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Showing posts with label figure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label figure. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Is 2017 Your Lean Year?


Good Morning Athletes and Warriors!
Now even though I am aware that the New Years resolution idea is often abused, there is nothing wrong with using the opportunity of a New Year as a a way of kick-starting your health, fitness, sports performance and lifestyle goals. Its with that in mind that I would like to share with you easily our most popular program of the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System:
Our Get Lean Programs:

Get Lean Workouts
The Get Lean Programs were designed to have higher repetitions. This higher volume causes a greater amount of calories to be burned. Higher repetitions during weight training helps maximize the body’s metabolism to create a caloric burning effect long after the workout is completed. There are also individualized cardio workouts that are based on V02 max and age predicted max heart rate.
Related image
Throughout the length of the Get Lean Programs, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workout. This variation provides a more consistent "programmed response" to exercise which will help to avoid those depressing plateau's in progress.

The regular Get Lean Programs are designed so that each muscle is trained twice per week to give the body a much leaner look and stronger, healthier muscles. The Get Lean EXPRESS Programs offer a shorter workout for those busier times when you simply can't spend as much time in the gym. They are also great for those who physically respond better to a program with less overall volume. Give these programs a try and prepare to feel the burn!

  • You can switch programs at anytime!
  • You can preview what a week might look like for any program by clicking here and filling out the fitness profile form

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    Monday, September 5, 2016

    Want To Look Like a Boxing Champ? Train Like A Boxing Champ!

    Boxing is another one of those contact sports that attracts a lot of controversy, in this case in the area of head injuries that are possible, but still popular around the world.
    Many use boxing strength and conditioning techniques to help change their bodies into leaner, meaner fighting machines without actually stepping into the ring.
    Image result for boxing bout animatedImage result for boxing strength and conditioning animated
    If you are serious about your fitness and/or performance, a boxing strength and conditioning training cycle can be just what the doctor ordered to help you meet and exceed your goals.

    The Boxing Programs will enhance general strength and increase muscular endurance. There are also bouts of rope jumping interspersed throughout each workout day to enhance footwork and agility. The cross-training stimulus these programs provide will enhance overall boxing ability and help to prevent injuries as well!

    Throughout the length of the Boxing Program, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts.

    The starting point of the workout is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best!

    3-5 Day Boxing Program
    View a free Sample Workout of this Program click here and fill out the fitness profile form

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    Thursday, July 10, 2014

    Bodybuilder? Sure! If you want it bad enough!

    Body Building is one of the most difficult sports to consistently achieve success . The rewards can be great if you are willing to dedicate yourself to not only the workout and diet (yes I said diet, but also a corresponding lifestyle. Bodybuilding is one of the few sports where purposeful dieting is a must), then a champions physique is yours for the taking. So let's rock!

    Body Building

    The Body Building Programs were developed with the concepts and knowledge of cutting edge training principles needed to stimulate muscle growth. Volume and intensity changes, rest period manipulations, supersetting, drop sets, contraction speed variations, they're all here! However, the key to success is to not only know what to do but when and how to do it. This is where the concepts of Periodization and individualization come into play. Not everyone can handle the same quantities of muscle work. The sets, repetitions, exercise prescription, and actual weight in the Body Building Programs are based off an initial fitness level and specific strength to bodyweight ratio's. With simple feedback, the progression of the program will follow the bodyÂ’s unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best! Also, the EXPRESS Body Building Programs are great for those that respond best to shorter programs. All of these features create an organized training plan. This takes the guesswork out of not knowing what to do and ultimately, leads to success!

    Train Hard!

    Select a Program

    2 Day Bodybuilding Intro
    3 Day Bodybuilding Intro

    4 Day Bodybuilding Mass
    6 Day Bodybuilding Mass
    6 Day Bodybuilding Mass EXPRESS!
    4 Day Bodybuilding Mass EXPRESS!

    5 Day BodyBuilding (Mass Cycle) Pec, Delt, Tri Emphasis (Split 1)
    5 Day BodyBuilding (Mass Cycle) Upper Body Emphasis - No Legs
    5 Day BodyBuilding Mass
    5 Day BodyBuilding Mass EXPRESS!
    5 Day Chest/Legs Power - Back/Bi/Delt/Tri Bodybuilding Combo
    5 Day Power BodyBuilding (Mass Cycle) Upper Body Emphasis - No Legs

    If it's time to get serious about your fitness, you need a structured program. I'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities, that will contain:

    Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
    Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
    A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
    Using the world's most powerful online training tool I can design and deliver a 12-week fitness program fully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule.
    For more information about my background, fee structure and how to get started, go to:

    US Sports Strength and Conditioning 
     Just fill out the brief contact form if you would like to get started.

