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Showing posts with label Track and Field. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Track and Field. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2018

IAAF Race Walking Team Championships Taicang 2018 - 10km U20 Men

[Video Below]
Presented by CoachTube Track and Field On US Sports Net!


Track Football Consortium V

....Attending clinics is fun. You learn a lot and you get to meet some great people and expand your network. However track coaches Tony Holler and Chris Korfist were tired of going to clinics with the idea that “if we learn one new thing, it would be worth the time and money spent.”
Like many other coaches, we wanted to walk away with many new ideas. And since most of our  friends were both football and track people, we put together a great conference by bringing in the best in both track and football to share their ideas about the newest thoughts in training speed, power and strength.
Over 2 days in June 2017, coaches got the chance to listen and interact with the best in the industry to give them a behind-the-scenes look at what’s moving the needle today.
This course includes a handful of presentations featured during the event for you to relive the experience from the comfort of your home.
Track Football Consortium is a 2-Day Sports Performance Event featuring top coaches in their profession talk about sports performance and conditioning. Catch the next one and learn more at

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

U14 Mens/Womens 3000m Racewalk - Final - 2018 Australian Junior Athletics Championships and 5 Phase Complete Strength & Athleticism Training System


5 Phase Complete Strength and Athleticism Training System by PlaySportsTV

Five Core Training Modules that make up the main system.  Each module builds on the one before it to rapidly increase your strength, speed, power, flexibility and overall athleticism.
This entire system is designed to develop the youngest to the oldest and the most experienced to the least experienced athletes...The standards and graduation system is proven to encourage consistency and dedication in young athletes...

Built to inspire an internal drive in each athlete, over time, and instill the work ethic so many young athletes struggle to develop!In the member’s area for each module you’ll see a map showing you exactly where you are in the progression of the system, and what’s coming next...

So you'll know exactly where to start, with any athlete, and how to effectively and safely progress as they increase strength, speed and athletic power!Along with the online member’s area, you also receive a printable PDF manual for each module so you can have it with you wherever you need it.
Now, within the manual for each module you’re given a very specific set of guidelines that detail the duration of that specific module… how many times per week to train… and how to get the most out of the workouts.

Each week is laid out in detail for you, with workouts and rest days noted.And every workout – the exercises, sets, reps, and rest time – is completely filled in for you already.Each manual also come with progressive standards used to motivate athletes to climb the ranks as they build their overall athleticism...

Graduation tests are also included so each athlete knows when it is the right time to move to the next phase or......

if they should repeat a previous one and continue to build the base needed for life long strength and athleticism...

Not only that, but with every module you also get:
Complete “Dynamic” warm-up routine and stretches to ensure your athletes are prepared for the day’s workout, to increase flexibility, and to help prevent injury…
Next, you get a selection of speed & agility and ladder drills to pick from for each workout…

Then you’ll find a series of recommended speed and agility games you can insert into any workout...

The games designed to work hand-in-hand with the workouts to build athleticism.And games are important because when kids are playing and having fun, it doesn’t seem so much like forced “work,” so their attitudes are completely different and they actually want to join in.They still reap the benefits that come along with the “fun” exercise, plus they’re more engaged, so it’s a win-win for everybody.
This is the secret sauce for attracting, retaining and motivating athletes from elementary to high school age!

You also get a cool down routine for each workout. Cool down routines are important to speed recovery after a workout, increasing flexibility, and decrease muscle soreness…

So be sure to emphasize the cool down routine!

Finally, for some modules, there are important 
graduation tests at the end that athletes need to pass before they can continue to the next module.
These tests are important markers, and let you know whether an athlete is equipped for the rigors of the next training phase.

The graduation test are all based off the results athletes will document for our custom Speed, Agility & Strength Standard Charts…

These charts are excellent ways to motivate athletes to constantly strive to move up the charts…

Top programs have religiously used these type of charts and standards to create enthusiasm and excitement around working out, motivating athletes to push their limits and ultimately building more physical and MENTAL strength in each of their athletes…

You will also have downloadable certificates that you can print, fill out and present to each athlete that graduates specific phases or reaches special milestones in our custom standards chart.

