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Showing posts with label lose belly fat quickly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lose belly fat quickly. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2016

Experts Study Vitamin Megadoses And Today's Amazing Transformation!

Nate-and-Becky.jpgHello Athletes and Warriors!
Here is another article on supplementation. You will hear all kinds of opinions on this subject. (heck just ask anybody whose taken a vitamin and you'll see); I also get a lot of questions on this very subject.
I have found that simply use supplements at they were intended, to supplement your solid meal and exercise plan. Miss the other two components then you are simply making a donation to your local vitamin shop or supplement website. Read on carefully.

Experts Study Vitamin Megadoses
By I.S.S.A.

A committee at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has begun wrestling with setting safe maximum intakes for key nutrients such as vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, and other B vitamins.

The IOM's Subcommittee on Upper Reference Levels of Nutrients is one of several panels revising the government's current recommended average daily intake of nutrients. The IOM has already issued a report on folic acid and the B vitamins, and in the fall, is expected to publish another on antioxidants.

This Subcommittee, which met most recently last Thursday, will eventually issue a report on how much of any vitamin, mineral, or herbal product can be safely taken without toxic side effects. So far, there are few controlled studies evaluating safe maximum intakes.

Even so, many dietary supplement manufacturers sell megadose vitamins, minerals and botanicals, with scant evidence that higher dosages are more effective. There is also little data on safety of vitamins and minerals taken at high levels.

We are looking at new uses of nutrients, and new dimensions of uses,' said Subcommittee member Dr. Sanford Miller, dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio.

Dr. John Hathcock, of the Washington, DC-based Council for Responsible Nutrition, said he has seen thiamin sold in 500 milligram (mg) capsules, vitamin C in 1,500 mg tablets, and niacin in 1,000 mg capsules. Studies so far have shown no toxicity with oral thiamin up to 500 mg, but it can change the color of urine and produce an offensive body odor, he said.

Niacin can cause gastrointestinal distress and some liver toxicity at 500 mg doses, Hathcock said.

The panel's job won't be easy, according to Miller. There is no dose-response data for most nutrients, few surveillance, or animal or human chronic intake studies, and most traditional trials have focused on safe intake levels, not maximum tolerable levels, he said.

Check out today's Hitchfit transformation of the Day!

Vegetarian Flight Attendant Gets Ripped in 12 Weeks

This Flight Attendant Gets Ripped in 12 Weeks. Alexis is very busy traveling all over the globe as a Flight Attendant which makes keeping workouts intense and nutrition on point even that much more difficult but he proved that it can be done. His New Body looks Amazing!!

In 12 weeks he dropped from 140 lbs. to 129.6 lbs but most impressive was his waist dropping from 33 1/2″ to 30″, his body fat percentage went from 18.5% to under 10%!! Simply Amazing

In Only 12 Weeks

vegetarian Flight Attendant


Alexis’s Story

Words can not express how thankful I am to Micah lacerte from hitch fit, but the pictures and smile on my face can say it all. “I did it, and it feels awesome” yay!!

For years now I’ve struggle with my body, it got to the point where I would close my eyes every time I walked by the mirror on my way to the shower. I hated seeing my fat stomach, it made me very sad. It also made me very frustrated because I did often go to the gym and I thought I ate pretty healthy. The issue was that I didn’t eat enough, I was actually starving my body. I would eat and then go for hours without eating anything in that day.
I work as a flight attendant and I travel so much for work and for pleasure. The excuses for me were “I travel a lot”, “I’m on call, so I never know where I am going”, “I love wine, I could never stop that”. I also took 2 vacations during this 12 week program. I was so determined that I became an expert at packing food to work and vacations, yes I brought my own food to the Turks and Caicos and in Hawaii I went grocery shopping, now every time I’m away I search for grocery stores close by. I also ask for a room with a fridge and ask if there is a microwave I can use. Sometimes no microwave so I would fill the sink with hot water and let my food in the container seat there. Read more.....

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