    Contact Me:
    Nathan Lewis CSCS
    US Sports Strength and Conditioning 

    US Sports Strength and Conditioning 

    Monday, July 23, 2012

    US Sports Strength and Conditioning News! (Lose it once and for all)

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    US Sports Strength and Conditioning News23 July, 2012
    click me
    Hello Warriors!
    I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was....
    Muhammad Ali
    ...I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.
    Muhammad Ali
    I hated every minute of training, but I said, "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion."
    Muhammad Ali
    US Sports Strength and Conditioning Is Powered By WorkoutEngine Try our new service for 30 days FREE! Click Here
    Many of you have been asking about sharing the new online service with friends, family, and neighbors. It's easy. Simply forward this link to anyone interested:
    If they sign up via your referral, I will have a free gift for you. Thanks so much!
    Existing Premium Members: Do you need a new batch of workouts? Never received your weekly update? Never received any workouts after signing up? Please contact me
    Want to know more about how the new US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System works? Check out this demo video created by one of our trainers. Click Here To Watch
    To former or existing clients; your chance to be a critic!
    Whether it was one-on-one or if I consulted you online. Would you write a review of my services on Thumbtack?
    Now in making this request I know all of the reviews may not be glowing, so you can be candid. I will not remove any posts.  As long as your review is PG rated or better! :) Thanks for your time.

    I need your help getting more business. I just posted my service on Thumbtack -- a website where clients like you can learn more about my services and book me without picking up the phone.

    More people will book my services and my post will appear higher in search results if I have more reviews. Please help me get more business by writing a review about your experience with my work.

    Write a review  or copy this link onto your browser:

    Thank you,

    Nathan Lewis
    US Sports Strength and Conditioning

    What makes a good review?

    • Details about the type of work  US Sports Strength and Conditioning  has done for you
    • The length of time you've worked with  US Sports Strength and Conditioning
    • Traits that set  US Sports Strength and Conditioning  apart from other service professionals

    What is Thumbtack?

    Thumbtack is a website for you to list, discover, and book local services. Thumbtack has service professionals in all 50 states in categories from home improvement to health & beauty to tutoring & lessons and much more!

    Need to book a local service? Tell us what you need done and we'll e-mail you 3-5 quotes on your job within 24 hours.
    Gluten Free. Is it For Real?
    This Gluten-Free meal planing is not just a fad. It can change or even save your life. Get the Free Report Here
    Get Your Special Performance Meal Plan Delivered to you now! Click Here To 'smoke' the competition
    The Last Weight Loss Tip You'll Ever Need
    By now you've just about had it.

    You've been exercising and eating healthy for ages, but haven't met your weight loss goal.

    What gives?

    It's an issue that every whole-grain-veggie-and-lean-meat-eating health-seeker faces at some point in their fitness journey.

    Until you come face-to-face with one ugly truth about yourself, you'll always be stuck in this limbo of doing the right thing, eating healthy and yet not having the stunning body to show for it.

    Once you conquer this last issue, you'll quickly achieve your ultimate goal and will slide into the on-going maintenance phase.

    Here's your problem: You eat too many calories.

    That's it.

    Master this problem and you'll quickly and easily achieve the body of your dreams.

    "But I only eat healthy calories, so quantity doesn't really matter," you're thinking.

    While I applaud you for eating healthy calories, you're fooling yourself if you think quantity isn't an issue.

    Calorie Counting Works
    Have you heard of the professor from Kansas State University, Mark Haub, and his famous junk food diet?

    As an experiment for his nutrition class, Haub put himself on a diet of almost exclusively candy bars, packaged cakes and processed snacks. The catch was that he only ate 1800 calories each day – when his previous diet, of normal and healthy foods, was about 2600 calories each day.

    Within two months Haub had lost 30 pounds and his BMI dropped from the overweight category down to normal.

    While I would never recommend eating junk food, this is quite a dramatic demonstration of how reduced calorie intake works for weight loss.

    How many calories do you eat each day?

    If you don't know the answer, then get excited because this one weight loss tool will change everything for you.

    Start Your Food Journal
    Food journaling used to be a cumbersome act that involved lugging around a journal, writing down each food item throughout the day then looking everything up at the end of the day to manually tally calories.

