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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Lose weight efficiently and Build Legs & Glutes at Home w/ this Underrated Exercise


  • Author Lara Romane

You want to lose weight but the diets you have tried so far have not worked? Then maybe it's time to change your method!

Good news: I am against overly restrictive diets, I encourage my clients to change their eating habits and exercise, and this is the only method with which I have obtained lasting results.

Health and Wellness

The bad news is that my method does not allow for rapid weight loss, such as "losing 10 kilos in 1 week". I prefer a slower weight loss but on the long term without a yo-yo effect.

So which slimming programme should you choose: those that recommend taking your time or those that promise immediate results?

What if I told you that it was possible to lose weight quickly and well, even allowing yourself a few deviations from time to time... The trick is to have a programme and to be well informed.

➔ Nutrition programme

➔ Sport Program

3 fundamentals for a successful diet

1- Motivation

The first prerequisite for losing weight is to be motivated. Whether it is about your diet or sport, you will always have the urge to flinch. At these times, remind yourself why you are doing this and what your motivation is. The first week can sometimes be difficult but you'll see that the first kilo lost is encouraging!

2- Realistic goals

Set yourself goals and stick to them, BUT don't set your goals too high - that's the best way to lose motivation. A goal of losing 1 kilo per week is already very good! And you don't need to get on the scales twice a day to look for progress. Once a week is enough, on a fixed day, for example every Sunday. And if the weight loss is less than you expected, don't panic, it happens!

3- Go gradually

Take it one step at a time, don't go from nothing to nothing overnight. The human body is sensitive and needs time to adapt; it does not like changes that are too sudden. This advice applies to both physical exercise and diet. If you don't do any sport, don't force yourself to do 1 hour a day every day.

Three types of body fat

There are three types of adult body fat: subcutaneous fat (between the skin and the abs), visceral fat (behind the abs, around the internal organs) and body fat depending on the sex of the individual. Each of these types requires a specific control strategy.

  1. Visceral fat

As the name suggests, visceral fat is mainly stored in the abdominal cavity, pushing the stomach forward. The more obese a person is, the more of this type of fat they have. And it is precisely the visceral fat that gives the individual an apple shape.

Cardio exercises are the most effective against this type of fat. All those who claim to have succeeded in losing weight considerably by running have mainly got rid of visceral fat. If you are able to pull in your stomach, you have little of this type of fat.

  1. Subcutaneous fat

Subcutaneous fat accounts for about 40-60% of body fat. This is the fat you can feel under the skin. Aerobic exercise has less impact on the removal of subcutaneous fat. Apart from that, one should follow a low-calorie diet.

On average you can lose 400 to 700 g of this type of fat per week(4), which is equivalent to a deficit of 500 to 900 kcal per day. The body is unable to burn this fat faster. If you reduce your calorie intake even more, you will mainly lose muscle and not fat.

  1. Fat in the lower abdomen and hips

The third type of fat is the one that is defined by our gender. This fat is located on the lower abdomen in men, and on the hips and buttocks in women. The fight against this type of fat is possible if you only have a certain amount of subcutaneous fat.

Unfortunately, this fat is the most problematic, since the body uses it last, after getting rid of visceral and subcutaneous fat. The strategy to combat this fat requires complex solutions.


  1. Re-learn how to eat

The best way to lose weight sustainably is by changing your eating habits. This will depend on where you are starting from and what you are currently eating. If you regularly drink soft drinks or alcohol and eat fast food, you can imagine that these are the first things to banish when trying to lose weight.

Generally speaking, the first thing to do is to reduce your consumption of sugars and fats, and eat more fruit and vegetables. It is necessary to know how to choose the least energetic foods, I advise you to learn to read labels and thus know the approximate nutritional value of common foods.

If you find it difficult to choose your food and understand the labels, I invite you to try the Yuka application. I did an article on it that you can check out, but in a few words it allows you to scan all your food products and get a quality index based on its nutritional properties and sugar/fat/salt content.

