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Thursday, February 2, 2023

US Sports Strength & Conditioning: Maximizing your Athletic Recovery


Recovery is an undervalued and overlooked means of training and preparation for athletes. Building recovery into any training program is important because it’s the time the body adapts to the stress and stressors of exercise and the real training effect takes place. Recovery also allows the body to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues. Spending some additional time focusing on rest and recovery can pay dividends beyond additional training time.

You need enough flexibility to move well (movement prep and efficiency) and remain pain free. Do static stretching post workouts for at least 5 to 10 minutes or more. Attempt to self identify tight areas and work on them daily. The greater the training intensity and load on the body, the greater the need for planned recovery. Without sufficient time to repair and replenish, the body will continue to breakdown from intense training. An athlete's ability to recover from workouts is just as important as the training itself.

Perform the following 3 exercises after practice, at night before bed, after a game or on a lighter recovery day.


Hips are the cornerstone for athletes and movement within your sport (movement prep and efficiency). Open hips relieve the stress transferred to the knees when the hips are tight. Less knee strain means a greater range of motion while playing your sport and reduced risk to the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament)


By keep the toes as flexible as possible the impact that they face, day in and day out, play after play, is lessened and cases of: planter fasciitis & turf toe are reduced. Great to keep the shins free of strain and the tops of the feet open, again contributing to an increase in speed and movement efficiency.


Allowing our legs to find the rest they need is important to building long term strength and muscle adaptation.  Many athletes complain of feeling like their legs are heavy or their lower backs are hurting, and this pose will help alleviate common soreness experienced by the intensity of training.


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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: Pure VPN

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PureVPN changes your IP address and encrypts your internet connection to help you hide your identity from your ISP, websites, apps and services that track your online behavior.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: Oxygen Plus

The story begins

with one pioneering woman...

Christine Warren, Founder and President of Oxygen Plus, Inc.

...who, inspired by the negative stigma of medical and supplemental oxygen in our world, wanted to make the world a healthier place to live and breathe. After years of research on the benefits of supplemental oxygen, the Chicago-born, Minnesota-dwelling pioneer became committed to the mission of educating others and making a tangible difference by creating recreational oxygen products that – unbeknownst to her – would one day lead the new product category.

Before the creation of Oxygen Plus, many people would associate oxygen with uncomfortable, awkward, and embarrassing cannulas for sick people. With her team, the O+ Founder began envisioning the creation of oxygen products that were sleek, portable, easy-to-use, and consumer-friendly. An additional inspiration and drive for the company stems from its belief that everybody deserves the right – and access – to breathe well.

In 2003, the visionary business woman gathered “a room full of geniuses” together who were the first to believe and proclaim that Recreational Oxygen - also called canned oxygen or portable oxygen in a can - could be the next bottled water. Oxygen Plus, Inc. (O+) was formed, and its first product – the O+ Elevate Pack – was launched, winning the best new product award at the International Spa (ISPA) Convention & Expo in Las Vegas. Ever since, the vision of Oxygen Plus has been to be the company leading the development, manufacturing and marketing of portable recreational oxygen for wellness-minded persons worldwide.

Equally important to the company, O+ has supported many individuals and health-and-wellness causes in the past, and will continue to do so. The first consumer-friendly recreational oxygen company on the market – and the leader in the category ever since – Oxygen Plus is proud to be regarded as the most innovative and dedicated recreational oxygen company in the atmosphere.

 Want more scuttlebutt? Contact O+. We have lots to share.



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US Sports Football: Jon Gruden - What I Look for When Hiring an Offensive Line Coach

by COOL Clinic
Jon Gruden - What I Look for When Hiring an Offensive Line Coach


At the Annual C.O.O.L. Clinic, Jon Gruden delivered this entertaining and educational presentation on "What I Look for When Hiring an Offensive Line Coach."

Coach Gruden takes you through every aspect of what he looks for which is a lot!  From characteristics of the individual to specific knowledge and how to put it all together to get it from the chalk board to the grass, Coach Gruden leaves no stone unturned in delivering everything needed from this critical hire.

This not presentation will give you a strong understanding of how to prepare yourself as an offensive line coach.  The concept of what is covered here certainly applies to any position coach on the field.  It will make you think about what you believe and how you go about your job.  It provides a template of the things you should be thinking about going into an interview as well as what good coaching looks like!

Coach Gruden is the consumate teacher of the game, and the presentation also serves as a prime example of how to present knowledge in a way which makes concepts both clear as well as memorable.  This can serve as a template for putting together your own dynamic teaching presentations for your players.

Simply click the ‘Book This Course’ button at the top right of this page, place your order, and you’ll immediately be logged into the training with full access. Improve your chances for that dream coaching job with the information presented here!

