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Thursday, May 1, 2014

One bite a day cold make you cancer-free for life

One Bite a Day of this Food
And Your Risk of Cancer Plummets

No one quite knows how to classify this culinary favorite…
Is it a spice? An herb? A vegetable? Or in a class of its own?
Whatever you call it, it's one of the world's favorite foods AND it does more for your health than almost anything you're likely to find in a pharmacy. In fact, it may be all you need to make sure you never get cancer. Let's take a look. . .
Continued below…

Drink This and CancerComes Pouring Out of Your Body
"If I could pick only one treatment to cure my cancer, this would be it," says a top expert on alternative cancer treatments.
Research conducted by a scientist at the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research showed this is one of the world's most powerful cancer cures. Even the mainstream National Cancer Institute confirmed that this do-it-yourself treatment kills cancer cells. Then they buried the research.
Personally, I've been writing about cancer treatments for almost ten years. Out of nearly 400 that I've investigated, I haven't found an at-home treatment that's better.
It worked for Robert, age 54, who had late stage stomach cancer. His doctors told him he didn't have a chance. The most they could do was buy him a little time, using four aggressive chemotherapy drugs PLUS radiation — a deadly, toxic, last-ditch treatment.
INSTEAD Robert used this non-toxic liquid and was completely cancer-free within months. The amazed doctor was forced to admit Robert's cancer was “in remission.” Two years later, he was still cancer-free.
Click the link below to watch an important video presentation about this discovery…

