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Showing posts with label spirit truth bible Jesus Father Son holy spirit Pastor Preacher God Prosperity Grace divorce relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirit truth bible Jesus Father Son holy spirit Pastor Preacher God Prosperity Grace divorce relationships. Show all posts

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Joel Osteen Recent Messages Featuring: Seasons of Silence - Joel Osteen

We all have times where it feels like God went on vacation. But Joel wants to show you how God uses those seasons of silence to get us prepared. When you’re hidden, you won’t see anything happening on the outside, but on the inside God’s doing a work within you. He’s creating an opportunity to grow, to get stronger, and to come up higher. You’re getting prepared to go to new levels. You may be in a season of silence right now where you feel like you’re hidden, but the silence doesn’t mean God has forgotten about you. He’s heard every prayer; He’s seen every tear. God is not preparing the blessing for you; He’s preparing you for the blessing. As you keep passing the test in the silent seasons, you’ll be prepared and ready to come into more than you can ask or think. This is message #754, "Seasons of Silence", by Joel Osteen. For more inspirational messages, visit

 Check Your Soil
Post by Joel Osteen on February 23, 2018
We have had a row of lush green bushes around our house for years. Several months ago a section of the bushes looked a little shriveled. A few weeks later, they were all dead, but the bushes on both sides of the dead section were fine. The landscaper ran a soil test and found that the soil in that section had been contaminated. We had to take out the bad soil, put in new soil, and now the bushes are flourishing like the others.
Sometimes we wonder why we're not seeing growth, why we're not seeing favor in our life. Check your soil. In Matthew 13, Jesus told a parable about a man who sowed seed on good ground and it flourished, producing great crops. But some of the seed fell on rocky ground, and lacking soil and deep roots its plants withered. Other seed fell among the weeds and thorns, and its plants were choked from growing. All the seed was the same quality; what made the difference was the soil.
You are a seed. You are full of gifts, talents, and potential. But if you plant yourself in unhealthy soil, if you hang around friends who compromise and pull you down, if you're in an environment with limited mind-sets, where people tell you what you can't do and how you'll never accomplish your dreams, you won't see the growth you should. It's not because there's something wrong with your seed—you are made in the image of God. The problem is with the soil. The thorns, the weeds, and the rocks are choking the life out of your seed—your dreams, your vision, and your character.
You have to be selective with whom you give your time, energy, and attention. If your friends are prejudiced, you're going to become prejudiced. If they have no goals and little motivation, that narrow-minded thinking is going to contaminate you. You will become like the people with whom you associate. It's time to pull up the weeds and thorns that are causing you to shrivel up. Be nice to everyone, but don't spend time with negative, critical, jealous, small-minded, bitter people. God has given you a gift that will flourish and grow in good soil. Your seed is full of potential, your seed has greatness in it, your seed can set a new standard for your family, your seed can break generational curses, your seed could have the cure for cancer, your seed could impact this world. What God has entrusted you with is extremely valuable. Do your part and keep your seed in good soil.

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Dry Place Myles Munroe Sermon

Myles Munroe, OBE (20 April 1954 – 9 November 2014) was a Bahamian evangelist and ordained minister avid professor of the Kingdom of God, author, speaker and leadership consultant who founded and led the Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) and Myles Munroe International (MMI). He was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the International Third World Leaders Association and president of the International Leadership Training Institute as well as the author of numerous books.[1]
Munroe died with his wife and 8 others in a private plane crash on 9 November 2014 en route to his leadership conference. 

Our Story

Vision To establish a multi-faceted international centre for the purpose of teachings, training, equipping and empowering individuals to discover, develop, deploy and maximize the potential of their inherent gifts and purpose. Vision Slogan “Transforming Followers Into Leaders And Leaders Into Agents Of Change.” Strategy To teach, train, and develop practical programs for discovering, understanding and applying the precepts, keys, principles, values, morals, and standards of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, producing a community with a lifestyle reflecting Heaven’s culture. This is accomplished through the following:

 1. A local National Church Community of Leaders with a Global vision 

2. The International Third World Leaders Association Leadership Network 

3. The International Leadership Training Institute 

4. Myles Munroe International Global Missions Outreach

 5. The International Diplomat Conference and Convention Center 

6. Diplomat Kingdom Enterprises Division 

7. International Diplomat Center for Training and Education 

8. The International Kingdom Resort Hotel and Recreational Retreat Center 

9. The Diplomat Press-a Third World publishing company 

10. The International Kingdom Ministerial Training Institute 

11. Diplomat Media Network 

12. Third World Center for the Arts Focus Third World, developing nations and people everywhere who are products of oppression. 