 Book this course! Enter Ambassador Code 11586773 For all available discounts

The Coach

Jon Gruden won Super Bowl XXXVI as the Head Coach of the Tampa Bay Buccanneers in 2002. He also served two stints as the Head Coach of the Oakland/Las Vegas Raiders (1998-2001 & 2018-2021).  

Gruden has worked as a commentator on Monday Night Football as well as the host of his own ESPN Show "QB Camp."

Currently, Coach Gruden is hard at work in his football lab continuing to study the game.

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Is empathy over blown and exaggerated?


  • Author Health 24/7 TodayEmotional Intelligence | The Neurosurgical Atlas

American media makes a big deal of the human trait of empathy. We are reminded at every turn to always step in the shoes of our fellow people and look at the situation from their perspective. In fact, empathy is being kicked around so often in mass media that it runs the risk of being rendered meaningless. The more people repeat it, the more clueless people are about what it really means. It really is quite sad because empathy is necessary for emotional intelligence that directly affects the mind.

There are no two ways about it, this is an inescapable fact. If you want to become a more effective emotional person, and be in touch with your emotional intelligence and make it work for you, you have to know what empathy is and how to use it. Empathy means being able to look at any situation from the perspective of people in reacting with that situation. You may not necessarily like these people, and they may not have anything in common with you, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are able to step out of the crushing gravitational pull of your own ego and pride to step into their shoes.

As you can imagine, this requires a tremendous amount of reprogramming because that’s not how people wire themselves. Most of us look at the world in selfish terms. We think the world revolves around us. In fact, too many of us think that once we die, the world dies with us because we’re no longer there to witness what’s going on. You know that that’s a lie. You don’t have to be a philosophy major in college to understand the concept of absolute truth.

The world existed before you, it exists now and will continue to exist long after you’re gone. That’s reality. How does this play out in terms of logic? Well, if you see a cat, it doesn’t really matter if it has stripes or spots, or has many colors or only one. Once you understand the form of a cat, you know that cats exist. The same goes with the world. If you can understand the concept of reality, then you know that reality exists whether you’re there to observe it or not.

The problem is a lot of people assume that they are the center of their universe. This is why empathy merely gets lip service. It’s very hard for us to stay away from the gravitational pull of our pride and egos. You would rather imagine that everything turns around us. This is why it’s really important to master the art of empathy. Ironically enough, to become a more empathetic person, you must first become more emotionally self-aware. In other words, to be selfless, you must first become selfish and self-absorbed.

Examine yourself. Are the emotions that you’re feeling what you think they are? Are you able to effectively communicate these emotions in an objectively clear way? Once you have answered these and other fundamental questions, can you make serious progress when it comes to empathy?

Make no mistake, if you want to become a better leader, more sexually attractive to members of the opposite sex, become a persuasive person all around, and otherwise live a more fulfilling and effective life, empathy is part of the picture.

The good news is you only need to click the link below to get the information you need to maximize your emotional intelligence. It is something that you can improve as long as you choose to. Get your FREE Book an awesome blueprint so as to make emotional intelligence maximize your chances of success in all areas of life and experience the benefits of a healthy mind.

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US Sports Self-Defense: Broomfield – Latest to Pass Anti-Gun Legislation in Colorado

On Tuesday, January 10th, the Broomfield City Council passed a number of anti-gun ordinances following a public hearing. Each goes into effect immediately. I drive through Broomfield several times a week. I live about a stone’s throw from the city boundaries and a few times a month I host a Concealed Carry class within the city.

The most concerning proposals have been deferred to a hearing in June. I will discuss them below as well.

Here is a list of the proposals that did pass and are now law in Broomfield Colorado:

  • Ord. 2188 bans the sale and POSSESSION of “rapid-fire trigger activators” whatever that means. The text of the law is pretty vague, so there are certainly some things that would be obviously included like a bump stock, but frankly, there are potentially other things that could fall into the definition… like my trigger finger 🙂
  • Ord. 2190 restricts home-built firearms. Basically,Basically, anything without a serial number. No more building or possessing these firearms in Broomfield.
  • Ord. 2191 requires firearm dealers in Broomfield (of which I think there are about 20) to post anti-gun propaganda about the red flag orders.
  • Ord. 2193 prohibits open carry in public places. This is similar to the city/county of Denver in this regard.
  • Ord 2194 prohibits the concealed carry of firearms in City/County of Broomfield-owned and operated places where signs are posted indicating as much, and security personnel and metal detectors are present. This is frankly a pointless law as the state law already achieves this but hey politicians need to do stuff right?
  • Ord 2195 & 2200 update various definitions and provisions in other parts of the code to be consistent with the other new ordinances.

So what does this mean for people in my neck of the woods? Practically for most people, it means very little. For those who really like building their own guns or like to open carry, you should be on guard that those things aren’t ok in Broomfield anymore.