So, as you can see, the system’s completely “done for you.”In fact, you could start using the system tomorrow if you wanted to, here’s how easy it is to do:

Log in to your members area and have your athlete(s) take the simple tests we have provided…

Which will let them know exactly which phase to start with so they don’t bypass any fundamentals and jump right into the appropriate level and challenge they are ready for.
PlaySportsTV presents Daryl Weber.  Coach Weber is a former NCAA Division 1 Wrestling Champion.  He coached 13 straight High School State Champion Wrestling Teams.  He used drills like this to get kids hooked on sports and rapidly develop them in his championship program.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

CoachTube Track and Field Featuring: Coaching the Long Jump - Sled Drill

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE WHOLE THING:  Mike Powell takes you through each phase of coaching the long jump in this course, and in this specific video he explains how the sled drill can help your athletes even better at the long jump. Click the link above to see even more!

 About this Course
Learn the secrets to being a successful long jumper straight from the holder of the long jump world record! Featuring the greatest long jump performer in the history of the sport, Mike Powell’s Coaching the Long Jump provides a detailed overview of each of the key aspects of the long jump.

This course breaks down each phase of the long jump and provides valuable coaching tips for training and competition. Whether you are a coach or an athlete, this course offers an invaluable informational resource on how to achieve increased performance.

Topics covered include:

The walk-up
The approach
The takeoff
Teaching progression
Flight technique
The landing
Putting it all together
Competition tips  

MikePowell Mike Powell 2-time Olympic silver medalist, 2-time World Champion, and 6-time US National Champion
Mike Powell is the current world record holder in the long jump, 29’ 41/2”. He has been coaching age-group, collegiate, and world-class athletes for over 10 years. His athletes have won NCAA championships, as well as Olympic and world championship medals. Since 2006, he has been the head jumps coach for UCLA. In 2007, he was named the NCAA West Region Jumps Coach of the Year. One of the most renowned and respected performers in the history of track and field, Mike is a 2-time Olympic silver medalist, 2-time World Champion, and 6-time US National Champion. In 2005, he was inducted into the USA Track and Field Hall of Fame.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Track Sprinter Weight Lifting: In-Season | Lower Body

Volt Athletic Track and Field
The Track and Field Programs will work the body to increase strength and power. These key elements are vital if the goal is to reach the greatest potential as a sprinter.

Throughout the length of the Track and Field Programs,the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts.

The starting point of the program is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best! Click here to start training today!  

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Here's a great lower body weight lifting workout for you sprinters out there looking to increase your speed and explosion without risking muscle pulls, wear, and tear on your body. Perform this 2-3 times per week! Follow me on Instagram: Nick_Waddell Follow my training Instagram: SplitSecondSpeed Like me on Facebook: Split Second Speed Contact me (business):

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Pole Vault Recruiting Video Brittany Blaskovich Class of 2018 on US Sports Net!

Volt Athletic Track and Field Strength and Conditioning
The Track and Field Programs will work the body to increase strength and power. These key elements are vital if the goal is to reach the greatest potential as a sprinter.

Throughout the length of the Track and Field Programs,the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts.

The starting point of the program is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best! Click here to start training for greatness today!

Reach and Connect To Millions Of Human Targeted Leads Today!
Scores, Stats, Highlights, and Cool Online Shopping!
The Scoreboard Mall @ US Sports Radio
The Coolest Sports, The Hottest Talk Live Online and Mobile!

I am going into my senior year and would like to pole vault in college. My PR is 11'. I expect to jump at least 12' this coming year. Thanks for considering me for your track and field team.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Today's Feature Program: Track and Field Conditioning

Track and Field

Track and Field

The Track and Field Programs will work the body to increase strength and power. These key elements are vital if the goal is to reach the greatest potential as a sprinter.

Throughout the length of the Track and Field Programs,the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts.

The starting point of the program is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best!