This strong food has been around for thousands of years – when the pyramids were being built 5,000 years ago, in Greek temples, and in ancient Israel, as proven by Bible texts.
It was administered to Olympic athletes in Greece – perhaps as one of the earliest known "performance enhancing" agents. And in ancient India they not only revered it for its therapeutic properties, but they believed it was an aphrodisiac as well.
Hippocrates prescribed garlic for a myriad of conditions – including parasites, poor digestion, respiratory problems, and fatigue. i
Interestingly, many cultures that had no contact with each other all came to much the same conclusions about the value of garlic.
Now modern science is attempting to validate these time-honored beliefs.
Slashes lung cancer risk by 44 percent
Eating raw garlic twice a week slashed lung cancer risk by 44 percent in non-smokers, and by 30 percent even in smokers. ii
This population study examined 1,424 lung cancer patients and 4,543 healthy people to learn about their diet, lifestyle, smoking habits… and garlic consumption.
The study's authors saw a protective link between raw garlic consumption and lung cancer in a dose-responsive pattern. And the study suggests it may give you some protection from lung cancer even if you smoke.
This is just one of a number of studies in recent decades showing that garlic may cut the risk of lung cancer – and other cancers.
A 55 to 80 percent reduction
in almost ALL major cancers
Researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, reviewed hundreds of studies about garlic. They found that eating one to two cloves of garlic a day helps prevent cancer.
Garlic eaters may cut their risk of stomach cancer in half, and their risk of colon cancer by one-third.
A large ten-country European study found a striking risk reduction in oral, esophageal, laryngeal, colorectal, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers for garlic eaters. iii And not just a small reduction – an amazing 55 to 80 percent reduction!
Chinese studies have linked eating large amounts of garlic (and its cousins onions and shallots) to lowered rates of esophageal, stomach, and prostate cancers. iv, v, vi
Pancreatic cancer risk dropped by a staggering 54 percent in those who ate large amounts of garlic compared to those who ate less, according to a 2005 San Francisco study.vii As this is one of the deadliest cancers, the study provides a powerful reason to make sure you eat some garlic on a regular basis.
The Iowa Women's Study also found a strong link between high garlic consumption and a 50 percent reduction in colon cancer risk. viii
But it's hard to prove absolutely…
Not many randomized and controlled studies have been done on garlic. And some studies look at garlic along with other substances at the same time.
For instance, a large randomized trial of 5,000 Chinese men and women at high risk for stomach cancer found a reduction of stomach cancer for those consuming garlic plus selenium for five years. Their risk for all tumors dropped by a third, and stomach cancer risk plummeted 52 percent compared to the placebo group. But it's impossible to say how much of the effect was due to garlic and how much to selenium.
Other studies support a correlation between garlic consumption and reduced risk of cancer, but leave some questions unanswered. What kind of garlic – raw or cooked? If it was a supplement, what was done to account for differences among supplements? It seems to make a difference – and it definitely adds to the complexity of proving a correlation.
As I've often pointed out in this newsletter, correlations have to be viewed with caution. When two things tend to occur together, they're correlated. But this is not proof that one of them caused the other. An example is the observation that if certain teams win the Super Bowl, the stock market will be up for the year. The two events are correlated but clearly one of them doesn't cause the other.
However, I feel very confident adding garlic to my plan to beat cancer.
Heart benefits and more. . .
You guessed right if you assumed garlic has other health benefits.
Indeed, it's a natural blood thinner known for preventing plaque buildup linked to heart disease, stroke, and blood clots. It can lower blood pressure five to eight percent, and it may lead to better outcomes after a heart attack.
Studies show garlic may even help prevent colds.
Is there anything this stuff can't do? All the evidence indicates it's a powerful aid to good health.
In test tubes, garlic killed roundworms, the most common intestinal parasite. Researchers don't yet know if it kills parasites in people.
Gobbles up microbes that cause cancer
Allicin, a major constituent of garlic, is strongly anti-pathogenic – meaning it gobbles up bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and intestinal parasites.
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), also called Campylobacter, is a stealth bacteria found in the stomach lining of about two-thirds of the world population. It's heavily linked to stomach cancer and ulcers.
Allicin may help stomp out H. pylori, which may be why the stats quoted earlier in this article show garlic is so beneficial for those at high risk of stomach cancer.
Garlic enhances your immune system. It can bind to breast cell receptor sites, thereby denying those sites to cancer agents. It boosts DNA repair, reduces cell proliferation, and induces natural cell death (cancer cells, as you know, tend to be immune to natural cell death. Garlic may help set them right).
Garlic and other members of the Allium family (like its cousins onion, shallots, and chives) contain flavonoids and phenols – natural plant chemicals that may keep damaged cells from advancing to cancer.
Garlic is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that boasts high amounts of vitamin C.
How to stake your claim
to garlic's anti-cancer benefits
The secret of claiming garlic's anti-cancer benefits is this: Eat it raw – and crush it before eating!
Use fresh, chopped, or squeezed garlic to get maximum therapeutic benefit. Cooking reduces its enzymatic action (as with most foods). And according to our sources, many garlic supplements are of little use.
Garlic contains both alliin and an enzyme called allinase. When crushed, they mix to create allicin, believed to be the substance behind garlic's health benefits.
If you cook garlic, chop it and wait 10 minutes before cooking – allowing the enzymes to work and (presumably) maintain most of its benefits.
9 ways to eat raw garlic every day
A clove of garlic a day may be just as good as the proverbial apple a day.
But many people have trouble eating garlic straight up. It has the potential to cause GI distress, especially if taken raw on an empty stomach.
To be honest, eating large amounts of raw garlic is a stretch for me, even though I love it as a seasoning. But my dauntless researchers did come up with nine ideas to get you started:
    • Homemade Salsa. Make it from fresh or canned tomatoes with tons of raw garlic and onions, drizzled with olive oil. Drench eggs, fish, chicken breasts, or even salads with it. Yum!
    • Salad Dressing.  Make homemade vinaigrette in less than five minutes (I do). Use 2/3 cup of cold-pressed olive oil, 1/3 cup of balsamic vinegar, herbs of your choosing (oregano, basil, etc.), and a few cloves of chopped garlic. VoilĂ ! Healthier, better, and less expensive than any store-bought dressing money can buy. My favorite recipe uses red wine vinegar instead of balsamic, and spicy mustard for flavor. Add salt and pepper to taste.
    • Lacto-fermented. Cut down raw garlic's spicy bite by fermenting it in salt brine. Cold processing keeps the beneficial enzymes and bacteria alive and kicking.
    • Stir into your cooked veggies, just before serving. Add minced garlic for extra flavor and nutrition, without cooking it in.
    • Add to mashed potatoes. Garlic + butter + potatoes = delicious. First make your mashed potatoes, then mix butter in. When it's slightly cooled, plop some minced garlic on top. Takes away the blandness of potatoes in a hurry.
    • Guacamole. Garlic loses its bite when you mix it with the healthy fat of avocado.
    • Bruschetta. Crush a clove of garlic with the blade of a knife and spread it on crusty toasted bread, pile on raw chopped tomatoes, and drizzle with olive oil and salt. (Eat in moderation, because bread metabolizes as sugar.)
    • Classic pesto. Combine pine nuts, basil, garlic, olive oil, lemon and Parmesan cheese for a tasty treat that can be added to eggs and bean salads, or spread over meats or chicken breasts.
    • Hummus. Homemade outclasses store-bought any old time… You do need a food processor or Vita-Mix for smoothness. Make with chickpeas, raw garlic, lemon, and a couple of other ingredients. This is a great vegetable dip.
Share your favorite raw garlic recipe on our Facebook page.
Certain people should not eat too much garlic!
DON'T use garlic liberally if you're on a blood thinner, about to have surgery, or about to have a baby. This subject comes up again and again because so many foods and supplements act as blood thinners. I say work with your doctor to thin your blood with the foods and supplements, and get the medications out of your life.
Garlic can interact with certain other medications. Check with your doctor if you're on medications for TB, HIV/AIDS, or are taking birth control pills, or cyclosporine. Be aware that Advil, Motrin, Aleve, or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are blood thinners so the advice above is relevant.
Garlic can cause stomach upset, so start slowly and eat it with other foods.