Committment BFMI is committed to establishing a LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION dedicated to setting a PRECEDENT, raising a STANDARD, and producing a MODEL of excellence in personal, community and national leadership based on Kingdom values. Scriptural Mandate •Hosea 4:6-7: “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.”–NIV •Acts 26:17-18: “I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus Christ.”  

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Dr. Joyce Meyer Featuring: Do It Afraid!

You have a wonderful, adventurous life waiting for you…are you ready to live it? If so, hear some encouragement from Joyce below! Follow Joyce on: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Stop Keeping Score

- by Joyce Meyer

Daily Devo
We all get hurt sometimes, and it’s vitally important to learn how to forgive quickly so we can be spiritually strong and healthy. For example, if someone has hurt you, don’t spend the next 10 years of your life hurting yourself by hanging on to that offense. Most likely, the other person isn’t even thinking about you, while you dwell on the incident for years. That only hurts one person—you.
When we walk in unforgiveness, we try to “keep score,” viewing ourselves as better than the other person.
Back in the early days of our marriage, when Dave and I were fussing and fuming at each other, I would bring up stuff from the past that he couldn’t possibly remember and Dave would say, “Where do you keep all that stuff?” Well, I had a place, and it was all in there eating at me. And every new thing Dave did wrong was added to this list until it became a bitter giant in my heart.
Thank God I’ve learned a better way to live! When we walk in God’s love, we find freedom by keeping “no account” of wrongs done to us. If you’re hurting from the pain of unforgiveness today, ask God to help you stop keeping score. You can let go of your bitterness today.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Jesse Duplantis Ministries Update_ Having Right Views of Freedom TBN

[Video below]-Jesse Duplantis Ministries Update_ Having Right Views of Freedom ( Feb 03, 2018 ) TBN ======================================= Subcribe To Watch More! :

Jesse Duplantis Ministries 

What We Believe

The Scriptures

The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the product of holy men of old who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. The new Covenant, as recorded in the New Testament, we accept as our infallible guide in matters pertaining to conduct and doctrine (2Tim. 3:16; 1Thess. 2:13; 2Peter 1:21).

The Godhead

Our God is one, but manifested in three persons—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, being co-equal (Phil. 2:6). God the Father is greater than all; the Source of the Word (Logos) and the Begetter (John 14:28; John 16:28; John 1:14). The Son is the Word flesh-covered, the One Begotten, and has existed with the Father from the beginning (John 1:1; John 1:14; John 1:18). The Holy Spirit proceeds forth from both the Father and the Son and is eternal (John 15:26).

Man, His Fall, and Redemption

Man is a created being made in the likeness and the image of God, but through Adam’s transgression and fall, sin came into the world. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God…” (Rom. 3:23) and “As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one…” (Rom. 3:10). Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was manifested to undo the work of the devil and He gave His life and shed His blood to restore man back to God (Rom. 3:23; 1John 3:8). Salvation is the gift of God to man, separate from works and the law, and is made operative by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, producing works acceptable to God (Eph. 2:8).

Eternal Life and New Birth

Man’s first step toward salvation is godly sorrow that produces repentance. The new birth is necessary to all men, and when fulfilled, produces eternal life (2Cor. 7:10; 1John 5:12; John 3:3-5).

Water Baptism

Baptism in water by immersion, is a direct commandment of our Lord, and is for believers only. The ordinance is a symbol of the Christian’s identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection (Matt. 28:19; Rom. 6:4; Col. 2:12; Acts 8:36-39).

Baptism In The Holy Ghost

The Baptism in the Holy Ghost and fire is a gift from God as promised by the Lord Jesus Christ to all believers in this dispensation and is received subsequent to the new birth. This experience is accompanied by the initial evidence of the speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit Himself gives utterance (Matt. 3:11; John 14:16,17; Acts 1:8; Act 19:1-7; Acts 2:4).