The Sprinting programs will work your body to increase strength and power. These key elements are vital if you want to reach your potential as a sprinter. This program uses an advanced set and rep matrix which involves something called "phase jumping". Phase jumping means that I have included a set that calls for one rep at an intensity level that is 5-10% higher than the work sets. I have added this set at the end of the descending warmup for the "bigger" or primary strength exercises like squat, power clean, bench etc. The set combinations for these exercises appear rather long but usually half of them are actually warmup based! These phase jumping sets allow your body to neurally adapt to the heavier training poundages that you will experience in the later weeks of your program. Also, I have written a 3 Day Inseason Sprinter workout which is perfect for maintaining the strength and power you developed in the Offseason! Train Hard. Dan

Week 1 - Day 2 (Wednesday) of Track and Field ProgramWeek Difficulty:Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Back Extension
12 reps,12 reps 
Power Clean
5 reps @ 215 lbs,4 reps @ 255 lbs,
3 reps @ 300 lbs,4 reps @ 340 lbs,
6 reps @ 320 lbs,5 reps @ 280 lbs 
Rack Deadlifts
5 reps @ 310 lbs,4 reps @ 370 lbs,
3 reps @ 435 lbs,4 reps @ 495 lbs,
3 reps @ 465 lbs  
Lat Pulldown Close Grip Front
10 reps @ 160 lbs,10 reps @ 160 lbs 
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
12 reps @ 35 lbs,8 reps @ 40 lbs,
8 reps @ 38 lbs  
 Sign up to get this program here

If it's time to get serious about your fitness, you need a structured program. I'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities, that will contain:

Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
Using the world's most powerful online training tool I can design and deliver a 12-week fitness programfully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule.
For more information about my background, fee structure and how to get started, go to:

US Sports Strength and Conditioning
 Just fill out the brief contact form if you would like to get started.

Contact Me:
Nathan Lewis CSCS
US Sports Strength and Conditioning

US Sports Strength and Conditioning

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Kendall Reynolds Leads Bowie State at New Balance Invitational

NEW YORK, N.Y. – The Bowie State women and men’s track and field teams competed in the New Balance Invitational and junior sensation Kendall Reynolds leads the way again.

Reynolds placed 4th in the women’s triple jump (12.23m) and also competed in the long jump, placing 17th with a jump of 5.50. Brelyn Finley finished 20th overall in the women’s shot put going 13.04m.

The Bowie State men’s 4x200 Meter Relay “A” team placed 16th with a time of 1:37.54

In the men’s division, Bryan Williams ended the day with a 20th place finish in the triple jump (14.16m) and finished 33rd in the long jump (6.71m). Other highlights for the men include Channing Johnson’s 34th place finish in the shot put and Sonny Hicks’ 56th place finish in the 800 meter run, crossing the finish line with a time of 1:58.58.

Bowie State’s women and men’s track and field teams travel to Winston-Salem, N.C. next weekend (2/15-16) to compete in the CIAA Indoor Track and Field Championships. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Track and Field Produces High Marks at Coppin State Donald Webster Memorial Invitational

BALTIMORE, Md. – There were no team results, but 19 individual Bowie State University student-athletes came away from the Donald Webster Memorial Invitational with a fifth place or higher finish at the track and field event hosted by Coppin State University on Saturday (4/13). RESULTS ATTACHED

Leading the way for the Lady Bulldogs was Brittany Williams, Brelyn Finley and Michelle Palmer. Williams placed second in the 800 Meter Run (2:19.75) while Finley and Palmer were third in the Shot Put (12.75m) and 400 Meter Dash (57.92) respectively. Kayla Watson tied for third in the Long Jump (5.56m). Finley also had a third place finish in the Discus Throw (30.80m) and a fourth place finish in the Javelin throw.

Carissa Smith placed fourth in the 100 Meter Hurdles with a time of 16.13. Rounding out Bowie State’s top five finishers were Phyllicia Ennis (Shot Put – 11.33m), Jade George (Triple Jump – 10.69m) and Indya Price (100 Meter Dash – 12.44).

On the men’s side Christopher Allen placed first in the Javelin Throw (46.12m) and second in the Discus Throw (41.07m). Cullen Mosley finished first in the 1500 Meter Run (4:17.08). Alonzo Williams placed second in the 110 Meter Hurdles with a time of 14.48, qualifying him for the Outdoor Nationals.

Channing Johnson had two top five finished for the Bulldogs placing second in the Javelin Throw (41.61m) and fifth in the Discus Throw (34.71m). Brian Williams was second in the Triple Jump (14.30m) and fellow Bulldog Anthony Kiser was third in the High Jump (1.83m)

Ndjami Chick was a third place finisher in the 1500 Meter Run with a time of 4:21.06. Teammate Christopher Derrick finished third in the Discus Throw (40.39m) and placed fifth in the Javelin Throw (21.00m).