  1. Choice of foods and cooking methods and seasonings

Foods to choose

One thing I have noticed with my clients is that they do not eat enough fish. Fish is very healthy, a good source of protein and generally low in fat. It's definitely an ally in your diet, so try to eat fish 2 to 3 times a week. Yes, but fish is expensive; it's true but there are always ways to find cheaper fish, go to Lidl for example, fish is much cheaper, or buy it frozen. Just avoid breaded fish

For meats, prefer lean meats and poultry. Remember that you don't have to eat meat (or fish) at every meal, you can replace it with other sources of protein such as eggs, legumes (soya, lentils), quinoa, etc.

Vegetables: as much as you like! Vegetables and raw vegetables are recommended at every meal. Fruit is also highly recommended but limited because of its sugar content. Prefer low-sugar fruit.

Recommended cooking methods

Meat: grilled or roasted;

Fish: grilled, baked, microwaved or in foil;

Vegetables: steamed, stewed or microwaved

Seasoning and sauces

Add flavour to your meals but use the least fatty seasonings and sauces possible: you can use extra virgin olive oil, lemon, soy sauce, herbs and spices. Of course, avoid all ketchup/mayonnaise, and use as little butter as possible.

  1. Eat unprocessed foods

A simple tip for healthy eating is to avoid processed products, rich in food additives. This technique, used for example in the Paleo diet, consists of favouring fresh products and abandoning the "ready-made" foods that you find in the supermarket: packets of cakes, tins, ready-made meals, etc. Basically, anything that does not come from a farm or a small village. In short, anything that does not come directly from nature. In addition to being very healthy for the body, you will find many benefits other than weight loss: reduced risk of disease, better sleep, feeling of well-being, increased energy, etc.

If your budget allows it, choose organic farming, which is richer in nutrients and more nourishing than the processed and impoverished products of the food industry

  1. Eat to your heart's content

Contrary to what we have always been told, dieting does not have to be synonymous with not eating enough. Even if some methods such as fasting recommend skipping a meal during the day, I think that as long as you only eat healthy food, there is no reason to deprive yourself and not eat enough (without excess either, it's like everything else). You won't get fat by eating green vegetables!

Reducing quantities too drastically and not reaching our daily calorie requirements presents a real risk of nutritional deficiencies. Our body needs to be supplied with nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fibre, vitamins and minerals). That's why it's important to eat your 5 fruits and vegetables a day. Tip: don't hesitate to eat your vegetables frozen if you don't have the time to prepare them, contrary to some preconceived ideas they are very good! Don't confuse frozen vegetables with frozen ready meals.

If you have vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you can make up for them with food supplements in the form of courses.

The risks of a quick diet

Even though we're always eager to see results, the sustainable diet is the most effective. If you still want to try a magic diet to lose weight quickly, here are a few things that might (hopefully) make you not want to:

Guaranteed yo-yo effect: A diet that is too deprived conditions your metabolism for the next "attack". As it is no longer used to receiving fats, at the first deviation or return to normal it will store more fats than before to face possible future periods of dieting. Result: you get fatter. When you see that you have gained weight again, you go back on a diet, and so on. You never get out of it.

With a drastic diet you will not provide your body with its daily needs in vitamins and minerals, which will result in increased fatigue and a decrease in your immune system (you will fall ill more often, etc.).

Deficiencies make your nails and hair more fragile.

Loss of muscle mass: Even if the aim is to burn fat quickly, your body will often burn muscle mass first. The result: you lose your shape (=flat buttocks). To avoid this, you need to eat a balanced diet rich in protein and do sports to build up muscle mass.

You are more prone to stress and psychological problems.

obviously, it is better to follow a training course which will be much more complete than my article

it has been proven that using a paid subscription increases the probability of succeeding in your diet by 45% (obviously if this subscription is effective), which is why I recommend this one which has been tested and approuved by me:

have a nice day and hope that this article has very been very useful to you!

