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Showing posts with label fat burning workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat burning workout. Show all posts

Thursday, November 24, 2016

US Sports Online S&C Black Friday Sale!

Hey I understand the opportunities that Black Friday represent for a small business such as US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning, but what I will not fall into is a bunch of unnecessary hype and jive.
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It' s simple I want to commit to giving you a full comprehensive, customized workout program that you can take anywhere you like to workout out and execute your fitness program that is as close as having me right there with your training step by step, like I have with many hundreds of my in-person clients for over 30 years. Without the logistics and expense that this traditional training brings.

So with that in mind, we are giving you our yearly, or annual membership at 1/2 off the regular yearly price. Its regularly $140 per year but today until 11:59pm EST Cyber Monday 11/28/2016 its only $70 per year.

This is you last excuse and I am glad you are smart enough now to not fall into the "New Years resolution" black hole of failure ever again. You know there will never be a better time than now to start. You know there will be ups and downs in your program, but now you are ready to commit to consistency. Not perfection but you will be ever moving forward in you fitness program. And I am proud and humbled to have the opportunity to guide you every step of the way. The first step is now for you to commit to a new you. Click here and choose:

US Sports Online S&C Black Friday Sale 1/2 OffPrice:
$ 70
for 1 Year
1/2 price off of our annual membership (See annual membership details near the top of the sign up page) Sale is on now until Monday November 28, 2016 at midnight.

Let's ring in the new year with a newer and more improved body. Thank you for the courage to move forward.
-Coach Nate

Reach 6 Million New Customers Every Week With US Sports Marketing. Home Of The All-Biz Advertising Specials. Effective, Affordable Sports Marketing With Your Positive Bottom Line The Top Priority
Let's Boost Your Business Today!

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Powered By RAIN's SOUL!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

If You Want To Get Into Great Shape, You Need A Great Plan!

Have a wonderful Christmas Celebration Athletes and Warriors!
There is never a better time for me to celebrate you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me the opportunity to help you meet and exceed your fitness goals. As we look ahead to 2017 and for those of you thinking about taking advantage of the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System; we welcome you to give this unique training tool a try. I look forward to helping you.

If it's time to get serious about your fitness, you need a structured program. I'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities.

Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
With full access to our state-of-the-art meal planning program.

Using the world's most powerful online training tool I can design and deliver a 12-week fitness program fully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule.

For more information about my background, fee structure and how to get started, go to:

Just fill out the brief contact form if you would like to get started.

Reach 6 Million New Customers Every Week With US Sports Marketing. Home Of The All-Biz Advertising Specials. Effective, Affordable Sports Marketing With Your Positive Bottom Line The Top Priority
Let's Boost Your Business Today!

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Powered By RAIN's SOUL!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

7 Reasons Why You Can't Lose Weight

There are few things more frustrating than not being able to lose weight.

You want to be slimmer and to tone your body, but your weight won't budge.

Read the following 7 Weight Loss Blockers to discover what is standing in your way and how to quickly and easily begin your weight loss journey.
Image result for Girl frustrated on the scale animated
Blocker #1: Your Mind

Your mind is your number one ally when it comes to achieving your goals. However, until your mind has been programmed for success, it will do more to derail your efforts than to help you.
  • Take a few moments each day to visualize yourself at your ideal weight. Imagine how it feels to look the way you've always wanted.
  • Protect your mind from any negative self talk. If a negative thought comes to mind, immediately reject it.
  • You want to be thin and fit, and yet you think of yourself as out-of-shape and fat. Re-program your mind to think of yourself as fit and attractive, and you will be well on your way toward achieving your goal.
  • Give up the belief that you can't achieve the body you've always dreamed of. See it first in your mind, and then in the mirror.
Blocker #2: Your Fear

Change makes most of us nervous – even if it is a change in the right direction. You may not be consciously aware of the fear you have of getting into shape. Until you conquer this fear, your weight loss efforts will be blocked by self sabotage.

Professional speaker and author, Anthony Robbins, has outlined three specific beliefs that you must have in order to conquer your fear and instantly create a lasting change.
  • Believe that something MUST change. You can't be wishy-washy about it. You can't be considering it. You can't even be pretty sure about it. You've got to be rock solid.
  • Believe that YOU must change it. You can't pass the buck of responsibility and expect to lose weight. It's on your shoulders. Other people will prove to be great assets in your journey, but in the end you are the one who is going to make it happen. You have to want this weight loss enough to make it your personal mission.
  • Believe you CAN change it. You may have failed in the past, but that doesn't matter. When you put your mind to it, you're able to do amazing things. Do you believe that you are capable of losing weight? Once you own the belief that you can, you'll be unstoppable.
Blocker #3: Your Excuses