The Bible teaches that without holiness, no man can see the Lord. We believe in the Doctrine of Sanctification as a definite, yet progressive work of grace, commencing at the time of regeneration and continuing until the consummation of salvation (Heb. 12:14; 1Thess. 5:23; 2Peter 3:18; 2Cor. 3:18; Phil. 3:12-14; 1Cor. 1:30).

Divine Healing

Healing is for the physical ills of the human body and is wrought by the power of God through the prayer of faith, and by the laying on of hands. It is provided for in the atonement of Christ, and is the privilege of every member of the Church today (Mark 16:18; James 5:14-16; 1Peter 2:24; Matt. 8:17; Isa. 53:4-5).

Resurrection of the Just and the Return of Our Lord

The angels said, “…this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11). His coming is imminent. When He comes, “For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1Thess. 4:16,17). Following the tribulation, He shall  return to earth as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords and together with His saints, who shall be kings and priests, He shall reign a thousand years  (Rev. 20:6).

Hell and Eternal Retribution

The one who physically dies in his sin without Christ is hopelessly and eternally lost in the Lake of Fire, and therefore, has no further opportunity of hearing the Gospel or repenting. The Lake of Fire is literal. The terms “eternal” and “everlasting” used in describing the duration of the punishment of the damned in the Lake of Fire, carry the same thought and meaning of endless existence as used in denoting the duration of joy and ecstasy of saints in the presence of God (Heb. 9:27; Rev. 19:20).

Monday, February 19, 2018

Kenneth Copeland Ministries Featuring: Why the Keto Zone Diet?

Why the Keto Zone Diet? [Video below] Watch Kenneth Copeland and Dr. Don Colbert on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they unpack the Keto Zone Diet, how to follow it and why it works. You can eat your way to better health simply by understanding the Keto Zone Diet. Begin living a Keto Zone lifestyle today! Get more out of this broadcast! Download the notes @ Livestream more episodes for FREE @ Subscribe to get a daily faith boost from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland delivered to your inbox @ ABOUT THE BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY TV BROADCAST: Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV) is a daily Christian TV broadcast produced by Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) that teaches Christians how to live a life of faith and victory using principles from the Bible. Learn more about KCM and how we can help you live an overcoming, victorious and successful life @


Believe: Believe…and receive!

It’s God’s will for you to be healed, whole and complete. God wants you well!


Speak: Speak the Word every day.

Keep your words in line with God’s words by speaking God’s promises each and every day. God’s Word, taken daily like medicine, is health to your spirit, soul and body!


Pray: Great change starts with prayer.

There’s no better medicine than God’s promises for every part of your being. Pray God’s promises concerning your healing with these Bible-based prayers—and don’t let go!

Learn: Learn…and watch your faith soar!

Build a firm foundation on God’s Word concerning your healing by enjoying this content from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland about God’s will for you.

Apply: Put the Word to work for your healing!

Put the Word to work in your spirit, soul and body--and allow God's Word to work in you like medicine.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Joseph Prince Recent Messages Featuring: No matter what's happened, I love you.

Happy Valentine's Day, folks! We hope that you'll truly have a happy Valentine's Day, after reading God's little love letters to you on our grid over the past 13 days. (And if you haven't, you can read all of them at once now) 🎉 Sometimes though, we fail so terribly in life that we think God cannot possibly love us anymore. But see how that couldn't be further from the truth, in the story of the prodigal son who probably felt the same way. We’ll let the video do the talking. ☝🏼 Enjoy, and you can read the full story in Luke 15! Finally, if you've enjoyed these little snippets on our feed and HAVEN'T signed up for our full 14-day devotional (where have you been the past 13 days?), don't miss out on it! We'll see y’all soon with more great content! ----- A new digital magazine and online channel by Joseph Prince Ministries. Check us out at for more grace-centered content. 

Creflo Dollar Ministries Recent Services Featuring: Saturday Service and Where Does Healing Come From?