© 2021 Lara Romane

I am a freelance writer who works in medicine and I like to post from time to time, to help people. Before I was fat, however, I have been on a diet and I give the main ideas in this blog, the most important ones that helped me get out of my obesity were revealed to me by this training: take a look around😉

Monday, May 30, 2022

Concealed Carry: Why I Don’t Use The Term “Mass Shooter” Anymore


Why I Don’t Use The Term “Mass Shooter” Anymore

This may sound nitpicky, but I've lately convinced myself that I don't really like the term “mass shooter” to describe when someone goes into a building intending to kill many people. Let me explain why.

First off, I'm a shooter. I go to the range regularly to go shooting. The term “mass shooter” or “shooting spree” is not good because there is a negative connotation there that we cannot ignore. That negative connotation attached to the word “shooter” or “shooting.”

I'm a shooter who goes shooting at the gun range on a weekly basis. In fact, I'm scheduled to go tomorrow.

Do these people think of themselves as shooters? Or do they think of themselves as killers, murderers?

That's meant as a rhetorical question because I don't believe any of us who haven't killed innocent people could know. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think these killers consider it “target practice.” In other words, they don't go into the building to hone their shooting skills.

Instead, what their motive is, to at least some degree, is murder. Death. Killing. Therefore, they shoot, but only to kill. So, let's call an apple an apple, an orange an orange, and a grape a grape. Let's call these people what they are …

Instead of “mass shooters,” I say it's better to say they're mass killers. Or mass murderers.

We can consider anyone who goes to the gun range, a “shooter.” But what we should not be confused for, is a killer or murderer. Keep reading......

Sunday, May 29, 2022

How To Promote My Christian Music and The Rock Almighty Voices with Whiteheart.


  • Author Theresa Croft
Personal Development: The Foundation of Your Success in Music

Personal development is the rock to the foundation of marketing your gift in music.

Communication skills, how you deal with people, willing to study and improve skills are a big part of personal development. The Contemporary Christian Music industry refers to this issue as "Artist Development".

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15 seconds

15 seconds

Further, increasing these communication skills plays a crucial role.

No miracle marketing wonders will help you until you invest the time to gain skills in dealing with other people.

For example, if you can interact with people and learn to understand their needs, interests, strengths, and goals,you will be far more successful in introducing them to what you have to offer with your music than someone who just tries to "sell themselves."

If you can work on understanding people and focusing on helping them first, you will go far in life whether it's with your music or some other career.

To gain these personal development skills is as simple as turning off the television and opening your mind to incredible resources from books, to CD's, DVD's, Webinars, Conference calls, and even special seminars.

Here are some steps for you to begin as you learn how to enhance your skills with powerful resources on personal development available today:


The resources in the form of books to read are unlimited. Of course, there's no greater book on wisdom, strategy, business or ministry than the Bible.

Here are some others that are well worth recommending:

"How To Win Friends And Influence People" by Dale Carengie

"The Everyday Visionary" by Jesse Duplantis

"My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers

"Spirit Driven Success" by Dani Johnson

That list could go on. For more ideas, check the Market Research page here.

Learn from the best!

Your level of income often reflects your level of personal development.

Learn from those who are already successful in the areas you want to excel. If it's a Christian musician, check out some of the legends who've been at this industry for years and keep moving forward!

Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant, Steven Curtis Chapman, are just a few who come to mind who have been successful over a long period of time. They had tremendous skills. Not just musical talent, but also incredible relational skills.

When it comes to amazing talent coupled with being an entrepreneur, Bill Gaither is the "grand daddy" of them all.

Gaither founded the Gaither Music Company which performs the functions of record company, concert booking, television production, copyright management, retail store, recording studio and telemarketing for the Gaither empire. Gaither also runs a retail center called Gaither Family Resources.

Gaither, and his wife Gloria, have given back to the Contemporary Christian music industry in many ways. For one, they helped to prolong the careers of those who came before them. Mark Lowry, Sandi Patty, Carman, Steve Green, Amy Grant, are some of a long list of artists who either got their start or became popular while touring with the Gaithers.

