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Friday, July 19, 2024

The Rock Almighty. You Are The Extraterrestial! And How can I incorporate my spiritual beliefs into my daily life and routines? This is 100 tips.


How can I incorporate my spiritual beliefs into my daily life and routines? This is 100 tips.

  • Author Bollo Ludo


Greetings! I go by the name Bollo, and I've reached the age of 54. Throughout my life, I've encountered both positive and negative experiences. However, for the past decade, I've been leading a contented life alongside my wife and children. During this period, I've often reflected upon my identity, the impact I've had on others, and areas where I could improve. By observing my relationships with friends and professional acquaintances, I've come across valuable advice that has transformed my life. I share this advice with you not as a means of imposing a specific way of life, but rather to offer insights based on my personal experiences and interactions with those around me.

Incorporating your spiritual beliefs into your daily life and routines can help you cultivate a deeper connection with your spirituality and make it a more integral part of your overall experience.

  1. Set aside dedicated time: Designate specific times during the day or week for spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, or reflection. This can be in the morning, before bed, or at any other time that works best for you.

  2. Create a sacred space: Designate a physical space in your home or wherever you spend most of your time as a sacred space for your spiritual practices. Decorate it with meaningful symbols, objects, or images that represent your beliefs.

  3. Practice mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily activities. Pay attention to the present moment, whether it's during routine tasks like cooking or cleaning or simply being aware of your thoughts and emotions throughout the day.

  4. Engage in rituals: Rituals can be powerful ways to connect with your spirituality. They can be as simple as lighting a candle, saying a blessing before a meal, or performing a specific ceremony or prayer that holds significance to you.

  5. Seek spiritual community: Engage with others who share similar beliefs and values by joining a spiritual community or attending gatherings, services, or study groups. This can provide support, inspiration, and opportunities for growth.

  6. Study and learn: Deepen your understanding of your spiritual beliefs by engaging in study, reading sacred texts, listening to talks or podcasts, or attending workshops or classes related to your chosen path.

  7. Practice gratitude: Cultivate a sense of gratitude by regularly expressing appreciation for the blessings in your life. This can be done through journaling, prayer, or simply taking a moment each day to reflect on what you're grateful for.

  8. Act in alignment with your beliefs: Let your spiritual beliefs guide your actions and decisions. Strive to live by your values and principles, treating others with kindness, compassion, and respect.

  9. Practice self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Journaling or engaging in introspective practices can help you gain insights into yourself and your spiritual journey.

  10. Cultivate compassion: Extend compassion not only to others but also to yourself. Recognize that we are all on our own unique paths and that growth and learning are continuous processes.

  11. Connect with nature: Spend time in nature and appreciate its beauty and the interconnectedness of all living things. Whether it's taking a walk in the park, gardening, or simply sitting outside, immersing yourself in nature can be a powerful way to connect with your spirituality.

  12. Seek inspiration: Engage in activities that inspire you and uplift your spirit. This could include listening to music, reading poetry, creating art, or immersing yourself in activities that bring you joy and a sense of wonder.

  13. Practice forgiveness: Letting go of resentments and practicing forgiveness can free up emotional energy and contribute to your overall well-being. This can be a challenging practice, but it can have profound effects on your spiritual growth.

  14. Embrace silence and solitude: Spend time in quiet contemplation and solitude. Disconnect from distractions, find stillness, and listen to the wisdom within. This can be done through meditation, prayer, or simply sitting in silence.

  15. Embody your values: Allow your spiritual beliefs to shape your behavior and interactions with others. Strive to embody the qualities and virtues that are important to you, such as love, kindness, patience, and integrity.

  16. Practice mindfulness in everyday activities: Bring a sense of presence and awareness to your daily activities, whether it's eating, walking, or engaging in conversations. Pay attention to the sensations, thoughts, and emotions that arise in each moment.

  17. Engage in acts of service: Find ways to serve others and contribute to the well-being of those around you. This can be through volunteering, acts of kindness, or supporting causes that align with your values.

  18. Engage in contemplative practices: Explore practices such as contemplative prayer, silent meditation, or breathwork to deepen your connection with your spiritual beliefs and cultivate inner stillness and peace.

  19. Practice gratitude rituals: Develop rituals around expressing gratitude, such as writing gratitude lists, offering prayers of thanks, or sharing moments of appreciation with loved ones. Cultivating gratitude can shift your perspective and bring a greater sense of contentment.

  20. Engage in sacred reading: Set aside time for reading sacred texts or spiritual books that inspire and nourish your spiritual journey. Reflect on the teachings and insights they offer and integrate them into your life.

  21. Foster connection with others: Seek meaningful connections with individuals who share your spiritual beliefs or who inspire and support your spiritual growth. Engage in deep conversations, share experiences, and learn from each other's journeys.

  22. Embrace rituals for transitions and milestones: Create rituals to mark significant moments in your life, such as birthdays, new beginnings, or endings. These rituals can help you reflect, set intentions, and honor the spiritual significance of these transitions.

  23. Stay open to learning and growth: Cultivate a mindset of curiosity and openness to new ideas and perspectives. Engage in ongoing learning, attend workshops or retreats, and explore different spiritual practices to expand your understanding and deepen your connection.

  24. Practice self-care: Nurturing your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is an essential part of your spiritual journey. Engage in activities that promote self-care, such as exercise, healthy eating, rest, and engaging in hobbies that bring you joy.

  25. Trust your inner guidance: Develop trust in your intuition and inner wisdom. Listen to the whispers of your heart and allow your spiritual beliefs to guide you in making decisions that align with your values and spiritual path.

  26. Engage in conscious communication: Pay attention to the way you communicate with others. Practice active listening, speak with kindness and compassion, and strive to foster understanding and connection in your interactions.

  27. Engage in acts of self-reflection: Set aside time for self-reflection and introspection. This can involve journaling, meditation, or simply taking quiet moments to check in with yourself and assess how your beliefs and practices are influencing your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

  28. Explore different spiritual traditions: Expand your understanding by exploring various spiritual traditions and practices. Attend different types of religious services, participate in interfaith events, or engage in dialogues with individuals from diverse spiritual backgrounds.

  29. Connect with your body: Recognize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Engage in practices that promote physical well-being, such as exercise, yoga, or mindful movement. Listen to the wisdom of your body and treat it with care and respect.

  30. Engage in acts of forgiveness: Practice forgiveness not only towards others but also towards yourself. Let go of grudges, resentments, and self-judgment, and cultivate a spirit of forgiveness and compassion.

