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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Police officers take part in special tactical training and Our Modern Plight: An Observation Into Our Current State in Time and How It Affects Us All

Special tactical training [Video below]

Our Modern Plight: An Observation Into Our Current State in Time and How It Affects Us All
By: Joaquin Herrera

As of lately the media has portrayed much chaos, all at an immensely alarming rate, and not just local predicaments, but major events taking place globally.

Everyday you hear news of "Shootings" "Riots" "Attacks" etc. Simply put, its violence affecting vast amounts of people.

From my research and overall observance of not only these current issues, but within the web of it all, the truth has become evident.

The real issue here doesn't lie within our Race, Ethnicity, Police, Presidential Election or anything else the media continuously force- feeds you.

Yes, these are individual concerns; however, they are due to a much greater problem. Once you are aware of this problem, all else will fall into place.

The media's recent portrayal of events is merely a textbook case of:

Divide and Conquer:

The policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent between them.

This strategy is executed by the technique of:

Creating or encouraging divisions among the subjects to prevent alliances that could challenge the sovereign


The U.S government is run by a privately owned Central Bank named the Federal Reserve, or Fed; this system creates its own policies, and controls both the Interest rates and entire money supply of the United States.

No, it is not actually Federal nor does it have any reserves.

The Federal Reserve operates in absolute secrecy. As Alan Greenspan, Former Chairman of the Fed, said when asked what should be the proper relationship between the Chairman and the President of the United States,

"... The Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means,... that there is no other agency of government, which can overrule actions that we take. So long as that is in place... then what the relationships are, don't frankly, matter." This corporation was given the ability, to not only create money out of thin air, but to then lend it to the government, with Interest.

Interest that the Government pays by the enforcive means of the Internal Revenue Service and Social Security system. The IRS acts as the collection branch for these payments; our taxes go directly to the Federal Reserve.

Tactical Workouts

Currently, there is no "law" which states we are actually required to pay an Income Tax.

The Fed and IRS were both established in 1913. With the Social Security Act being passed in 1935, wherein all citizens were covertly pledged as collateral to these Central Banks for the debt of the United States.

This debt can only be paid off by borrowing even more money into existence; money that is no longer backed by gold or anything for that matter, the value it has is the value we give it.

This worthless paper currently in circulation is actually a loan from the Fed to you, with Interest.

As Josiah Stamp, prominent banker and economist, once said,

"... If you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit. Money = Debt = Slavery.

This means a private cartel of bankers have complete control over the Government and its money system as we know it.

What we call a "Democracy" In the Unites States, in actuality, is an Oligarchy consisting of largely foreign banking families.

These families have historically been called the "Money Changers", Manipulating and controlling a nations money system while allowing it to appear to be controlled by the government.

As Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty, famously said,

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." Or better yet, as his son, Nathan Rothschild said,

"Who controls the issuance of money, controls the government." These banking families, with its institutions and its financial system, had seized the U.S government over a century ago, through years of corruption and manipulation.

After Woodrow Wilson became president, agreeing to sign the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, in exchange for sponsorship and campaign funding from these bankers, he later wrote,

"... I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit... We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world, no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men. " Today, we are facing some of the most violent, inhumane treatment of our people in every way, and the rate of which these major incidents are taking place is reaching its boiling point.

No, these aren't accidents or sporadic acts of hate, these are orchestrated events inflicted by these same families.

With a hidden hand in virtually all levels of commerce, they are able to utilize the monopoly of resources they fund, such as the influential Media and of course, the Military Industrial Complex.

From funding opposing sides of wars to opposing sides of political parties, these International Bankers have artificially created panics, wars, and countless *False flag events throughout history;

* Covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

One crucial example, "The Panic of 1907", was the catalyst of the governments change to a private Central Bank, the Federal Reserve System.

The bankers engineered a staged panic in order to alter public opinion and thereby outcome of the matter, bringing in laws and legislation that citizens would not accept otherwise.

These False flags are still taking place today, with consequences and repercussions being devastating, not only to ourselves, but to our freedom and future as well.

The changes in which these events bring, will inevitably affect us all.

The goals of these families would face resistance if openly stated, so in order to execute their plans, they do so without stating their intentions.

