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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Strength Coach Classic Improving Foot Speed and Agility

Michael Boyle
A couple of threads on the forum got me thinking about the question of foot speed and athletes.
I can't tell you how often I hear a parent or a coach ask, "How can I improve my son's/daughter's/ athlete's foot speed or agility?"
It seems everyone always wants the shortcut and the quick fix.
The better question might be "Do you think you can improve foot speed?" or maybe even the larger question, "Does foot speed even matter?"
That begs the larger question, "Does foot speed have anything to do with agility?"
I know coaches or parents reading this are asking, "Is this guy crazy?" How many times have we heard that speed kills? I think the problem is that coaches and parents equate fast feet with fast and quick feet with agile. However, fast feet don't equal fast any more than quick feet equal agile. In some cases, fast feet might actually make an athlete slow--often I see fast feet as a detriment to speed. In fact, some of our quick turnover guys, those who would be described as having fast feet, are very slow off the start.
The problem is fast feet don't use the ground well to produce force. Fast feet might be good on hot coals, but not on hard ground.
Think of the ground as the well from which we draw speed. It is not how fast the feet move, but rather how much force goes into the ground. This is basic action-reaction physics. Force into the ground equals forward motion. This is why the athletes with the best vertical jumps are most often the fastest. It comes down to force production. Often coaches will argue the vertical vs. horizontal argument and say the vertical jump doesn't correspond to horizontal speed, but years of data from the NFL Combine begs to differ. Force into the ground is force into the ground.
In spite of what Brett Contreras may say, vectors don't seem to matter here. The truth is parents should be asking about vertical jump improvement, not about fast feet. My standard line is "Michael Flatley has fast feet, but he doesn't really go anywhere. If you move your feet fast and don't go anywhere, does it matter?
It's the old "tree falling in the woods" thing.
The best solution to slow feet is to get stronger legs.
click me

iHealthTube Featuring: No Other Diet Can Do This For Your Heart! And Creatine Benefits for Non Athletes

Dr. Joel Kahn shares his opinion on the biggest causes of heart issues today. He also shares his number one treatment to improve, reverse and prevent your cardiovascular health!

Creatine Benefits for Non Athletes
By: Jonathan Mirkof

Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is found in meat and fish, and also made by the human body in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. It is converted into creatine phosphate or phosphocreatine and stored in the muscles, where it is used for energy.

Creatine is primarily used by athletes to be able to train harder and longer! Few people though realize that creatine has other uses. Some of the other uses are:

Creatine for heart disease

A clinical study suggests that creatine supplements may help lower levels of triglycerides in men and women.

In few other clinical studies of people with heart failure, those who took creatine, in addition to standard medical care, were able to increase the amount of exercise they could do before becoming fatigued, compared to those who took placebo. Getting tired easily is one of the major symptoms of heart failure. One clinical study of 20 people with heart failure found that short-term creatine supplementation in addition to standard medication lead to an increase in body weight and an improvement of muscle strength.

Creatine has also been reported to help lower levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine is associated with heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.

Creatine for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common lung diseases. If you have COPD you have difficulty breathing. There are two main forms of COPD:

Chronic bronchitis, is a long-term cough with mucus

Emphysema, involves destruction of the lungs over time

Most people with COPD have a combination of both conditions.

In one double-blind study, people with COPD who took creatine increased muscle mass, muscle strength and endurance, and improved their health status compared with those who took placebo. They did not increase their exercise capacity. More studies are needed to see whether creatine has any benefit for people with COPD.

Creatine for Muscular dystrophy

The muscular dystrophies (MD) are a group of more than 30 genetic diseases characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles that control movement. Some forms of MD are seen in infancy or childhood, while others may not appear until middle age or later.

People who have muscular dystrophy may have less creatine in their muscle cells, which may contribute to muscle weakness. One study found that taking creatine led to a small improvement in muscle strength. However, other studies have found no effect.