  31. Seek solitude in nature: Spend time in natural environments to connect with the awe-inspiring beauty of the world around you. Whether it's hiking in the mountains, walking on the beach, or sitting under a tree, allow nature to nourish your soul and deepen your sense of connection.

  32. Engage in acts of creativity: Embrace your creative side as a way to express and deepen your spirituality. Engage in activities such as painting, writing, dancing, or playing music that allow you to tap into your inner creativity and connect with something greater than yourself.

  33. Practice mindfulness of consumption: Be conscious of the things you consume, whether it's food, media, or material possessions. Consider how they align with your values and contribute to your overall well-being and spiritual growth.

  34. Embrace rituals of purification and cleansing: Explore rituals such as smudging, bathing, or engaging in a digital detox to cleanse your mind, body, and spirit. These rituals can help you release negativity, restore balance, and create sacred space within yourself.

  35. Embody gratitude in action: Move beyond expressing gratitude and actively embody it in your actions. Show appreciation for others, offer acts of kindness, and contribute to the well-being of your community. Let gratitude inspire you to make a positive difference in the world.

  36. Practice gratitude in challenging times: Cultivate gratitude even when facing difficulties or adversity. Look for lessons and silver linings in challenging situations, and maintain a perspective of gratitude for the growth opportunities they present.

  37. Practice acts of kindness: Extend acts of kindness and compassion towards others in your daily life. Small gestures, such as offering a helping hand, listening attentively, or offering a kind word, can make a significant positive impact on others and deepen your connection to your spiritual beliefs.

  38. Engage in conscious eating: Approach mealtimes with mindfulness and gratitude. Take time to appreciate the nourishment provided by the food, savor each bite, and consider the interconnectedness of the natural world that brought the food to your plate.

  39. Seek spiritual guidance: Seek guidance from spiritual teachers, mentors, or advisors who align with your beliefs and values. They can provide insights, support, and guidance on your spiritual path.

  40. Cultivate a sense of wonder: Maintain a childlike sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around you. Appreciate the beauty and intricacy of nature, marvel at the mysteries of the universe, and allow awe to deepen your spiritual connection.

  41. Practice forgiveness rituals: Engage in forgiveness rituals or ceremonies to release past hurts and resentments. This can involve writing forgiveness letters, conducting forgiveness meditations, or participating in forgiveness rituals from your spiritual tradition.

  42. Reflect on life's purpose: Take time to reflect on your life's purpose and how it aligns with your spiritual beliefs. Consider how you can make a meaningful contribution to the world and live in alignment with your values.

  43. Practice self-compassion: Extend compassion and kindness towards yourself. Treat yourself with love and acceptance, acknowledging that you are a work in progress and deserving of self-care and understanding.

  44. Explore sacred music and chants: Engage with sacred music, chants, or hymns that resonate with your spiritual beliefs. Allow the melodies and lyrics to uplift your spirit and deepen your connection to the divine.

  45. Embrace the power of silence: Carve out moments of silence and stillness in your day. Allow yourself to rest in silence, free from distractions, and listen to the whispers of your soul and the guidance of your spiritual beliefs.

  46. Practice conscious breathing: Use the breath as a tool for mindfulness and connection. Engage in conscious breathing exercises, such as deep belly breathing or alternate nostril breathing, to calm the mind, center yourself, and deepen your spiritual presence.

  47. Explore dreamwork: Pay attention to your dreams and explore their symbolism and messages. Keep a dream journal and engage in practices such as dream interpretation or lucid dreaming to gain insights into your subconscious and spiritual journey.

  48. Engage in acts of environmental stewardship: Recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and the Earth. Engage in practices that promote environmental sustainability, such as recycling, reducing waste, or participating in conservation efforts.

  49. Engage in acts of selfless service: Practice selfless service without expecting anything in return. Engage in acts of volunteerism or contribute to causes that align with your spiritual values, focusing on making a positive impact beyond your immediate circle.

  50. Trust the unfolding of your spiritual journey: Embrace the uncertainty and trust the process of your spiritual journey. Allow yourself to evolve and grow, knowing that your beliefs and practices may change over time as you gain new insights and experiences.

  51. Cultivate mindfulness in technology use: Be intentional with your use of technology and social media. Set boundaries, take breaks, and use technology mindfully, allowing it to enhance your spiritual journey rather than distract from it.

  52. Create a sacred space: Dedicate a physical space in your home or outdoors where you can engage in spiritual practices, reflection, or prayer. Decorate it with meaningful objects, symbols, or images that represent your spiritual beliefs.

  53. Engage in rituals of renewal: Create rituals that help you recharge and renew your energy. This can include practices such as taking regular retreats, engaging in self-care activities, or participating in ceremonies that symbolize personal transformation.

  54. Practice conscious consumption: Consider the ethical and environmental impact of your purchasing choices. Support businesses and products that align with your values, such as those that prioritize sustainability, fair trade, and social responsibility.

  55. Foster a sense of community: Seek out or create a community of like-minded individuals who share your spiritual beliefs. This can involve joining a spiritual group, attending gatherings, or participating in online forums where you can connect, share, and learn from others.

  56. Explore the power of ritual: Incorporate rituals into your daily life to mark transitions and bring intentionality to your activities. This can include rituals for waking up, starting and ending the day, or transitioning between different tasks or roles.

  57. Cultivate compassion and empathy: Practice empathy by seeking to understand and connect with the experiences and perspectives of others. Cultivate compassion by extending kindness, care, and support to those in need, fostering a more interconnected and compassionate world.

  58. Engage in shadow work: Explore and embrace the parts of yourself that you may find challenging or uncomfortable. Through self-reflection and inner work, shine the light of your spiritual beliefs on these aspects, allowing for healing and growth.

  59. Explore the integration of art and spirituality: Engage in creative expressions such as painting, writing, dance, or poetry as a means of exploring and expressing your spiritual beliefs. Allow art to be a channel for self-discovery, transformation, and connection to the divine.

  60. Practice non-judgment and acceptance: Cultivate an attitude of non-judgment and acceptance towards yourself and others. Recognize that everyone is on their own unique spiritual path and honor the diversity of beliefs and experiences.

  61. Engage in rituals of gratitude: Create rituals around expressing gratitude, such as keeping a gratitude journal, saying grace before meals, or offering prayers of thanks. These rituals can deepen your appreciation for life's blessings and foster a sense of abundance.