As what's been called "P.R.S." Problem-Reaction-Solution

1. The Banking Families (Elite), Government Etc. create a Problem, whether its an Attack, War, or Economic crisis, Whatever is best for the pursued outcome.

2. They blame someone or something for this "problem", using the media to portray and thereby control the event and information how they best find suitable. They will only tell you what they want you to know, presenting it as fact or truth. This in effect, causes whatever reaction among the people they initially wanted.

3. Now with the masses sharing this urgent reaction, Fear, Anger, Hatred, Etc. The government shall respond with an urgent Solution, one that will seem justified due to the outcome of the problem they covertly created.This will on the surface, seem like the appropriate action, it was manufactured to appear so, however, the true intent and sought outcome are only to advance their agenda.

Simply put, the purpose of P.R.S, with the use of False flags, is to attain a desired reaction in order to implement a desired solution.


The goal of these families is to usher in, what has been called by Politicians and bankers, a "New World Order", or the rebranded version, "Globalization."

As David Rockefeller, prominent banker, said himself,

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." That is to bring all life on earth under one single global state, a one-world government.

It is a merger between Capitalism and Communism, based on the theory of Collectivism:

The practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it, with ownership of land and the means of production by the state.

It isn't necessarily about world government, but rather world governance, with personal control by a few.

Individuality will no longer exist; we will be born and bred for the sole purpose of serving the state, never understanding the true nature of our self nor our lives.

Our world will be one of enslaved servants, with no families, no spirituality, no intellect, no creativity, no privacy and no freedom, only labor.

We are being conditioned, and our youth indoctrinated, to accept these changes being imposed upon our lives, to obey, and even learn to like these changes.

You can see it in our educational system, where the focus isn't on life, creativity, uniqueness, or true wisdom; but on conformity, obedience, repetitiveness, memorization and standardized testing.

We are told what to think, not how, nor why.

We are taught less about the real history of our world, preventing us from learning from our ancestor's previous mistakes.

Controlling how people perceive their past, controls their perception of the present.

As George Orwell, acclaimed author, accurately said,

"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." They seek to keep us uninformed, misled and oblivious to the true nature of the world around us, accepting what we are given as reality.

Through the usage of drugs, legal or illegal, genetically modified foods and chemicals within our air and water, we are literally being sedated, to become further docile and content within this system.

We are constantly distracted, using our mind, time and energy for work, consumerism, materialism, and all forms of entertainment, never allowing ourselves to truly experience and focus on what matters most.

We are forever immersed in an external, false reality of ignorance.

One in which privacy does not exist, virtually everything you do on a phone, computer, or at work, is monitored and recorded.

We are giving away this privacy ourselves, by accepting agreements with terms and conditions we don't even read. To use applications, which rarely enlighten us nor educate us, but rather distract and evoke ego, competition, separation and jealousy within us.

This in effect, causes our impressionable youth to make less independent decisions in their lives, being influenced by others within this false reality of perfection.

This repetitive cycle of work-eat-sleep, while blindly entertaining ourselves in between, is what keeps us supporting this system.

It only works because you do.

In order to rid ourselves from the shackles of this society and break free from this tyranny, we must become more attentive and observant to the changes occurring in our lifetime.

We must analyze current and past issues, not only from mainstream media coverage, but rather independent research. Look beneath the surface, ask who would benefit from your reaction to this news, put the puzzle pieces together yourself. The facts are there.

You will start to the see the process of Problem-Reaction-Solution unfold right before your eyes, and how major events the media perpetuates, are all inner connected.

The truth becomes apparent, even obvious. Do not ignore it.

It is imperative that we educate ourselves and share this information, the more awareness we spread, the more power we gain through each other.

We need to become more vocal about the corruption and manipulation in our system; we must work to expose the lies of this minority, ruling the vast majority. We must organize.

If not, we will find ourselves living within a totalitarian society, where thinking independently or questioning the "establishment" will indefinitely, result in death.

We've already watched this happen to many of our great leaders of the past, who've advocated this same truth, and even millions of innocent people who fell victim to an oppressive regime or system.

History repeats itself; and we are on the verge of this same change.

