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Showing posts with label strong. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Custom Fitness?

Yes indeed! I am often asked for very specific customizations of programs and there is nothing wrong with that.
As long as every athlete and fitness warrior understands that you cannot spot reduce (Belly only, legs only, bigger arms only), you can bring out the best of your "trouble spots" with smart, directed, comprehensive and long-term focused programming.  Here is an example of one of US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning's Custom Programs...

The title of each program in the Custom Get Lean Program area gives an idea of what it will help to accomplish. 
Throughout the length of the Custom Get Lean Programs, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts . This variation provides a more consistent "programmed response" to exercise which will help to avoid those depressing plateau's in progress. 

The starting point of the program is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best!
Select a Program

4 Day Get Lean EXPRESS with Arm and Shoulder emphasis.
View a Sample Workout of this Program
Week 1 - Day 2 (Wednesday) of Sample ProgramWeek Difficulty:Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Bench Press
20 reps @ 205 lbs,20 reps @ 205 lbs,
15 reps @ 205 lbs 
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press (30 Degree)
20 reps @ 70 lbs,15 reps @ 75 lbs,
15 reps @ 70 lbs 
Dumbbell Incline Fly (30 Degree)
20 reps @ 35 lbs,15 reps @ 35 lbs 
Cable Upright Row (+)
15 reps @ 105 lbs,10 reps @ 95 lbs 
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
20 reps @ 29 lbs,15 reps @ 32 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
20 reps @ 23 lbs,15 reps @ 25 lbs 
Cable Triceps Pushdown
10 reps @ 155 lbs,

There are a total of 48 unique workouts in this 12 week program. Sign up (for US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning FREE for the first 7 days then only $9.99 per month) today to get leaner and healthier in the next 90 days.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

What Athletes Eat To Win

Three top athletes  a professional basketball player, a triathlete and a rodeo clown  reveal the dietary regimens they say help them maintain peak performance.
Eric Snow
Professional Basketball Player
I try to be conscious of my diet partly because I can't knock off the pounds as easily as when I was younger and partly because you don't want to be too full playing in the NBA.
Some guys eat whatever they want, but I stick to a fairly consistent regimen: On game days, breakfast consists of a bagel or some toast and a piece of fruit; when we don't have a game, I might have a bigger breakfast such as pancakes. But if I eat a really big breakfast on game days, it throws me off: I might be full until 4 p.m., so I'll skip lunch and can't eat because it's too close to game time.
Lunch is usually my big meal, some pasta or chicken. On game days, that's all I have until after the game. Then, I might eat something like a turkey sandwich or a salad, something just to tide me over. I'm usually not hungry after a game and don't want to eat a heavy meal before going to sleep. I may splurge on ice cream, but that's pretty much it for junk food. And I never eat pork or beef. Before I was in the NBA, I ate a lot more food and still felt hungry. Now, I feel satisfied.
My biggest concentration for competing is to drink enough. I drink four 32-ounce glasses of water or Gatorade throughout the day, including one at every meal. That's the real key  drinking enough. Eric Snow is the starting point guard for the Philadelphia 76ers.

Doug Stern
How and what I eat before exercise depends on many factors, the distance or duration of a race or workout, how long I've been training, the weather, but one thing always is constant: fluid intake, which is 8 ounces every hour throughout the day. During intense exercise, you can sweat as much as 8 ounces every 20 minutes.
When I was competing, I trained about two to three hours a day, and I would lose about 8 ounces of sweat every 20 minutes or so. To keep myself hydrated, I would drink gallons of water mixed with powdered vitamin C and electrolytes throughout the day. But during competition, I, as well as many other triathletes, drank a mixture of water and flat cola, which we mixed beforehand. We did this because the cola contains caffeine to keep you up, and it is easily digested.
My competition diet was high-carb and healthful, but I've always focused more on when I eat than what I eat. If a race were on Saturday, I would' carbo-load, fromWednesday on by keeping my meals constant but decreasing my activity level. That means a breakfast of cereal and fruit; lunch consists of pasta or a bagel and vegetables; and dinner contains meat or chicken for protein. The night before a race, I would have a big lunch and a very small dinner, if at all, to keep my bowels fairly empty. The morning of a race, I would only have coffee and cereal at least 1 hours before the start of the race.
Doug Stern has competed in nearly 40 triathlons, a race consisting of a 2.4-mile swim, 18-mile run and 50-mile bike race. He wrote a training column for Triathlete magazine and currently teaches swimming in New York City.
Paul Bonds
Rodeo Bullfighter
As a rodeo clown, my job is to protect the cowboy  to distract a raging bull long enough for the cowboy to get away. It's tough and dangerous work, and you have to be in top physical condition. A rodeo cowboy has to last eight seconds on a bull whose mission is to throw him, but I'm out there working for that eight seconds, the next eight seconds, the next eight seconds one cowboy after another, for the entire night.

