Here's another amazing transformation from Diana and Micah at Hitchfit! I know it sounds like a broken record, but these are the kind of trainers who I like to associate with! There is no "shortcut 30lbs in 10 days" BS that you are bombarded with in 'informercial' land.
But if you are tired of the latest fad letting you down again, are ready to work a solid science proven program, then click here and get ready to transform!
Bikini Model Competition Plan – Beckie’s Amazing Success Story!

I first had the honor of working with Beckie, an online personal training client from Tennessee, back in 2014. She was ready for change and did the Hitch FitLose Weight Plan “Lose Weight Feel Great”. She did an incredible job, not only did she lose over 40 pounds, she also greatly improved her running times! Her first transformation story inspired so many others to make positive changes. So when she came to me in 2016 ready to tackle some brand new goals, I was so thrilled to have her back! This time around, Beckie had her sites sent on a Bikini Model competition. She wanted to compete in the WBFF Kansas City event. After a lot of challenging life situations that had popped up, she needed a big goal to direct her focus and energy to. I was of course happy to have her back! Beckie is determined and diligent, and I am so proud of her. She did both the Bikini Model category as well as the Transformation category. I have to be honest, the transformation category is my favorite, to see Beckie’s picture up on the wall, and to be able to hold her hand right before she stepped out on that stage, was a moment I won’t forget. I think we were both fighting back tears looking at the before picture on the screen, and the “after” standing right there in front of us! Beckie received an invitation to compete in the transformation division at the WBFF World Championships, where she will be able to inspire even more people! Incredible job Beckie, I can’t describe how proud I am of you, and am blessed to be a part of your empowering and inspiring journey.
Since her first transformation Beckie has now lost over 45 pounds and 20% body fat!
Beckie’s Stats:
Starting weight before Lose Weight Plan: 165.4
Starting Bikini Competition Plan: 136
Ending Bikini Competition Plan: 119
Starting body fat before Lose Weight Plan: 38%
Starting Bikini Competition Plan body fat: 29%
Ending Bikini competition Plan body fat: 18%
Check out Beckie’s Before and After Weight Loss Photos Below!

Beckie’s Story:
“I first started my journey with Hitch Fit in June of 2014. At that time I was at my heaviest of 165 and a size 12.
I have always been up and down on my weight depending on the time of the year. I honestly would have to say that my weight issues started when I was in High School. At that time I was playing sports and my metabolism was very good, but I also did not eat correctly or often. I would go all day without eating and maybe have one meal and it was either fast food or sugar. College is where things got really interesting. My eating got even worse including binge eating and binge drinking not to mention sleeping was not on the top priority between school, work and assignments. Pretty sure my “freshman 15” turns into more “freshman 20/30”. I tried to take the easy way and started taking diet pills, the ones with ephedrine in them. I did lose weight with them but I was constantly shaking and would break out into sweats while sitting down at work. Shortly after a friend that had introduced the pills to me was admitted to the hospital with heart problems, as a side effect of the pills, that is when I quit them and with that all my weight and extra came back.
I then decide that I was going to join a gym and do it the healthy way, or so I though. I didn’t change any of my bad habits of eating or drinking and thought that the cardio I was doing in the gym would counteract the toxins I was putting in my body. I would only do cardio, no lifting to tone my muscles. I let this go on for about 10-12 years and then I met Brandi Wisdom. Her husband was friends with my brother-in-law and she told me about Hitch Fit. I first looked into it in February and thought there was NO WAY that I could do it, so I put it off and continued to gain weight. In May I came to realize that I needed help, I reached out to Micah with a million questions and a month later I was on my journey.
I did the Lose Weight Feel Great had great success with it, lose 42 lbs. Shortly before the program was over my husband and I started have serious issues with our relationship where we were even discussing divorce. I know it’s an excuse but I turned to bad habits to help me cope with the pain, lots and lots of wine and eating out with friends rather than going home. I ended up gaining some of the weight back, to be honest probably 25lbs. Thankfully we were able to work out our issues and are happily married again.
But we both felt like we need to push ourselves and made fitness goals. I have friend that have competed in bikini competitions and had encouraged me to do one after my 1st transformation but the timing wasn’t right. At the first of the year I decide that it was time to push myself again and not only lose the weight again but to have the confidence to step on stage. So of course I reached out to my trainer and friend Diana, doing the Competition Prep 16 Week Plan. This program unlike a lot of the other completers was all done online, I had the guidance of Diana trough email and sending her weekly pictures (not my favorite) so she could guide me properly. During the program I pushed myself both mentally and physically and Diana and I came up with goals for the show. I didn’t reach my weight lose goal I was 4 lbs shy but we got my BMI back down and where it needed to be for the show. Week prior to the show I was in a size 2 and my weight was at 119.
I kept this journey very hush-hush for most of the transformation; after my last transformation I got several negative comments about it and didn’t want to hear it. Not sure why I cared I was doing this for me. I came to understand that a lot of what people say, that is hurtful, is their insecurities coming out. For the most part all the comments I have received have been positive but of course still get comments of “you’re too skinny”, “will you eat something” etc. The other thing that stings is friends not calling you to hang out because you don’t drink, makes you wonder if you were only fun when you were intoxicated. Was chatting with another girl at the competition and she said she shut people out because of these things and I told her I felt shut out; she then admitted that was the same for her, just made her feel better to say she was doing it.
On May of 2016 I stepped onto stage at the Midland in Kansas City entering the Transformation and Bikini Division. I did not place in bikini, which is ok with me I know I still have things to improve. I was just proud to get on the stage and show my progress which was truly shown in the Transformation category. The MC read my story while I stood backstage with my before picture on the largest screen I have ever seen which made me look even bigger; with tears in my eyes I stepped on stage and received the best applause for the hard work and dedication I had put in. I am honor to say that I have been invited to World’s for the transformation category. I’m not done, plan on competing again… Me against me!!!
For those of you who think that you can’t do it, you can just trust the process. A few tips that helped me… Food prep, I would cook all my meals on Monday for the week so I had no excuse to grab something unhealthy. Do you workouts first thing if you can, I found that putting them off made it harder to get them done. Keep a journal so you can look back at what you were doing compared to now, it’s amazing to see your growth. And just keep a good attitude.
I have to say that this truly changed my life and made me start living again. I have to thank Hitch Fit they truly made me the person I am and I am forever grateful for that. Diana, my trainer and friend, not sure I could have done this without you nor would I have wanted to so thank you from the bottom of my heart! She got more than she bargain for on some of the email conversation we had (I will leave that between the two of us). I must thank my family; I really did not give them enough credit. I thought they wouldn’t understand which would turn into not supporting me but that was not the case. They were at the morning, evening show and posting comments about how proud they were on social media. And my biggest supporter, my husband, don’t think he will ever know how much he helped. Thanks!!”

Are you ready for your transformation?
Beckie’s plan choices:
Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Weight Loss Plan “Lose Weight Feel Great”

Not wanting to compete, but would like to get the Bikini Model look? Check out our Bikini Model plan for those who do not want to step on stage!

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