We cannot continue to let this happen, to ourselves, our youth, our families, our world, nor our future.

We must wake up, we need to seek clarity within this matrix, and we must seek truth.

Above all, we must let go of all indoctrinated beliefs, dogmas and ways of thinking about one another, and ourselves.

Through mainstream religion, political ideologies, race, age, wealth, class and gender, we have separated ourselves from one another, judging each other based of external illusions.

We are being played into the classic divide and conquer method, used through out history to control populations.

For if we are constantly fighting amongst each other, blaming opposing political parties, both in fear and ignorance, we will never fully recognize the real force controlling and manipulating our lives.

The simple truth is, we are all one.

All living and deceased matter is made up of the same particles, for it is only our physical manifestation within this dimension. We are in actuality, soul, spirit and consciousness within a human body.

We are eternal, infinite beings of energy, sharing a physical experience on earth.

We are all equal, in every way. We are equal to each other, all humans, all animals, all nature and all living entities, all life.

Let us free our mind of ego and imposed ideologies, so that we may come together in harmony, and unite as one, co-existing as loving, conscious, intelligent beings.

That in turn, would allow every soul to rejoice and feel absolute beautiful and pure peace within, until then.

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Dr. Myles Munroe - Learn From Your History and Tips for Youth Bible Study

Dr. Myles Munroe-  [Video below]

Tips for Youth Bible Study

By: Pastor Deane


Too many young people think that Bible study is boring and that they have plenty of time to learn and follow the word of God once they are an adult. This is not true, and a lie that Satan uses to stop young people from knowing and loving God. Bible study is exciting because learning and following the word of God. A person is never too young to understand the word of the Lord and apply its message to their life.

Young people can find many rewards from the Bible. God has promised many rewards to those who find him through His words and prayer. He has promised Strength (Isaiah 40:29-31), Peace (Psalm 119:165), Joy (Psalm 16:11), Success (Joshua 1:8), Stability (Psalm 16:8-9), Answered prayer (John 15:7), Personal testimony (Acts 4:13).

Youth Bible study does not have to be complicated. There are three important steps that a youth Bible study group should follow to understand the Lord’s word. They should observe God’s word and see the message in the passage. Then they should then interpret the meaning of the text as it applies to their life and finally apply the message to themselves by asking what the passage wants them to do.

When you observe the passage ask who is in the story, who is writing and who is being written to. Look for what is being communicated, the cause, affects and meaning in the words. Put yourself in the passage and think about your reactions to what is being said and what the words mean to you.

In order to interpret the Bible’s message ask why the writer said the words, why they are significant, and what is important about the words. Finding the importance of the words as they are written will help you to find the importance of the words in your own life.

To figure out how a passage can be applied a student Bible study group should focus on taking the message and working it in to their actions at home, at school, and everywhere else. They should think about the changes they should make or actions they should take to embrace the message.

The goal of teen and youth group Bible study should be to develop a love and understanding of God’s word. The messages of His word will help young people to navigate the confusing world of today with lessons that will teach them how to love and revere God. Young people can show their love of God by following John 5:3 and joyfully obeying his commands.

Andy serves as an associate pastor at Calvary Chapel Old Bridge in central New Jersey. In 2009 he published, Learn to Study the Bible:

Bowie State’s Nicoleen Ochoa Selected to All-CIAA Tournament Softball Team

BOWIE, Md. – Senior pitcher Nicoleen Ochoa (Madison, Ohio) of Bowie State University was named to the 12-member All-CIAA Tournament Softball Team at the end of the conference’s (May 2) championship game in Salem, Va.

Ochoa averaged .333 on 3-of-9 at-bats in three tournament games. Of the three hits, Ochoa had one home run, a walk and two RBI. Ochoa pitched 14.0 innings, allowing 31 hits, 27 runs (21 earned), walked seven and struck out eight during the Bulldogs’ championships run.

Bowie State entered the CIAA Championships as the No. 4 seed in the Northern Division and upset the South’s No. 1 seed Saint Augustine’s by a score of 12-6, rallying from a four-run deficit in the top of the seventh inning to remain alive in the double-elimination tournament. Bowie State was shutout in its second game by a score of 11-0 to Winston-Salem State and were eliminated by Shaw on day two by a score of 14-4.

