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Showing posts with label ProDura Bacillus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ProDura Bacillus. Show all posts

Sunday, March 25, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Breakthrough!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Happy Sunday! Breakthrough AM/PM it is. I'm Down another 2 lbs. That makes 27 lbs total weight loss. Believe me, I have never had this type of weight loss ever with any other product or program! We do not make any medical claims.

I added our Breakthrough 12 Day Cleanse and so far I'm almost finished and my weight has dropped.  Go to  my site where you can learn about these products and order.I am here to help you decide what products will best help you

Breakthrough Info:

A simple 12 Day Cleanse (every 90-days) to assist in providing an optimal environment of digestion, detoxification and elimination.
Prevail Breakthrough AM/PM™ is two simple formulas designed for morning and night use, this product will have you fit, healthy and happy all day.
A formula that is a source of antioxidants and probiotics that will temporarily modify gut flora.

Manage Weight
Support Healthy Metabolism
Help Detoxify and Replenish

The AM Prevail Breakthrough formula contains ProDura® Bacillus coagulans, a spore-forming probiotic that is superior to non-spore probiotics. It will help lower cholesterol and lactose intolerance while raising HDL levels and lipid status.
The PM Prevail Breakthrough is a whole food, powerful nutrient drink designed to detoxify. It has traditionally been used in herbal medicine as a diuretic and laxative to help treat digestive disturbances. This formula may help the body combat an overgrown Candida yeast infection, increase nutrient absorption and increase overall metabolism.
A quarterly regimen (every 90-days) is designed for ease of use, and only 12 days are needed to provide the optimal environment for digestion and detoxification. Start drinking! Your body will thank you.

Here is Aileen's Results:
I think I'm shrinking again! Losing inches as I detox!

I lost a total of 88 lbs the first 48 lbs were on our line of products available at the time Trim, Energy and Immune Boost then our great coffee came available and I lost another 40 lbs all I did was take one coffee, one Trim and Immune boost and with this combination everyone knows as our 12in24. I continued my weight loss and maintenance. now I do the Max and I am finishing up my second round of Breakthrough and those inches are coming down! I feel great energetic, focus and healthy!!