  62. Explore the wisdom of spiritual texts: Dive deeper into the teachings of your spiritual tradition or explore texts from other traditions. Engage in study, reflection, and contemplation to deepen your understanding and connection to your beliefs.

  63. Engage in sacred activism: Combine your spiritual beliefs with actions that contribute to positive social change. Advocate for justice, equality, and environmental sustainability, aligning your actions with your spiritual values.

  64. Seek balance and harmony: Strive to find balance and harmony in all areas of your life. This can involve integrating work and rest, balancing solitude and social connection, and nurturing all aspects of your well-being—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

  65. Express gratitude for challenges: Shift your perspective on challenges and difficulties, viewing them as opportunities for growth and spiritual development. Express gratitude for the lessons and resilience they bring to your journey.

  66. Engage in acts of self-care: Prioritize self-care as an essential part of your spiritual practice. Take time to nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being through activities such as massage, meditation, bath rituals, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy.

  67. Practice mindfulness in relationships: Bring mindfulness and presence to your relationships. Cultivate deep listening, empathy, and open-hearted communication with your loved ones, fostering connections that are grounded in authenticity and understanding.

  68. Engage in acts of random kindness: Practice acts of kindness without any expectation of reciprocation. Look for opportunities to brighten someone's day, whether it's offering a smile, lending a helping hand, or performing small acts of service.

  69. Explore the power of sound: Engage with sound as a tool for spiritual connection. This can involve chanting, singing, playing musical instruments, or listening to sacred music that resonates with your beliefs, allowing the vibrations to elevate your consciousness.

  70. Engage in acts of social justice: Advocate for social justice and work towards creating a more equitable and compassionate society. Stand up against discrimination, inequality, and oppression, aligning your actions with your spiritual values.

  71. Practice mindfulness in daily tasks: Infuse mindfulness into your daily activities, such as cooking, cleaning, or gardening. Approach these tasks with presence and gratitude, recognizing them as opportunities for spiritual practice and connection.

  72. Explore the power of ritual baths: Engage in ritual baths as a way to cleanse and renew your energy. Incorporate elements such as essential oils, herbs, or crystals that align with your spiritual beliefs and intentions, allowing the water to purify and rejuvenate your body and spirit.

  73. Cultivate a sense of interconnectedness: Recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and the web of life. Practice seeing the divine in every living being, cultivating compassion, and making choices that promote the well-being of all.

  74. Engage in acts of mindfulness in nature: Spend time in nature with a sense of mindfulness and reverence. Take walks in natural settings, practice forest bathing, or engage in nature-based meditations, deepening your connection to the natural world and its spiritual wisdom.

  75. Explore divination practices: Explore divination practices such as tarot, astrology, or oracle cards as tools for self-reflection and guidance. Use them as a means to tap into your intuition and gain insights into your spiritual journey.

  76. Create a vision board: Create a visual representation of your spiritual goals and aspirations by making a vision board. Gather images, words, and symbols that resonate with your vision, and use them as a reminder and inspiration for manifesting your desires.

  77. Engage in acts of sacred sexuality: Explore sacred sexuality practices that honor the union of body, mind, and spirit. Engage in practices such as tantric rituals, mindful lovemaking, or cultivating sexual energy for spiritual growth and connection.

  78. Practice forgiveness meditation: Engage in forgiveness meditation as a way to release resentment and cultivate inner peace. Visualize forgiving yourself and others, offering compassion and understanding, and allowing the healing power of forgiveness to transform your relationships.

  79. Explore the power of crystals: Work with crystals as tools for energetic healing and spiritual connection. Learn about the properties and meanings of different crystals and incorporate them into your meditation, rituals, or sacred spaces.

  80. Cultivate a daily gratitude practice: Dedicate time each day to express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Whether through journaling, prayer or simply reflecting silently, focus on the abundance and beauty that surrounds you and cultivate a grateful heart.

  81. Explore different meditation techniques: Experiment with different forms of meditation, such as mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, or transcendental meditation. Find a technique that resonates with you and incorporate it into your daily practice.

  82. Engage in sacred movement: Explore movement practices that connect your body, mind, and spirit, such as yoga, tai chi, or qigong. Embrace the meditative aspects of these practices, allowing them to deepen your spiritual connection and cultivate inner harmony.

  83. Practice journaling: Set aside time for reflective journaling. Write about your spiritual experiences, insights, and questions. Use your journal as a tool for self-discovery, self-reflection, and recording your spiritual journey.

  84. Engage in volunteer work: Dedicate your time and skills to serve others in need. Engaging in volunteer work can be a powerful way to express your spirituality through compassionate action and make a positive impact on the world.

  85. Practice breathwork: Explore the power of conscious breathing techniques, such as pranayama or holotropic breathwork. These practices can help you release tension, access altered states of consciousness, and deepen your connection to the divine.

  86. Create a sacred altar: Set up a personal altar in your home, dedicated to your spiritual practice. Arrange meaningful objects, symbols, or images that represent your beliefs and intentions. Use the altar as a focal point for meditation, prayer, or ritual.

  87. Engage in dream work: Pay attention to your dreams and explore their symbolism and messages. Keep a dream journal, practice lucid dreaming, or seek guidance from dream experts or therapists who can help you uncover the spiritual insights in your dreams.

  88. Explore the power of mantras: Incorporate the repetition of sacred sounds or mantras into your spiritual practice. Choose a mantra that resonates with you and recite it during meditation or throughout the day to focus your mind and attune yourself to higher vibrations.

  89. Engage in fasting or conscious eating: Explore fasting or conscious eating practices as a way to deepen your spiritual connection and enhance your awareness of the food you consume. Whether it's intermittent fasting, juice fasting, or mindful eating, approach it with intention and gratitude.

  90. Study spiritual teachings: Dive deeper into the teachings of spiritual masters, philosophers, or mystics from various traditions. Engage in reading, studying, or listening to their wisdom, allowing it to inspire and guide your spiritual journey.

  91. Embrace the power of silence: Dedicate regular time to silence and solitude. Practice silent meditation, spend time in nature without distractions, or engage in activities that calm the mind and create space for inner reflection and spiritual connection.

  92. Cultivate a connection with ancestors: Honor and connect with your ancestral lineage. Explore rituals, ceremonies, or practices that allow you to acknowledge and seek guidance from your ancestors, fostering a sense of continuity and support from those who came before you.