Your excuses for being out-of-shape are getting old. An excuse takes less immediate effort than an action, but in the long run the action taker always has the advantage. Don't allow excuses to ruin your life any longer.
  • Don't skip out on your responsibilities with excuses, instead expect more from yourself.
  • Focus on the big reason why you are losing the weight. Make a list of the benefits you'll enjoy once you achieve your goal, and read them first thing each morning.
  • Remember that you can only have two things in life: excuses or results. Which do you want?
Blocker #4: Your Commitment

How many times have you tried to lose weight, only to give up a week or two later? We live in a commitment-phobic world, so it's no wonder that you routinely abandon your goals. If you truly want to lose weight then your commitment to the process is a must.
  • The margin between success and failure is bridged by your commitment. Don't give up until your goal has been achieved.
  • Treat exercise with the same importance as a work meeting, and you'll never skip it at the last minute. Find three available 60-minute time slots in your schedule and mark them (in pen) on your calendar. Now stick to your schedule.
  • If you don't give up, then you'll never fail.
Blocker #5: Your Diet

If you consistently eat the wrong food, then you're weight loss efforts will all be in vain. To put it bluntly, you need to stop eating junk. Processed foods, refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup do not belong in your diet if you want to be in great shape. Cut these items out of your diet and replace them with real whole foods like lean meats, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and fruits.
  • Don't eat processed foods. Even though processed foods are accepted by our society, they contain tons of chemicals and empty calories that will make you sick and fat.
  • Fat contains twice the caloric density of protein and carbohydrates, so make sure to limit the amount that you consume. Eat lots of lean proteins and wholesome carbohydrates from plants and whole grains.
  • Vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds are filled with fiber and antioxidants which are vital for healthy weight loss. Snack on these instead of packaged treats.
Blocker #6: Your Patience

It takes time to transform your body from fat to fit, even though you want it to happen overnight. Remind yourself that it took time to put the weight on, so it will take time to take the weight off. When you find your patience wavering, or when you encounter a frustrating plateau, do the following:
  • Review your goal. Is it specific and measurable? Is it small and attainable, rather than monumental? Focus on your goal when the going gets tough.
  • Make each workout a new experience. Challenge your body with different resistance, new exercises and a varied pace.
  • Remember that anyone can have one great workout, but that won't get you the body you want. The only way to achieve your goal is by consistently exercising and eating right, plain and simple.
Blocker #7: Your Support

People who exercise alone are less challenged, less accountable and are more likely to fail. It makes sense. Who would rush to the gym if no one is was waiting for them? Who would push themselves if no one was paying attention? Exercising alone is a recipe for disaster.
  • Find a workout partner who is in better shape than you, or better yet, work with me, your on-call fitness expert, to guarantee your results.
  • I am passionate about seeing you achieve results - don't waste your time, energy and effort on mistakes.
  • When you start a program with me, you suddenly have the upper hand on weight loss. I'll be in your corner, coaching you each step of the way, keeping you accountable to workouts and giving you that dose of encouragement when you need it most.
Get serious about your results and begin the last weight loss program that you'll ever do.
Click here, fill out the fitness profile form and let me get started on your customized program that you will have full access to online training on your schedule at your favorite gym, or workout space.
Reach 6 Million New Customers Every Week With US Sports Marketing. Home Of The All-Biz Advertising Specials. Effective, Affordable Sports Marketing With Your Positive Bottom Line The Top Priority
Let's Boost Your Business Today!

Monday, October 10, 2016

5 Stupid Things Healthy People Do

Train With NFL Pro Bowl RB Jamaal Charles Today!

You are not a stupid person. Not by any means.

In fact, it's my guess that you're healthier than most.

You probably exercise regularly. You watch what you eat. You keep up-to-date on the latest health concerns. You don't binge on sugar.

And you never - ever - eat fast food. Well, almost never.

But you do have a few unhealthy skeletons in your closet -ones that you probably aren't even aware of.

The following 5 Stupid Things are frequently committed by health conscious people. Once you break these bad habits, you'll find that achieving your weight loss goals just became a whole lot easier.

1. You're Dehydrated
  • It has been said that 75 percent of the population is chronically dehydrated. Would you disagree? When was the last time that you actually drank 8 glasses of water in a day?
  • Dehydration occurs when more fluid leaves your body than is taken in. Symptoms include: fatigue, irritability, headaches, nausea, rapid heart rate, and, in extreme cases, even death.
  • Dehydration also slows your metabolism, which hinders weight loss.
You shouldn't wait until the feeling of thirst or dry mouth hits you, at that point damage has already been done. Instead, constantly rehydrate throughout your day to avoid dehydration.