What Athletes Eat To Win

Three top athletes  a professional basketball player, a triathlete and a rodeo clown  reveal the dietary regimens they say help them maintain peak performance.
Eric Snow
Professional Basketball Player
I try to be conscious of my diet partly because I can't knock off the pounds as easily as when I was younger and partly because you don't want to be too full playing in the NBA.
Some guys eat whatever they want, but I stick to a fairly consistent regimen: On game days, breakfast consists of a bagel or some toast and a piece of fruit; when we don't have a game, I might have a bigger breakfast such as pancakes. But if I eat a really big breakfast on game days, it throws me off: I might be full until 4 p.m., so I'll skip lunch and can't eat because it's too close to game time.
Lunch is usually my big meal, some pasta or chicken. On game days, that's all I have until after the game. Then, I might eat something like a turkey sandwich or a salad, something just to tide me over. I'm usually not hungry after a game and don't want to eat a heavy meal before going to sleep. I may splurge on ice cream, but that's pretty much it for junk food. And I never eat pork or beef. Before I was in the NBA, I ate a lot more food and still felt hungry. Now, I feel satisfied.
My biggest concentration for competing is to drink enough. I drink four 32-ounce glasses of water or Gatorade throughout the day, including one at every meal. That's the real key  drinking enough. Eric Snow is the starting point guard for the Philadelphia 76ers.

Doug Stern
How and what I eat before exercise depends on many factors, the distance or duration of a race or workout, how long I've been training, the weather, but one thing always is constant: fluid intake, which is 8 ounces every hour throughout the day. During intense exercise, you can sweat as much as 8 ounces every 20 minutes.
When I was competing, I trained about two to three hours a day, and I would lose about 8 ounces of sweat every 20 minutes or so. To keep myself hydrated, I would drink gallons of water mixed with powdered vitamin C and electrolytes throughout the day. But during competition, I, as well as many other triathletes, drank a mixture of water and flat cola, which we mixed beforehand. We did this because the cola contains caffeine to keep you up, and it is easily digested.
My competition diet was high-carb and healthful, but I've always focused more on when I eat than what I eat. If a race were on Saturday, I would' carbo-load, fromWednesday on by keeping my meals constant but decreasing my activity level. That means a breakfast of cereal and fruit; lunch consists of pasta or a bagel and vegetables; and dinner contains meat or chicken for protein. The night before a race, I would have a big lunch and a very small dinner, if at all, to keep my bowels fairly empty. The morning of a race, I would only have coffee and cereal at least 1 hours before the start of the race.
Doug Stern has competed in nearly 40 triathlons, a race consisting of a 2.4-mile swim, 18-mile run and 50-mile bike race. He wrote a training column for Triathlete magazine and currently teaches swimming in New York City.
Paul Bonds
Rodeo Bullfighter
As a rodeo clown, my job is to protect the cowboy  to distract a raging bull long enough for the cowboy to get away. It's tough and dangerous work, and you have to be in top physical condition. A rodeo cowboy has to last eight seconds on a bull whose mission is to throw him, but I'm out there working for that eight seconds, the next eight seconds, the next eight seconds one cowboy after another, for the entire night.