Invest to gain skills

One of the best investments you could make, not only for your music career, but also personally would be to see Success Coach and trainer Dani Johnson. I can think of no greater coach when it comes to personal development.

I personally have attended two of her "First Steps To Success" Seminars that have had a tremendous impact on my personal development and helped improve my business.

I believe she is anointed and God has raised her up for such a time as this. The foundation of her teachings and principles are biblically based. In addition, you won't hear anything from Dani that she hasn't personally used or done herself. Her track record of wealth is well documented. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands she and her husband give yearly to powerful Christian ministries. Dani walks the talk!

Some of her clients not only include successful business people, but also producers, actors, artists, Christian musicians...and even a Rocket Scientist!

Be authentic. Be real. Be You.

Finally, you have to be yourself. This is so crucial. I can remember being a young 16-year-old when my mom dragged me to an Amy Grant concert. What captivated me and made me really listen to her music was how down to earth she was and honest.

I remember that concert evening when she had decided to play this song she had just written. She dug in on the piano and was singing her heart out with her hands all over the keyboard. Suddenly, in the middle of the most dramatic part of the tune, she froze. She couldn't remember the words or the music! She looked out into the gasping audience, gave that endearing smile, and went on with the song picking up where she left off.

That's Amy. She is the same whether she is in her kitchen cooking a meal or on stage singing to thousands.

This idea of being who you really are reminds me of something said on American Idol from one of the "stars" helping the aspiring contestants.

Kenny Rogers was explaining the key to being successful now, and for years to come, as his illustrious career has proven. He said there are three things to consider:

1)Who and what other people say and think you are.

2)Who you think and say you are.

3)Who you really ARE, regardless of what you or others think.

The closer you get those three together, the greater chance you have of being successful for a long time, he said.

Theresa Croft is a business and ministry marketing consultant with over 15 years experience in Christian music as a radio announcer in Atlanta. She is passionate to see people free to go in the direction of the God given destiny offering a free video series on ministry marketing at

Saturday, May 28, 2022



Trouble is part of life. We all face it eventually, but how we respond to it often determines the outcome. The natural tendency is a knee-jerk reaction according to the world’s mindset of fear, panic, or dismay. However, as God’s people, we’ve been empowered to think differently; refusing to let trouble move us gives us victory over it.

We don’t have to react fearfully when we find ourselves in a situation; instead, we can go on the offensive and deliberately respond in a way most people wouldn’t expect. Trouble is the devil’s attempt to instill fear in us, but choosing to be cheerful in the face of adversity frustrates and defeats him. The apostle Paul had plenty of reason to fear after being arrested for preaching the Gospel of Grace and finding himself in the middle of a murderous mob. After being put in prison, he received direction from Jesus. “And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome” (Acts 23:11).

Paul refused to let dangerous situations intimidate him. During his ministry when he finally was able to set sail to Italy, his boat was caught in a tempest that threatened to sink it. Instead of giving in to fear, he chose to agree with the Word of God. And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man’s life among you, but of the ship. For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee. Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me” (Acts 27:22-25). Paul’s confidence stemmed from the knowledge that God’s Word is the ultimate truth, and that nothing can overcome it or change it.

It’s significant that Paul’s exhortation to be of good cheer accompanied the commandment not to fear. Most people fear trouble because of its potential to harm and bring destruction but, because believers are in Jesus, trouble is powerless to hurt us. “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him… There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love” (1 John 4:16, 18). We don’t have to be afraid, because our heavenly Father protects us and delivers us from bad situations.

None of us are exempt from trouble, but we defeat it when we respond supernaturally. During His earthly ministry, Jesus repeatedly told others to cheer up in the midst of a situation (Matthew 9:2; Mark 6:47-50; Luke 8:43-48, NKJV; John 16:33). Responding in this manner might feel strange and uncomfortable in the natural, but lining up our thinking with God’s Word changes everything.

