It keeps your company profitable year-over-year

• It helps you conform to legal requirements5. Invest in Marketing and Advertising

Every business needs to have a hand in the marketing and advertising landscape. Without these crucial components, how would you attract potential customers? You need to have a viable strategy and choose an appropriate advertising approach when launching your business.

Consider placing ads in your local newspaper or online news source. As your business scales, you may want to think about hiring dedicated advertising or marketing professionals to help you with this part of your business. There are plenty of ways you can use marketing to your advantage, so be sure to prioritize this as you get ready to launch.

  1. Decide When to Quit Your Day Job

Now that you’ve taken some crucial steps in forming your business, it’s time to think about when your day job is no longer needed. It may be a couple of months before you can quit, and much of it will come down to how profitable your new operation is.

Remember that earning enough profit to quit may take longer than you expect. Some say to ballpark how much you’ll need to make before you leave and then triple that number because it’s better to be safe and financially stable before you resign.

This decision will boil down to your specific circumstances, and if you need to consult a financial adviser, then be sure to do so. Your future self will thank you for taking into account your long-term financial stability.

As you prepare to bring your side gig to the forefront, you’ll need to remember these steps. Launching a business should be a fun, enjoyable experience, but it will come with obstacles you’ll need to overcome. Many entrepreneurs will use new technologies to streamline their operations, so be willing to adopt new tech to make starting your new company a breeze.

Own Your Side Hustle and Call It What It Is: A Business

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Side hustles are becoming more common in today’s economy. They come with pros and cons, and it’s critical to remember that not everyone will work as an established business. However, many new companies can be viable if you follow the right steps before launching.

Becoming an entrepreneur is not for everyone, but if you have enough drive, determination, and passion for the products or services you provide, you can make it happen. Start calling your side gig a business and take the required steps to set yourself up for success. If you follow your heart and keep a cool head, you’ll be ready to start earning a profit doing something you love.

The post When Do You Need to Start Treating Your Side Gig Like a Real Business?

A consulting expert for small businesses. Based in Dubai the hub of Middle east


 by Creflo Dollar 

Every day that we’re still alive and breathing is a gift. Too many people seem to forget this and take the small blessings they encounter for granted. Sometimes we’re tempted to wallow in a bad, but temporary, situation or make ourselves miserable by comparing ourselves to others, but life is too short for that. God wants our lives to be a joyful exclamation of His love, with an expectation of the good things waiting to happen.

God has always had good things in mind for us. We receive His best when we agree with His Word. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope’” (Jeremiah 29:11, NLT). It’s His will that we live joyfully. Meditating on this and turning it over and over in our minds prevents us from simply going through the motions, and keeps us in anticipation of experiencing the blessings He wants for us.   

It doesn’t matter whether we’re married or single; we can be joyful regardless of what season we’re in. Listening to what the world tells us robs us of hope and leaves us discouraged; listening to what God tells us brings us encouragement and joy. “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). Reflecting on the times when He did good things for us and interceded on our behalf helps us to maintain our joy. The knowledge that if He did it once He’ll do it again increases that joy.   

A thankful attitude keeps us in the right frame of mind. There will always be some situation not to our liking that can try our patience—if we let it. That’s part of life. The key is to avoid a “sour grapes” mentality and realize that negative circumstances give us an opportunity to be content with what we have. “Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations” (James 1:2, AMPC).

Negativity is the enemy’s way of trying to steal our joy. The devil knows that if we slip into a bad attitude, the door is open for him to come in and bring dissatisfaction, discontentment, and frustration. However, refusing to be moved out of our joy gives us the upper hand. Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places... (Habakkuk 3:17-19). Aggressively maintaining this mindset closes the door on Satan and opens the door to receive the kind of life God wants us to experience.

God is well able to turn bad into good. Acknowledging this has the power to transform life from painful drudgery into an exciting adventure. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (Romans 8:28, NLT). God’s involvement in every aspect of our lives is how He demonstrates His love for us. Agreeing with this promise gives us the ability to rise above any adversity.  

