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Showing posts with label sports nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sports nutrition. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2013

NEW Grain-free recipe

Cancer Defeated Publications

Diana Keuilian

Let's sit down together and have the uncomfortable talk about grains...
I'm gonna say some stuff here that you may not want to hear, stuff that goes against what you've been made to believe is healthy.
However, if you read the following with an open mind then you're going to come away with a life changing truth about truly healthy eating that will transform your body. It has certainly transformed mine.
A few weeks ago I posted the quote below from Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint, on my facebook page that raised many questions.
"There are no requirements in human nutrition for carbohydrates. Grains are totally unnecessary." 
So if we aren't supposed to be eating grains then why are 'whole grains' said to be so healthy for us? Why do whole grain bread product have a heart healthy stamp on them? Why does the doctor tell us to eat plenty of whole grains to help lower our cholesterol and increase our fiber intake?
Here is the argument against the consumption of grains: 
  • When looking at the span of human existence, grains have been apart of our diet for only a short time.
  • "For better or for worse, we are no longer hunter-gatherers. However, our genetic makeup is still that of a paleolithic hunter-gatherer, a species whose nutritional requirements are optimally adapted to wild meats, fruits and vegetables, not cereal grains. There is a significant body of evidence which suggests that cereal grains are less than optimal foods for humans and that the human genetic makeup and physiology may not be fully adapted to high levels of cereal grain consumption." Loren Cordain, Ph.D., author of The Paleo Diet 
  • Grains contain plentiful calories, however they also contain "antinutrients" (compounds that interfere with the absorption of beneficial nutrients), are high in carbs, and have grain protein which are foreign to the human digestive process.
  • A diet high in grains puts stress on the body's insulin regulation mechanism which leaves you susceptible for weight gain and diabetes. 
  • Certain grain proteins (ever heard of gluten?) trigger an immune response when ingested. According to researchers, as many as one third of us are gluten-intolerant or gluten-sensitive. Over time this can lead to dermatitis, joint pain, reproductive problems, acid reflux, other digestive conditions, autoimmune disorders, and celiac disease.
  • "For the purpose of weight control and preventing disease, a gram of carb from a whole grain is no better than a gram of carb from a refined grain. I'm not suggesting you choose refined grains over whole grains; I'm suggesting that you ditch all grains. " Mark Sisson, Primal Blueprint  
I don't know why grains are still considered a health food darling while the research against gluten and processed carbohydrates piles up.
Like you, I too have spent years being duped into thinking that brown rice and whole grain bread was benefiting my body, when in fact it was responsible for the weight I couldn't lose and the indigestion I felt. The day that I stopped eating grains my body naturally began to shed off extra pounds.
The good news is that eating fewer grains is easier than you think... 
Here are some painless ways to replace grains:
-       Bake a loaf of Almond Bread to replace wheat bread.
-       Wrap your sandwich in large lettuce leaves.
-       Eat Kale chips rather than traditional chips.
-       Bake some Caveman Granola rather than regular cereal.
-       Swap out regular flour for almond flour in your favorite baking recipe.
-       Make noodles with a vegetable peeler and a zucchini, or use spaghetti squash.
-       Try my new recipe for Real Healthy Sweet & Sour Rice, using cauliflower.
Make grain-free rice --> Real Healthy Sweet & Sour Rice
Happy cooking :)
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Monday, February 18, 2013

Snack On This...

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US Sports Strength and Conditioning News18 February, 2013
Success in Fitness Starts with Renewing Your Mind
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill 
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Washington D.C. Area Athletes. The Ultimate Athlete Conditioning Boot Camps Kick off in January at Alexandria Safe & Fit Studio! Get ready to go hard next season with the best of two worlds.  Strength, Speed, Agility, & Quickness Training with Nate Lewis US Sports Strength and Conditioning and MMA Conditioning with Master Joe Chandler Over 60 years of combined experience to help you get jacked and ready to dominate! Click Here To Pre Register or call 571-501-5306 to schedule your free demo workout.
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This week's feature exercise: {Yoga} Plow (advanced)
#914   Plow (advanced)
Exercise Description:
Plow (advanced)
1. If you are an intermediate or an advanced student and you are more flexible, remove the chair and place the toes on the floor. Once again, the weight is across the shoulders and not in the neck.
2. Begin by grabbing onto the big toes with the first two fingers. Keep the chin tucked in and the face relaxed. Work the backs of the knees up towards the sky to straighten the legs. Keep tucking the toes in towards the head and lift the heels away.
3. Slowly, once the posture has been established, remove the hands from the big toes and place the arms behind the body, palms flat onto the floor. To go deeper in this pose, lock the shoulders towards one and other interlock the fingers and place the hands in yoga mutra. Press both hands and arms into the floor. The weight should still rest on the shoulders and not on the neck.
4. If there is any strain on the neck, bend the knees or come out of the position. Work the arms down into the floor, the hips up towards the sky, the toes tucked under and the heels pressing away. Stay here for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
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Cancer Defeated Publications
The Snack Trap
We've all heard that snacking is great for the metabolism...but have you taken it too far?