    Not so anymore.

    Today food journaling has gone digital. Tracking calories takes only seconds of your time.

    Download a food journal application to your smart phone and at the touch of your fingers you'll be able to look up food items and instantly see your running calorie tally.

    Meet with your doctor to determine a daily calorie count that will allow for safe weight loss and diligently maintain that number. Eat healthy, fresh foods and when you decide to indulge, do so within your target calorie range.

    This one small, proactive step will give you structure and clarity when it comes to making food choices and will quickly result in pounds lost and goals achieved.

    Once your goal weight is met, your target calorie range will be adjusted for maintenance.

    To meet your weight loss goal quicker, pair your calorie-specific eating with a consistent and challenging exercise routine.

    My exercise programs are specifically crafted to get you into amazing shape.

    I'd love to hear from you. Call or email today to get started.
    This Week's Feature Exercise: Total Gym Cardio Pull
     This is a great Exercisel to develop strength and body control applicable to any sport.  Also a great way to devlop stability and strength and the quadriceps muscles (front of the  leg above the knee).
     This exercise is a part of programs available to premium members of US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning.*

    #1621   TG Cardio Pull
    Aerobic/Anaerobic Conditioning
    Total Gym
    Exercise Description:
    TG Cardio Pull
    Aerobic/Anaerobic Conditioning
    1. Start by lying on the board with your head towards the top.
    2. Grab onto the handles with your arms extended and your legs bent.
    3. In one motion press your feet into the plate and pull with your arms down towards your hips.
    4. No rest at the top and immediately return to the starting position to repeat.

    Your Digital Food Journal
    If you have a smart phone, then doing your food journaling digitally is a no-brainer. The process is incredibly quick and painless. Here are 2 top-rated apps:
    • My Fitness Pal: This app is free and works on the Web, Iphone, Ipad, Android, BlackBerry and Windows phones.
    • My Net Diary: This app cost $5/month and works on the Web, Iphone, Ipad, Android or Blackberry.
    Try out different food journal apps until you find one that is easy for you to use, works well with your phone and makes tracking your calories simple and fun.

    Once you decide which app works for you, now it's time to get journaling!

    Stay within your target calorie range and watch as the pounds drop.
    Full Access to Digital Food Journals is included with all online training plans of the new US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System Click Here To Get Yours Today!
    Roasted & Stuffed Eggplant
    Roasted veggies are low in calories and high in fiber, making them the perfect diet food. This dish will fill you up without adding too many calories to your daily tally. Add a side of lean protein for a complete meal.
    Servings: 6

    Here's what you need...
    • 3 medium eggplants
    • 1 teaspoon olive oil
    • 2 medium onions, diced
    • 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved
    • 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped
    • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
    • 2 teaspoons dried oregano
    • 1/4 cup reduced-fat feta cheese
    1. Cut the eggplants in half, lengthwise, and scoop out the flesh, leaving 1/2 inch on the shell. Chop the scooped-out flesh into 1/2 inch cubes and set in a colander. Sprinkle the eggplant cubes and the inside of the eggplant shells with salt. Let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse and pat dry.
    2. Bring a large pot of salted water to boil. Drop the eggplant shells in the water and simmer for 7 minutes. Shells should be barely tender when poked with a fork. Drain and pat dry.
    3. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Saute the onions for 5 minutes. Add the chopped eggplant, tomatoes, walnuts, cinnamon, oregano and 1/4 cup filtered water. Cook for 8 minutes, until softened and browned.
    4. Preheat oven to broil. Place eggplant shells on a greased baking sheet. Broil for 5 minutes. Reduce oven heat to 375 degrees F.
    5. Fill each eggplant shell with the veggies, sprinkle with the feta. Bake for 35 minutes, or until browned on top.
    Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 153 calories, 4.7g fat, 86mg sodium, 25g carbohydrate, 11g fiber, and 6g protein.

    Motivate your friends, family and co-workers! Use the "refer a friend" link below to forward this newsletter and subscribe your friends.
    US Sports Strength and Conditioning Partners
    Nathan Lewis
    US Sports Strength and Conditioning
    4105 Duke Street 
    Alexandria, VA 22304
    US Sports Strength and Conditioning

    Phone: 571-501-5306
    Web: US Sports Strength and Conditioning

    Saturday, December 17, 2011

    Body Transformation: Liz Coached Herself To A 114 Pound Fat Loss

    Online Publishing and Marketing

    While in school Liz was tormented because of her weight. Rather than let it rule her life she chose to be proactive. Read on to see how she became a fitness fanatic and lost over 100 lbs!