The best way to do this is to incorporate water into your daily schedule. Have a water bottle at your desk and train yourself to sip on it often, and get into the habit of drinking a full glass of water with each meal and snack.

2. You Eat Out Too Often
  • Research suggests that most people eat out one out of every 4 meals and snacks. That's an average of once a day.
  • Restaurant food is designed to do one thing: to taste good. In order to increase eating pleasure, each item is loaded with fat, salt and sugar. This causes you to eat way more calories than you actually need.
  • Even when you order ‘healthy' items, you're still taking in more calories and fat grams than you would if you had prepared the item at home. Imagine the last salad you ordered out. Didn't it come with cream dressing, croutons, cheese sprinkles and a piece of butter laden bread on the side?
The main reason people eat out is for convenience, so with a little organization you'll find that preparing your own meals takes less time than you thought it would. On the weekend sit down and plan out your meals for the week. Then go to the grocery store and stock up on everything you'll need for those meals.

Pack your lunch and snacks each night before bed, then grab it on your way out the door in the morning. When you prepare dinner at home, make enough for at least the next day as well. Your efforts will pay off both in terms of weight loss and in money saved.

3. You're Sleep Deprived
  • In Gallup Poll surveys, 56% of the adult population reported that drowsiness is a problem in the daytime. That's more than half of us that clearly don't get enough sleep.
  • Healthy adults require 7-8 hours of sleep each night. When you fail to meet this need your body goes into sleep debt, which continues to accumulate indefinitely until you catch up.
  • A lack of sleep negatively affects your immune system, your nervous system, and interferes with healthy hormone release and cellular repairs.
The best way to combat sleep deprivation is to set a scheduled bedtime. Your body will benefit from a consistent sleeping and waking routine, and you're sure to get all the rest you need.

If you have trouble falling asleep once you're in bed, then try these two tips. First, make sure that you don't drink any caffeinated beverages after lunchtime. Second, don't eat for three hours before you go to bed. This helps eliminate sleeplessness due to indigestion, and will also turbo-charge your weight loss.

4. You're Stressed Out
  • I don't have to tell you that we are living in a fast-paced world and that most of us have stress levels that are through the roof. But what you might not realize is that your stress levels are making you fat.
  • Stress creates an increase in the hormone cortisol, and chronic stress creates a chronic increase in cortisol. This is a problem because is slows your metabolism, leads to cravings and is linked to greater levels of abdominal fat storage.
  • The vicious cycle of stress and weight gain goes around and around. Stress causes you to eat emotionally, and your raised cortisol levels cause that food to be stored as fat.
One of the most effective ways to instantly eliminate stress is to sit down and write out a list of all the things that are bothering you. This should include things that you need to get done, issues that weigh on your mind and anything you believe contributes to your stress level.

Once it's all down on paper, organize it like a to-do list and start resolving each item. Doing so will get the stress off of your mind and will put your body into the motion of resolving each issue.

5. You're on Exercise Autopilot
  • You do the same thing each and every time you exercise. Same machines, same pace, same duration. While your routine sure feels comfortable, your results have long since halted.
  • A plateau occurs when your body adapts to your routine and weight loss stops. It is incredibly frustrating, and totally avoidable.
  • You don't have to increase the amount of time that you spend exercising in order to see quicker, faster results. It's all about challenging your body.
There are two simple ways to instantly increase the effectiveness of your exercise routine. First, increase your pace. Secondly, increase your intensity. Constantly vary your speed and intensity in order to keep your muscles guessing and adapting.

Another way to break through the exercise plateau is to do something totally new. If you regularly use weight machines then start using free weights. If you normally jog on the treadmill then start using the bike.

Are you ready to break the plateau as you take your routine to the next level?

Would you like to know without a shadow of a doubt that you are going to lose weight in the coming months?

It's my goal to see you achieve greatness. I believe that you've got what it takes.

It's so simple. Call or email today to get started on a program that will improve your health and well being, and will get you amazing results.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What you don't know could hurt you

How much thought do you put into what you eat?

If you want to get into great shape then you'll be interested to know that 80% of your fitness results are attributed to your diet.

In our fast-paced society, eating is often done with little or no thought as to what exactly it is being ingested. Excess body fat is a direct outcome of this hurried, poor nutrition. Even if you have the best intentions with your diet, you are likely frustrated and fed up with extra pounds.

I don't blame you for being confused about what you should eat. The media surely doesn't help. One day the talking heads want you to give up all fats. The next day carbs are the culprit, and then acai berries become the holy grail of weight loss.

The food manufacturers increase confusion by printing misleading labels and bogus health claims.

