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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hillsong Church Featuring: Scott Samways

Join us for live worship and an inspiring message from Scott Samways in our evening service from the Hills Campus, Sydney, Australia.


Let Your New Man Out

Don’t expect that to happen automatically. You have to make a decision to bring your body into obedience to the new man within you. You must determine to do what Romans 6:12 says and “let not sin...reign in your mortal body….”
I know that sounds tough, but remember, you’re not in this alone. You have a Helper inside you to enable you to carry out that decision. His Name is the Holy Spirit. He’s there to strengthen you. He gives you the power to put sin out of your life and under your feet.
Make that decisive dedication of your body today—and let that new man that’s on the inside of you begin to come out!

Scripture Reading:

Romans 6:12-23

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