  93. Practice mindfulness in speech: Pay attention to the words you speak and the impact they have on yourself and others. Practice compassionate and mindful communication, using your words to uplift, inspire, and foster understanding.

  94. Engage in acts of service: Look for opportunities to serve others and contribute to the well-being of your community. Engaging in selfless acts of service can deepen your spiritual connection and cultivate a sense of interconnectedness and purpose.

  95. Explore the power of prayer: Embrace prayer as a means of communication with the divine. Whether through reciting traditional prayers or engaging in spontaneous, heartfelt conversations with the divine, prayer can be a powerful tool for expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, and finding solace.

  96. Foster a connection with nature spirits: Recognize the presence of nature spirits, such as fairies, devas, or elemental beings, and engage in practices that honor and connect with them. Spend time in natural settings, offer prayers or offerings, or create sacred spaces dedicated to nature spirits.

  97. Practice self-inquiry: Engage in self-inquiry practices, such as asking deep, introspective questions and exploring the layers of your identity and beliefs. Use this process of self-exploration to uncover your true nature and deepen your understanding of yourself and the divine.

  98. Explore sacred geometry: Dive into the study and exploration of sacred geometry, recognizing the inherent patterns and mathematical principles that underlie the universe. Use sacred geometry symbols and shapes as tools for meditation and contemplation.

  99. Engage in astral projection or lucid dreaming: Explore practices that allow you to consciously explore the realms beyond the physical plane. Whether it's astral projection or lucid dreaming, these practices can provide profound spiritual experiences and insights.

  100. Trust your intuition: Cultivate a deep trust in your intuition and inner guidance. Practice listening to the whispers of your heart and following your intuition in making decisions and navigating your spiritual path.

That spirituality is a personal journey, and it is important to honor your own unique path. Take the time to explore and experiment with different practices and rituals, and trust yourself to find what resonates most deeply with you. Trust your intuition and inner guidance, and allow your spiritual beliefs to permeate all aspects of your life. Stay open-minded and allow your spiritual journey to evolve and unfold naturally.

I personally apply these pieces of advice to cultivate a harmonious life and foster inner peace with myself and those around me. I encourage you to give some of these tips a try and gradually discover the inherent value in your life, which may be greater than you currently perceive. If you have any additional tips or insights, please feel free to share them. Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and I wish you the best of luck in your life's journey.

this article is under copyright.

Bollo, entrepreneur on,, and copywriter.

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The Rock Almighty. Like A Straight Shot Of Christ-Centered Motivation? & Morality and Holiness. The difference, Important roles and effects, and social and spiritual benefits to a Christian.


Morality and Holiness. The difference, Important roles and effects, and social and spiritual benefits to a Christian.

  • Author Adebamiji Aderotimi

Moral and holiness are related but distinct concepts.

Moral refers to the principles or standards of right and wrong behaviours. It involves making decisions and taking actions that align with these principles, even when it may not be easy or convenient. Morality can be influenced by cultural norms, religion, personal values, and ethical theories.

Holiness, on the other hand, refers to being pure, perfect, or spiritually perfect. It is often associated with religious or spiritual beliefs and practices and involves striving for a state of moral and ethical purity or sanctification. Holiness can involve living a life that is dedicated to a higher power or deity and following specific religious laws or practices.

Morality is focused on behaviour and decision-making; holiness is focused on spiritual purity and dedication to a higher power or belief system.

Differentiate between morality and holiness in the Christian life?

In Christianity, the concepts of morality and holiness are interconnected, but they have different connotations and applications.

Moral refers to the principles and values that guide ethical decision-making, behaviour, and relationships with others. Christians believe in moral absolutes, such as the Ten Commandments, which define right and wrong conduct. The Christian moral code also emphasizes love, forgiveness, humility, and justice as key virtues.

Holiness, on the other hand, refers to the state of being pure, set apart, and consecrated to God. Holiness is seen as a lifelong process of transformation that involves growing in faith, obedience, and spiritual maturity. Christians believe that holiness is not something that can be achieved by human effort alone but is a gift of God's grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ. Holiness also involves pursuing a life of prayer, worship, service, and devotion to God.

Morality emphasizes ethical conduct and relationships with others, holiness emphasizes the pursuit of a close relationship with God and living a life that is dedicated to His will and purpose. Both concepts are essential for Christians to live a faithful and fruitful life, but they focus on different aspects of the Christian faith.

The important roles of being morally upright in the Christian life?

Being morally upright is essential for Christians as it is a reflection of their commitment to God's will and purpose. Here are some important roles and benefits of being morally upright in the Christian life:

  1. Glorifying God: As Christians, our primary goal is to bring glory and honour to God in everything we do. When we live a morally upright life, we reflect God's character of righteousness, love, and holiness to those around us, and we bring honour to His name.

  2. Bearing witness to the Gospel: Our behaviour and actions can speak louder than words when it comes to sharing the message of the Gospel. When we live a life of moral integrity, we demonstrate the transformative power of God's grace and love, and we can effectively witness to others the truth and relevance of the Christian faith.

  3. Building healthy relationships: Moral uprightness is the foundation for healthy and meaningful relationships with others. When we practice honesty, kindness, forgiveness, and respect, we create a culture of trust, compassion, and unity in our families, churches, and communities.

  4. Resisting temptation and sin: Moral uprightness enables us to resist the temptation to sin and to live a life that is pleasing to God. It gives us the strength and courage to overcome the influences of the world, the flesh, and the devil and to pursue righteousness and godliness.

  5. Growing in spiritual maturity: Being morally upright is a key component of spiritual growth and maturity. It involves a willingness to learn, obey, and follow God's word, submit to His will, and cultivate a heart of humility and gratitude. As we grow in moral uprightness, we also grow in our relationship with God and in our ability to serve Him and others.

  6. Avoiding consequences: When we act in morally wrong ways, there are often negative consequences that follow. For example, lying can damage relationships and lead to loss of trust, stealing can result in legal consequences and financial ruin, and immorality can lead to physical and emotional harm. By being morally upright, we avoid the negative consequences that come with sinful behaviour.

  7. Honoring God's commands: God has given us commands and principles to follow in His word, and being morally upright is an expression of our obedience to Him. It is a way to show our love and respect for God and to honour His wisdom and guidance in our lives.

  8. Setting a positive example: As Christians, we are called to be salt and light in the world, and being morally upright is an important way to fulfil this role. When we live according to God's moral standards, we set a positive example for others to follow and can help to bring positive change to the world around us.