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Journey into Strength and Conditioning with NHL athletes to everyday people with Ryan Van Asten and The US High School Hockey Show


  • By Clarence Paller

    Calgary Flames Strength and Conditioning Coach, Ryan Van Asten knows what it takes to develop athletes to reach their pinnacle of performance. His previous tenure with the Los Angeles Kings includes two Stanley Cups in three seasons. Ryan brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise to the young and developing Flames. Already in his second season with the Flames we can see development and improvement in Flames athletes. In addition to his winning pedigree, Ryan possesses an exceptional educational background. He holds two degrees from Queen’s University in Kingston Ontario, a Bachelor of Science degree in Life Sciences and a Bachelor of Physical and Health Education degree. He also possesses a Master of Science in Exercise Physiology from the University of Calgary. This article chronicles Ryan’s career up to present day and provides insight into the work he is currently doing with the Calgary Flames. This article also offers insights and guidance for both athletes and non- athletes that can be implemented on a daily basis.


    Ryan shares with us how he started his career as a trainer. “It was an interesting path gained the experience necessary to begin as a young professional. I was actually a hockey player myself. As a player, I was never the biggest player or the fastest, but I had a tremendous work ethic. While playing hockey and studying at Queen’s University, one of the guys I was playing with, Anthony Slater, started working at Athletes' Performance which is now known as EXOS. He helped me design a structured program that helped me immensely on my growth as an athlete. He got me interested in improving my knowledge about strength and conditioning. Later on when I was already in Grad School in Calgary, I ran into a group from Athletes’ Performance at the Human Performance Lab at the UofC, and after meeting with them and talking to Anthony I was able to land an internship at one of their facilities. That internship was my first exposure to working with professional athletes. It was a really good learning experience. In fact, I think that was the turning point in my career.”

    Ryan reflects that “before the internship I was working as a trainer and going to school. I would train people in a very ordinary way. Beginning with a warm up for 10-15 minutes, then we would lift weights and then we would do conditioning. The internship changed my perspective on training and showed me a movement based approach. ” Ryan elaborates, “I began to think about movement differently. The internship helped me realize that strength and conditioning is partly about making athletes move more efficiently, which is beneficial for non-athletes as well.”

    Movement Based Training for the Every Day Person

    Ryan adds “it is really difficult to start learning about movement based training on your own. Ideally, you need to find a trainer who is knowledgeable in this area and knows what training program will best suit you. To put it into perspective, I’ve had professional athletes, some of the best players in the world that have difficulty performing simple movements on dry land when they are out of their element. It takes a little bit of coaching to help them get better. For the regular person being able to move without discomfort or pain requires just a bit of guidance.”

    Individuals who influenced Ryan

    Ryan comments, “There are many people that I came across in the past who have helped me.” Anthony Slater who was mentioned earlier in this article and who is currently the Vice President of strategic accounts at EXOS “really got me excited about Strength and Conditioning”. Then there is, David Frost who is now a PhD researcher at University of Toronto. Ryan explains, “Dave and I were in school together at Queens University. His knowledge on the topic of Strength and Conditioning was superior to mine. I tried to learn from him as much as possible. There are other individuals who influenced me like the great group of strength and conditioning coaches at the Canadian Sport Institute in Calgary, including Matt Jordan, Scott Maw, Mac Reid, and Jeremiah Barnert. Another guy that I should mention is Andy O'Brien. He is Crosby's coach and now works for the Pittsburgh Penguins. Andy has helped me a lot over my career and we still communicate regularly.”

    Ryan continues, “Having done grad school in Calgary under the tutelage of the two brightest physiologists on the planet, Dr. Dave Smith and Dr. Steve Norris, has helped me immensely with my physiological knowledge. Honestly, learning physiology from them, one can't learn better from anyone.”