In other words, your excessive snacking may be killing your fitness results.

Let's face it, there are only so many extra calories that the body can take before it adds those on as unwanted fat.

Even if you're eating perfectly healthy meals and putting in your time at the gym, if your snacking is out of control then your results will be disappointing.

Here's what you need to know to avoid The Snack Trap:

1) Calories Count. Even when you're snacking on "healthy" food, you've got to keep track of how many calories that you're taking in. Almonds are healthy, but if you down 800 extra calories in them you'll quickly gain weight.

2) Fill Up on Protein & Fat. A lot of well-meaning people are still afraid of fat. They think that if their snack is high in fat then it will end up on their body as fat. This is simply not true. Healthy fat, such as avocado or almonds, is a wonderful thing to snack on as it fills you up and keeps you full longer.

3) Avoid Sugar Calories. Sugar is an awful thing to snack on when weight loss is your goal. Refined sugar is a catalyst for fat storage, so avoid any snack that contains sugar. Remember that eating sugar will satiate your hunger for a very short period of time, and then you'll quickly be hungry again.

4) Don't Be Fooled By 100-Calorie Packs. A popular marketing technique is to package junk food into 100-calorie packs. These could be crackers, cookies, chips...basically any guilty snack food you could think of. The premise is that since you're only eating 100 calories, the snack is healthy. I'm sorry, folks, but eating 100 calories of junk food is not a healthy snack. You are better off avoiding the junk completely and eating something wholesome.

5) Use The 'Is It Real' Test. As a rule of thumb, you should use the "Is it real?" test when deciding if a snack is worth eating. The test goes like this: If your snack can go bad, then it's good for you. If your snack can't go bad, then it's bad for you. The idea is to eat fresh, real foods that are unprocessed and wholesome. These real foods are naturally filled with fiber, vitamins, and minerals and will assist you in achieving your fitness goals.

6) Avoid Refined Carbohydrates. Processed and refined carbohydrates make up the bulk of popular snack foods. Take a look around the snack aisle at the grocery store and you will see that most packaged snacks are made with grains. When your goal is to lose weight and increase lean muscle then eating refined grains will work against you. If you only take one tip away from this article, let it be to remove grain-based snacks from your life. This single change could very well recharge your weight loss.

Now you know how to snack in a healthy way that will not derail your fitness goals.

Remember that exercise plays a huge part in getting in shape and losing weight.

Call or email me today to get started on a results-driven exercise program.

5 Fitness Snacks
  1. Hard Boiled Egg and Sliced Veggies.
  2. Sliced Apple and Almond Butter.
  3. Natural, Low Sodium Jerky.
  4. Seasonal Berries with 1/4 cup of Almonds.
  5. A Bag of Homemade Kale Chips. See recipe below.
Guilt-Free Kale Chip Snack
Salty, crunchy snack foods are a weakness for most people. Instead of eating chips or popcorn or crackers, which quickly add up in unwanted pounds, make a batch of these delicious, crunchy kale chips. Kale chips are low in carbs and make a delicious crunchy snack.
Servings: 5

Here's what you need
  • 1 bunch kale, washed and torn, stems discarded
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil
  • dash of salt and pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
  2. In a large bowl mix the kale pieces with all of the ingredients.
  3. Spread evenly on foil-lined baking sheets.
  4. Bake for 12 minutes, watching closely that they do not burn. Remove from oven when crispy.
Nutritional Analysis: 51 calories, 3g fat, 68mg sodium, 5g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, 2g protein

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US Sports Strength and Conditioning Partners
Nathan Lewis
US Sports Strength and Conditioning
4105 Duke Street 
Alexandria, VA 22304
US Sports Strength and Conditioning

Phone: 571-501-5306
Web: US Sports Strength and Conditioning

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Some Guidelines When Choosing a Gym