We can completely trust that God will bring us out of whatever issue we’re having, no matter how gloomy it looks, because He always honors the trust we place in Him. A cheerful response is a powerful weapon against the enemy. When we do this in faith, we position ourselves to receive supernatural protection.   

Friday, May 27, 2022

How To Kick A Soccer Ball and The US High School Sports Show


How to Kick a Soccer Ball

Kicking a soccer ball is a generalized term that is an extensive topic. Unlike kicking in other sports such as football or rugby, where a 'punt' accounts for most of the kicks, in soccer, there are hundreds of different kicks depending on the situation.

Despite this fact, kicking a soccer ball is a factor of soccer that is not taught as in-depth as it should be. In this article, we will cover how to perform a perfect soccer kick in all situations on the field. This includes:

➢ First touch

➢ Short and long passing

➢ Putting curl and spin on the ball

➢ Power shooting 

➢ Chipping the ball

➢ Knuckle Ball

Without a strong foundation in kicking a soccer ball, the rest of the skills that you will learn later in your career will be more challenging to pick up. Luckily, you have come to the right place. After reading this article, you will have all the pieces to kick a soccer ball like the pros correctly.

1. First Touch

Undoubtedly the most overlooked skill in the game of soccer. Without a great first touch, it does not matter how good your second touch is. You would not be able to play as quickly or with as high quality if you had a good first touch. 

What does a good first touch look like?

A good first touch ultimately must set you up for success in whatever your pre-planned play is. This means it must be:

➢ Directed the way you want to pass or dribble

➢ Out of reach of defenders

➢ Out from under your feet to allow you to move and play at pace

Now the tricky part… How do you kick the ball in this situation to set you up to play how you want?

The key is to be as delicate as possible. Imagine you are playing soccer on the second story of an apartment, and you don't want to wake the person below you. You can use the outside, inside, laces, or sole of your foot depending on the way the ball is coming to you, but the idea of a good first touch is to take the pace off the ball and direct it 1-2 feet in front of your intentional stride.

How to Improve your First Touch?

Most of your soccer heroes learned the beautiful game on the street with little to no equipment. Improving your first touch can be done as simply as kicking it against a wall. Each time the ball comes back to you, you can touch it in a different direction to work both feet. As you improve, you can start to add more power to challenge your touch. From the image below, you can see the simplicity of the day and how repetition is essential.


If you have more players to work with, you can begin to pass the ball to each other to make the drills more three-dimensional. For example, here is Coach Michler explaining a drill that works on the technical aspects of a first touch and pass.

2. Short and Long Passing

Short passing is the most common kick in the game of soccer. It allows teams to move the ball to a more favorable area of the field. Long passing is less frequent as it serves a more specific purpose, such as relieving pressure or counterattacking. 

These forms of passing require the same focus and foundation of kicking. However, they do differ in some forms. 

1st Difference

When kicking the soccer ball for a short pass, you want to get over the ball. This means my body is tilted over the ball, and I am kicking towards the top of the ball. We want to do this, so the ball stays firm to the ground to make it easier for our teammate to control it. An ideal zone to kick the ball would be here.


For a long pass, you will most likely want to put height on the pass to place the ball over the head of defenders and reach your target. This means you need to aim more to the bottom of the ball. You will also need to kick the ball with much more force to allow the ball to travel further.


2nd Difference

The second difference between these two types of passes is where you connect with the ball on your cleat. To allow your body to get over the ball, with short passing, you will connect with the side of the inside of your foot. 

Since you are trying to get more power and height with a long pass, you should allow your chest to be more open. The connection on the ball should also be with the joint that connects your big toe to your foot. This will allow you to follow through with a motion that propels the ball upwards at about 30 degrees.


As with any contact with the ball, you want to plant your standing foot just to the side of the ball to allow for stability and accuracy when you pass. If you are right-footed, this will be left and the opposite if you are left-footed.