Sometimes it seems like the whole system is set up to confuse and frustrate us into buying the latest and greatest packaged food.

The bottom line is that your physique is largely a result of what you eat, so the foods that you put into your body should be carefully selected.

It's time to re-examine what you eat.

It all starts with reading nutritional labels. The nutritional content and ingredient list will give you everything you need to know about the quality of the food item.

I've outlined 5 ingredients that should raise a red flag when you turn over that package and find them listed:

Red Flagged Ingredient #1: High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) 
HFCS is a manmade sugar, derived predominantly from genetically modified corn. The sweet concoction has been shown to promote binges and hysterical hunger, and wrecks havoc on your blood sugar levels, promoting fat storage.

The introduction of HFCS into our food supply directly paralleled a 47% spike in Type 2 Diabetes cases as well as an 80% increase in obesity. Food manufacturers use HFCS in many mainstream products, including the following:
  • Sauces (including ketchup)
  • Yogurt
  • Energy Bars
  • Soft Drinks / Fruit Juices
  • Processed baked goods
  • Cereals
  • Crackers
  • Ice Cream
  • Salad Dressing
  • Most packaged snack foods
Red Flagged Ingredient #2: Hydrogenated Fat / Partially Hydrogenated Fat (Trans Fat) 
Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats have undergone such extensive processing that the chemical structure has changed from a “cis” shape, which the human body recognizes and utilizes, to a “trans” shape, which is foreign and destructive to human physiology.

Check each food label for the word ‘hydrogenated' and avoid it diligently. Cutting out hydrogenated fats is a simple set towards looking and feeling your best.

Red Flagged Ingredient #3: Aspartame 
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that was denied 8 times by the FDA before being approved in 1973. Many scientists objected the approval, claiming that aspartame hadn't been proven safe for use as a food additive.

MIT neuroscientist, Richard Wurtman, researched the effects of aspartame and concluded that it promotes cravings for foods high in calories and carbohydrates. Though aspartame is calorie-free it still causes insulin to be released, which job is to stow away sugar – when this sugar is not available, the result is often hypoglycemia and severe hunger. Not exactly a recipe for weight loss.

Red Flagged Ingredient #4: White Sugar 
White sugar comes from the juice of a sugar cane plant that has undergone an intensive refining process. In this process all of the enzymes, fiber, vitamins and minerals are destroyed, rendering it nutritionally void. White sugar is also extremely high in calories, which your body loves to store away in fat cells.

Refined sugar has been linked to a weakened immune system, hyperactivity, ADD, mental and emotional disorders, dental cavities, hypoglycemia, enlargement of the liver and kidneys, and an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. All that and it leads to weight gain.

Red Flagged Ingredient #5: White Flour 
White flour comes from natural whole wheat that has been stripped of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This results in a nutritionally void product that is packed with calories that release quickly into your system, creating a spike in blood sugar. As you know, this promotes fat storage and leads to hysterical hunger and cravings. You don't need that.

Once you cut these 5 items out of your diet, you'll be pleased with the results. Expect to lose weight, to have more energy and to feel better than you have in a long time.

If you're serious about looking and feeling your best through purifying your diet, then focus on eating real food items. Real foods include lean meats, vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds.

Would you like to expedite your fitness and weight loss results? Call or email today to get started on a fitness program that will quickly transform your body.

Remember, while nutrition is vitally important for weight loss, true results are achieved through a combination of both nutrition and challenging, progressive exercise.

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For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
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Friday, September 9, 2016

Be A Fit Human!

I came across this article and it hit me like a ton and a half of bricks. We in the fitness biz are often working to find a practical bridge to why anyone at any age would want to be fit. How about this idea? Simply a better life!
Image result for Muscular businesswoman animated
Premium Author Nicholas Tan
Fitness is the essence of a man. Fitness is the ability of a person to do his normal everyday tasks with full alertness and vigor without worrying about fatigue afterward and with extra energy in reserve which can be useful when emergencies arise or during leisure and recreation. Overall fitness must be the primary goal every man must try to achieve. In fitness, no one is ever too young or too old for improvement.