Where Does Healing Come From?

by Creflo Dollar | 14 Feb 2018
For many of us, the healing process can seem mysterious, yet wonderful. Whether we need to be healed in our minds or our bodies, we have doctors and health care professionals with specialized knowledge of how to get the desired results, but the actual healing itself goes beyond them. The mind and the body have been given physical capabilities of restoring themselves back to health, but there is a specific force behind these abilities. This force is none other than God, the master physician.
There have been many instances when doctors admit they’ve done all they can for a dying patient, but can’t logically explain the person’s sudden recovery other than with the word “miracle.” God is well able to work through doctors to achieve His desired results, but many people forget who should ultimately get the credit for their healing. “…For I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26). When the doctors have come to the end of their finite abilities, God’s infinite power to heal is just beginning.
People can have a tendency to place their faith in a human with a medical degree, a bottle of pills, or a prescription. There’s nothing wrong with physicians or medicine, but misplaced faith does no good when all else fails and health deteriorates. The faith we need is the kind of faith the woman with the issue of blood displayed when she went to Jesus for healing. “And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, ‘If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.’   Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering…He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering’” (Mark 5:25-29, 34, NIV).
Religion has taught us that maybe it’s God’s will for us to be healed, but maybe it isn’t. God’s nature is consistent and He doesn’t play guessing games. When a man with leprosy expressed doubt over Jesus’ willingness to heal him, Jesus’ response was quick and decisive: “Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached him and knelt before him. ‘Lord,’ the man said, ‘if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.’ Jesus reached out and touched him. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be healed!’ And instantly the leprosy disappeared” (Matthew 8:2, 3, NLT). Faith in not only God’s ability, but also His willingness, to restore us to health plays a huge part in our healing.
We also make a mistake when we think that God heals others, but not us. Thinking like this takes away the hope and encouragement we need, and it short-circuits our faith. God doesn’t want us to suffer and He doesn’t differentiate between people. “Then Peter replied, ‘I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism’” (Acts 10:34, NLT). God’s promise of healing applies to everyone who trusts in His Word, no matter who they are.
God loves us and He wants the best for us. When we study the Scriptures on healing, agreeing with them allows God to heal and restore us. He can easily accomplish what no other earthly doctor can do.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Joel Osteen Recent Messages Featuring: Put God First In Your Life - Victoria Osteen and Seasons of Silence

Too often we allow the busyness of life and all our responsibilities to overwhelm and overtake us. I encourage you to not be busy, but to be productive. If you’re going to see your dreams and desires come to pass, you can’t just let everything occupy your time and get you off course. Busyness does not equal productivity. You don’t want to wear busyness as an important attribute in your life. You want to wear fruitfulness, productiveness. You want your life to represent the good things of God. This is message #753, "Put God First In Your Life", by Victoria Osteen. For more inspirational messages, visit

Seasons of Silence

Do you know that God loves you so much that at times He'll hide you? He'll cause you to be overlooked. He'll cause doors to shut. He'll cause a promotion to go to your coworker. You can be talented and hidden, anointed and hidden, have great ideas and hidden. If you don't understand that it's God hiding you, you'll be frustrated and try to make things happen on your own. Before you see acclaim, you'll go through a season of obscurity. You have to pass the test when you're being hidden.
We all have times when we're praying, but our prayers aren't being answered. We're being our best, but not getting good breaks, the problem is not turning around. It seems as though God is on vacation. But the silence is not a sign that God is not working. He may not be changing the circumstances, but He is changing us. God uses the seasons of silence to get us prepared. Your character is being developed. You're gaining experience, maturity and strength that you'll need for where God is taking you.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Dr Myles Munroe - The Responsibility of Freedom and Pastor Dave's Diplomatic Notes

Determine what the candidates personal philosophy and beliefs are beyond what his/her party says (their position) on the issues. 
Have they (politician and party) delivered on their last promises, if not why?
What is their position on moral, social or spiritual issues and are their positions compatible with yours?
Measure their words or plans against stated objectives and actual accomplishments (make sure and record/document promises for future comparison) Did they live up to their word? If not ask why and take note before allowing them the opportunity to give another word. Are they transparent. Can you get a straight honest answer or do they ask you to trust them while not giving you information you requested. 
Do they purposefully withold information. What is their track record in leadership. Have they been decisive and true to their word?

Do their policies make your life better in the short or long term? 
Have their current policies negatively impacted you?
What are their convictions and do theirs line up with yours (ask specific questions)?
Ask very specific questions: for example do you believe in (blank and you fill in the blank)
Do they know how to prioritize (place most important items as the focus of their agenda)
Have they outlined a vision with specific plans that they can be judged on when in office
Do critics and opposition parties present a viable alterative that is documented and which they can be judged by and evaluated upon (every potential leader should a written vision).