  9. Improving mental and emotional health: Living a morally upright life can lead to improved mental and emotional health. When we act in ways that are consistent with our values and beliefs, we experience a sense of inner peace, purpose, and fulfilment. We also avoid the guilt, shame, and regret that can come from engaging in sinful behaviour.

  10. Reflecting Christ's character: Ultimately, being morally upright is a way to reflect the character of Christ to the world. Jesus lived a life of perfect moral integrity, and by following His example and teachings, we can become more like Him and reflect His love and grace to others.

Note: Ultimately, being morally upright is crucial for Christians because it reflects our commitment to follow Jesus and live according to His teachings. Jesus Himself lived a life of perfect moral integrity, and He calls us to do the same. In Matthew 5:48, Jesus says, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." This does not mean that we will achieve moral perfection in this life, but it does mean that we should strive to live a life that is consistent with God's character of righteousness, love, and holiness.

As Christians, we are also called to be ambassadors of Christ to the world (2 Corinthians 5:20). This means that we are to represent Jesus to others through our words, actions, and character. Being morally upright is an important way to fulfil this role, as it helps us to reflect the character of Christ and to demonstrate the transforming power of His grace and love to those around us.

Furthermore, the Bible teaches that our moral conduct has eternal significance. In 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, the apostle Paul describes how our works will be judged at the "judgment seat of Christ." He explains that "each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done" (verse 13). In other words, our moral conduct will be evaluated by God, and we will be rewarded or disciplined accordingly.

Being morally upright is crucial for Christians because it reflects our commitment to follow Jesus, it helps us to represent Him to others, and it has eternal significance. As we seek to live a life of moral integrity, let us look to Jesus as our example and rely on the power of His grace to transform us from the inside out.

The importance of holiness in the Christian life.

Holiness is an essential aspect of Christianity, and it is important for several reasons:

  1. It reflects God's nature: God is holy, and He calls His people to be holy, as well. Leviticus 19:2 says, "Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: 'Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.'" Pursuing holiness means striving to reflect God's character in our lives.

  2. It sets us apart from the world: As Christians, we are called to be in the world but not of the world. Pursuing holiness means we are set apart from the sinful patterns of the world and are dedicated to living a life that is pleasing to God.

  3. It promotes intimacy with God: Holiness involves having a close relationship with God, as we seek to live in obedience to His commands and reflect His character in our lives. James 4:8 says, "Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded."

  4. It helps us to resist temptation: Pursuing holiness involves resisting temptation and avoiding sin. By relying on God's strength and power, we can overcome temptation and live a life that is pleasing to Him.

  5. It brings joy and peace: Pursuing holiness brings joy and peace to our lives, as we experience the blessings and favour of God. Psalm 16:11 says, "You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

  6. It enables us to fulfil our purpose: As Christians, we are called to glorify God with our lives and to fulfil the purpose for which He created us. Pursuing holiness enables us to fulfil this purpose, as we strive to live a life that is pleasing to God and reflects His character.

  7. It strengthens our witness: Pursuing holiness also strengthens our witness to the world, as it demonstrates the transformative power of the gospel in our lives. When others see the way we live and the choices we make, it can draw them to Christ and inspire them to pursue holiness, as well.

  8. It promotes unity in the church: Pursuing holiness promotes unity in the church, as we strive to live in harmony with one another and to love one another as Christ loved us. Ephesians 4:3 says, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."

  9. It prepares us for eternity: Pursuing holiness also prepares us for eternity, as we seek to live a life that is pleasing to God and to store up treasures in heaven. Matthew 6:20-21 says, "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

  10. It brings glory to God: Ultimately, pursuing holiness brings glory to God, as we strive to live a life that reflects His character and brings honour to His name. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

The effects of being morally corrupt in the life of a Christian?

There are many potential effects of not being morally upright in the life of a Christian. Here are a few examples:

  1. Strained relationship with God: When we knowingly engage in immoral behaviour, it can create a barrier between us and God. Sin separates us from God and hinders our ability to experience His love, peace, and guidance in our lives. Isaiah 59:2 says, "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear."

  2. Weakened spiritual vitality: When we compromise our moral standards, it can weaken our spiritual vitality and hinder our ability to grow in our relationship with God. We may struggle with prayer, Bible study, and other spiritual disciplines, and our faith may become stagnant. Hebrews 5:11-14 warns about the dangers of spiritual immaturity and the importance of spiritual growth.

  3. Loss of credibility: When we profess to be Christians but do not live according to God's moral standards, we can lose our credibility and influence with others. We may struggle to share our faith or to lead others to Christ, and our witness may be compromised. Romans 2:24 says, "As it is written: 'God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.'"

  4. Negative consequences: Immoral behaviour often has negative consequences, both for ourselves and for others. We may experience guilt, shame, and regret, and we may suffer relational, emotional, or physical harm. Galatians 6:7-8 warns that we will reap what we sow and that those who sow to please the flesh will reap destruction.

  5. Hindrance to personal growth: When we engage in immoral behaviour, it can hinder our personal growth and development. We may struggle with addiction, unhealthy habits, or other patterns of behaviour that hinder our ability to live the abundant life that God desires for us. 1 Corinthians 6:12 warns that "everything is permissible for me--but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me--but I will not be mastered by anything."

  6. Diminished witness: When we engage in immoral behaviour, it can diminish our witness to the world. Our behaviour and choices may contradict the message of the gospel, and others may view us as hypocritical or insincere. As Christians, we are called to be salt and light in the world, but when we compromise our moral standards, we can lose our effectiveness in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

  7. Damage to relationships: Immoral behaviour can also damage our relationships with others, including our family members, friends, and fellow believers. We may hurt or betray those who trust us, and our actions may cause long-lasting damage to our relationships. In some cases, our immoral behaviour may even lead others to stumble or fall away from the faith.

  8. Consequences in the afterlife: The Bible teaches that there will be consequences for our actions in this life, as well as in the afterlife. While Christians are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, we will still be held accountable for our moral choices and behaviour. In 2 Corinthians 5:10, Paul writes, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." Those who persist in immorality and unrepentance may face discipline or loss of rewards in the afterlife (see 1 Corinthians 3:12-15).

  9. Damage to self-esteem: Immoral behaviour can also damage our self-esteem and sense of worth. We may feel guilt, shame, and condemnation for our actions, and we may struggle to forgive ourselves and move forward. This can lead to a cycle of self-destructive behaviour and negative thought patterns. As Christians, it is important to remember that our worth is not based on our performance or behaviour, but on our identity in Christ (see Ephesians 2:8-9).