One's fitness can be improved by engaging in aerobic exercises and through strength training. There are three components of overall fitness that every man must focus on working out in order to be in healthy, tip-top shape. These are cardiovascular work, strength training and of course, these should be coupled with a healthy diet.Staying strong by building muscles. Man's fitness regimen should include a work out routine which aims to build the muscles. Aging causes a decrease in muscle mass of five to seven pounds (2-3.2 kgs) of muscle for every ten years in one's adult life given that he lives an inactive lifestyle. Truly, the saying "use it or lose it" is very applicable to the muscles. Fortunately, there is a good solution to this. Loss of muscle mass can be replaced by engaging in strength training.Improvement of Man's fitness by cardiovascular work out. Flexibility exercises, strength training and cardiovascular work out surely help boost a man's fitness and all these should be part of a man's work out scheme. But of all these, cardiovascular work is the most necessary. Exercises under cardiovascular work conditions and develops the cardiovascular system and also works out large muscle groups. So if a man does not have much time for working out, devoting whatever free time he might have to aerobic exercises would do him fine. He might have to pass out on developing those biceps but so long as cardiovascular work out exercises are done, then the blood pressure, heart and cholesterol levels will be fine to keep you staying happy and healthy.The essence of nutrition to man's fitness. It is best as well as well recommended to eat whole and natural foods frequently than do it on large amounts in one to three sittings. Always keep variety in mind when doing the shopping. This will ensure that one is getting most if not all of the nutrients and minerals needed by the body to keep fit and healthy. Always keep the three important macronutrients in the diet; these are fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Prioritize proteins though over carbohydrates but never exclude any one of the three on some fad diet.

Some tips in keeping a man's fitness level high, efficient and safe:1.) Drink plenty of water all through out the day, especially when working out.2.) Do exercises properly using the correct techniques, whether it's weight lifting or aerobic exercises. Always read and understand, and follow of course, the instructions outlined by the personal trainer.3.) Make sure the is always a spotter when lifting weights.4.) Challenge the muscles, but make sure that it's kept safe.5.) StretchBusiness Management Articles, warm-up prior to working out and cool-down gradually after sessions.6.) Check the equipment for safety before using them.7.) It is better to do less than overdo the whole thing. Over-training will exhaust enthusiasm and kill performance.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Fat Loss In A Bottle?

Another great morning awaits Athletes and Warriors! Welcome to a new day!
I am often asked about nutritional supplements that is why we often share articles on said subject.
And as always I must remind you my 'Fit Force' that supplements can help in achieving any fitness or performance goal as long as they are treated as their name implies. As a 'supplement' to your well-rounded meal plan like the ones provided every client of the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System. We train hard, and we train smart, that is why I am so proud of each and every one of you. You are here because you truly care to live life, healthier and stronger. So read and live on Athletes and Warriors!

Fat Loss in a Bottle
Here are some nutritional supplements on the market that can help your weight-loss process along.

Originally featured in: Men's Fitness 

It may sound like something out of a sci-fi novel, but thermogenesis could be the secret to losing your love handles.

Literally meaning "the creation of heat," it involves cranking up the calorie- and fat-burning processes in your body. While exercise and diet are the keys, many of us are genetically limited as to how much fat we can burn.

This is where modern science comes to the rescue: There are nutritional supplements on the market that can help the process along. The products discussed below won't work without a sound weight program and plenty of cardio, but they might be worth a try.

Citrus aurantium

This fruit, also called "bitter orange," contains a naturally occurring fat-burner called synephrine. Citrus aurantium can increase your body's ability to burn fat and may exert a mild hunger-suppressant effect. It has only recently been introduced in supplement form and should be widely available toward the end of the year.

"Citrus aurantium is the ideal fat-loss aid for guys who have plateaued in their workout programs," says Douglas Kalman, RD, director of clinical research at Peak Wellness, a Greenwich, Connecticut-based health-care facility. The latest study performed at Peak Wellness on citrus aurantium showed no signs of potential side effects. Stay tuned.

7-keto DHEA
You've probably heard of DHEA, a hormone-replacement therapy that some guys use to gain muscle mass and lose body fat. Unfortunately, DHEA is not very effective in guys under 35, and it's associated with some nasty side effects, including prostate enlargement, acne and premature baldness.

Earlier this year, an altered version of DHEA was introduced. It's called 7-keto DHEA, and research indicates that it works by preventing your metabolic rate from dropping when you're on a calorie-restrictive diet.

Kalman believes 7-keto holds great promise. "When individuals diet to lose body fat, their progress stops after a period of a few weeks," he says. "This version of DHEA can prevent this without the hormone-like side effects."

Caffeine and ephedra

These two controversial stimulants are thermogenic on their own but have an even greater effect on fat loss when combined. They are added to several ready-made drinks or pills found in health-food stores, sometimes referred to by their respective herbal names, guarana and ma huang.

The problem, again, is side effects. Overuse of caffeine and ephedra has been associated with increased heart rate, insomnia, nervousness and even death. "Scientific studies have shown that [the combination] works, but I'm not crazy about the potential for side effects," Kalman says. If you're on antidepressant medication, ephedra is not an option.


A recent study demonstrated that as little as 6 grams of pyruvate per day can enhance fat loss and increase muscle mass in guys who exercise regularly and follow a reasonably low-fat diet.