To be clear, I think every one of those ordinances is a violation of our constitutional rights, but frankly, the 2 biggies I was most concerned about have been deferred.

Ord. 2189 prohibits adults ages 18-20 from exercising their second amendment rights. The same people we send off to war wouldn’t be allowed to buy guns in Broomfield.

Ord. 2192 would impose a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases and require that buyers present proof of training or experience prior to purchase. Man, am I glad this hasn’t passed.

Those last two will come up again in June but frankly if either passes they will be immediately challenged in court and based on recent district court decisions around the country and last year’s supreme court decision I don’t think either could pass constitutional scrutiny. We’ll see what the recent Oregon training requirement does when it is challenged in court in the upcoming months as well. In fact, it could be the Oregon legal challenges that caused the city of Broomfield some pause with Ord. 2192.

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Monday, January 30, 2023

US Sports Net Affiliate Partner Spotlight: Nord VPN

NordVPN - Virtual Private Network

What is wireless keyboard security? Everything you need to know

Tim Ferriss once called a wireless keyboard one of his best purchases under $100. If you often work away from your office or your home, a wireless keyboard can be a great purchase for you too. However, since you would be working surrounded by strangers, you should consider your wireless keyboard security in advance. Here’s everything you need to know about wireless keywords and their security.

Saulius Griškėnas

What is wireless keyboard security? Everything you need to know

What is wireless keyboard security?

Wireless keyboard security involves the measures to protect the signal between your wireless keyboard and the receiving device. Unlike a wired keyboard or mouse, wireless signals travel through air and can be picked up by the surrounding devices. Without proper security, hackers can hijack your wireless keyboard or intercept and decrypt the signal, stealing your data in the process.

How does a wireless keyboard work?

Let’s start with a wired keyboard. You plug it in and everything you type goes directly to your device. Usually, no additional security is needed. Wireless keyboards work in a similar way, but you must take a few extra steps to make sure the wireless signal cannot be intercepted by third parties.

Depending on the connection type (we’ll discuss them later) and the device you’re connecting to, you’ll need to pair your wireless keyboard first. For example, enable Bluetooth on both devices and help them find each other. Or you may need to plug in a receiver (a USB dongle) to help your wireless keyboard establish a connection.

Pairing a wireless keyboard with a device is like building a lift bridge. Both gadgets recognize each other and establish a secure path the signal can travel through. When you turn off one of the devices, the bridge is lifted, so no other signal can use your secure path..........Keep reading...........

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Sunday, January 29, 2023

US Sports Fitness: Flu Season Vitamins


Is your immune system strong enough?

Flu Season Vitamins

The flu season is abruptly coming with the beginning of Spring. The best way to prevent influenza infection is by preserving our immune system’s health. The immune system can be boosted through proper nutrition that focuses on lowering inflammation and oxidative stress (1). Vitamins can play a critical role in facilitating this nutritional fortification.

It’s a Gut Feeling

The gut microbiome helps the immune system thrive. It is the core of our bodily health, preventing inflammation and disease through short-chain fatty acids (SCAA’s). Millions of bacterial organisms collectively act in the gut, filtering out the bad from the good. Since the gut microbiome constitutes 70% of our immune system (2), it should be a priority. How do we nourish it optimally?

Prebiotics & Probiotics

Fiber is a powerhouse nutrient that can inhibit viral replication. It’s a prebiotic, meaning it produces the SCAA’s that populate and fuel the microbiome. Also, they contain phytochemicals such as polyphenols and carotenoids that promote anti-inflammatory bacteria. It’s been shown for the past decade that fiber is critical in fighting off influenza. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole grains round out the long list of prebiotic foods.

If prebiotics create bacteria, probiotics maintain their communal health. Probiotics reduce respiratory infections by defending the immune system’s lines of defense (3). It was shown to be especially effective in protecting the lungs against influenza. Fat-free yogurt, sourdough, apple cider vinegar, kefir, and miso are strong probiotic choices.

Critical Micronutrients


Omega-3 fatty acids contain polyunsaturated fats, adding diversity to gut microbes (4). Gut diversity leads to anti-inflammatory reactions against viruses. Omega-3’s also oxygenate metabolites, alleviating oxidative stress. Fish and seafood are the most popular omega-3 sources, but they can also be found in healthy fats such as seeds, avocados, and edamame.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A produces healthy mucus in the respiratory system and intestines, protecting the microbiome. Many countries that culturally have low-meat intakes are deficient in vitamin A and iron. Fortunately, meatless foods, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and leafy greens, also contain great sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C manages the severity of illnesses along with supporting respiratory function. Viral infections tend to target vitamin C in our bodies, something we do not independently produce. It’s crucial to keep vitamin C levels higher in times of illness. The foods that contain the most vitamin C are either fruits or vegetables, which are also great prebiotics. Such foods include oranges, bell peppers, lemon, and broccoli.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been a vitamin of interest since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. It supports overall health in our bones, muscles, skin, and gut, alongside improving mental health. The winter season prevents people from absorbing vitamin D from the sun. With half of the planet’s population already considered as vitamin D deficient, it’s an even more important nutrient to improve.

