5 Phase Complete Strength and Athleticism Training System by PlaySportsTV
About this Course
Five Core Training Modules that make up the main system. Each module builds on the one before it to rapidly increase your strength, speed, power, flexibility and overall athleticism.
This entire system is designed to develop the youngest to the oldest and the most experienced to the least experienced athletes...The standards and graduation system is proven to encourage consistency and dedication in young athletes...
Built to inspire an internal drive in each athlete, over time, and instill the work ethic so many young athletes struggle to develop!In the member’s area for each module you’ll see a map showing you exactly where you are in the progression of the system, and what’s coming next...
So you'll know exactly where to start, with any athlete, and how to effectively and safely progress as they increase strength, speed and athletic power!Along with the online member’s area, you also receive a printable PDF manual for each module so you can have it with you wherever you need it.
Now, within the manual for each module you’re given a very specific set of guidelines that detail the duration of that specific module… how many times per week to train… and how to get the most out of the workouts.
Each week is laid out in detail for you, with workouts and rest days noted.And every workout – the exercises, sets, reps, and rest time – is completely filled in for you already.Each manual also come with progressive standards used to motivate athletes to climb the ranks as they build their overall athleticism...
Graduation tests are also included so each athlete knows when it is the right time to move to the next phase or......
if they should repeat a previous one and continue to build the base needed for life long strength and athleticism...
Not only that, but with every module you also get:
Complete “Dynamic” warm-up routine and stretches to ensure your athletes are prepared for the day’s workout, to increase flexibility, and to help prevent injury…
Next, you get a selection of speed & agility and ladder drills to pick from for each workout…
Then you’ll find a series of recommended speed and agility games you can insert into any workout...
The games designed to work hand-in-hand with the workouts to build athleticism.And games are important because when kids are playing and having fun, it doesn’t seem so much like forced “work,” so their attitudes are completely different and they actually want to join in.They still reap the benefits that come along with the “fun” exercise, plus they’re more engaged, so it’s a win-win for everybody.
This is the secret sauce for attracting, retaining and motivating athletes from elementary to high school age!
You also get a cool down routine for each workout. Cool down routines are important to speed recovery after a workout, increasing flexibility, and decrease muscle soreness…
So be sure to emphasize the cool down routine!
Finally, for some modules, there are important graduation tests at the end that athletes need to pass before they can continue to the next module.These tests are important markers, and let you know whether an athlete is equipped for the rigors of the next training phase.
The graduation test are all based off the results athletes will document for our custom Speed, Agility & Strength Standard Charts…
These charts are excellent ways to motivate athletes to constantly strive to move up the charts…
Top programs have religiously used these type of charts and standards to create enthusiasm and excitement around working out, motivating athletes to push their limits and ultimately building more physical and MENTAL strength in each of their athletes…
You will also have downloadable certificates that you can print, fill out and present to each athlete that graduates specific phases or reaches special milestones in our custom standards chart.
So, as you can see, the system’s completely “done for you.”In fact, you could start using the system tomorrow if you wanted to, here’s how easy it is to do:
Log in to your members area and have your athlete(s) take the simple tests we have provided…
Which will let them know exactly which phase to start with so they don’t bypass any fundamentals and jump right into the appropriate level and challenge they are ready for.
This entire system is designed to develop the youngest to the oldest and the most experienced to the least experienced athletes...The standards and graduation system is proven to encourage consistency and dedication in young athletes...
Built to inspire an internal drive in each athlete, over time, and instill the work ethic so many young athletes struggle to develop!In the member’s area for each module you’ll see a map showing you exactly where you are in the progression of the system, and what’s coming next...
So you'll know exactly where to start, with any athlete, and how to effectively and safely progress as they increase strength, speed and athletic power!Along with the online member’s area, you also receive a printable PDF manual for each module so you can have it with you wherever you need it.
Now, within the manual for each module you’re given a very specific set of guidelines that detail the duration of that specific module… how many times per week to train… and how to get the most out of the workouts.
Each week is laid out in detail for you, with workouts and rest days noted.And every workout – the exercises, sets, reps, and rest time – is completely filled in for you already.Each manual also come with progressive standards used to motivate athletes to climb the ranks as they build their overall athleticism...
Graduation tests are also included so each athlete knows when it is the right time to move to the next phase or......
if they should repeat a previous one and continue to build the base needed for life long strength and athleticism...
Not only that, but with every module you also get:
Complete “Dynamic” warm-up routine and stretches to ensure your athletes are prepared for the day’s workout, to increase flexibility, and to help prevent injury…
Next, you get a selection of speed & agility and ladder drills to pick from for each workout…
Then you’ll find a series of recommended speed and agility games you can insert into any workout...
The games designed to work hand-in-hand with the workouts to build athleticism.And games are important because when kids are playing and having fun, it doesn’t seem so much like forced “work,” so their attitudes are completely different and they actually want to join in.They still reap the benefits that come along with the “fun” exercise, plus they’re more engaged, so it’s a win-win for everybody.
This is the secret sauce for attracting, retaining and motivating athletes from elementary to high school age!
You also get a cool down routine for each workout. Cool down routines are important to speed recovery after a workout, increasing flexibility, and decrease muscle soreness…
So be sure to emphasize the cool down routine!
Finally, for some modules, there are important graduation tests at the end that athletes need to pass before they can continue to the next module.These tests are important markers, and let you know whether an athlete is equipped for the rigors of the next training phase.
The graduation test are all based off the results athletes will document for our custom Speed, Agility & Strength Standard Charts…
These charts are excellent ways to motivate athletes to constantly strive to move up the charts…
Top programs have religiously used these type of charts and standards to create enthusiasm and excitement around working out, motivating athletes to push their limits and ultimately building more physical and MENTAL strength in each of their athletes…
You will also have downloadable certificates that you can print, fill out and present to each athlete that graduates specific phases or reaches special milestones in our custom standards chart.
So, as you can see, the system’s completely “done for you.”In fact, you could start using the system tomorrow if you wanted to, here’s how easy it is to do:
Log in to your members area and have your athlete(s) take the simple tests we have provided…
Which will let them know exactly which phase to start with so they don’t bypass any fundamentals and jump right into the appropriate level and challenge they are ready for.
Coach Credentials
PlaySportsTV presents Daryl Weber. Coach Weber is a former NCAA Division 1 Wrestling Champion. He coached 13 straight High School State Champion Wrestling Teams. He used drills like this to get kids hooked on sports and rapidly develop them in his championship program.