i Richard S. Rivlin. "Historical Perspective on the Use of Garlic." J. Nutr. March 1, 2001, vol. 131, no. 3 9515-9545. Accessed March 20, 2014.
ii Accessed March 20, 2014.
iii Geleone C, Pelucchi C, Levi F, et al. Onion and garlic use and Human Cancer. Am J Clin Nutr 2006; 84:1027-1032.
iv Gao CM, Takezaki T, Ding JH, Li MS, Tajima K. Protective effect of allium vegetables against both esophageal and stomach cancer: A simultaneous case-referent study of a high-epidemic area in Jiangsu Province, China. Japanese Journal of Cancer Research 1999; 90(6):614–621.
v Setiawan VW, Yu GP, Lu QY, et al. Allium vegetables and stomach cancer risk in China. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2005; 6(3):387–395.
vi Hsing AW, Chokkalingam AP, Gao YT, et al. Allium vegetables and risk of prostate cancer: A population-based study.Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2002; 94(21):1648–1651.
vii Chan JM, Wang F, Holly EA. Vegetable and fruit intake and pancreatic cancer in a population-based case-control study in the San Francisco bay area. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2005; 14(9):2093–2097.
viii Steinmetz KA, Kushi LH, Bostick RM, Folsom AR, Potter JD. Vegetables, fruit, and colon cancer in the Iowa Women's Health Study. American Journal of Epidemiology 1994; 139(1):1–15.
Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

We're an online cancer bookstore offering Outsmart Your Cancer, Cancer Step Outside the Box, Stop Cancer Before It Starts, Natural Cancer Remedies that Work, Adios-Cancer, Cancer Breakthrough USA, Missing Ingredient For Good Health, German Cancer Breakthrough, How to Cure Almost Any Cancer for $5.15 a Day and Keep Your Gallbladder!

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Stress Management

Philadelphia Spartan Sprint at Citizens Bank Park, September 20, 2014, Sign Up Now for this Reebok S
When you're in stressful situations, be they physical, mental, or emotional, your adrenal glands secrete special hormones to help you through the stress. These hormones include epinephrine (also called adrenaline), norepinephrine, and cortisol. They prepare your body to handle stress by speeding up the heart to increase cardiac output, constricting blood vessels to the gut while enlarging those to the muscles, and dilating pupils dilate to give us a better look at whatever we're confronting. They stimulate the liver to release its glucose stores for quick energy. Fat depots are induced to liberate free fatty acids for fuel. Stress hormone release produces a heightened state of awareness which helps us think more clearly and quickly.
The good thing about these hormones is the way they prepare the body to run away from danger. The potential bad effect is that many normal body functions are subverted in order to meet the demands of flight. Under stress, the body requires extra energy in order to meet these demands. Amino acids that are supposed to be used for tissue growth and repair can be burned as one source of energy.
If the stress is emotional rather as well as physical, you have a medical time bomb. With constant stress, there is a constant perversion or re-routing of amino acids. Instead of supplying fresh material to grow hair, make antibodies, and rebuild heart muscle, amino acids are removed from tissues, travel to the liver, then go to muscles to be burned up as flight fuel.
A heart attack in someone under constant stress is more likely to be lethal. Invading bacteria from a cut are less likely to be mopped up by the white blood cells. The immune system is less hardy. Muscle wasting is more likely. People, training hard for athletics, are more likely to tip over into the overtraining syndrome.
What we need is a drug that will encourage our adrenal glands to make more stress hormone when we really need them, but none for the routine occurrences that we perceive as stressful. You will be pleased to know that such a drug is available although it has not been sanctioned by the American Medical Association, released by the Food and Drug Administration, or approved by the surgeon general. The drug is called exercise and you don't need anyone's permission to use it.
Nothing is more effective at reducing stress than a good hard workout today. Often times I will go into the gym roaring like a lion on the inside. Only to be purring like a kitten on my way out.

