I will introduce today's transformation with a simple statement:
If you want to get into great shape, you need a great plan and coaching. Jamie below got both with our friends at Hitchfit
Jamie Got Ripped 6 Pack Abs and Dropped His Mile Time
I want to give a special thank you to Micah LaCerte at Hitch Fit for coaching me through a 16 week weight loss program. During the 16 weeks I trained online with Micah, I decreased my body weight by 30.7 pounds, from 222.4 pounds to 191.7 pounds. The program, while challenging, was both enjoyable and rewarding.
I came to Micah after gaining 40 pounds working my first year as an investment banker. My lifestyle had changed dramatically as I adjusted to an intense work schedule and a sedentary lifestyle. While I continued to lift weights 4 – 5 times a week, my training and diet were based on what I had learned in the high school weight room. I lifted heavy weights with long breaks in between sets, performed no cardio, and consumed somewhere north of 4,000 calories a day – habits I learned during a different time in my life when I played sports, maintained an active lifestyle, and struggled to put on weight. The outcome of a low-cardio, heavy-weight lifting training regimen combined with what could only be described as a WWF wrestler’s diet (as many as 4 Chipotle burritos in a sitting!) was quite predictable – my weight exploded from 200 pounds to a peak of 240 pounds in the span of 12 months.
After blowing apart my fifth and final pair of slacks at the seam, I realized it was time to switch gears. I decided I needed to change my training regimen and to take a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle that embraced a clean diet and cardio exercise. The problem was I had no clue where to start! I hadn’t the faintest idea how to shed meaningful weight while maintaining the muscle mass and strength I had gained over the previous years of training.
I decided to look for a personal trainer, and spent over a month looking for a trainer that fit my criteria. I was looking for someone who (a) was actually in top physical condition him- or her-self, (b) offered aggressive training programs that offered real results, and (c)
had great references and a track record of helping clients truly succeed. I was also interested in working with a trainer who could provide a
personalized training program, but didn’t have to meet his or her clients on a regular basis. Given my decade plus of on-off weightlifting experience, I didn’t need someone to show me exercises I already knew and could perform safely.
When I came across Micah and Hitch Fit, I knew I had found exactly what I was looking for. Micah’s innovative online training program provided an aggressive approach to tackling my weight problem while working around my busy personal schedule. Working with Micah was also economical. In-person trainers can cost as much as $100+/session, while 16 weeks or effectively 80 “virtual” weight sessions with Micah cost a grand total of $330. For only ~$20/week – much cheaper than a night out – I got to work with one of the best trainers in the business.
After signing up and filling out a questionnaire, Micah quickly delivered a set of customized workouts as well as a tailored meal plan. I was quite shocked by the number of calories in the diet – 3,000 per day – and excited that I could eat well while losing weight. As I soon learned, it is much easier to stick with a weight loss program with a controlled diet providing ample calories than with a crash diet that leaves you feeling weak, hungry, and exhausted.
The training program was intense, and consisted of 5 – 7 cardio workouts per week, along with 5 weight training sessions, and optional cardio sessions. The weight training was lighter than I was used to, but proved challenging due to the high number of sets and reps with very little rest in between. These circuit / HIIT style workouts allowed me to maintain muscle mass while greatly increasing the calorie burn of each weight session, and also left enough “gas in the tank” for the day’s cardio workout.
I struggled to complete 12+ training sessions per week at first, and had to focus to make it through the first 2 months. However, I quickly realized
it is much easier to stick to a challenging program that delivers fast, visible results. Subtle changes are visible every few days and more dramatic changes become apparent every two weeks or so. If you’re losing 2 pounds of fat per week, you will find yourself asking “I wonder how much better I will look if I can lose 4 more pounds? Hey, that should only take me two weeks!” I found this inner dialogue and the quick, albeit hard-won, results much more motivating than gradually trying to lose a few pounds each month, with the slim hope of having decent results sometime in one or two years. With Micah, losing weight had become a real and practical goal that was achievable in a definite time horizon.
Somewhere around weeks 6 – 8, the results really took off. On top of having already lost 15 pounds, working out 12+ times a week became significantly easier. My endurance, energy, and fitness increased and I just plain felt better and more relaxed. As I continued my training, I accomplished several feats I previously thought beyond my reach, including averaging 8 – 12 miles of running per day for nearly a month,
dropping my mile time from ~10:00 min / mile to 7:20 min / mile over 5 miles, and completing a 16 ½ mile continuous run. After 16 weeks of hard work, I weighed in at 191.7 pounds – a weight I haven’t achieved since high school – with 6% – 8% body fat and looking and feeling great.
If you are on the fence about giving Hitch Fit a try, as I was initially, don’t hesitate and simply sign up. You can start with a
12-week program to minimize your risk, and upgrade to a 16 week program at the end of 12 weeks. If you stick with the program and put in honest effort, there is no healthier or rewarding way to lose weight than training with Micah. I am so satisfied with the results that I have signed up to work with Micah on a
16-week mass building program, and can’t wait to get started!
Thanks again!
Jamie S.
Want to get in the Best Shape Of your Life?
Jamie’s Program Choice – Lose Weight Feel Great – Online Weight Loss Program
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