    Launch of Career

    After completion of the internship, a position opened up at the Canadian Sport Institute in Calgary where Olympic athletes train to reach the Olympic podium. He was able to land a job with the Women’s Olympic Hockey team for the 2010 Olympics. Ryan explains at the Institute, “I was lucky enough to be contracted to Hockey Canada which resulted in being a part of the World Championships and ultimately being selected by Hockey Canada to be the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach of the women’s hockey team. It was an awesome experience coaching the women’s team at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver and winning the Gold Medal.”

    NHL Career with LA Kings

    It was in 2011 that the opportunity knocked to work in the NHL. Ryan was selected to be the Strength and Conditioning Coach for the LA Kings. In his first season (2011-2012) with the team he won a Stanley Cup. This feat was again achieved in 2014 when the Kings won the cup a second time in three years.

    Ryan comments on his remarkable achievement. “That was the most amazing thing in my career. Winning Stanley Cup is a lot different than Olympic championship. To win both Stanley Cups is really impressive. It is such a hard accomplishment. I was so fortunate to be part of that, twice! I would like to think that my work with those players helped the athletes perform through the grueling games and rounds of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Ultimately, winning the cup is something you dream of as a kid. I never won a Stanley cup as a player, but to be a part of it feels amazing! I don't think you can ever repeat the road to the cup the Kings took in 2014 where the team became only the 4th team in NHL history to come back from a 3- 0 deficit in a series to win it. Not many things in the game are more difficult than that. Going through those dramatic and intense moments with the group of athletes in that locker room was just really phenomenal.”

    The Role of Strength and Conditioning in the Play Offs

    Ryan explains that during the Playoffs Strength and Conditioning is kept relatively simple. At that point in the season “I don't want to introduce all kinds of new things into my program. Things that change during the play offs in terms of Strength and Conditioning typically are the volume and intensity of the work. In the playoffs you are essentially playing every other night, it all boils down to how the athletes recovered from game to game. In 2012 we got relatively lucky, as we finished all the rounds sooner. There were series where we got almost a week in between and everyone was able to recover in that time.”

    Coming Home to Calgary to be the Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Flames

    For the 2014/2015 season Ryan decided to return home to Calgary to become the Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Flames. Currently, Ryan is in his second year with the Flames. Ryan comments on his decision to come back to Calgary, trading in the sandals he can wear to the beach in LA for snow shoes to wear in Calgary, “The biggest reason for the move back was a family decision. My wife was in Calgary pretty much the whole time I was in LA. She is a doctor, so we found out it was very difficult for her to come to LA to work. Also, Calgary is my home. And, working in Canadian city, in a Canadian Market with unbelievably passionate Fans is something to behold. So far it has been unbelievable.”

    When I asked Ryan what kind/type of work he has been doing with the Flames and how different it was from working with the Kings, he responded: Ryan responded, “It's a similar approach, but I’d like to think I made some changes that have made my program better. Hockey players are a relatively homogeneous group, so there are lots of similarities within this group and how you structure the training and nutrition. The gyms are a bit different in terms lay out and availability and often, I have to structure things around because of that.”

    Ryan comments on what we are seeing this year with the Flames and what are his plans for the team for the rest of the year. “Building off of last year’s success, I think you can expect the same. I don't think there are many teams that work harder than we do in terms of training and practice. In my opinion, we are one of the fittest teams in the league. One of our young players, Sam Bennet, who is 19 years old, had a really great off season training. He is bigger and stronger than before due to the hard work he has been doing to improve his body composition and performance. And I would expect this to continue. Overall, you can expect Calgary Flames to show lots of progress this year.”

    Behind the Scenes

    Ryan takes us behind the scenes tour of how Hockey Strength and Conditioning programs are developed. “When the players come to Calgary in September, we do a full battery of physical testing on them. This encompasses strength and power to energy systems and functional movement. From there you can start building individual programs. There are younger and older players that we work with. For younger players, their potential is broader as they have not accumulated the same type of training volume over the years. So, for them, mastering the basic movements is essential. For older guys, in terms of their physical maturity, most of the time they need to work on different things. They might not necessarily need to build more general strength, although often they need to work on mobility and movement. We still do lifting as they are trying to get stronger and faster. If we take Mark Giordano as an example, he is the fittest guy on the team, by far. His strength and power is impeccable and he is really easy to work with. He might need to work on his mobility and flexibility, little things like that, while maintaining everything else and trying to get better each time. Another example would be Johnny Gaudreau, who is a smaller athlete and doesn't have as much strength and power. However, he is a relatively strong guy from the stand point of the gym. Like other young players, he needs to accumulate some good quality training over time and just continue to improve.”

