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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I've stumbled upon faster fast loss

A couple days ago I sent an email to all of our subscribers telling them all about the new accidental discovery I made with a few of my personal training clients (who I used as test subjects)

...that's code for "guinea pigs"

The BIG discovery I made was a new and faster way to burn belly fat and get a flatter and a more defined mid section.

Since sending that email out I've gotten a boatload of responses from people who want to be in the first ever "beta test group" I'm doing to validate my belly fat burning discovery.

Actually, I was a bit overwhelmed with how many people replied back so quickly and asked to be in my beta test group.

So I've finalized the program and here's how it's going to work.

  • I'm calling it the "28 Day Flat Belly Formula"
  • The entire program is only going to be 28 days long It's in the name
  • I'm going to provide you with a done for you meal plan crafted to help you increase your metabolism and burn fat. (This is NOT a diet, it's a 28  day modified meal plan where all you have to do is read it, and eat it.
  • You'll need to workout online with me 3-5 times per week at your gym, home, or favorite workout space on your schedule during the 28 day program.
  • The workouts will be challenging, even hard at times but never impossible. And you'll always have motivation and accountability through email, facebook, and phone contact with me any time.
  • Here's the best part... even though we're going to work on burning belly fat and flattening and defining your abs, we're not going to do a single crunch or sit up. (imagine that, a sexy mid section and a flat belly without doing traditional ab exercises).
  • At the end of the 28 days you should see weight loss of 12-19 pounds and flatter, more defined mid section. (you'll probably drop a clothes size or two)
  • The program starts this coming Monday
Now, typically my clients pay around $247/month or more to get personal training from me in person.

But since this is going to be the first time (beta group online) that I try out this program on "non-clients" I'm going to make if FREE for the 28 Days then its only as little as 66 cents per day, but again its FREE for the entire 28 day flat belly training program AND meal plan.

But there's one small catch to all this...

I'm only taking on 19 people for the beta test group because I want to be sure that I can give each individual participant plenty of attention.

So if you want fast fat burn, and a better looking mid section in only 28 days, and if you're not afraid of a little hard work and can put in 3-5 days per week for just four weeks then this may be the program for you.

To lock in one of the 19 spots for yourself just click here and sign up to lock in your spot and start this Monday.

Committed to your fitness success,

Nathan Lewis
US Sports Strength and Conditioning 

P.S. There are only eight spots left for the 28 Day Flat Belly Formula training program that starts this coming Monday so click here to secure your spot.
"Three months later, I have reduced my body fat from 29% to 19%. I have lost 10 pounds in fat, two inches around my waist and an inch off each arm.....I'm healthy, strong and in-shape. Thanks Nathan!!" Anne trainee for 2 years.=================================