Join the Club
(PHYS, September 1999)  You've heard that the guys are hunks and the juice bar is happening. Great, but that's no way to choose a gym. If health and safety are your prime considerations and they should be  here are a few guidelines from Randy Delaney, director of personal fitness at World Gym in New York City:
Proper ventilation. The air should feel cool and smell fresh, not like sweaty bodies.
Good lighting. Incandescent bulbs are easier on the eyes than fluorescent.
Enough room. A crammed layout is not safe. Or fun.
Cleanliness. No stained mats or grubby bathrooms.
Well-maintained machines. You don't have to be a mechanic to tell if benches are torn, cables seem worn, or free weights are haphazardly scattered around.
A qualified staff. Employees should be certified by a nationally recognized organization like ACE (American Council on Exercise), ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) or AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America). They should be helpful and findable. One instructor can't monitor more than 30 people at once and the pool should always have at least one lifeguard. A new member should get a free orientation, but later on, it may be worth springing for a few sessions with a private trainer.
7 Day Free Pass

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Comprehensive Nutritional Supplement Review Of MusclePharm: The Athlete's Stack.

From: AnabolicMinds

WHAT IS Recon™?
RECON™ is a unique, high-performance POST-WORKOUT REFUEL, REPLENISH, REBUILDING formula. RECON™ was designed to maximize the most important phase of the athlete’s total training program – the post-workout phase, what those in our game call the “anabolic window”. RECON was designed to provide hard training athletes with everything necessary to nourish recovery and growth from all angles. Every facet of reconstruction nutrition is accounted for in this, the most comprehensive recovery formulation. There is nothing like Muscle Pharm’s RECON™.

The brutal truth is, the harder you push your body, the better your results will be, given the proper tools to fuel recovery and growth. Your training program is only as good as your post-workout protocol. RECON™ Reconstruction Matrix leaves no stone unturned in the name of recovery and growth.

RECON™ allows hard working athletes to push harder, and recover quicker from the rigors of high-intensity training by supporting the body’s internal environment.

• REFUELING Muscle Energy Stores
• REPLENISHING Vital Nutrients Lost During Intense Training
• REBUILDING Muscle Tissue by Providing Critical Growth Enhancing Nutrients
• REGENERATING - Scavenges Cellular Pollution and Remove Metabolic Waste
• RELOADING Muscle Cells by Stimulating Hyper-Loaded Nutrient Uptake
• RECHARGING - Blocks Stress-Induced and Post-Workout Catabolism
• FEEDING RECOVERY - Boost Immune and Recovery Mechanisms.

RECON™ combines 7 natural Matrices specifically formulated to fuel the body’s muscle-building, repair and recovery systems to maximize post-workout growth and repair and optimize the “anabolic window”.
RECON™ is hyper-loaded with glycogen-replenishing, muscle-loading specific carbohydrates (Carb-Max blend), stress hormone regulators and cellular detoxifiers to prevent catabolism and promote cellular health, and immuno-modulators to maximize health and recovery. RECON™ also target key anabolic and recovery pathways within the body to support muscle growth, fuel recovery and maximize the body’s adaptive response to hard training.

Careful combination of the key ingredients in RECON™ result in the most comprehensive POST-WORKOUT RECOVERY AND MUSCLE-BUILDING formula-ever!

RECON™ Muscle Reconstruction Matrix contains:
• RECOVER Matrix:
• The most abundant amino acid in the body, glutamine, is known for its immune boosting and muscle building properties. RECON™ has over 7 grams of glutamine per serving, along with several other powerful, recovery-inducing agents.
• REBUILD Matrix (Anabolic Primer):
• Research has proven time and time again Essential and Branched Chain amino acids to be critical components of the muscle building process. Especially in immediate post-training “window of growth”, BCAAs and EAAs are critical components of muscle repair and rebuilding. RECON™ contains 6 grams of EAA’s and 6 grams of BCAAs
• REFUEL Matrix (Muscle Extender):
• Beta Alanine and Citruline Malate have been shown to help replenish cellular energy, to fuel ongoing muscular contractions for harder, more intense training sessions. RECON™ REFUEL Matrix will facilitate cellular energy replenishment and prepare the muscle cells for the next training session.
• REGENERATE Matrix (Muscle Toxin Remover):
• RECON™ is hyper-loaded with key herbal extracts and phytochemicals specifically included for their role in recovery, regeneration and rebuilding. The REGENERATE Matrix also contains several cellular detoxifiers, free-radical and cellular pollutant scavengers, specifically designed to remove metabolic waste for improved recovery and cell health.
• RELOAD Matrix (Insulinogenic):
• Insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the body, bar none. RECON™ contains several proven nutrient “drivers”, insulinogenics and insulin mimetics, specifically included to help thrust recovery agents from the bloodstream into the muscle cells. RECON™’s RELOAD Matrix acts as a hyper-loaded nutrient delivery system, formulated to stimulate rapid nutrient uptake for maximal muscle growth and repair.
• RECHARGE Matrix (Anti-Stress-Adaptogen):
• Cortisol and free-radicals are the two primary opponents to cellular health and recovery. RECHARGE Matrix contains several specific compounds included to control cortisol, the stress-response / growth-inhibiting hormone.
• REPLENISHMENT Matrix (Carb-Max™ blend):
• Carb-Max™ blend is a scientifically formulated combination of specific carbohydrate sources, each specifically chosen for its unique energy-yielding properties and recovery enhancement capabilities. The Carb-Max™ blend contains 3 different mono- and polysaccharides, combined to yield rapid, sustained cellular replenishment.
What makes RECON™ such critical nutrition for hard-training athletes?
RECON™’s powerful, comprehensive formulation contains active ingredients scientifically proven to address all key components of the post-training recovery process; and most-importantly, RECON™ contains sufficient quantities of all key active agents to make RECON™ the most impactful and one of the most important products for athletes today. There is no other product like RECON™.