    Ryan gives as a typical training scenario, “The way I would break down a workout session is when guys come in, they would do their own soft tissue work, like foam rolling or using a softball. After that we work on lengthening of the tissue through just basic stretching types of movements and mobilizing joints. From there, they need to re-introduce good pattern. If you shut down the soft tissue to lengthen it, you want to re-activate then and integrate them into the appropriate sequencing and patter. Then I would start increasing the intensity in terms of the dynamic movement. That is essentially the main body of the warmup. Then we go to all the skill work. We would include things like linear and later skill, resisted movement patterns, complexed with free movement patterns for example. All that would take from 45 minutes to an hour. After that, guys would go into the weight room and do the lifts assigned for that day. And then we would do some conditioning. A typical training in the off-season could be up to two to two and a half hours long. Plus, if they are going on the ice, it could be another 45 minutes.

    Tracking a Player’s Progress throughout the Year

    Ryan outlines how to track and measure the progress of a player. “In the summer, with the athletes in Calgary, we do weekly tracking on bilateral force plates. A force plate is designed to measure the forces and moments applied to its top surface as a subject stands, steps, or jumps on it. We measure force and asymmetries of vertical jumps. One of the neat things is that if you are doing such jumps, you can see how athlete decelerates and if one leg is taking more load than the other. We are tracking things like that. Also, we track body weight, body fat, body composition, various strength, power, core and speed measurements. Throughout the year we do monthly body composition measurements. There are quite a number of things we do to track the athletes, such as sleeping hours, readiness to train, performance, resting and fatigue levels.”

    Important Components as Part of Strength and Conditioning

    Blood Analysis

    Ryan explains, “One of the biggest things for athletes is their recovery and their sleep. With the Flames we do blood work with our athletes and customize nutrition plans and supplementation.”


    “From the nutrition stand point, in my opinion nothing beats real food. So we always have high quality foods available to our athletes. We also have a nutritionist on our team that works with athletes and builds a personal diet for each one of them. I don't think supplements are always necessary. However, we do have supplementation available, such as amino-acids, whey protein isolate, recovery supplement and a carbohydrate supplement.”

    The Role of Proper Footwear and Even No Footwear While Training

    Another aspect to training is proper footwear. Ryan explains, “The shoes that every team in the NHL gets are the same type of Reeboks. We are using CrossFit shoes at the moment. I like them as they are flat and have pretty solid sole. They are good for sprinting and lifting in the weight room.

    Most of the players gravitate towards more of minimalist types of footwear. New Balance also has these. Actually, there are many things that I would want to do without shoes. You have a different type of connection with ground; it changes your proprioceptive feedback that can help you with your balance and your movement. It's teaching your feet to work differently using different muscles and sequencing, which will in turn increase strength, conditioning, coordination, and balance, which will make an enormous difference when on ice.”

    Building Speed and Agility

    Ryan explains, “In most cases, especially with young players, lack of speed is typically lack of strength. Strength is often overlooked when talking about speed and agility: if you don't have adequate strength and aren’t putting enough force into the gorund, then you simply aren't going to be fast. There are many ways in which you can train to improve your strength, some main exercises and most common ones would be squats, lunges, and deadlifts. Sled pushing is also an excellent exercise in strength building. It can get you in a low, almost acceleration type position and you can use it in many different ways. You can use it in speed work and conditioning. You can do resistant movements with a band and have a partner help you. The partner could put the band around your waist and add resistance while you march, skip and do high kneed drills. Also, there are all kinds of exercises with medicine balls.”