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CoachTube Master Your Sport-Volleyball

CoachTube Master Your Sport-Volleyball: Browse Courses in VOLLEYBALL
CoachTube has volleyball training videos and instructional coaching videos taught online by the world’s best volleyball pro’s.
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Minding Your Business! Benefits of Online Recruiting in MLM

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business
By: Troy Kotterman
When looking at the business of MLM (multi-level marketing) recruiting is, absolutely, one of the most crucial abilities to improve. When choosing a marketing system online recruiting gives you the best results for your time, money and effort. When we look back at the not so distant past, we can easily see the advantages.

MLM is all about networking, right? Back in the day, You began by listing all of your friends and family, anyone you could think of really. Remember the memory jogger? If you'll recall, it was that list asking for you to remember the name of your soccer coach from junior high. And of course you're still in touch with your Drivers Ed teacher. Certainly you'll want to contact him and tell him about this fantastic new service/product/opportunity! Right?

Well, if not, your family and friends should at least be able to help you reach your first goal. This is critical so that when you begin hosting home shows and weekly meetings you will at least seem successful. Good times! And, merely by putting a decal on the family van and handing out business cards everywhere you go you'll have a constant stream of prospects…I mean, "potential business partners".

Fast forward to todays world of recruiting in MLM.

The "list"… it's covered.

Going online results in social networking on a good quality way. Your list will grow, and continue to grow, with the help of social networking sites like Facebook. The next generation will certainly communicate with everyone they've ever known, even slightly, using Facebook. Even better, you are keeping in touch in a genuine way and cultivating the relationship.

By taking recruiting online you'll be putting yourself where the majority of the population is spending their time…on the superhighway. You will have people across the country, even continents away, getting to know you and your opportunity all together.

Online recruiting is cost effective.

At some point in recruiting, the list can only take you so far. In the old days, you would be coached to do bulk mailings…postcards and fliers. These methods are costly with postage and materials and are also a poor use of resources. With very little cost, electronic communications reach infinitely more people...instantly. This also provides immediate gratification if they would like more information.

It keeps you in charge.

One of the most attractive aspects of working from home and building a MLM business is the sovereignty that can come with your choice to work from home. When you do your recruiting online you don't have to be concerned about being a bother to family and friends. You won't spend hours on the telephone making cold calls. If home shows and weekly meeting don't interest you, feel free to skip them entirely. It will be okay...really. You have more freedom to set your own schedule because you will simply answer the phone when someone calls you to find out more.

As you can tell, when you move beyond traditional methods there are many advantages of online MLM recruiting.

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The Truth About Cancer Featuring: 100K Subscriber Milestone - Thank You from Charlene and Ty Bollinger

We're so excited to report that we hit the 100k subscriber mark on our YouTube channel! We want to thank everyone for helping us achieve this, and for all your support. Please help us reach 120K subscribers soon, by sending this link to all your friends: If you have not subscribed to our channel yet, be sure to click on the the link above or simply click the red SUBSCRIBE button at the top, plus make sure to hit the bell next to it, so you'll get notified about new videos. Every week, we publish new cancer survivor stories, expert presentations, interesting health videos, and much more. You can find a wealth of free content/knowledge on our YouTube channel (over 350 videos)! Thank you for watching and helping us spread the truth! Our mission is to educate the world, expose lies and empower people with life-saving knowledge. Help us and share the truth, by clicking the SHARE buttons.