Creatine for Parkinson's disease

People with Parkinson's disease have decreased muscular fitness including decreased muscle mass, muscle strength, and increased fatigue. A small clinical study found that giving creatine to people with Parkinson's disease improved their exercise ability and endurance. In another clinical study, creatine supplements boosted participants' moods and they didn' t need to increase their medicine dose as much as those who didn' t take creatine. More research is needed in this area.

Creatine has been used primarily since the mid 80′s, so it is relatively new and that is part of the reason that many outside of the sport world are not familiar with creatine!
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Tactical Workouts Present: Program Spotlight: Justice & Public Safety Administration Sullivan University and Motives for Murder

Program Spotlight: Justice and Public Safety Administration [Video Below]

Revolutionary Tactical Strength and Conditioning Program Provides A Simple Training Blueprint to Help You Gain Strength, Boost Power, and Rebuild Your Body

World’s Greatest Military Operators and Law Enforcement Professionals Reveal the Secret  Training System Used By Elite Tactical Athletes

TO: ðŸ‘ŠðŸŽ–️Military Operators, Law Enforcement Professionals, and Prepared Citizens Serious About Building Tactical Muscle

RE: ðŸ’ªSpecial Report by Joseph Arangio, Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach
Read the Full Report

Motives for Murder
By: Cindy Visser

The motives for murder range from sometimes shocking to bizarre. let's have a look at what reasons people have to kill. You will notice many times the reason for murder is not clear-cut, and multiple motives can be present.
Financial reasons

Financial gain - The list of reasons people killed for profit is long and sometimes bizarre too. People have been killed for: Cars, mobile phones, houses, money in a person’s wallet, jewelry, etc. John George Haigh is the perfect example of a serial killer that murdered for financial gain.
Extreme Poverty - Parents would kill their children and themselves because they cannot feed them.


Drugs and alcohol make people do things they normally wouldn’t including murder. There have been cases where the murderer did not even know what they did at the time of being intoxicated/drugged.
Personal satisfaction

You will find that many serial killers fall into this category. They love to see the life drain from their victims eyes. John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy enjoyed killing and torturing their victims.

With political reasons nothing is sacred and people high up will do anything to stay on top from having someone assassinated to war.

One of the oldest reasons for murder and one that keeps the cycle of death going round and round.
Personal Vendetta

Some of the vendettas last for years between neighbors over silly things like trees and dogs barking. Sometimes the strain becomes too much for one of them, and murder ensues.
Defense Murders

Self-defense - Most people believe that self-defense is a justifiable reason for murder. Even though this may be the case, more and more people are opting for non-lethal weapons to protect themselves. There have been incidences where the "Self-defense" reason was used to cover up a planned murder.
In defense/protection of others - Would you do anything to protect the ones you love? This reason also begs the question, is it O.K. to murder someone to save another or is it just protection?

Class Conflict

A perfect example of class conflict as a reason for murder is the French revolution.
Religious Differences

Would you kill for your religious beliefs? Many do, this is where terrorism and many wars come into play.
Mental Anxiety/Instability

A lot of the serial killers use medical reasons to explain and avoid the death sentence or life in prison. From momentary insanity to depression and other mental disorders the list is almost endless.
Emotional Murders

As highly emotional beings it comes as no surprise that emotions motivate many murders. Here is our list of emotional reasons for murder:

Jealousy - Jealousy leads to self-doubt and insecurity. People with extreme cases of jealousy would murder a partner suspected of cheating or the person they thought interfered. Here is a great example: David Hotyat murdered a family because of this reason.
Anger - How many times have we heard? In the spur of the moment, he murdered his best friend, brother, mother, father, etc. Mark Rogowski murdered out of anger.
Hatred - When hatred consumes someone’s heart and mind that person can justify anything even murder. If they could only learn to forgive and carry on many murders could be avoided. Jane Toppan is a perfect example for hatred and jealousy.
Lust - Many times people are murdered after rape, and they will do anything to cover their lustful and sinful actions.
Sadness - Mercy Killings - When you love someone, the last thing you want to do is see them in pain. Many people have fought for the right to have assisted suicide; do you think it is good or bad?