    Ryan adds, “Another way to build speed is sprinting in a straight line or with changing directions. At the same time the quality of the movement has to be really good. Everyone has to learn the mechanics of the body to even run properly. Otherwise you might not get all the benefits that you want from it.”

    Building Stamina and Endurance

    Ryan explains, “For our athletes, it's a systematic approach to building stamina and endurance. What you need to look at is what is going on in one shift, how many shifts the person has during the game, how many games have been played in a year and so on. Also, we need to look at the aerobic system and the anaerobic system particularly in the summer because it is difficult to do off-ice in season with the rigorous schedule.

    Some of the athletes don't need to do so much pure speed work, but they are lacking lactate capacity. Let’s say the athlete is trapped in their own zone. The longer the shift goes and the more intense it is, the athlete gets more fatigued and their lactic acid builds up which in turn drops their performance. When they stop skating or moving, that is when penalties are taken, goals are scored on you or you are forced to ice the puck. Increasing the tolerance to lactic acid in an athlete will make them attenuate exhaustion in their muscles and that could be the difference from getting scored on during an extended shift or getting the puck out of the zone. Overall, building stamina and endurance is a very complex approach that needs individual assessment.”

    Building Mental Toughness in Athletes

    Ryan explains, “Some guys innately have mental toughness. They don't need to work on it. Some guys can work on it a little bit. From my stand point, to work on that, means to surround them with people who already have the mental toughness in them. That is a huge motivator. In addition, we do have sports psychology available for players if they need it.”

    Strength and Conditioning for Everyday People in Everyday Life

    Ryan offers everyday people advice to improving their quality of life through strength and conditioning. “In terms of strength and conditioning, the biggest piece of a puzzle would be your nutrition. That would have the biggest effect on your health and body composition. My philosophy for an average person would be: make sure that you are eating whole and real foods, mostly vegetables, basically as many as you want. Drink lots of water and don't eat anything processed.”

    When it comes to the training stand point, the biggest thing is to do something that you like to do. People who live the longest and have the most fulfilling lives, are not the ones who go to CrossFit gyms and work at their 110% intensity on a regular basis. Rather, they walk a lot; they stand a lot, etc. These people are just living a long fulfilling life being happy and healthy. Essentially, be moving all the time. You don't have to go to the gym every day and set world records. If someone says that you are just weak and don't want to work hard that is not true.”

    When asked what great moves are to begin with, Ryan answered, “Simple movements like split squats. If you are able to go nice and low and able to have control in that low position and stand up with a weight that would be the simple drill to complete. Then you can progress to reverse lunging, side lunging, etc. Doing these exercises will reduce and eliminate pain such as lower back pain. Lower back pain usually is the result of really weak glute muscles and as a result people’s hips don't move and extend properly. As a result lower back takes the hit. This is why some people can’t bend over to tie their shoes, lift groceries or stand up from a chair!”

    Combat the Effects Sitting All Day

    Most people spend their days sitting all day for work. Ryan explains “sitting all day is detrimental to your health. Some progressive companies have “stand up” desks. I think that is the best thing. While sitting for the whole day, your shoulders fall forward, your arms are internally rotated, your head is forward all the time, and the front of your hips are in a shortened position. Deadlifts are a great exercise to train hip extension and the posterior muscles of your body, rowing for upper part of your back and any type of shoulder work. The work for the posterior musculature can be done daily.”

    How you can work on Balance, Core Strength, Stamina and Endurance

    Ryan explains, “In terms of core strength, I think you need to think about functionality. It boils down to stability of the lumbo-pelvic complex. Simple movements such as front and side planks are a great start. During rotational exercises, the movement should be coming from hip rotation and not from the spine. The lumbar spine should be relatively stable throughout the exercises. An important thing to remember is that there are so many different variations of exercises and you must start from the simplest and slowly build up to the most complex exercises.

