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Showing posts with label Joyce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joyce. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Dr. Joyce Meyer Featuring: Do It Afraid!

You have a wonderful, adventurous life waiting for you…are you ready to live it? If so, hear some encouragement from Joyce below! Follow Joyce on: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Stop Keeping Score

- by Joyce Meyer

Daily Devo
We all get hurt sometimes, and it’s vitally important to learn how to forgive quickly so we can be spiritually strong and healthy. For example, if someone has hurt you, don’t spend the next 10 years of your life hurting yourself by hanging on to that offense. Most likely, the other person isn’t even thinking about you, while you dwell on the incident for years. That only hurts one person—you.
When we walk in unforgiveness, we try to “keep score,” viewing ourselves as better than the other person.
Back in the early days of our marriage, when Dave and I were fussing and fuming at each other, I would bring up stuff from the past that he couldn’t possibly remember and Dave would say, “Where do you keep all that stuff?” Well, I had a place, and it was all in there eating at me. And every new thing Dave did wrong was added to this list until it became a bitter giant in my heart.
Thank God I’ve learned a better way to live! When we walk in God’s love, we find freedom by keeping “no account” of wrongs done to us. If you’re hurting from the pain of unforgiveness today, ask God to help you stop keeping score. You can let go of your bitterness today.