    Vital Stats

    Name: Liz Taylor
    Bodyspace: MissAllAmerica

    Liz Taylor Liz Taylor

    274 lbs
    Body Fat:

    160 lbs
    Body Fat:

    Why I Got Started

    Growing up I was extremely overweight and teased for how I looked. My parents were never strict with my diet and were gone a lot so I was free to eat what I wanted. Consequently, I found comfort in junk food. If I had a bad day, I wanted to eat. If I had a good day, I wanted to eat. Food was my emotional support.
    When I started high school the teasing became almost unbearable. I was walked to class by the Student Resource Officer because students would yell names at me, throw objects at me, and would even block me from entering into school through the doors. When I finally graduated and started college, the weight grew even more out of control. I was buying fast food in-between classes and staying up late at night eating junk food while working on papers.
    I began to loathe my reflection so much that I would shower with the lights off so I would not have to see myself in the mirror. If I ever went shopping for new clothes, I would be in the dressing rooms for 10-15 minutes.

    My final breaking point was in the middle of a Monday afternoon, I was 19 years old, at the doctor's office, and I had an epiphany. It was as quick as that. I thought to myself, "I am only 19 years old. Do I want to set the foundation of my adulthood of being overweight and hating how I look?"
    I was ready to be healthy, happy, and enjoy life so I knew I had to make a change. I wanted to know what it was like to look at myself and be proud. I wanted to know what it was like to not find so much happiness in food, but find happiness in me as a person. I wanted to know what it was like to not have to shop in plus size clothing and be excited to go shopping. I never envisioned myself being fit so I was ready to push myself and make a change in my life forever.

    How I Did It

    I began to research and read everything on fitness and nutrition that I could. Countless magazines and books were bought and incalculable hours were spent surfing the internet. I watched ample instructional videos to look for specific moves for different body parts and made sure I learned the correct form.
    All while doing this I made sure I took notes and applied everything I was learning in my meal preps and my exercise regimen. When I went to the gym if I saw a man or woman I admired or saw them doing an exercise I was interested in, I would simply go up to them and say "My name is Liz and I am trying to lose weight. I am very interested in that exercise I saw you doing, could you please teach me how to do that?"
    Over time I began to learn and understand my body and I found out what works and what does not work for me. I did not have a lot of extra money to spend to have someone train me, so I knew if I truly wanted to change my life, I was going to have to work for it.

    Monday, December 5, 2011's Feature Body Transformation's Feature Body Transformation

    Press Release Image Women's Beginner Fat Loss Combo - Learn More
    Body Transformation: AnnMarie Made Her Competition Dreams Come True AnnMarie was stuck in skinny-fat-ville and wanted to have a body like the fitness models she saw in magazines. Raed on to see how all her hard work paid off and got her onstage.

    by Female Transformation Of The Week Dec 02, 2011

    Vital Stats
    Name: AnnMarie Matusheski
    Email: Amstang84(at)
    Bodyspace: AnnMarie92806


    Age: 24
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Body Fat: 24%
    Waist: 29"
    Hips: 40"


    Age: 26
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 144 lbs
    Body Fat: 15%
    Waist: 27"
    Hips: 37.5"
    Why I Got Started

    I got started because I was gaining weight. I decided to join the my mom's gym and started reading up more about fitness. I did a ton of cardio at first, thinking this is how I am going to get fit. Basically I was "skinny fat." I really liked the look of the girls in oxygen magazine and I realized I wanted that.

    Monica Brant was a huge inspiration. I attended the Arnold classic and felt very motivated, but I was pregnant at the time. After I had my son, I dropped the weight and then some but I was not happy with my body. I wanted a fit, muscular look, rather than a "skinny" with no muscle tone look. I started looking into competing in a competition. I attended a local show and was ready to give it a try.

    I started eating differently and hit the weights hard. I slowly started to see changes in my body. The results were what kept me motivated. I haven't looked back since! I love the feeling of being strong.

    How I Did It

    I started my journey to the stage in January 2009. I enlisted the help of a trainer in my area. After working with her for a few months, we were not on the same page.

    I then met another competitor and she and her husband taught posing classes. She helped me out with my nutrition and posing starting in June of 2009. I did my own workouts by researching and chatting with other fellow competitors.

    In October 2009 I competed in my first two figure shows. I was just happy to attempt the stage. Now I want to compete again and obtain my pro card.
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