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Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Rock Almighty Saturday On The Rocks With King James


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Enjoy today's blessing of Rock 'n' Roll fam!
Names matter Warriors Of Light. What you are called and what you call others has a spirit attached to it. Think about that this weekend and we rock with the best.

What’s In a Name?
From Intouch Ministries
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Sometimes our failures testify to God’s never-ending faithfulness.
Genesis 21:6-7
The Lord heard Sarah’s skeptical laughter a year earlier when He promised her husband Abraham that they would have a child. Believing such a thing must have seemed to her like too much of a stretch. But then, this elderly woman’s uncertainty was turned into joy with the miraculous birth of her son. The baby was given the name Isaac, just as God had instructed Abraham in Genesis 17:19.

Music video credit:
King James: Madison Line Launch Party Uncut
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Su Smith

The Rock Almighty
Part of the US Sports Network

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