To ensure that your pass is accurate and smooth, you need to make sure that you follow through with your kick. Many people kick and stop the movement rather than following through. This harms your kick in many ways and can cause injury. 

A significant factor that many players forget is the importance of the upper body in kicking the soccer ball. As you can see with this player in the image below, his opposite arm is stretched wide while kicking the ball. This allows your body to rotate into the kick, more balance, and power when connecting with the ball.


Locking your ankle is probably the number one term you have heard when people talk about kicking a soccer ball. This is for a good reason. When your foot is loose and wild, there is a lower chance that the ball will go where you want it. Take control of your foot by locking your ankle to make your foot stiff like a golf club.

3. How to Curl and Spin a Soccer Ball?

Although this may sound a bit technical, it is much simpler when you know the basics. The concept of curling a ball is due to the air pressure hitting the ball as it moves at different forces. You need to hit the ball with spin and power to create this motion. This 

superb skill will allow you to avoid obstacles and impress your friends.

Inside of the Foot Curl

To create the whip of the curl, you need to stand between 90 and 45 degrees toward the ball. This will allow you to strike the ball across your body to create the curl. You also want your body to be tilted slightly to shift your weight to the side you want to curl the ball.

We want to strike the ball with the big toe joint like the long pass. However, the motion will be different, as depicted in this image.


For a right-footed player (opposite for left.) You want to be connecting with the ball in this area and whipping the ball back towards you to create the spin on the ball.  

To see some of the best players in the world complete this skill, be sure to check out Lionel Messi, David Beckham, or Ronaldinho.

Outside of the Foot Spin/ Curl

This skill in soccer kicking is mainly called spinning the ball because you cannot produce the whip and curl that you would in an inside foot kick. Since we are kicking with the outside of the foot, we cannot wrap our body and leg around the ball to create this curling motion.

The spin comes from the ankle joint and the foot in this kicking technique. As you connect with the ball, you want to flick your foot (right-footed players) to the right to allow the ball to spin and slightly curl that way.


The outside of the foot can be performed when your weight is balanced on your left foot, and you need to spin the ball around an obstacle.

4. How to Kick a Soccer Ball with Power?

A power shot is often called 'shooting with your laces.' The reason for this is to perform a shot with power; you need to connect with the ball on the laces of your cleats. This is because you can get the full force of the momentum generated by your run and backswing through the ball when you kick. Unlike the curling shot, you want everything to be linear to generate as much power. This includes your run-up and body position, which you want to be straight and lean over the ball.

As with all soccer kicks, you want to follow through with your opposite arm stretched outwards for maximum balance. When connecting with the ball, you want to connect directly in the center of the ball to ensure no power is lost by missing parts of the ball. Whether you wish to produce height on the ball or keep it flat, you can adjust your contact on the ball slightly above or below the center.

Funnily enough, the best way to learn how to kick the soccer ball with power is by trying not to kick it with power. Here is a clip that explains this concept.

5. How to Chip a Soccer Ball?

Chipping the ball is one of, if not the most challenging skill on this list, but indeed a spectacular skill to have in your arsenal. A chip is best used to avoid an obstacle in tight spaces. Whether you need to chip it over a defender's foot in a dribble, chip the ball over a defender's head to play a pass, or chip the goalkeeper to score a goal. These examples are based around the same motion but require different levels of force to cover the height.

The motion which we are talking about is scooping the ball from underneath. To execute this type of soccer kick, we want to place our foot under the ball, quickly lift our toes to the sky, and raise our legs. This will get the ball off the ground at the desired height.

6. How to Knuckle a Soccer Ball?

How to knuckle a soccer ball is one of life's biggest questions. Taking a shot like Ronaldo or Bale is a thing of beauty. As a bonus, we would like to share this clip on how to shoot a knuckleball.

Final Thoughts on How to Kick a Soccer Ball

When learning how to kick a soccer ball, the most crucial element is focusing on the basics mentioned in this article. Do not rush the process, as, without a strong foundation, there will always be mistakes when attempting more expert skills.