This concludes our list of motives for murder. If you feel we should add more items please send us an email or tells us about it in the comments.
I am interested in True Crime, and my main aim is to study criminology. And to become a Criminologist.

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Bloodgood

View Previous Devo

Gods Timing

Adapted from the resource My Time with God Devotional - by Joyce MeyerGod’s timing in our lives is perfect, and we will enjoy life much more if we believe that. He knows the exact right time to do the things we have requested of Him.
Don’t waste your time being upset about something that only God can change. If He withholds your desire for the time being, thank Him that He knows best.
Time is a gift—don’t waste it being upset!
Prayer Starter: Father, I know that Your timing is perfect. Help me to patiently wait on You and learn to enjoy each and every moment of my life, knowing that You are in complete control. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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Joel Osteen Recent Messages Featuring: Victoria Osteen - Stand Firm In Your "Yes" To God

In this message, Victoria will encourage you to say yes to God. Second Corinthians 1:20 says, “For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ they are [all answered] ‘Yes.’ So through Him we say our ‘Amen’ to the glory of God.” What is it that you need to say yes to today? Is it, “Yes, God, I’m going to forgive those people who hurt me”? Is it, “Yes, I’m going to believe that You can bring good out of this difficult time and show me Your favor”? Maybe it’s, “Yes, God, I’m going to reach out to those people whom You’re asking me to reach out to even though I don’t feel like I have time”? What does your yes look like? This is message #744, "Stand Firm in Your "YES" to God", by Victoria Osteen. For more inspirational messages, visit

Just Right!

Post by Joel Osteen 

When God created you, He put in you everything you need to fulfill your destiny. God is a strategic God. He didn't just create you and say, "Let's see what he can do. Let's see what happens." God is precise. He's intentional, down to the smallest detail, and when He laid out the plan for your life, He studied it carefully. He thought about what you would need, and what it would take to get you there, then He matched you with your world. He gave you the talent you need, the creativity, the strength. Next level thinking says you're the right size, and you have the right looks, the right personality, and the right family. You didn't get shortchanged. You are fully loaded and completely equipped for the race that's been designed for you.
Now quit wishing you were something different: "If I had a better personality, I could do something great." "If I came from a different family…" "If I weren't so small…" Have a new perspective. If you needed to be taller, God would've made you taller. If you needed a different personality, He would've given you one. If you needed to be another nationality, you would be another nationality. God doesn't make mistakes. You're not faulty. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made.
When God created the universe, when He flung stars into space, He said, "That was good." When He created the mountains, oceans and sunsets, He said, "That was good." When He made the animals, lions, eagles and butterflies, He said, "That was good." But when God created you, when He saw how magnificent you are, how strong, how attractive, and how talented you are, He said, "That was very good." He didn't say the solar system was very good. He didn't say the Rocky Mountains were very good. The only time He used "very good" is when He created you.
In Ephesians 2:10, He calls you "a masterpiece." That means you are just right! Now don't go around feeling shortchanged as though somehow you're lacking, you didn't get enough, you can't do what others can do. If you didn't get what somebody else has, that means you don't need it. Quit comparing yourself to others and run your race. Be who God created you to be. You are an original. You have something to offer the world that nobody else has. Be confident in what you have. Let your gifts shine. Show your talent, your personality, your style. We don't need an imitation. We don't need a copy. We need the original you.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Myles Powell Highlights (2018-19 Season) - Part 1

This Big East Spotlight Presented by Baseball Rampage!

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Cori Close on amplifying fellow Pac-12 teams: 'Rising tide lifts all boats'

This Pac-12 Update Presented by 24hr Fitness!

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More Makai Mason | R12E Feb. 1

This Big 12 Update Presented by StrengthCoach!

"Coach's Minute with Coach Boyle- Starting Young Part 2- The 20 Year Window

Mike Boyle

When you look back in twenty years what will you think?"... keep reading....... 

Top 30 Plays of January | Big Ten Basketball

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"Critique my clean- Aidan Mccarran
It takes a lot of guts to ask for feedback, and Aidan got a lot from me. Check out this thread and see if you agree."
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