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Showing posts with label Put God First. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Put God First. Show all posts

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Joel Osteen Recent Messages Featuring: Put God First In Your Life - Victoria Osteen and Seasons of Silence

Too often we allow the busyness of life and all our responsibilities to overwhelm and overtake us. I encourage you to not be busy, but to be productive. If you’re going to see your dreams and desires come to pass, you can’t just let everything occupy your time and get you off course. Busyness does not equal productivity. You don’t want to wear busyness as an important attribute in your life. You want to wear fruitfulness, productiveness. You want your life to represent the good things of God. This is message #753, "Put God First In Your Life", by Victoria Osteen. For more inspirational messages, visit

Seasons of Silence

Do you know that God loves you so much that at times He'll hide you? He'll cause you to be overlooked. He'll cause doors to shut. He'll cause a promotion to go to your coworker. You can be talented and hidden, anointed and hidden, have great ideas and hidden. If you don't understand that it's God hiding you, you'll be frustrated and try to make things happen on your own. Before you see acclaim, you'll go through a season of obscurity. You have to pass the test when you're being hidden.
We all have times when we're praying, but our prayers aren't being answered. We're being our best, but not getting good breaks, the problem is not turning around. It seems as though God is on vacation. But the silence is not a sign that God is not working. He may not be changing the circumstances, but He is changing us. God uses the seasons of silence to get us prepared. Your character is being developed. You're gaining experience, maturity and strength that you'll need for where God is taking you.