Check out more about fundamentals in soccer here.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

With Thousands Of Available Health And Fitness Program Alternatives, What Should You Choose? And The StrengthCast PowerShow


  • Author Jim Ford
No one sets out in life to be unhealthy, overweight, or unhappy.
A lot of of us get caught up in the everyday hustle of our lives, trying to keep up with family and work obligations, and unknowingly allow our level of health and fitness to slip away from us. It seems like we just wake up one day and realize that we are not in our best of health.

Making the decision that something needs to be done about it is one thing, but deciding what that something is can be a difficult task. According to government studies, close to 63 percent of the American population is overweight or obese. In response, companies from around the world have been flooding the market with a wide assortment of weight loss products.

From diet pills and metabolism boosters to complete prepared meal plans delivered straight to your door, nutrition choices alone can be overwhelming. Workout options can be equally intimidating.

There are big name fitness clubs putting up new gyms all across the country, locally owned gyms, the YMCA, home video workouts, and countless numbers of gadgets and gismos that promise to shape your body and strengthen your health.

Deciding on what is right for you can be a daunting task, but as you explore your options there are considerations that you need to keep in mind. The key to any quality nutrition and exercise plan is sticking with it. That said, it is very important that you select from options that include programs that you can realistically see yourself participating in, long into the future.

Jumping into a fitness program that is too difficult for you at your current level of fitness can lead to frustration, or even injury. This could in turn. Lead to failure in reaching your goals. Setting your expectations too high can also lead to frustration, which makes it difficult to stay committed to your program. It is important to remember that it took you months, if not years to reach your current level of health and fitness, and it cannot be reversed overnight. You need a program that you can progress with over the long-term.

You may find some diet pills available on the market that have strong claims about effective, natural weight loss, but keep in mind that in truth, there is little to be considered natural about popping pills. It is however, essential that with your selected program, you support it with proper nutrition, even if this means having to take a good vitamin and mineral supplement.

Most doctors and researchers will agree that the best choice for improving your health and fitness will be through a change to a healthier lifestyle, which consists of better food choices and daily exercise. Exercise should include aerobic conditioning, and strength training too.

Most fitness centers or gyms offer great selections of strength training equipment, aerobic classes, and cardio machines. Unfortunately, they also often require long and expensive payment contracts, and your workout must be completed on a schedule that matches theirs. For some, a gym membership simply will not work because it does not permit privacy. Some may be embarrassed by their current fitness level, or are uncomfortable in a crowded environment.

Home dvd workout programs are abundant, and can be found in almost every discount store that offers videos, and they can be found in most online market places as well. If you are searching for just a workout and any workout will do, a good number of these will suffice, however, few will offer complete programs to include dietary help, support, and workouts that allow you to progress with your fitness level. Look carefully at the program and compare it to your short and long-term needs before you make a purchase. A less expensive program may be more costly in the long run if you just have to replace it because it is ineffective, not challenging, or you simply get bored with it.

Some of the more popular programs that you often see on television infomercials early on a Saturday or Sunday morning like P90X, Insanity, Brazil Butt Lift, Rev Abs, or Slim in 6 are offered through a group called Team Beachbody, and they offer a number of programs that you do not see on the infomercials. Many of the programs they offer will include nutrition and meal advice, and will offer progressive training options to help guide you as your fitness level progresses. For these, it is almost like having a personal trainer in your home with every workout.

Team Beachbody takes what they offer to the next level by offering a free membership level to an online club that is quite simply, developed to keep you engaged in your program. It is optional to use, but makes for a good support structure to help you along the way. You are also assigned a coach when you sign up, for no extra charge.

Jim Ford is an Independent Team Beachbody Coach and has been successful with putting people in touch with the programs they need to help them effectively reach their fitness and weight loss goals. Visit his website ( for your fitness and weight loss help, or watch this video to learn more about what Team Beachbody has to offer...