Anthony Kiser placed third overall in the High Jump (1.83m) and Sonny Hicks along with Herman Watkins placed fourth in the 1500 Meter Run (4:22.69) and Discus Throw (39.49m) respectively.

The Bowie State men’s 4x400 Meter Relay team of Fabian Gonzalez, Travis Scarborough, Alonzo Williams and Sonny Hicks finished fourth, crossing the finish line with a time of 3:34.19.

Monday, April 8, 2013


DURHAM, N.C. – The women’s and men’s outdoor track and field teams had several individual and team performances at the Duke Invitational on Friday and Saturday. Kendall Reynolds and Brelyn Finley led the women while Brian Williams and Anthony Kiser paced the men.

Reynolds continues to shine for the Lady Bulldogs, placing third in the women’s Long Jump (5.59m) and fourth in the Triple Jump (11.78m). Kayla Watson was also a participant in the Long Jump, finishing sixth with a jump of 5.47m. Finley participated in the Shot Put, placing eighth with a throw of 13.72m, qualifying her for the nationals.

One other individual top 20 performance was an 18th place finish by Indya Price in the women’s 200 Meter, crossing the finish line with a time of 25.16.

The Lady Bulldogs’ 4x100 Meter Relay team of Price, Jasmine Street, Crishonda Coffey and Michelle Palmer, finished eighth with a time of 48.53.

The Bowie State men’s 4x100 Meter Relay team of Travis Scarborough, Jalame Gomez, Rodney Williamson and Daniel Ballah placed third overall with a time of 42.69. Bowie State’s 4x400 Meter Relay “B” team (Alonzo Williams, Ballah, Anthony Kiser and Ndjami Chick) finished 12th with a time of 3:26.49.

Brian Williams had two top 10 performances, finishing sixth in the Triple Jump (13.90m) and 10th in the Long Jump (6.19m). Kiser added a 13th place and 17th place finish in the men’s Long Jump (6.13m) and 400 Meter Hurdles (57.12) respectively to his weekend accomplishments.

Three other Bulldogs had top 20 performances as Christopher Allen placed 17th in the Javelin (43.36m), Alonzo Williams 18th in the 400 Meter Hurdles (57.47) and Scarborough finished 20th in the 200 Meter (22.45).

Bowie State’s next competition date will be Wednesday (April 13th) at Coppin State University.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


BALTIMORE, Md. – Competing in their second outdoor meet of the season, the Bowie State women’s track and field team finished second overall and the men placed fifth at the Coppin State University Twilight event. Phyllicia Ennis and Faith Sykes led the Lady Bulldogs and Sonny Hicks along with Kadeem Bailey were leaders for the Bulldogs. 

Ennis placed first in the women’s Shot Put with a throw of 10.93m while teammate Shahirah Johnson finished third (8.98m) in the same event. Sykes crossed the finish line of the 800 Meter Run with a time of 2:36.75 and a second place finish.

Six other Lady Bulldog participants had top five finishes’ as well. Jasmine Street was fifth in the 100 Meter Dash (13.16) and Michelle Palmer finished fifth in the women’s 400 Meter Dash (1:00.33). Kendall Reynolds finished in the Long Jump (5.28m). The BSU trio of Sherice Stones, Jade George and Crishonda Coffey place third, fourth and fifth in the Triple Jump.

Hicks was BSU’s top male student-athlete in the 800 Meter Run placing second with a time of 2:03.40. Bailey threw the Shot Put 11.10m, placing him fifth overall and Herman Watkins placed sixth in the same event with a throw of 10.72. Cullen Mosley participated in the men’s 1500 Meter Run and placed sixth, clocking in at 4:32.81.

The Bowie State 4x100 Meter Relay “A” teams performed well, finishing second in the respective women and men’s fields. The women’s team consisted of Indya Price, Kayla Watson, Coffey and Palmer and finished behind host Coppin State with a time of 49.21. Travis Scarborough, Jalame Gomez, Rodney Williamson and Daniel Ballah made up BSU’s men team and ran a time of 44.48.

The ladies had a “B” Team in the 4x100 with Carissa Smith, Sykes, Stones and Street crossing the finish line with a time of 52.13.