Its role in fighting off viral infections includes the management of cytokines. These cause the spread of a virus, and vitamin D counters pro-inflammatory cytokines with anti-inflammatory ones. Studies in the past two years focusing on vitamin D’s impact on influenza and COVID-19 have increasingly demonstrated these findings (5) (6). It is not the Holy Grail key to autoimmunity, yet it should not be ignored for overall health improvement.


Despite being a mineral and not a vitamin, zinc still contains anti-viral characteristics. It supports the cell-barrier function, especially in the lungs. It also reduces a virus’s impact on protein synthesis. When a virus attacks protein molecules, zinc joins vitamin D on the line of defense. Zinc deficiency can cause immune cell dysfunction (6). High-protein animal sources like oysters and red meat contain zinc. Fiber-rich foods like tofu, seeds, legumes, and oatmeal also contain zinc, but have less than the animal sources.


The gut microbiome goes through a new regeneration every fifteen minutes. It is never too late to properly feed your gut and improve your immune system. Avoiding processed foods and added sugars should be emphasized. Meanwhile, a diet containing fibrous foods, healthy fats, and antioxidants will improve your immune system. Supplementation can round off the list of healthy choices, covering all remaining bases when it comes to maintaining sufficient vitamin levels.

Works Cited


About the Author

Matthew Lannon

Matthew Lannon

Matthew Lannon grew up in a family run by sports. He avidly played baseball and golf while following football and hockey.

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US Sports Health: Can you get blood clots from a COVID-19 vaccine?

  • Author Craig Payne

Vaccine-induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) is a very infrequent, but critical illness which got lots of news and social media commentary in the framework of vaccinations for COVID-19. The newly identified disease differs from other kinds of blood clot conditions as it's brought on with the immune system’s reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine, most commonly ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AstraZeneca) and Ad26.COV2.S (Johnson & Johnson). Both these vaccines are utilizing virus type vectors (the mRNA vaccines from Moderna, don’t employ this vector). Pathologically it is very similar to the autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). Vaccine-induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia is believed being because of the autoantibodies which are targeted against platelet factor 4 which stimulates platelets and results in thrombosis. The typical feature is these kinds of blood clots which are generally in the brain or abdominal.

VITT generally seems to happen in 4-6 people for every million vaccine doses provided. The risk is reduced after the 2nd dose. The initial fatality rate has been up to 50% in those who developed it, but the majority do today recover when it is recognized promptly, and correct treatment began. There are no clear risk factors have been recognized, but it can seem to be more prevalent in those below the age of fifty. A past history of blood clots (such as a deep vein thrombosis) or other non-immune blood disorders are not a risk factor.

Even though the risk is extremely low, nevertheless it did put a great deal of people off getting these vaccinations and deciding on the mRNA vaccinations or simply used this as a reason for not getting a vaccine. This resulted in numerous public health professionals to promote marketing promotions to attempt to counter the negativity, talking about exactly how low the danger was when compared to the potential for dying from a COVID infection. These kinds of strategies and social media commentary brought up things such as being struck by lightning is much more likely to occur as compared to getting a clot with a vaccine.

The usual symptoms are a sustained as well as severe head ache, stomach pain, low back pain, nausea and vomiting, eyesight changes, change in mental condition, neurologic symptoms, dyspnea, leg pain and also swelling, and/or bleeding signs within 4 to forty two days following the shot of the vaccination. People that have these symptoms should have their platelet levels and also D-dimer measured along with imaging for the possible clots. The criteria for diagnosis is having had a COVID vaccination in the prior 42 days before, any venous or arterial clots, a problem generally known as thrombocytopenia as well as a positive ELISA evaluation for a problem known as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.

Most are in the hospital for management as a result of the seriousness of the symptoms and also the possibly fatal risk from the condition. Initial management is with blood thinners (commonly a non-heparin one) along with IV immune globulin to interrupt the VITT antibody-induced platelets activation. Corticosteroids may be used in order to reduce the abnormal immune system response. Resistant cases could need a plasma exchange and additional immune drugs. On a daily basis platelet levels monitoring and clinical checking for almost any signs of thrombosis can be significant. Many cases continue doing well and will be released from the hospital when they're no longer prone to difficulties and the platelet count has stabilized.

For the latest research on this, see:

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