• Maximizes Post-Workout Growth and Repair
• Optimizes the Post-Workout “Anabolic Window”
• Refuels Muscle Energy stores
• Rebuilds Muscle Tissue
• Replenishes Vital Nutrients
• Boosts Immune and Recovery Mechanisms


ASSAULT™ is a combination of several powerful, clinically proven, naturally occurring substances brought together for their specific performance-enhancing, endurance-boosting and strength-building properties.
These key ingredients work synergistically to provide your muscles with true increased energy at the cellular level, to dramatically improve performance:

ASSAULT™ has been scientifically proven to:

No other supplement in existence today does what this unique formulation has been shown to do.

40,000mg of hardcore active ingredients per serving! – TWICE THE DOSE of other brands! ASSAULT™’s specific anti-fatigue, muscle-fueling formula boosts performance by utilizing the power of the following ingredients:

• 5 GRAMS OF CREATINE (CEE/CREAPURE/KREALKALYN) – ramp up volume, pump and ATP production
• 3 GRAMS OF BETA ALANINE – increase muscular contractility and crush fatigue
• 2 GRAMS CITRULLINE MALATE – fuel aerobic energy pathways to enhance performance, delay the onset of muscular fatigue and maximize muscular energy production
• 3 GRAMS OF ARGININE – enhance volumization, nutrient delivery and cellular oxygenation to feed performance, recovery and growth
• SUMA ROOT – The “Russian Secret” – Russia’s best-kept secret is ASSAULT™’s Secret Weapon! Suma is a plant-based steroid-alternative that has been used for years by Russian Olympic athletes.

ASSAULT™’s clinically proven formula combines the vital “powerhouse” active ingredients above with several key synergists into 3 “MATRICES” specifically formulated to maximize performance enhancing impact. With more than TWICE the active ingredients per dose of other major brands, no other product can stand up to the power of ASSAULT™!

• Muscle Explosion NO Matrix: Powerful volumizing compounds, hydrogen ion scavengers and anti-fatigue agents work synergistically to keep muscles jamming, full and tight, with more contractile power than Mother Nature ever anticipated. This component of ASSAULT™’s aggressive formula will keep you training until the lights go down.
• Strength Domination & Recovery Matrix: Ramped up ATP, increased cellular volume and nutrient uptake – these are the keys to impacting muscular strength, power and feeding accelerated recovery for ongoing growth. The Strength Domination & Recovery Matrix of ASSAULT™ fuels energy pathways, feeds cytoplasmic expansion and enhances nutrient delivery into muscle cells, where they feed anabolism.
• Mind Connection Matrix: The three powerful neuro-support agents, taurine, pyroglutamic acid and tyrosine, are naturally occurring brain support chemicals. ASSAULT™ Mind Connection Matrix contains a unique and potent focus formula, designed specifically to improve alertness and concentration capabilities. More than just another caffeine-based jitter product, ASSAULT™ feeds the body, and razor-sharpens mental function without increased cardiac stimulation.
• Suma Root – Russian Anabolic Secret: ASSAULT™’s secret weapon! Suma Root is called the “Russian Secret” because was used by Russian athletes as an alternative to anabolic steroids. Suma is actually a South American herbal derivative with several adaptogenic properties. Suma gets its muscle-building properties from its high levels of anabolic-type phyto-chemicals including beta ecdysterone and other ecdysteroid glycosides.
Suma is known to:
• increase nitrogen retention and support protein synthesis
• improve cellular oxygenation and enhance energy pathways
• regulate hormone levels
• boost immunity
• increase libido
• enhance recovery and improve energy

Why is ASSAULT™ a better choice than other brands?
2. EFFECTIVE LEVELS of all performance-boosting ingredients
4. Preferred pre-workout of top UFC and NFL Stars


We WHAT IS battle fuel™? 