"I like this one because it basically has no side effects, it's all natural, and data shows pyruvate can not only effect fat loss, but can make you exercise harder and longer," says Kalman.


Yohimbine is a natural substance derived from the bark of two African trees. It is a potent vasodilator that first became popular because it increases the blood supply to the penis. In fact, yohimbine was the pre-Viagra impotence treatment for millions of men around the world.

Yohimbine also increases levels of norepinephrine, which has a marked effect on fat utilization by the body. However, it may cause stimulatory-type reactions such as dizziness, irritability, headaches, anxiety and increased heart rate.

"The side effects are pretty common," says Kalman. "Also, it can have negative interactions with antidepressant medications." If yohimbine strikes your fancy, stick to the prescription brand Yocon, or make sure over-the-counter varieties declare that they are standardized for yohimbine activity. Ask your doctor before trying it.


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Friday, September 2, 2016

A Total Life And Body Transformation now Helping Others

Athletes and Warriors! Sometimes your fitness transformation can lead you to places that are bigger and better than imagined. Check this out below:
A Total Life And Body Transformation now Helping Others Front before and after

My overall transformation began about 4 years ago, and I started working with Micah in late 2012.

From the very beginning (4 years ago) –> 155lbs / 13% bf / hip 34, waist 31

From the start of HitchFit (Nov 2012) –> 189lbs / 16% bf / hip 40, waist 34.5

Stepping on stage (June 2013) –> 171lbs / 5% bf / hip 35, waist 29.5

Far beyond any mere aesthetic metamorphosis, this journey continues to be a complete transformation of heart, mind, and lifestyle. A culmination of personal commitment and unwavering perseverance no doubt, but also – and far more significant – an embodiment of cultivated perspective rooted in genuine introspection, openly embraced vulnerability, intellectual honesty and humility, continuous research, and exploratory exposure to disparate cultures and philosophies and insurmountable beauty in life reflected through inspiring individuals around the world I continue to have the fortunate privilege of connecting with on a daily basis. Indeed, the realization of how important it is to open your mind and lifestyle to the amazing adventures of life; allowing yourself to find in everyone you meet – no matter how short their stint along your path – the enormous value we all bring to each other, an inspiration to move forward.


I have this privilege of living inspired through the people I interact with on a daily basis. I experience it every time I’m around amazing people who dedicate themselves to serving others, when I meet someone from a completely different culture holding a completely different perspective on the world around us, or when looking into the eyes of kids all over the world who conceive none of the illusory boundaries we as adults construct in our minds.

In seeking out HitchFit, I was absolutely dedicated to taking my physique to another level and destroying the boundaries constructed in my mind regarding my potential. Considering their extreme level of knowledge, integrity, and experience in transforming others, I was confident that having Micah and Diana as mentors along this journey would play a huge roll in my success. I was able to simply put my full trust in them.

Back Before and after

At the time, I was working as a personal trainer, traveling a lot, taking courses for my MBA degree, taking on clients as a business strategy consultant, running a local business with an internal medicine physician, building my own online business, and dedicating myself to training! Yea, certainly throws out any excuse of never having enough time!! There’s always time for that which we are passionate about and prioritize. Consistent daily preparation and organizational management was vital, and having Micah design a strategic regimen really allowed me to hone in on a structured plan of action and dedicate myself to a process that led to major results. My goal was to meet Micah and Diana and step on stage at the WBFF Central USA in May 2013, but my best friend was getting married that same weekend and I would never have missed that for the world. So instead, in late June 2013 I was finally able to step on stage and realized this was only the beginning of a lifestyle that became reality. I could accomplish anything when applying the same positive and dedicated mindset towards what I was passionate about.


In so many ways, I view pursuing a fit life as a pathway towards something more meaningful and balanced. You only get what you put in. There are no boundaries other than the ones you put up. Each day builds a character foundation that stands up to any barriers in life, your fear begins to dissipate and confidence in your own courage and integrity grows. You begin to realize the world is full of opportunities and that no body owes you anything, but that you owe it to everyone to share your passion, knowledge and service. Micah and Diana truly personify these intangible traits, and they become an inspiration to achieve it in your own life.

Nothing has driven my success more than this empowering mindset. It has inspired me to explore, seek mentors, adapt, and take massive action towards pursuing every adventure in life. I recently picked up my life on the east coast, walked away from several streams of stable income and a comfortable lifestyle, to venture to the west coast in order to follow my passion and truly create a meaningful impact.