A popular notion has existed for years that Christians should stay far away from politics and leave it up to others to govern the country. It is speculated that this concept arose out the the scriptural admonitions to "Come out from among them and be separate" and to be "In the world but not of it". There are several other scriptures that make reference to a form of separation emphasizing the fact that earth is not the permanent home of believers. We are called "pilgrims" and "sojourners" who are not to get bogged down in earthly affairs. However entrenched this thinking is I believe it is erroneous and perhaps even dangerous.
If we understand what the word politics means i believe it would cause an immediate change in perspective for the average Christian. Let's begin by examining the definition of politics:
Definition of Politics - Politics (from Greek: πολιτικός politikos, definition "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the process of
making uniform decisions applying to all members of a group. It also involves the
use of power by one person to affect the behavior of another person. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and
exercising positions of governance - organized control over a human community, particularly a state. Furthermore, politics is the
study or practice of the distribution of power and resources within a given community (a usually hierarchically organized population) as well as the interrelationship(s) between communities.
Let's focus on the underlined items
Making uniform decisions applying to all members of a group.
Use of power by one person to affect the behavior of another person.
Exercising positions of governance - organized control over a human community, particularly a state.
Study or practice of the distribution of power and resources within a given community.

If someone is making decisions that will apply to all members of a group it would make sense to me that the persons affected be involved in the decision making process or at least have input. The second point is that politics causes power to be exercised that will affect the behavior of another person. If the use of power by those in authority can affect our behaviour it seems reasonable for those who would be possibly affected to have a voice, especially if we are talking about a democracy. The third point is "organized control over a human community". If politics can mean the organized control over a human community should that human community not have a voice and input over the policies implemented by those in control. In other words should we be victims or participants. The final point is arguably the most important, the distribution of power and resources. Power and resources are the most critical elements in the survival of any nation. As we look around the world it is clear that there is no shortage or resources but the persistent problem is who controls the resources and how those resources are distributed. Whoever is in power controls distribution so again, righteous and good people who live by Christian principles are best suited to distribute equitably so these persons should be in positions of power to ensure best practices and fairness.
The last time i checked Christians live on the same planet in the same cities and are affected by the same policies as everyone else so it would stand to reason for me that we should have input and involvement in the decision making and governance of the countries we live in. To take it further the Bible states that, "When the righteous are in power the people rejoice". How can we have righteous government if righteous people decide to stay on the sidelines. My conclusion is that Christians should get involved on all level of politics. Once we agree that Christians should be involved in politics the next question is how should we be involved and what is the most effective means of involvement.
In our next edition we will examine the questions:
Should Pastors, Priests and leaders of Churches run for political office?
How would this affect members and would it result in polarization?
How can Christians be most effective in the political arena.

Keys to Relationship and Marriage Success
Most people who get divorced sincerely love each other. Most people who have affairs love their spouse. If this is the case why are marriages suffering infidelity, strife and pain. The answer is an age old axiom, "My people are destroyed because of a lack of Knowledge". What you don't know will and has already hurt you. Dr. Dave and Angie Burrows explain through knowledge, experience and spiritual insight the keys to success they have learned in over 30 years of marriage. Using practical examples spiced with relevant scriptural and spiritual insights you will learn true and tested principles that are guaranteed to bring you success if you follow and practice these principles. Already there have been testimonies worldwide that validate these important insights and we believe that you too will experience these benefits as you study and appropriate these keys to your marriage and relationships.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dr. Joyce Meyer Featuring: Joyce to Go - Keys to Happiness and Let the Holy Spirit Take You from "Doing" to "Being"

Want to be happy? Watch the quick video (below)! Follow Joyce on: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Daily Devo

Let the Holy Spirit Take You from "Doing" to "Being"

