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The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth!
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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Rock Almight Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Being A "Happy Warrior"


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In order for faith to work, we have to make the quality decision to not quit when engaged in any good thing.

Hope Fuels Perseverance
From Intouch Ministries
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Look beyond today’s hardship and trust the Lord, who is working for your good.
Isaiah 40:28-31
Pain can serve as a warning that something in the body is wrong. After a physical injury or surgery, however, discomfort is often part of the journey toward recovery. At such times, many people might be tempted to let pain keep them from working through the rehabilitation process to regain strength and mobility. For that reason, physical therapists will frequently challenge their patients to push just past their comfort zone. They know that a good outcome depends on more than enduring pain once or twice and then quitting before recovery is complete.

Music video credit:
Ransom - Watching Over Me
@ Apple Music -
@ Amazon -
Real 80s CCM

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