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Thursday, November 3, 2011's Teen Bodybuilder Of the Week Cassandra Orr

 Press Release Image
* Name: Cassandra Orr
* E-mail: cassandraorr567(at)
* Age: 17
* Where: Alberta
* Height: 5'4"
* Weight: 127lbs
* Years Bodybuilding :1
* Favorite Bodypart: Abs/Shoulders
* Favorite Exercise: Cardio-Running/Beep Test
* Favorite Supplements: IsoFlex

How Did You Get Started?

I've always played a lot of sports. When I started playing more competitive sports I started training like crazy! I needed to be in top shape to be able to compete in the sports I was playing.

What Workout Plan Worked Best For You?

Day 1/Day 3/Day 5: Upper Body/Abs Circuit

* Treadmill: 32 minutes, 1-3 minutes intervals, varying between level 3 to 11
* Sprints: Sprint 50 meters, jog 50 meters, repeat 12 times
* Superset:
Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 20 reps
One Arm Row: 3 sets of 20 reps

* Superset:
Front Plate Raise: 3 sets of 20 reps
Overhead Raise: 3 sets of 20 reps (....More....)

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