Social, economic, and spiritual obstacles that can prevent Christians from being holy and morally upright?

Several social, economic, and spiritual obstacles can hinder Christians from becoming holy and morally upright. Here are some examples:

  1. Social pressures: Christians may face pressure from society to conform to worldly standards and values that are contrary to the Bible. For example, popular culture may promote materialism, sexual immorality, and other behaviours that go against God's commands.

  2. Economic challenges: Economic challenges can also be an obstacle to holiness, as Christians may be tempted to compromise their values to succeed in their careers or businesses. This can include cheating, lying, or engaging in unethical business practices.

  3. Spiritual warfare: The Bible teaches that there is a spiritual battle taking place between good and evil, and Christians may face spiritual attacks that seek to undermine their faith and commitment to God. These attacks can take many forms, such as doubt, fear, or temptation.

  4. Unforgiveness and bitterness: Christians may struggle with unforgiveness and bitterness towards others, which can hinder their ability to love and serve God wholeheartedly. This can also lead to conflicts and division within the church.

  5. Legalism and self-righteousness: Christians may fall into the trap of legalism or self-righteousness, where they focus on external behaviours and appearances rather than the heart. This can lead to judgmental attitudes and a lack of grace towards others.

  6. Lack of spiritual discipline: Finally, a lack of spiritual discipline can be an obstacle to holiness. Christians may struggle to develop habits such as prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers, which are essential for spiritual growth and maturity.

  7. Cultural relativism: In today's increasingly pluralistic society, Christians may be challenged by the belief that morality is relative and subjective. This can lead to a lack of clarity on what is right and wrong, and make it difficult for Christians to hold fast to their convictions.

  8. Pride and ego: Pride and ego can also be an obstacle to holiness, as Christians may become too focused on their achievements or status. This can lead to a lack of humility, a lack of concern for others, and a disregard for God's commands.

  9. Persecution and opposition: Christians may also face persecution and opposition from those who oppose the gospel and the teachings of the Bible. This can take many forms, such as discrimination, ridicule, or even physical harm.

  10. Temptation and sin: Temptation and sin can also be a significant obstacle to holiness, as Christians may struggle with addictive behaviours, sexual immorality, or other forms of sin. This can lead to a sense of guilt or shame, and make it difficult to maintain a close relationship with God.

  11. Lack of accountability: Finally, a lack of accountability can be an obstacle to holiness, as Christians may not have people in their lives who can challenge and encourage them to grow in their faith. This can lead to isolation, complacency, and a lack of motivation to pursue holiness and moral uprightness.

Benefits of being holy and morally upright.

There are many benefits of being morally upright and pursuing holiness in the life of a Christian. Here are a few examples:

  1. Intimacy with God: When we strive to live according to God's moral standards, we can experience a deeper level of intimacy with Him. As we draw near to God, He draws near to us (James 4:8), and we can experience His love, joy, and peace in our lives. Psalm 15:1-2 says, "Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain? The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart."

  2. Spiritual growth: Pursuing holiness and moral integrity can also lead to spiritual growth and maturity. As we obey God's commands and seek to become more like Him, we can grow in our faith, knowledge, and wisdom. 1 Peter 2:2-3, "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good."

  3. Fruitfulness: When we live a life of moral integrity and pursue holiness, we can bear fruit in our lives that bring glory to God and blesses others. Galatians 5:22-23 describes the fruit of the Spirit as "love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." These qualities can help us to be a blessing to those around us and to make a positive impact in our communities and the world.

  4. Credibility: Pursuing moral integrity and holiness can also increase our credibility and influence as Christians. When we live according to God's moral standards, others may take notice and be drawn to the truth and beauty of the gospel. Our witness can be strengthened, and we may be better able to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. Matthew 5:16 says, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

  5. Freedom: Living a life of moral integrity and pursuing holiness can also bring a sense of freedom and peace. When we are not bound by the chains of sin and temptation, we can experience true freedom in Christ. John 8:36 says, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

  6. Protection: Pursuing holiness and moral integrity can protect us from the negative consequences of sin. When we live in obedience to God's commands, we can avoid the destructive effects of sin in our lives and the lives of those around us. Proverbs 3:7-8 says, "Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones."

  7. Clarity and direction: Pursuing holiness and moral integrity can also give us clarity and direction in life. When we seek God's will and strive to live according to His moral standards, we can have confidence that we are on the right path. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

  8. Joy and fulfilment: Pursuing holiness and moral integrity can also bring joy and fulfilment to our lives. When we live in obedience to God's commands, we can experience a sense of purpose and meaning that comes from knowing that we are living for something greater than ourselves. Psalm 16:11 says, "You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

  9. Eternal rewards: Pursuing holiness and moral integrity can also lead to eternal rewards in heaven. While we should never strive for holiness and moral integrity simply to earn rewards, the Bible does promise that those who faithfully serve God will be rewarded in the life to come. Matthew 6:19-20 says, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."

In summary, holiness and moral uprightness are essential aspects of the Christian life, as they reflect the character of God and enable believers to live in a way that honours Him. However, many social, economic, and spiritual obstacles can hinder Christians from pursuing holiness and moral uprightness. These obstacles include social pressures, economic challenges, spiritual warfare, unforgiveness and bitterness, legalism and self-righteousness, lack of spiritual discipline, cultural relativism, pride and ego, persecution and opposition, temptation and sin, and lack of accountability.

To overcome these obstacles, Christians must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, cultivate spiritual disciplines such as prayer and Bible study, and seek accountability and support from other believers. By pursuing holiness and moral uprightness, Christians can experience the social, economic, and spiritual benefits of living in obedience to God.

For further reading on this topic, here are some recommended resources:

"The Pursuit of Holiness" by Jerry Bridges

"Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots" by J.C. Ryle

"The Holiness of God" by R.C. Sproul

"The Discipline of Grace" by Jerry Bridges

"Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" by Donald Whitney

Additionally, the Bible contains many verses and passages that speak to the importance of holiness and moral uprightness in the Christian life. Some examples include:

1 Peter 1:15-16 - "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 'Be holy because I am holy.'"

Ephesians 4:1-3 - "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."

Matthew 5:13-16 - "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."