I remember when I was a born-again Christian who was actively involved in church life, but I was not getting victory over my problems. I thought that if I acted like a Christian and looked like I had my act together, I would be happy. But doing the right thing wasn’t enough. I needed a change on the inside.
Acts 1:8 speaks of receiving God's power to be His witnesses. Notice it does not say to do witnessing but to be witnesses. Doing is a different thing than being. I had my outside polished up, but my inner life was a wreck. Quite often the inner turmoil exploded, and then everybody could see I wasn't quite what I appeared to be.
Thankfully, I came to the point where I was desperate for a move of God in my life and knew there had to be more than what I had experienced in my relationship with Him. As I cried out to Him in prayer for help, He touched my life in a powerful way, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit gave me a real love for God and His Word like never before. Now, I was no longer faking it.
I encourage you to receive this same Holy Spirit power. Let Him take you from “doing” to “being.” 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Kenneth Copeland Recent Messages Featuring: God’s WORD and Healing: The Living Connection with Kenneth Copeland

God’s WORD and Healing: The Living Connection with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 2-13-18) Follow along with the broadcast notes: Get a daily faith boost right in your email: Follow Kenneth Copeland Ministries: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is power in God’s WORD! In this episode of Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland explores the healing power of God at work when you trust in and meditate on The WORD. If you are believing God for healing, then don’t wait to understand the living connection between God’s WORD and healing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenneth Copeland is known worldwide as a speaker, author, television minister and recording artist. The driving force of his ministry is the message that God’s Word works—to turn every area of life from failure to success. Today, after more than 45 years in public ministry, he and his wife, Gloria, share the biblical message of hope and blessing globally from Kenneth Copeland Ministries headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland understand just how life-changing the message of faith is. They started out just like any of us—struggling with continual lack, debt, sickness and discouragement. Then they decided to trust God and base their lives on His Word. If a situation in their lives didn’t line up with what they read in the Bible, they changed what they did. Every time. That decision made all the difference. They soon began to experience THE BLESSING—joy, peace, freedom, health and love—in every area of their lives. And as they witnessed their lives changing, they were eager to tell others. Since 1967, thousands of Partners have learned to apply the Word to their lives, find their unique voice and live in victory. And those Partners are spreading the message, taking it far beyond what Kenneth and Gloria ever dreamed. Want to impact the world with us? Join us here: The Believer's Voice of Victory is a daily broadcast teaching Christians how to use their #faith, to change their lives and reach the world. More than 884 million people have access to the on-air broadcast. Our program helps you find your #victory as you learn what the Bible says about #health, #finances, #relationships and #spiritualgrowth. Subscribe to the free podcast here: Meet Kenneth Copeland at

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Joseph Prince Recent Messages Featuring: Joseph Prince - Uncovering The Enemy’s Tactics Against You

See as never before how and why the devil comes against you, and how you can defeat him at every turn! In this revelatory message that begins with Satan’s creation all the way to the forms of his present attacks against us, Joseph Prince exposes the age-old strategy of the enemy and what causes him to succeed. See how the law has always been his weapon, how he continues to prosecute us with the law, and how the Lord’s sacrifice and finished work always win the case for us. Wise up today to the wiles of the enemy and live free and victorious! Get the full message at: - Find us at:

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.
—James 3:17
Recently, I was on holiday with my family and we had such a good time that when the trip came to an end, we kept saying, “How time flies!” Then my five-year-old, Justin, said, “I wish time doesn’t fly, it just walks.” That was precious!
So we want to make sure that this year, time “walks”! We want to savor every moment and not waste a single day. Now if you’ve wasted days in 2017, take heart because you can redeem the time this year (see Eph. 5:16). How do you do that and make each day count? By walking in the hesed (grace) wisdom of God.


The Hebrew word hesed in the Bible is so rich with meaning that it has been translated as lovemercy, and lovingkindnessHesed encompasses them all—it is the amazing grace of God, His unearned and undeserved favor. And this year, God wants to give you His wisdom so that you can walk in all the blessings of His hesed.
Beloved, God wants us to prioritize wisdom in 2018. Happy is the person who finds wisdom, because “length of days is in her right hand, in her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace” (Prov. 3:16–17). As you make wisdom your number one pursuit this year, you won’t just redeem the time, but you will also enjoy long life, abundant provision, honor, pleasure (or pleasantness), and peace!