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Monday, April 28, 2014

Simple mineral kills cancer cells within hours

Potent Over-the-Counter Mineral
Kills Cancer Cells in Just Hours

I want to review a potent, fast-acting treatment that – in my opinion – every cancer patient should know about as one of the options to consider.
The treatment is cesium chloride. You do need a doctor for this, it's not a do-it-yourselfer. But from what we can learn, it's such a powerful therapy, it's one of the top reasons for seeking the help of an alternative or integrative practitioner instead of going it alone or trying to talk your conventional doctor into working with you.
It's essential to find the highest quality brand and work with trained practitioners. But if you're willing to do that, you'll find cesium not only kills cancer cells, it also stops cancer metastasis and is known to shrink tumor masses – within weeks. Here's the full story. . .
Continued below…

This Hushed-Up Cure for Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer's and Cancer Has Been Censored, Banned, and Blacklisted... Until Now!
This Harvard study should have made front page news around the world. It's the kind of news that would have most Americans falling off their sofas... if they ever heard it.
You see, the Harvard researchers behind this study discovered a way to "flip a switch" inside your cells that makes it virtually impossible for any chronic disease to exist in that cell...
...and if you already have diseased cells, you can make them disappear as if they never existed at all.
So would it surprise you if I told you the FDA created laws to block access to this amazing technology? In some cases the laws are so tight, my colleague, Dr. Al Sears is not even allowed to TALK about it.
This hushed-up, breakthrough technology provides a possible CURE for everything from cancer and heart disease, to diabetes and Alzheimer's. And it's available RIGHT NOWBut it never sees the light of day.
Today, Dr. Sears is blowing the whistle on the FDA.

Why this mineral means quick death for cancer cells
Cesium therapy is intended for advanced, fast-growing cancers that have spread significantly or have high fatality rates.
Advocates of cesium therapy believe cesium chloride supplements can raise the pH level of tumor cells to a normal level, as they believe the pH levels inside tumor cells tend to be low, or acidic (a cell's pH is a measure of how acidic or basic it is). By raising the pH level of tumor cells, cesium slows or stops their growth.
Interest in cesium as a cancer therapy first surfaced when it was reported that certain regions of the world had extremely low rates of some types of cancer. These same areas also had a high concentration of alkali metals in their soil.
The areas studied include the homelands of the Hopi Indians of Arizona, the Hunza people of North Pakistan, and the indigenous peoples of Central and South America.
One reason those groups appear to be protected from cancer is the mineral cesium. Not only is it a naturally alkaline element, but cesium is also believed by some to be a natural chemotherapy agent. Its benefits are vastly underappreciated, which is why there's a good chance you won't find it in your standard multivitamin.
Scientists believe cesium affects cancer in four different ways.
    1. It changes the pH level of cancer cells – and leaves the pH of healthy cells untouched. In fact, cesium appears to boost cancer pH levels above 7.5, which is a crucial cutoff point for healthy tissues – meaning the cancer cells die. (A pH of less than 7 is acidic; more than 7 is alkaline.)
    2. Cesium starves cancer cells – because it limits your body’s uptake of glucose, which cancer cells rely on for sustenance. Without glucose, they end up starving to death.
    3. It stops the process of fermentation, the means by which cancer cells metabolize glucose.
    4. It neutralizes the lactic acid that is associated with the uncontrolled multiplying of cancer cells.
In short, cesium chloride addresses what many consider the very nature of cancer cells -- acidity. Cancer cells have lower pH levels because of the lactic acid produced by fermentation. Fermentation (converting glucose) is the primitive way a cancer cell sustains itself. So in terms of stopping the spread of cancer, cesium is one of the best bets out there.
One of the most powerful
alternative therapies available
There were some studies conducted back in the 1980s that showed cesium or cesium chloride therapy led to decreased tumor growth in mice with cancerous tumors, including sarcoma and breast cancer. On the flip side, other animal studies have shown long-term use of cesium can lead to serious blood and neuromuscular side effects – sometimes, even death.
In addition, the risks of cesium use include swelling and inflammation that occur when your immune system attacks dying cancer cells. And long-term use can cause abnormally high levels of cesium in your blood, which may lead to an abnormal heart rhythm. For these reasons, I emphasize the importance of taking cesium only under the guidance of a trained practitioner.
Earlier this year, a woman in Colorado died due to abnormally high cesium levels. She had been taking the supplement orally for a year to treat a breast lump, and the night before she collapsed with a heart attack, her husband had given her an injection of cesium chloride.
I only share this as proof that supplements and alternative treatments are powerful tools in the quest for health. That's why many of them are just as effective as any man-made drug. But at the same time, they must be used carefully.
Use this therapy with caution
You won't be surprised to learn that mainstream medicine doesn't accept cesium therapy as a reliable treatment. They're waiting on more clinical evidence, and they believe it is simply a coincidence that those areas with low cancer rates also had high cesium levels. You may have heard that the Hunza people of Pakistan consume apricot pits, which are high in laetrile. So cesium would not be the only factor in their success at avoiding cancer.
Still, it's worth looking into, as long as you're clear it's not a do-it-yourself treatment. Seek help from a doctor professionally trained in alternative methods. And be aware that not every alternative cancer doctor offers cesium therapy. The doctors we've interviewed (and we've interviewed a great many) all employ a wide range of treatments; they don't rely on just one. Finally – one more thing -- I've read that cesium can lower potassium levels, so ask to be monitored and take supplements if needed.
Be alert to side effects, which include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes tingling or unusual sensations around the mouth or in your fingertips.
You can get cesium chloride as an oral supplement or in liquid form from most stores that sell dietary supplements.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Prostate Cancer Killed 7 Buddies But One Man Escaped