Adebamiji Aderotimi is a filmmaker, Video editor and a student of Theology at UMCA, Theological College, Ilorin Kwara State.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Donald Trump. The Fighter


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The Rock Almighty. Your Calling Might Not Be What You Expect... & Dear God, Have We Finally Hit Peak 'Woke'?


Dear God, Have We Finally Hit Peak 'Woke'?

  • Author Nicole Chardenet

I can’t say there’s any good that can have come out of Hamas’s indefensible intentional slaughter of Israeli civilians on October 7th, but a by-product may be the beginning of the end for wokeness.

The authoritarian political ideology from which genuine social justice and plain common sense departed several years ago appears to have jumped the public acceptability shark.

The hard left’s uncritical applause for terrorist perpetrator Hamas, under the guise of ‘supporting’ the Palestinians, leaves many of us on the right and left shaking our heads like wet dogs.


Whether it’s just-below-the-surface anti-Semitism that has always lurked darkly in the hearts of virtue-signalling leftists, or just a dimwitted allegiance to the essential tenet of what passes for Critical Race Theory - dark good, white bad - the ‘woke’ left, which always assumes ‘marginalized’ people are victimized angels, looks deeply deranged to those of us who haven’t filed for moral bankruptcy.

I guess the woke left is having its ‘there are many good people on both sides’ moment.

Hamas groupies should ask themselves, “Would I approve if these actions were taken against ‘oppressors’ and ‘land-stealers’ I like more?”

Like, say, if the aggrieved were America’s Indigenous?

What if a band of well-armed, well-trained Indigenous terrorists wasted a New Mexico town, swarming in on hang gliders to gun down New Mexicans running through the desert - let’s bear in mind that white people are only 36% of New Mexico’s diversity - and mowed down everyone white, black and brown running from the Albuquerque, say, annual balloon festival? That the ground troops moved in and brutally raped New Mexican women and girls so hard they broke their pelvises? Burnt families alive in their homes, slaughtered without mercy everyone from babies to grandmothers, tortured others and kidnapped a few to be tortured, raped, or murdered for later?

Think about it, wokies.

What I’ve noticed, just within the last week to ten days, is that with or without Hamas, encouraging signs indicate ‘peak woke’ may be declining like Donald Trump’s net worth.

Here are a few indicators I’ve observed recently that a frightening siege of common sense may be amassing outside the Wokeness Wall.

'Wokeness is cancellable, especially for being a terrorist-loving butthead'

Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: When it’s possible to cancel far left deplorables without having to be on the far left one’s self.

Turns out over-privileged, entitled, money-grubbing little college campus shits scurry like cockroaches when one of them loses a plum law firm job offer because, well, she publicly supported violence and terrorism.

Even more ironically, their First Example is a more-marginalized-than thou black female ‘non-binary’.

In a sign of how weird the world’s gotten, none other than a hedge fund billionaire emerged as the hero to offer chemoscare-apy to treat Stage 4 metastasized wokeness.

Bill Ackman discovered an open letter signed by over thirty student groups at Harvard blaming Israelis for Hamas’s mass slaughter.

He quickly accrued a mob of his own, a dozen CEOs who asked Harvard to release the names of all signatories of all the groups, and the names quickly circulated among Ackman’s powerful buddies. Subject line: Let’s make sure we never offer any of them a job!

Then the law firm who had extended a job offer to the non-binary human rescinded it—who the hell wants a terrorist lover working for them?—and the woke woke up to the other side of the cancel culture bully cannon.

The signatories scampered to remove their names from the letter, their commitment to the Palestinians extending only as far as the looming prospect of living with their parents until senility, saddled with crippling student debt.

It’s called ‘accountability’, children. And remember: In accordance with your own values, you must never, ever be forgiven. No matter how much you apologize, grovel and cry on TikTok, no matter what you do or accomplish after this, the only thing that should ever define you is your youthful, ill-considered applause for mass slaughter and rape culture.

'The BBC calls a man in a dress accused of raping a woman ‘a man in a dress’

To be fair, Kay Georges, né Andrew Miller, gave the Beeb permission to refer to him in their news reporting as he/him for ‘simplicity’s sake’, which goes to show you how committed he was to the whole ‘I’m a chick’ thing in the first place. The Beeb reports Miller is accused of abducting and repeatedly sexually assaulting a teenage girl while dressed as a woman after he offered to give her a lift. It would have been more laudable had the Beeb had the balls to take a stand for hard science and truth-telling without permission, which is supposed to be their job, but hey, it’s a start. We should encourage, oh fuck it, high-pressure journalists to tell the truth about rapists appropriating womanhood: If it has a penis and shoves it into an unconsenting orifice, it’s a him/he-man.

Calling a man a man? Further evidence peak woke is crumbling.

'Speaking of men in dresses, transactivists fail to shut down a feminist event in Glasgow or to terrify J.K. Rowling'

The FiLia group, part of a larger Scottish feminist organization, scheduled a women’s conference at the Glasgow Platform, which, being as pussy as any other venue that deplatforms women’s conferences at the last minute when hopelessly male-looking guys in dresses stomp their feet and threaten to rape and murder everyone in the United Kingdom if the conference isn’t cancelled, backed down like frightened little girls. At least until FiLia lawyers cited a recent favorable decision for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association against a different Scottish venue who canceled the Billyboys.

The result? The conference went on as planned and J.K. Rowling showed up to look bored while she listened to the usual rape, bodily harm and death threats we’ve come to associate with ‘the most marginalized people ever’ and later spoke at the conference.

'Washington University makes it hard for aspiring boy/girl wannabes because, I dunno, the threat of detransitioning lawsuits on the horizon?'

Scientifically deficient ‘gender-affirming care’ is in the cross-hairs of Republican politicians and circling lawyers in what is shaping up to be one mother of a medical scandal in North America.

St. Louis’s Washington University gender clinic announced in September it’s discontinuing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for everyone, not because they realized they don’t have enough data to determine whether these treatments are safe on otherwise healthy children, but because of the ‘unacceptable’ threat of legal liability.

Here’s where the rubber hits the road for ‘gender-affirming care’ doctors and hospitals: Missouri’s new emergency rule makes it harder for medical professionals to prescribe life-altering treatments willy-nilly for both minors and adults, and returns the transitioning process to the much lengthier and considered path that worked beautifully for decades before 2015.

Otherwise, script-happy docs could find themselves on the business end of the existing Missouri Merchandising Practices Act, designed to prevent and prosecute fraudulent business practices.

It’s about damn time. And a little Republican Attorney General shall lead them.

