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Showing posts with label fitness workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness workout. Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2017

Swing it like Serena? Only the SWOD knows...

Another great Sunny Morning  here in D.C. Truly a Blessing to write to you today!
Ready to swing it like Serena? Rafael? Martina? Yes warriors I am talking about Tennis strength and conditioning on your Friday SWOD menu!

Make no mistake a big part of the reason these present and former champions are so, is due to the year-round commitment to their strength, conditioning, nutrition and lifestyle programs.

So whether you are looking to go pro or simply want to enjoy the game playing it at your best, get your program and get to work. On to the SERIOUS WORKOUT OF THE DAY!
-As usual fired up
-Coach Nate.

Image result for Serena  Williams animated


The Tennis Programs are designed for the person who loves tennis! Whether the goal is simply to get in better shape and reduce injury risk, or to compete at a high level on the court, these programs will get results. All Tennis Programs take into account the specific movements and physical demands required in the game of tennis.
In the constant quest to provide quality workouts there are always variations within each one of the major program goals. These variations are dependent upon how much equipment is available, and how aggressively training will be.
The "Gym Oriented Tennis Program" requires the use of a fully equipped gym but will help to achieve fitness goals more quickly and in many instances will give the the best performance increases in the game!
The "Dumbbell Oriented Tennis Program" can be done just about anywhere! It is an excellent program for those who want quality physical development and wish to train in the privacy of the home. Training with dumbbells requires more balance and control to perform the required exercises. It also enhances functional strength development for injury prevention.
The "Competitive Tennis Program" was designed with the serious athlete in mind! This workout includes full body Olympic training along with more advanced plyometric exercises for explosive power. This program requires the use of a fully equipped facility.

No matter where you decide to initiate your program US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning will design and deliver your program for you! Click here and fill out the fitness profile form to get started! Please consult a physician before attempting any exercise or program.

Week 1 - Day 1 (Monday) of Your Tennis ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version
Printer Friendly Version and Exercise descriptions are available in the fully registered version of the programs. Click here fill out the fitness profile form to get your custom program today

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise

SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Back Extension
11 reps,11 reps 
Static Squat Jumps
6 reps,4 reps 
Cable Close Grip Row (Low Pulley)
15 reps @ 75 lbs,15 reps @ 70 lbs 
Lat Pulldown Close Grip Front
15 reps @ 65 lbs,10 reps @ 60 lbs 
Cable One Arm Rear Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 20 lbs,10 reps @ 15 lbs 
Cable One Arm Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 25 lbs,10 reps @ 20 lbs 
Dumbbell Reverse Curl
15 reps @ 15 lbs,10 reps @ 15 lbs 
Cable High Pulley Torso Twists
15 reps @ 15 lbs,10 reps @ 15 lbs 
Cable Low Pulley Torso Twists
15 reps @ 15 lbs,10 reps @ 15 lbs 
Dumbbell Seated External Rotation
15 reps @ 10 lbs,10 reps @ 9 lbs 
Dumbbell Seated Forearm Extension
20 reps @ 5 lbs,15 reps @ 5 lbs 
Dumbbell Seated Forearm Flexion
20 reps @ 10 lbs,15 reps @ 11 lbs 
Seated Toe Press
20 reps @ 50 lbs,15 reps @ 55 lbs 
Reverse Crunches
23 reps,23 reps 
Plate Twists
15 reps @ 15 lbs,10 reps @ 10 lbs 
Med Ball Side Throw (standing)
12 reps,8 reps 
Bent Knee Crunches
52 reps,52 reps

Your program awaits! Click here fill out the fitness profile form to get started today!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Weight Loss Before and After Pictures Amazing Mother and Daughter

Weight Loss Before and After Pictures Amazing Mother and Daughter: Weight Loss Before and After Pictures | Amaing Mother and Daughter, date uploaded: 7/11/2016 12:09:39 PM, VID: 0

United-Games-300x250.pngNothing like keeping (more like sharing) the amazing body transformations in the family. I look forward you and possibly your family members transforming! Enjoy!
Amazing Mother Daughter Weight Loss Story

Kristin is a mother of 4 including TRIPLETS who went fromskinny fat to fitness model shape. She inspired her mother Donna, who at age 60 wanted to make positive healthy changes. These two shared their stories with us on KCTV5’s Better Kansas City show. Check out the segment and then follow the links below to each of their transformation features!


Weight Loss Before and After - Mother of 4

Mother of four. Those three words tell you all you need to know about the busyness of today’s awesome transformation Kristin! And let’s add to that that three of those kiddos are TRIPLETS!! Kristin wasn’t overweight in the beginning of her plan, though her scale weight was not high, her body fat was higher than she was comfortable with, and this was affecting her self-esteem and confidence levels. She knew she needed a plan of action to get on track, achieve her goals, and set a healthy example for the kids and show them the importance of being a strong, confident mom! Kristin tackled the Hitch Fit Fitness Model Plan and went from skinny fat to killer six pack abs. She dropped body fat and gained some important lean muscle! Amazing job!!
Kristin’s Program Choice: Hitch Fit Online Fitness Model Plan
Hitch Fit Online Fitness Model Nutrition and Exercise Plan

Before and After Weight Loss - Fit over 60 Grandmother

I can’t tell you how often I hear from women in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s wondering if they would be capable of undergoing transformation because of their age. I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again…it is never too late to take charge of your health and fitness and start making healthy positive changes to your eating and exercise habits!! And today I’ll back that up with another inspiring Lose Weight Success Story of one of our Rock Star Hitch Fit clients who is 60 and FIT! I am so proud of Donna. She is the mother of Hitch Fit transformation Kristin ( mother of 4 including Triplets) . After seeing Kristin’s transformation, Donna wondered if she could make some great changes for herself. She received theHitch Fit Online Weight Loss plan “Lose Weight Feel Great” as a gift, and we were up and running!! Donna did fantastic, she has lost 22 pounds and 10% body fat. What’s even greater than those numbers is the increased energy and strength that she now has which spills over into every other aspect of her life, including enabling her to keep up with all those grandbabies!

Donna’s Program Choice: Hitch Fit OnlineLose Weight Feel Great

Weight Loss for Women over 60

Online Weight Loss Plan for mothers