This Vietnam Vet
Watched 7 Friends Die
of Prostate Cancer…
Then he discovered an
all-natural secret to beat it
— and it saved his life!
The same breakthrough
can save you,
your prostate—and your
sex drive—from a
surgeon’s knife!
Effectiveness confirmed by
an independent researcher
hired by M.D. Andersen
Cancer Center – yet you
won’t hear about it from
your doctor!
     Dear Friend,
     Imagine watching seven of your friends die from prostate cancer and then wondering if you’re going to be the next one facing a death sentence…
     That’s exactly what happened to John S.
     Guys he served with in Vietnam suddenly started dropping like flies from prostate cancer. Seven men from his platoon died of the dreaded disease. And many of them were only in their 50’s!
     Some experts say it’s because soldiers in Vietnam were exposed to high levels of Agent Orange, a toxic jungle defoliant.
     In 2002 John thought his number was up, just like his 7 buddies before him.
     A biopsy of John’s prostate showed 10 out of 12 tissue samples were full of cancer. His Gleason Scores, which show how aggressive the cancer is, were a high 6 and 7.  In his own words…
“I was advised that even with surgery and radiation,
I would need a miracle to survive”
     John got a second opinion and then a third one.  Every doctor told him there was no hope.  But the doctors were wrong. (As you’ll see, they often are when it comes to prostate cancer.) There WAS hope.
     Eighteen months later, John called family and friends with great news: “My ‘terminal’ prostate tumor is shrinking!”
     That’s unheard of with advanced prostate cancer when it’s treated with surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. But John didn’t use any of the treatments his conventional doctors recommended. He figured, why go through hell just to die anyway – the same as 7 of his army buddies?

Friday, April 25, 2014

28 Day Flat Belly Formula (ends today)

First off, I just want to congratulate everyone who secured their spot in my 28 day Flat Belly Formula program (beta group).

If you missed the post from a couple days ago. Here are the details of the program for you...

See, while working with a few of my fitness training clients I stumbled upon a faster way to burn belly fat and to flatten your abs.

So I decided to test out my new fitness discovery with a beta test group. And that's where you come in because I'm only taking on 19 people for this 28 day program and I'm charging a fraction of what I normally charge for my training programs.
  • I'm calling it the "28 Day Flat Belly Formula"
  • The entire program is only going to be 28 days long It's in the name
  • I'm going to provide you with a done for you meal plan crafted to help you increase your metabolism and burn more fat. (This is NOT a diet, it's a 28 day modified meal plan where all you have to do is read it, and eat it.)
  • You'll need to workout with me online 3-5 times per week  during the 28 day program.
  • The workouts will be challenging, even hard at times, but never impossible. And you'll always have motivation and accountability from me via email and phone whenever you need it.
  • Here's the best part... even though we're going to work on burning belly fat and flattening and defining your abs, we're not going to do a single crunch or sit up. (imagine that, a sexy mid section and a flat belly without doing traditional ab exercises).
  • At the end of the 28 days you should see weight loss of 12-19 pounds and flatter, more defined mid section. (you'll probably drop a clothes size or two)
  • The program starts this coming Monday
Now, typically my clients pay around $247/month or more to get personal training from me.