'Ibram X. Kendi goes down when he can’t explain where the money went'

Hey Dr. Kendi, have you erased racism yet?

No? Well how about $43 million?

The author of How To Be An Antiracist, Stamped From The Beginning and Antiracist Baby, who could find white supremacy in a basket of kittens, can’t ‘splain what happened to all the money lobbed at him by corporates with catapults to fight racism.

Boston University is investigating Kendi’s Center for Anti-Racism Research which just laid off over half their staff, and it’s not like no one ever saw this coming. Many at BU raised concerns whether the extent of Kendi’s anti-racism research was producing anything other than fuck-all. Instead, he delivered, while on an ‘extended leave of absence,’ and all of which earned him money, a graphic novel detailing racist ideas, a podcast called Be Antiracist and an embarrassing five-episode TV show for ESPN that went viral when black Olympian athlete Gwendolyn Berry, interviewed by Kendi, remarked that “Athletes are literally the new slaves,” and compared sports contracts to ‘the new slave chains’. Fortunately for her, this iteration of slavery is more voluntary than the last, so she is free to throw off her chains, give the finger to The Man and get an honest job at Wal-Mart.

None of the above was in the Center’s stated objectives.

Kendi finally found his way back to the Center without explaining where he left to or leaving anyone in charge since it seems he’s allergic to delegating authority. It’s important to note he isn’t accused of stealing the money; just squandering the fuck out of it.

What makes this story particularly galling is finding out podcast host and writer Coleman Hughes, famously common sense-y about fighting racism, was invited by TEDx to give a talk on the need for more conscious color-blindness, and which looked suspiciously downranked by TEDx when a small group of woke staffers allergic to ideas that require them to entertain an alternative view, complained it was ‘racist’ and ‘dangerous’.

'Black Lives Matter Chicago told by X to STFU for demonstrating Israeli lives don’t matter'

After the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, the civil rights group formed to protest the killings of a few dozen black men a year tweeted an image of a hang glider as their knee-jerk response to omni-victimized dark people slaughtering 1,300 whiter-skinned people primarily belonging to a religion long unpopular with many Americans, including black Americans.

When the shit hit the terrorist fanboys, they quickly walked it back:

What a wussy ‘We’re not, strictly speaking, sorry for that image,’ response, and while they could be talking about the grieving mothers and rescued babies from one side or the other, I’m going to take a Scientific Wild-Ass Guess and suggest they’re still really only thinking of the side that cheered and danced for Hamas until the IDF and Israeli civilian settler thugs reminded them of Part II of violent terrorist attacks.

I wonder how tolerant Black Lives Matter Chicago would be if the #BlueLivesMatter set tweeted an image of a knee and ‘BACK THE BLUE’.

That is all that is it!

'You guys should go grab a coffee together'

American hard-right conservatives severed their last tenuous ties to common sense and reality when they voted for, and continue to support, Donald Trump. His bottom-feeding fan base still support him, and threaten violence against anyone daring to hold him accountable for anything.

They’ve even invented a new, more humane form of torture: The non-violent molesting ‘like you’ve never imagined’:

The American left could always crow: “We don’t believe sex is real, we do believe economy-sized white supremacy can be purchased at the Bulk Barn for all your systemic oppression baking needs, and we expend way too much energy on pronouns, but at least we’re not violent.”

Excusing violence in others is one step closer to embracing it one’s self, and with the wokies’ new-found terrorist love in the guise of ‘supporting the Palestinians’, they’ve now sunk to the same moral level as their Confed’rut-lovin’ adversaries.

Je ne suis pas Hamas.

If there’s nothing else that screams the left has hit peak woke, it’s hating Jews as much as the right hates Muslims.

It’s no longer hard to imagine left-wing ‘woke’ extremists could, in fact, instigate Nazi-era pogroms, eagerly joined by members of a particular religion famous for its historical hatred of Judaism long pre-dating the creation of Israel.

There’s so much that’s gone wrong with the left; one must wonder where it all went, if you’ll pardon the expression, tits-up. Perhaps it disintegrated along with the poor mental health of young women and girls hailing from progressive-thinking families whose parents couldn’t say no, or the unemployed kids on social media devising endless, evermore divisive labels to suit every quirk, mood or ugly thought that flittered through their fevered over-educated brains.

Other suspects include universities who sought to retain spoiled children who’d never been challenged by critical thought before and weren’t about to start now, who therefore decided they were customers rather than students, and the customer is always right.

Let’s not forget those who treat ‘intersectionality’ as a bottomless grievance well, and who feign endless victimhood while bullying others into submission; while others squat under the bodhi tree aspiring to ‘marginalization’ rather than spiritual enlightenment. The anti-Buddhas.

I know the Israelis aren’t pure-hearted themselves. They’ve inflicted many heinous crimes against the Palestinians for generations. They HAVE stolen their land. They HAVEN’T made as good-faith efforts as they could to bring lasting peace. They HAVE inflicted many atrocities and human rights abuses against them. I don’t believe they’re willing to make the sacrifices to accomplish that, nor will the Palestinians. It’s all for nothing for both of them. The Palestinians hail from a violent culture and religion. To pull an anti-Trump, “There are bad people on both sides.”

But when you jump on the social media terrorist train to blame families for their own slaughter and proclaim your allegiance to a filthy, specifically genocidal terrorist group and cheer their heinous brutalities against civilians, however you feel about their righteous cause, you have jumped the shark. You have met the enemy and he is you. Shake hands with your compatriots in MAGAland and Canada’s emerging right-wing extremists, the Freedom Convoy. Maybe you guys should all go grab a coffee.

Yeah, there are some real Nazis in those groups. Look in the mirror, ‘progressives’; you’ll find plenty there, too.

Nicole Chardenet fights the neverending battle against MAGAism and wokeness from her artist's hovel in a Canadian skyrise. Her websiite,, helps women and others reclaim their power. You can subscribe to her Substack newsletter too at

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Concealed Carry on US Sports Feat. Highlight: Homeowner Defends Against Armed Intruder in Ponka City


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We dive into a harrowing incident in Ponka City where a homeowner was forced to defend his residence against an armed intruder. At around 7 PM on a quiet Sunday evening, a 29-year-old suspect attempted to forcibly enter a home, leading to an exchange of gunfire. Learn the critical lessons from this encounter about the importance of readiness and home security, especially in domestic situations. Watch now for insights and tips on protecting your home and loved ones.

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