Now I’m not talking about worldly wisdom, but God’s hesed wisdom, wisdom that is reserved for His children. There is wisdom that causes you to be bitter, envious, and self-serving. Such wisdom, Scripture tells us, “does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. . . .But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy” (James 3:14–15, 17).
God’s wisdom is filled with His grace—peaceable, gentle, full of mercy and good fruits. Doesn’t that remind you of our loving Savior? Jesus is, after all, our grace and wisdom (see Titus 2:11, 1 Cor. 1:30). And because you are in Him, you have access to this hesed wisdom all the time.
So whatever situation you’re facing right now, whether it is a health challenge, an addiction, or a failing marriage, ask the Lord for hesed wisdom every day and see Him giving it to you liberally(see James 1:5). He is pleased when you humble yourself and ask for wisdom. To the lowly who look to Him for help, He gladly gives grace and wisdom (see James 4:6, Prov. 11:2 KJV)!
King Solomon humbled himself before God and asked for wisdom to govern God’s “great people” well. He called God’s people “great” but likened himself to “a little child who doesn’t know his way around” and asked the Lord for an “understanding heart” to govern God’s people well and know the difference between right and wrong (see 1 Kings 3:7–9 NLT). When you know that you don’t know much and ask God for wisdom, God can show you much. The Bible tells us this speech pleased the Lord and it still pleases Him today when we also humbly make it our prayer.


When I was studying Solomon’s request for wisdom, I saw something I never saw before. I always thought that when God asked Solomon what he wanted, Solomon asked for wisdom straight away. But that’s not the case. Before Solomon even asked for wisdom, he said to God, “You have shown great mercy to Your servant David my father. . . .You have continued this great kindnessfor him, and You have given him a son to sit on his throne, as it is this day” (1 Kings 3:6).
Solomon actually acknowledged God’s great grace first, not once but twice, because the words mercy and kindness here are translated from the same Hebrew word hesed, which is God’s grace. This young king appreciated and had a revelation of God’s great hesed, and because of that, was able to ask for and receive divine wisdom.
My friend, perhaps you’ve not come to the Lord much in the past to ask Him for wisdom to resolve your challenges. Perhaps you’ve felt that your troubles are of your own making and that God is unwilling to help you, or worse, wants you to suffer for them. Nothing can be further from the truth!
God’s hesed wisdom is His grace gift to us. If you want to see grace in action, just look at Jesus. See how He sought and ministered to the Samaritan woman at the well, a woman shunned by her neighbors because of her life choices. See how He publicly became friends with Zacchaeus, a tax collector hated by his own people. See how He was called “friend of sinners” by the religious leaders of his day.
This tells me that Jesus, our hesed and our wisdom, is not threatened or put off by sin or human weaknesses. In fact, His hesed is drawn to our weaknesses. Instead of seeing your past mistakes disqualifying you from His wisdom, I pray you’ll get a fresh revelation of His hesed and see that your very weakness is your qualification to experience His great grace and wisdom for every challenge!
So don’t be afraid to come boldly to His throne of grace (not judgment) and receive His mercy, grace, and wisdom to turn your challenges around. To all who ask, Scripture says that God gives His wisdom generously, “without finding fault” (James 1:5 NIV). Beloved, when His great grace and wisdom invade your negative situations, you’ll see His great power unleashed to deliver you from every kind of sin, addiction, pit, or captivity (see Acts 4:33)!


This year, I pray that as you grow in your understanding of God’s hesed, you will walk not only in wisdom that is God’s blessing of grace, but also in His wisdom that is full of grace. And you can depend on it to show you what is in the hearts of people as well as the heart of the matters you need to deal with.
You know, after Solomon received wisdom from God, he had to judge the case of two women, both of whom claimed to be the mother of a baby (see 1 Kings 3:16–28). I don’t know how many people realize this, but both women were actually prostitutes, outcasts of society, and the king very likely had more “important” cases to judge that day.
Solomon could have thrown both harlots out, but he didn’t. With compassion, he took the time to judge their case, and with God’s wisdom, was able to accurately see the hearts of the women. In so doing, the innocent baby was saved and reunited with his real mother.
This year, as we walk in hesed wisdom, let’s also ask God for a large heart to be patient with others lest we become impatient or proud. Scripture tells us that “God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore” (1 Kings 4:29, boldface mine). It wasn’t just wisdom. God also gave Solomon a gracious heart.
When you have God’s wisdom, you will be able to see what others don’t see. But when you have a large heart, you won’t be puffed up by it. You won’t be demanding of your spouse, children, or others, “Why can’t you see it? What’s wrong with you?!” Instead, you’ll be patient and kind, knowing that it is by God’s grace that your eyes have been opened.