But since this is going to be the first time (beta group) that I try out this program on "non-clients" I'm going to make it FREE for the entire 28 day flat belly training program AND meal plan. After 28 days you will want to continue on your schedule, then its only up to $66 cents per day.

I decided to only take on 19 participants for the beta program, and since sending out the last email, 11 people locked in their spot leaving only 8 spots open.

If you want one of these 8 spots and are ready to burn more fat Flatten your belly starting this Monday then please click here and we'll get you locked into one of the remaining 8 spots. Thanks a bunch

 Like I said, there are only eight spots left for the 28 Day Flat Belly Formula training program that start this Monday so click here to secure one of the remaining 8 spots.

D.C. Divas Tackle Columbus Comets in Critical Division Clash

Click Here To Listen To the Game Live Starting at 5:15pm EST Saturday
Neal Rozendaal

Washington, DC – The first goal for the D.C. Divas every season is to win their division championship and qualify for the playoffs, and 2014 is no different. Their longtime division rivals, the Columbus Comets, come to DC Saturday for a critical WFA matchup.

Even though the Divas lost to the reigning WFA champion Chicago Force last week, 42-27, Divas head coach Alison Fischer was encouraged by how her team played in the absence of starting quarterback Allyson Hamlin. The Divas scrambled to install a Wildcat offense during the bye week, and it yielded 27 points – the most points the Chicago Force have ever surrendered in a regular season WFA game.

“We knew with the athletes we have that the Wildcat package would probably do pretty well,” Coach Fischer said. “The lack of practice time was the biggest challenge, because we didn’t have a whole lot of time to put the new offense in. We had to make some personnel changes, and it’s tough to move folks around to new positions in that short of a time. But the players responded and I liked what I saw, for the most part. Considering what we had to deal with, I think we played pretty well on offense. I thought the Wildcat was effective, and it’s something you’ll probably see more of from us.”

The Divas defense faced a prolific offense and gave a fine account of themselves for the second straight game. In particular, the halftime defensive adjustments have been outstanding, as D.C. has yielded just two second-half touchdowns combined in their last two contests.

“The defense is coming along,” Fischer remarked. “They are playing better in the second half, and one of our coaching challenges is to get them going in the first half. But overall, I love our effort, especially in the second half.”

So far this season, the Divas have solidified their place as one of the top teams in women’s football, even though they are now 0-2 after dropping consecutive close games to the teams ranked #1 and #2 in the sport. The Divas’ record brings a particular urgency to this Saturday’s game with their division rivals, the Columbus Comets. A loss to Columbus would virtually eliminate the Divas from contention for the division title, while a victory this weekend would all but assure the Divas of a spot in the WFA playoffs.

Columbus (1-1) will come into the game with momentum from a 42-0 victory over the Derby City Dynamite. Coach Fischer understands the importance of Saturday’s contest. “Columbus is a division rival, and it’s pretty much a must-win game for us if we want to win the division. That’s how we’re treating it.”

Saturday’s game promises to be a tough, well-played contest, and the Divas and Comets are longtime rivals that know each other well. “Columbus always brings it. They’re always physical and play for the whole game,” Fischer praised. “The Comets have always had a strong running game, and defensively, they have some very good athletes that get to the ball.”

Get your tickets today for this important matchup on Saturday, April 26, against the division rival Columbus Comets by visiting Kickoff for Saturday’s game is at 6 PM at Prince George’s Sports Complex in Landover.

Around the WFA – The Chicago Force were awarded an extra point for their return of a blocked PAT attempt against the Divas, giving them a corrected final score of 42-27 in their win over D.C. last weekend. Chicago is 3-0 on the year and hosts the 2-0 West Michigan Mayhem Saturday…The Boston Militia remained undefeated with a 47-7 victory over the Cleveland Fusion last week, handing Cleveland their first regular season loss since 2012…The Atlanta Phoenix held off the Miami Fury in a defensive slugfest, 12-8. Atlanta travels to Jacksonville this weekend to battle the always-sharp Dixie Blues…Two weeks ago, the Utah Blitz held a career win/loss record over five seasons of 3-27, including 15 losses in a row. But the Blitz registered their first win since 2011 with a victory over the Everett Reign on April 12, and they now boast a winning 2-1 record on the season with their triumph last weekend over the Nevada Storm…The Seattle Majestics, Central Cal War Angels, and San Diego Surge are all 3-0 and dominating opponents on the West Coast. Seven of their nine combined victories have been by 40 points or more.