Join TTAC's 1 million FB fans - Follow us on PINTEREST - Find us on INSTAGRAM - Visit our website: -------------------------------------------------- About The Truth About Cancer -------------------------------------------------- The Truth About Cancer’s mission is to inform, educate, and eradicate the pandemic of cancer in our modern world. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer (and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside The Truth About Cancer Docu-series --------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctors, researchers, experts, and survivors show you exactly how to prevent and treat cancer in our 3 original docu-series: The Quest for The Cures, The Quest For The Cures Continues, and The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. In our docu-series you’ll travel with Ty Bollinger who lost both his mother and father to cancer (as well as 5 other family members). Ty travels the country and the globe and sits down with the foremost doctors, researchers, experts, and cancer conquerors to find out their proven methods for preventing and treating cancer. You can watch Episode 1 & 2 NOW for FREE by following this link: Please join our email list to be notified of all upcoming events (including free airings of our docu-series): --------------------------------------- About Charlene Bollinger --------------------------------------- Charlene Bollinger is a devoted Christian, happily married wife, joyful mother of 4 beautiful home-educated children, health freedom advocate, and co-founder of and along with Ty and their partner, Jonathan Hunsaker. She is a former model/actress/fitness buff, and lover of healthy food and healthy living. Charlene speaks at conferences and is a guest on various health related radio shows together with Ty - helping people to learn that cancer does NOT have to be a death sentence. Together they host a weekly internet news show program, TTAC Global Health News. --------------------------------------- About Ty Bollinger --------------------------------------- Ty Bollinger is a devoted husband, father, a best-selling author, and a Christian. He is also a licensed CPA, health freedom advocate, cancer researcher, former competitive bodybuilder, and author of the best-selling book Cancer - Step Outside the Box, which has sold over 100,000 copies worldwide. After losing his mother and father and several family members to cancer, Ty’s heartbreak and grief coupled with his firm belief that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the NOT the most effective treatments available for cancer patients led him on a path of discovery. He began a quest to learn everything he possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry. What he uncovered was shocking. On his journey, he’s interviewed cutting-edge scientists, leading alternative doctors, and groundbreaking researchers to learn about hidden alternative cancer treatments. What he uncovered help to create The Truth About Cancer and its 3 awe-inspiring docu-series: The Quest for The Cures, The Quest For The Cures Continues, and The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. Ty has touched the hearts and changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. Ty speaks frequently at conferences, local health group meetings, churches, and guest stars on multiple radio and TV shows and writes for numerous magazines and websites. -----------------------------------

Streetlight (Football) Recruiting Featuring: 2020-Street Light Recruiting- QB-Tyler Henderson (6' 5''- 185 Lbs)- Evangel Chrsitian School (AL)

Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube Football:

[Tyler Henderson and more Highlight Videos Below]

Featured Course:


The Hurry Up No Huddle: An Offensive Philosophy by Gus Malzahn

The Hurry-Up, No-Huddle:

Learn how changing the traditional dynamics of football can give a team a major advantage over its opponents. The Hurry-Up, No-Huddle: An Offensive Philosophy highlights the revolutionary concept of a team running its offense at a 2-minute pace for the entire game. The coaching videos featured in this first course discuss the philosophy and principles attendant to the hurry-up, no-huddle and explain the relevant responsibilities of coaches and players.

Shotgun Running Game With Play-Action Complement:

The Shotgun Running Game With Play-Action Complement presents a step-by-step review of how to develop and implement a successful running game out of the shotgun formation. The detailed instructional videos in this section also explain the positional responsibilities for the running game and offer coaching pointers and game footage for seven proven running plays out of the shotgun. 

Teaching Routes With Quarterback and Receiver Responsibilities:

Teaching Routes With Quarterback and Receiver Responsibilities offers a detailed overview of what you should expect of your quarterbacks and receivers concerning how wide receivers should run their routes. In an easy-to-understand and apply manner, this section of the course explains and demonstrates the responsibilities of the quarterbacks and his wide receivers on seven of the most commonly run routes. 
Gus MalzahnHead Coach at Auburn University
In Gus Malzahn's first year at Auburn he received national acclaim for overseeing one of the biggest turnarounds in college football history. Coach Malzahn inherited an Auburn Tigers football team that did not win a single SEC game in the 2012, then led them to an SEC Championship and an appearance in the 2014 BCS Championship Game.

Broyles (2010)
SEC Coach of the Yeat (2013)
Home Depot Coach of the Year (2013)
Sporting News Coach of the Year (2013)
Eddie Robinson Coach of the Year (2013)
AP College Football Coach of the year (2013)
Paul "Bear" Bryant Award(2013)
Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year (2013

Featured video-2020-Street Light Recruiting- QB-2020-Street Light Recruiting- QB-Tyler Henderson (6' 5''- 185 Lbs)- Evangel Chrsitian School (AL)

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