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Showing posts with label march madness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label march madness. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

This March Madness Update on US Sports Net Presented by StrengthCoach Featuring: Virginia's De'Andre Hunter: 'All those reps paid off for this big moment'

De'Andre Hunter talks with Andy Katz after Virginia wins the 2019 National Championship.

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The StrengthCoach Podcast-Charlie Weingroff, Part 1- Canada Basketball, Pro Athletes and Training Under Fatigue- Episode 251

Charlie Weingroff, Physical Therapist and Strength & Conditioning Coach at Drive 495 and Physical Performance Lead and Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for the Canadian Men's National Basketball Team
This is Part 1 of a 2 part interview. We spoke about:
  • His work with Canada basketball and the team that they have built
  • The secret sauce to why it's been so successful
  • How it can be replicated in a private facility
  • Working with professional athletes separate from their teams
  • Train sport skills under fatigue
Join today to listen to the full episode and more! Click here

Tempo Runs for Baseball

Zach Dechant
Conditioning for baseball players has long consisted of LSD, long, slow, distance work.  While slow aerobic work has it benefits, I tend to disagree that it is a useful technique for baseball athletes which leads up to the inclusion of tempo runs.  Tempo runs tend to fill the gap between speed, aerobic fitness, and recovery. 
What are tempo runs?
Tempo runs are low intensity sprints performed at 65-75% of max speed.  They are essentially the middle ground between full out sprints, and slow jogging.  They are termed such by the great Canadian sprint coach Charlie Francis. He utilized tempo runs as not only a form of aerobic development for sprinters but as a means of recovery in his high / low system of programming. 

A high-low system, if you are unaware, means high nervous system intensive demands are all placed on one day, followed by low nervous system demands the following day. Join today for only $1 to access the full article and much more!