    When it comes to the everyday person’s life, most people sit all day and don’t really know how to take control of their pelvis. People don't know how to rotate their pelvis with their own power; they have no control of it. Therefore, part of the core training is teaching athletes and people in general to control their pelvis to keep strong in the glutes and in the lower abdominal muscles.”

    Future of Strength and Conditioning

    Ryan believes “Strength and Conditioning will progress in the technology side. It is exponentially growing in its applications and what it can potentially add is unbelievable. One thing I am cautious about is that you have to make sure that your philosophy and program are sound before you start messing around with the technological novelties. They are useless if your training philosophy is not set. The training is increasingly becoming more based on movement rather than old-style lifting and running.”

    Ryan’s Immediate and Long Term Goals

    Ryan explains his “immediate goal is to win a Stanley Cup in Calgary. It's been a while since the Flames won the cup dating back to 1989. For me, just seeing all the fans at the play offs last season was unbelievable! Last year, when Calgary won the first round against Vancouver, I could barely drive home, because people were celebrating on the streets and having a great time! What I love about Calgary is that the fans are so passionate.”

    Secondary, “I started an internship program with Calgary Flames. Every summer I am taking one or two undergrad or graduate students and I share with them my philosophy and show them how I train hockey players. My legacy and long term objective is to help these young people reach their goals. Also, I would like to continue to keep myself in great health, eat well, and exercise frequently. There are other things I am interested in, such as doing research for/about hockey.”


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    Friday, February 25, 2022

    US Sports Fitness Strength training for beginners


    • Author Troy Van Spanje
    Best Method for Strength Training for a Workout Beginner

    “The best workout program is the one you’re not using.” is a motto in which there is some wisdom, even though the design of a workout program is not very simple.

    There are many early studies regarding weight training that have attempted to find out the best single program for set/rep training. "There can only be one" is what is said in the Highlander series. (Continued below.....)

    This Week's The StrengthCast PowerShow:

    Part one:
    The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Hybrid Athlete
    You can lift heavy and run fast, but can you do both when it really counts?

    Coach Hunter's designed a unique program geared towards building elite, hybrid athletes.

    ► BodyFit Training Programs: - -
    ► Shop Bodybuilding Signature Supplements: - -

    Part two:
    Pullover with Physioball Leg Curl

    The Pullover with Physioball Leg Curl is a complex, functional exercise that provides a significant stability- and coordination-related challenge due to the unstable movement patterns involving multiple segments of the body that must be performed in a synchronized fashion. Learn more at - -

    (...Continued....)  One example is Arnold Schwarzenegger's 5x5 method that was made popular by his mentor Reg Park, who was himself a Mr, Universe, and played the role of Hercules in the movies. Reg Park was the first bodybuilder who was able to bench press 500 pounds and was as strong as he appeared to be.

    In 1981, Mike Stone and his other colleagues published a study that suggested that it is best to combine protocols instead of concentrating on one protocol for strength training. In this study, "A Hypothetical Model for Strength Training", there was a transition in the workouts from low intensity/high reps with fewer sets or high volume to high intensity/low reps and more sets or low volume. This was based on on a model that was published in 1954 by Leonid Matveyev, a Russian sports scientist, as a popular periodization model. The end aim of this was to be able, at the end of a cycle of one repetition, to lift the maximum weights for 1RM (1 repetition maximum).

    This program has four phases, and each phase lasts for three to four weeks.

    1. Hypertrophy: 3-5 reps with 6-12 sets at 67-85% of 1RM

    2. Basic Strength: 3-5 reps with 6 sets at 85% of 1RM

    3. Strength and Power: 3-5 reps with 1-5 sets at 75-90% of 1RM

    4. Peaking or Maintenance: 1-3 reps with 1-3 sets that progress from high intensity to a very low intensity

    Another system of program design that is popular with strength coaches in colleges, non-linear periodization, has a focus on a variety in training. Compared to the Stone model of changing that changes set/rep protocols after every few weeks, this program varies them with each workout.