As a lifestyle entrepreneur, I am extremely passionate about serving others and helping people reach their full potential in every aspect of life. I have always been driven by fitness and giving back, which is why I became a certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist in the first place. I wanted to live a healthy, active lifestyle and help people all over the world transform their lives. Unfortunately, my local training job would never truly allow me to do either; 10-12 hour days only serving 12-15 people, maybe 100 people per week if I was able to throw in a bootcamp. It wore me down physically and was detrimental to my overall health and wellbeing, and I was doing a complete disservice to the hundreds of thousands of people around the world that I could be serving. What Micah and Diana have done with HitchFit was a major inspiration for me to think outside the box and discover what is truly possible and the real impact I could have on others around the world.

After discovering the power of building an online strategy for my own business, I started working with other fitness professionals who had been in a similar position and were seeking more. Before long I had become known as The FitLife Entrepreneur, which really represents this action-taking mindset as well as the empowering community revolution we started. It’s about providing fitness entrepreneurs the network and resources to scale their business online and create the time freedom to actually start experiencing that healthy active lifestyle and help more people! Along with the business systems and trainings, the resources, the community, and personal coaching, we also have mastermind retreats to personally connect fitness entrepreneurs from all over the world. We travel, workout, explore, mastermind, and engage in community outreach together. This not only allows members to enhance their business and lifestyle, it really engulfs them in a high level of awareness and appreciation for the meaningful impact they are actually able to have on people’s lives now that they are no longer bound by the shackles of struggling financially.

Side Before and after

Through The FitLife Entrepreneur Experience podcast, we are able to highlight the strategy, success, tenacity, struggle, humility, lifestyle, impact, and genuine passion of fitness entrepreneurs who took a bold stand against normality and stretched their comfort zones in order to scale their services and transform more people’s lives around the world!!

In April 2014, I will have the honor of speaking at a Tedx event in Luxembourg on the power of perception and how we have the ability to manifest our outer reality and future path through the perceptions we choose to accept.

My level of appreciation for Micah and Diana and the HitchFit team go far and beyond anything that can be described here. Their genuine integrity, passion for serving others, and empowering energy truly inspire all aspects of my fitness, business, and life.


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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Culture of Overeating: A Survival Guide


Certain foods are powerful.

They cast a spell over the most well-meaning dieter, and cause logical people to overeat until their sides hurt.

They occupy your thoughts to the point of obsession as you try to ignore a plate of cookies.

And when it's all said and done, they accumulate on your body in the most obtrusive way as a result of dozens of unused calories.

Why does food hold such power? And, most importantly, how can you control your eating?

The End of Overeating

David A. Kessler, MD set out to answer these pressing questions in his instant bestseller, The End of Overeating. Despite being a pediatrician, a former FDA commissioner, and former dean of the medical schools at Yale and the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. Kessler struggles with his weight.

Observing the current obesity epedemic, he knew that he wasn't alone.

Dr. Kessler, with the insight of some of the brightest minds in medicine and science, discovered the following three reasons that most of us are compelled to overeat.
  1. An Irresistable Combination Rewires Your Brain: Think of your favorite treat - most likely it can be broken down into the basic building blocks of sugar, fat and salt. This combination is known of as the ‘three points of the compass', a combination that has been shown to literally alter the biological circuitry of your brain.

    Sugar, fat and salt give food a high hedonic value which gives you pleasure. This pleasure reinforces you to return to your favorite foods time and time again.
  2. The Food Industry Targets You: Everywhere you go you'll see the clever work of the food industry, tempting you with highly palatable creations. Food has become a science, and your taste preferences the guiding light.

    The food industry has one goal - to get you hooked. By constructing food items that are high in sugar, fat and salt they know that you will come back time and time again.
  3. Conditioned Hypereating Becomes a Way of Life: Humans are conditioned to seek more reward. When readily available, hyper palatable food become our reward a pattern of hypereating quickly emerges. Dr. Kessler describes the cycle:

    "Foods high in sugar, fat, and salt, and the cues that signal them, promote more of everything: more arousal...more thoughts of food...more urge to pursue food...more dopamine-stimulated approach behavior...more consumption...more opioid-driven reward...more overeating to feel better...more delay in feeling fulll...more loss of control...more preoccupation with food...more habit-driven behavior...and ultimately, more and more weight gain."
Breaking the Cycle

The good news is that you don't have to remain trapped in a cycle of overeating. The following three tips will put you back in control.
  1. Set Your Rules: In order to resist overeating in today's tempting food environment, you must eat by a set of self-imposed rules. Predetermined rules take away the need to make food decisions in vulnerable moments.

    Dr. Kessler thinks these rules should be, "simple enough to fit with your busy life, but specific enough to remove uncertainty from the food equation."