BATTLE FUEL™ is a unique, high-performance Anabolic Support formula. BATTLE FUEL™ was formulated to provide hard training athletes with comprehensive support for hormonal, muscle building, and recovery systems. BATTLE FUEL allows hard working athletes to push harder, and recover quicker from the rigors of high-intensity training by supporting the body’s internal environment.

Fueling high-performance training can place undue stress on the body’s internal mechanisms. The body systems that govern muscle building, recovery and growth, and the immune system are all taxed during hard training. BATTLE FUEL™ was designed to help keep the body’s hormonal system ANABOLIC, while facilitating health, recovery and growth to maximize performance and training results.

• Maximize Testosterone Output
• Modulate Estrogen
• Support Anabolic Processes
• Boost Immune System
• Support Cellular Oxygenation and Fuel Endurance
• Natural Detoxifier/Free-Radical Scavenger
• Dramatically Enhance Recovery
• Enhance Aggressive Mental Focus

BATTLE FUEL™ combines several natural compounds that have been shown to impact the body’s hormonal, recovery and immune pathways. BATTLE FUEL™ is a comprehensive system of 5 “MATRICES” each specifically formulated to target key anabolic and recovery pathways within the body to support muscle growth, fuel recovery and maximize the body’s adaptive response to hard training.
Careful combination of the key ingredients in BATTLE FUEL™ results in one of the most powerful Natural Performance Enhancers ever formulated.

BATTLE FUEL™ Natural Anabolic Stack:
• TESTOSTERONE BOOST Matrix – Maximize Anabolism
BATTLE FUEL™ meticulously combines several herbal hormonal support agents in proven quantities included to boost testosterone and free testosterone levels. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) is the Testosterone control switch within the body. BATTLE FUEL™ contains LJ-100 to counter SHBG, to “free” testosterone from this binding protein.

• ESTROGEN SUPPRESSION Matrix–Modulate Estrogen/Support Anabolism
Supporting maximum anabolism includes modulating estrogen, without completely eliminating this powerful hormone. BATTLE FUEL™ contains a precise combination of DIM, di-indole-methane and the potent free-radical scavenger/ estrogen-modulator, Trans-Resveratrol to keep estrogen levels in check, for a harder, drier look, without eliminating the anabolic components of this powerful hormone.

• MUSCLE BUILDING BLOCK Matrix–Maximize Anabolism and Recovery
BATTLE FUEL™ contains an anabolic support matrix comprised of several botanicals that have shown strong impact on energy production and recovery from muscular fatigue. Herbs including Suma root and extract, also known as The Russian Secret, and Maca extract, have demonstrated endocrine support, increased cellular oxygenation, quicker recovery and greater endurance.

• OXYGENATION / ENDURANCE Matrix - Anti-Fatigue / Unending Endurance
BATTLE FUEL™ contains two key ingredients that help support cellular oxygenation, combat fatigue and help support ongoing muscular endurance. Di-methylglycine (DMG) has been shown to help with oxygen utilization at the cellular level, functions as an anti-oxidant, and boosts the immune system. Suma root, the Russian Secret, has been shown to help support cellular oxygenation among a myriad other performance-enhancing benefits. Together, these two powder keg additives combat fatigue and help with cellular respiration for greater on demand energy yield.

• INTERNAL SUPPORT MATRIX – Immune Support / Cellular Health
Fueling high-performance training can place stress on the body’s internal mechanisms. Metabolic, biochemical “pollution” builds up, and can impact performance, recovery and immune function. BATTLE FUEL™ contains a carefully formulated herbal matrix specifically designed to scavenge free-radicals, detoxify and cleanse internal organs, enhance recovery and bolster the immune-system. The Internal Support Matrix contains specific adaptogens, anti-oxidants and detoxifying agents that work synergistically to preserve the internal health of the hard-training athlete.

Why is BATTLE FUEL™ a better choice for athletes?

1. Naturally Maximizes the Anabolic Environment by
- Increasing Testosterone Production
-Maximizing Free Testosterone
-Modulating Estrogen
2. Increases Performance by
-Reducing Fatigue and Increasing Strength
-Increasing Cellular Oxygenation
-Enhancing Aggressive Mental Focus
3. Supports Faster Recovery for Greater Training Gains by
-Cleansing Internal Systems with Specific Adaptogenic and Free-Radical Agents
-Boosting Immune System 
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