When God puts hesed wisdom into your spirit this year, you will start to see things according to their true nature. For example, if you like to smoke or party late into the night because you think it’s cool, you might be led to say, “What am I doing? I’m made for higher things than this!”
Perhaps you are in a relationship or caught up with activities (or even thoughts) that are not healthy for you. When God drops His wisdom into you, it’ll be like bam! His divine insight comes in and you see things for what they are. You will wake up and be led by His Spirit to stop wasting time. When God’s wisdom comes in, every bondage will fall off. You will start to live your life with purpose and make each day count!
Beloved, I pray you will receive into your heart what God has for you this year. May you walk in hesed wisdom throughout 2018 and experience length of days, abundant provision, honor, pleasure, and peace. I encourage you to read the book of Proverbs. It’s God’s wisdom condensed into thirty-one chapters, one chapter to feed on for each day of the month.
Meditate on any verse that speaks to your heart, always thanking the Lord for His wisdom, unmerited favor, mercy, and lovingkindness. Right in those verses, you will find Him speaking into your very area of need. You’ll find Him imparting His life-giving wisdom for the decisions you need to make and the situations you’re concerned about.
This year, as we press in to the Lord for a greater revelation of His great grace and ask Him for hesed wisdom in our lives, get ready to see His great power and resurrection life supplying all your needs and bringing restoration to every area of brokenness. By His hesed wisdom, we will “walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time” (Eph. 5:15–16) especially in these dark days, and experience all of His hesed blessings in every area of life! Amen!
Resting in His grace,
Joseph Prince

Creflo Dollar Ministries Recent Messages Featuring: "Till Death Do Us Part" On Your World with Creflo

[Video]-Every 13 seconds there is a divorce in America. The National Survey of Family Growth has shown the probability of a first marriage lasting a decade is less than 68%. Sobering statistics...but it’s entirely possible to sustain a committed, fulfilled, intimate union that doesn’t fall prey to divorce. On this episode, you will come to understand the risk factors, and we will give you the tools so that you and your partner can, divorce-proof your relationship and strengthen your connection.


by Taffi Dollar Our mindset colors everything we do and how we do it. If we focus on the positive, chances are that our experience will be good, but if we focus on the negative, we’re more likely to encounter problems and setbacks. This correlation carries over to the marriage relationship. Choosing to put Christ, instead of ourselves, in the center allows Him to bless our families and make our unions happy and successful.

A marriage centered on our own efforts is more likely to have issues that strain the relationship. Lack and insufficiency can affect the quality of the relationship, but this is not God’s will for us. Jesus’ first miracle happened when He attended a wedding that lacked enough wine to go around, but lack turned into abundance when He turned water into wine (John 2:1-10). Whatever we lack in our relationships, whether it’s peace, joy, or biblical truths about marriage, will surely turn into abundance when Jesus is present.
Marriages based on anything less than Christ are at risk of conflict, strife, and spiritual forces intent on destroying the relationship. This is because most people tend to focus on the other partner in the marriage, instead of on Jesus. We all have flaws and shortcomings, and depending on someone else instead of Jesus to complete us opens us up to disappointment and distress. Jesus went to the cross and died for us to have successful marriages, and focusing on Him changes our whole perspective. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).  
Marriages crumble and fail because of a lack of understanding of God’s Word in this area. The world’s point of view has man dominating woman, and condones an unequal relationship between husband and wife. Most people don’t know anything else, because they’re unaware of what God says. “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself” (Ephesians 5:21, 22, 25, 28). Submission is a two-way street, and relationships built on biblical equality have a much higher success rate.
God wants to breathe new life into tired, dying relationships. We may have the best of intentions while trying to force our marriage to work, but this can be like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. Even when it seems like we’ve tried everything but there’s no way to salvage the relationship, He’s always willing and able to make a way. “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19).
Families are important to God, and God wants to bless every family member. He can do so when we focus on Jesus instead of ourselves. “May the Lord richly bless both you and your children. May you be blessed by the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 115:14, 15, NLT). Our focus can either make or break our relationship.