    For suggestions as to what rules you should adopt, let's turn to another authority on eating, bestselling author of ‘In Defense of Food', Michael Pollan:

    • Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food.
    • Pay more, eat less. Look for quality of food over quantity.
    • Eat meals. Cut out snacking, stick with structured meals.
    • Don't get your fuel from the same place your car does. Gas stations are great for fueling your car, but the food they sell are not suited to fuel you.
    • Try not to eat alone. Eating can become mindless when alone, leading to overeating.
    • Eat slowly. Eat foods that have been prepared slowly – that means no fast food.
  2. Make Negative Associations: When was the last time you peeled a lemon and ate it whole? Probably never. That's because your taste buds have a negative association with the sour taste.

    Our taste buds have traditionally been our guide when it comes to food selection, but this must change for you to successfully avoid overeating. Since the food industry purposely crafts food items to please your taste buds (not waistline) what tastes good can no longer dictate what you eat.

    It's up to you to create negative associations with unhealthy food - despite their pleasing taste. Here are some negatives to focus on:

    • Those extra calories will accumulate around your waist.
    • Your health will suffer.
    • You will become more disspointed with your appearance.
    • You'll feel sluggish.
  3. Give Yourself a Real Reward: The bottom line is that we eat unhealthy food as a reward, even though it causes more harm that good. It's time to give yourself a truly benificial reward – exercise.

    Exercise is a healthy reward that will not only release endorphins into your system, but will also give you the benefit of weight loss and improved health.
I truly believe that you can overcome your pattern of overeating with healthy eating and regular exercise. Call or email today to get started on a program that will truly change your life.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Couples Bootcamp Program Helped this Busy Mother of 2 Transform Her Body and Life

United-Games-728x90.pngI often wonder why so many Moms are featured in these amazing transformations. That proves to me that these programs can help anyone at any stage or situation in life. Let' get to another case in point.

Couples Bootcamp Program Helped this Busy Mother of 2 Transform Her Body and Life

I am so excited to share with you Allison’s Transformation story . Allison is a mother of 2 that works full time in the medical field. Being a busy mother and having a full time job meant that she had to be structured with her schedule and make this a top priority if she wanted the results. Lets just say she followed everything and did an incredible job.

Allison’s Stats: 

Starting weight: 135 pounds

Ending weight: 111.8 pounds

. Hip Measurement (measure around the largest area): 37” ended 33”

. Waist Measurement (measure around the largest area): 34.5” and ended at 26”

. Body Fat Percentage 35% and ended at 18%

Couples Bootcamp Program Weight Loss - Allison Before and After

Couples Weight Loss Program - Before and After

My adventure began when a friend of mine who had been researching different diet/exercise programs stumbled across Hitch Fit. I was not overweight at the time but I was not healthy either. I was tired all the time and had no strength in my arms or legs. I work full time in the medical field and my days are long and unpredictable. I have two children who are involved in baseball, softball, gymnastics and piano, so my time away from the hospital is spent running them around. Not to mention the piles of laundry and dishes that accumulate every day. So, like everyone else in my situation I had excuse after excuse as to why I couldn’t lose weight, eat healthier and get in shape. I was wanting something to motivate me to get in shape and so when my friend decided to do Hitch Fit I told her I would sign up with her. The accountability to her and to Micah made me find the time and motivation to do something for myself.

The hardest part for me was finding the time to fit in cardio and workouts on a daily basis. I found that early mornings worked best and even though I struggled to get out of bed, I loved the feeling of having my cardio or workout done before leaving for work. There were evenings that I found myself on the treadmill at 10 pm but knowing I had to report to Micah each week kept me motivated.

I also found it difficult to fit in the smaller, frequent meals, but with some advice from Micah I was able to find things that were easy to eat on the go and squeeze in when I had time between a patient and OR cases. Protein shakes ended up being a very simple way for me to get the protein and calories I needed to keep going on my busy days and I enjoyed them so much that even though I am done with my 12 week program I am still drinking them.

I have tried other weight loss programs but what made Hitch Fit stand out to me and allow me to succeed was the personalization. I loved that when I had a question or issue that Micah was just an email away and always had good advice. I had back surgery last year and Micah was able to help me find ways to complete the workouts without injuring myself. I am also very lucky in that I had the support of my husband. He would have a special diner ready for me on the nights I was working out late and without his support and encouragement this journey would have been much tougher. I hope to be able to keep up with the dietary concepts I learned and continue to work out on a daily basis. Thank you Hitch Fit helping me obtain a body I am comfortable in, strength and energy to keep up with my kiddos and busy life and a feeling of accomplishment that I have never had before!

Couples Bootcamp - Before and After Weight Loss

Allison’s Program Choice- Couples Bootcamp

Couples Weight Loss Program

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