    There is a book on this topic written by Steve Fleck and William Kraemer, "Optimizing Strength Training" and which introduces a workout for 16 weeks with a rotation of repetitions:

    Monday: 12-15 repetitions

    Wednesday: 8-10 repetitions

    Friday: 4-6 repetitions

    Monday: 1-3 repetitions

    Wednesday: 3 repetitions or fewer

    Friday: 12-15 repetitions

    I am in agreement with the necessity of changing repetition protocols, especially with athletes who are advanced. I follow a general guideline that has me changing the volume/intensity of workouts every fortnight. However, from a physiological view this is a program that does not make sense, as it does not allow the body enough time to understand what it has to adapt to.

    To explain this, understand that, as an example, when you perform 12-15 sets, it puts the focus on "slow twitch" muscles and muscle fibers of Type I, and sets of 1-5 would help in the development of "fast twitch" muscle fibers of type II. It is not possible for for Type I fibers to convert to Type II fibers, and as a result, football linemen or discus throwers who are strength/power athletes, would not find any value in this workout. It is a fact that Type II fibers will assume the characteristics of Type I fibers after aerobic training.

    All this will tell you that the design of a program for periodization is a complex subject , but there is no need for you to be left hanging. If you are a beginner, the one program that can be quite effective and useful is the 10/8/6 Training system. This is a system that is more than a century old, but the earliest reference that I got for this was from one of my colleagues, who told me that it was in 1972 that he was introduced to it, when he was a member of a Fremont, California club known as Bob's Athletic Club. The owner of this gym was Bob Perata, and the gym was named after him. Both the book cover and movie poster of "Pumping Iron" featured Ed Corney for whom Bob's Athletic Club was a home gym. Ed Corney is also one of the great posers for bodybuilding. In 1975, Franco Columbu had to run for his money in that year's Mr. Olympia in the lightweight division when he had to compete with Ed Corney. To add to that, Corney was made the poster boy for "Pumping Iron", a movie that featured the preparation of Arnold for the 1975 Mr. Olympia. A book by the same name, written by Charles Gaines and George Butler, also had Corney appearing on its cover.

    Beginners can get motivated by the 10/8/6 program as it has fewer reps on the 2nd and 3rd sets ,so that you can use heavier weights, which can then give the illusion that the workout has made you stronger, even if the previous sets have caused fatigue. The recovery ability of beginners is slow and this makes the three sets performed as more than plenty. The progress of trainees in Bob's club led them to use another program for some time, but they can then come back to this program. When there was an improvement in their recovery ability and they became stronger they could add another set and go in for permutations like 12/10/8/6 that focuses on muscle packing, and 10/8/6/4 for any additional strength requirements.

    The 10/8/6 system is not considered appropriate for all kinds of exercises. Olympic lifts, snatch and clean and jerk are too technical for these reps to be used. If you still did this, the light weights used would have little effect for strength training. In 1982, a system was introduced by Vince Gorin that made use of a 10/8/6/15 protocol. In this, use was made of progressively heavier weights for 8 to 6 reps and this was finished with a 15 rep set with a light "pump". If this is converted into percentages,its workout progress would be:

    10 repetitions at 50% of maximum weight can be used for 6 reps

    8 repetitions at 75% of 6RM

    6 repetitions at 100% of 6RM

    15 repetitions at 35% of 6RM

    An individual who can press 100 pounds for 6 reps would rest 60 seconds between sets. He would do:

    10 reps with 50 pounds

    8 reps with 75 pounds

    6 reps with 100 pounds

    15 reps with 35 pounds

    I believe this repetition is too large for the optimum gain in strength as the body does not what it has to adapt to, but Gironda's system is time tested. It suits those who want to leave the gym quickly while leaving with a massive pump. If you want details about this workout program, read the book "2nd Workout Bulletin: 10-3-6-15" written by Gironda. To get the most from your strength training become a student of the Iron Game so that you can determine the best training system that can allow you to achieve your goals.

    Start with the 10/8/6 workout system, if you are a beginner.

    Troy van spanje is personal trainer with over 18 years experience. For more info visit

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