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Showing posts with label jump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jump. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Police Rescue Suicidal Woman From Rooftop | NBC News and The link between Depression and Suicide

Phoenix police officers pulled a young woman to safety from a ledge four stories above street. Gia Vang of KNPX describes what happened. » Subscribe to NBC News: » Watch more NBC video: NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips from NBC Nightly News, Meet The Press, and our original series Debunker, Flashback, Nerdwatch, and Show Me. Subscribe to our channel for news stories, technology, politics, health, entertainment, science, business, and exclusive NBC investigations. Connect with NBC News Online! Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Follow NBC News on Google+: Follow NBC News on Instagram: Follow NBC News on Pinterest:
Police Rescue Suicidal Woman From Rooftop | NBC News
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The link between Depression and Suicide

Suicide was the ninth leading cause of death in Florida and tenth in the U.S. About 30 percent of those who committed suicide displayed symptoms of depression at least three months before death.

A new study presented at the 28th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Congress in Amsterdam discovered behavior patterns such as risky behavior, agitation and impulsivity to be significant indicators of 50 percent of suicide attempts.
The study analyzed 2,811 individuals with depression who were a part of an international study of depression and suicide. Several parameters were studied that included previous suicide attempts, family history, current and previous treatments and the patient's clinical presentations. Psychiatric symptoms and clinical risk factors for bipolar disorder were also assessed. Of the participants, 628 had already attempted suicide.
"The strength of this study is that it's not a clinical trial, with ideal patients - it's a big study, from the real world," said study author Dr. Dina Popovic, a psychiatrist at Barcelona Hospital Clinic and the Clinical Research Institute of Biomedical Research in Spain.
The researchers found "depressive mixed states" often preceded suicide attempts and was quite relative to bipolarity.
"A 'depressive mixed state' is where a patient is depressed, but also has symptoms of 'excitation,' or mania. We found this significantly more in patients who had previously attempted suicide, than those who had not. In fact, 40 percent of all the depressed patients who attempted suicide had a 'mixed episode' rather than just depression."
Dr. Popovic added, "In our opinion, assessing these symptoms in every depressed patient we see is extremely important, and has immense therapeutic implications. Most of these symptoms will not be spontaneously referred by the patient, the clinician needs to inquire directly, and many clinicians may not be aware of the importance of looking at these symptoms before deciding to treat depressed patients."
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death for Americans, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Among American men, the suicide rate is about four times higher than among women.
Florida’s percentage of adults with suicidal thoughts was similar to the national percentage in 2012 to 2013. According to the National Survey of Drug Use and Health, in Florida, about 493Find Article,000 adults (3.4 percent of all adults) in 2009 through 2013 had serious thoughts of suicide within the year prior to being surveyed. The percentage did not change significantly over this period.
The Florida Depression Helpline is committed to providing you assistance and guidance if you or a loved one is currently battling depression or any other mental illness. Our representatives will help connect you with the best depression programs in Florida that will ensure your best shot at recovery. We will assist you every step of the way from admission at the best treatment centers for depression through the aftercare programs.


Andrew Peter is associated with for many years. Florida Depression Helpline provides assistance in finding treatment centers for Depression and depression programs in Florida in Florida.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

How to Jump Higher in Volleyball

Diego-and-Nate-Senior-Night-2015.jpgJumping higher is a must for just about any field or court sport. The reason is that the higher you jump, the more explosive you are as an athlete. Explosiveness is a cousin to overall foot speed as speed is one of the defining factors in vertical leap. Read on and learn how to increase your vertical as it applies to Volleyball in this instance.

How to Jump Higher in Volleyball
by Josh Bidds

Volleyball and basketball happen to be the two sports that require the most jumping. The approach in volleyball is one where you can go full out and nobody will step in your way so you can expect to jump your highest.

One of the best weighted exercises for jumping are squats. Don't think you can just do tons of squats and that you will be blocking balls with your armpits. Squats alone will really only get your legs stronger but not faster.

Doing small sub maximal repetitive jumps will only train your muscles to do exactly that, jump continually at a minimal heights. For volleyball training you need to focus on low reps in each set of jumps. If you are a blocker you need to focus on jump exercises that don't have an approach. Using a chair, do jumps from a seated position exploding up to jump onto a box at least 2 feet high. Do only 8 reps on a high enough box that the eighth rep is hard to finish.

So how exactly should you train to get the most of out of a plyometrics program? This is the question that has been studied by coaches and athletes for years. Working out improperly in the gym would just result in you doing a lot of work and getting very little results from it.

You should learn how to train smarter not harder when it comes to jumping. It may come as a surprise but there are workout programs that will increase your vert 2 inches in only 2 weeks.

This could make the difference of making a point or getting blocked. Imagine training for two months and adding 10 inches to your vertical! These results are not impossible. Remember to always check with a doctor before undergoing any excessive training and never train when you are sore.

Squats are a very good exercise to build the strength of the legs. Before you move on to plyos you need to be able to do ten squats in 10 seconds with your weight on the bar.

If you can do this then you are ready to start training for speed. Bo
More Information:
x jumps are a very good way to start. Find a box about 2 feet high and do sets of eight reps as fast as you can. Rest completely between sets! 
More on how to increase vertical andhow to jump higher


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Friday, March 14, 2014

Today's feature exercise: Dumbbell Jump Squats

Here is today's Feature Exercise Available in many Sports Specific Programs of the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System:

Grasp a dumbbell with each hand (both dumbbells should weigh the same). Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder width apart, and bend your knees slightly. Keep your feet flat on the floor and turn your toes out slightly. Keep your back tight and your chest out throughout the entire exercise. Keep your head and neck in line with your torso so that you are looking forward. Hang your arms directly at your sides. Rotate your palms so that they are facing inward toward each other. Keeping your feet flat on the floor, sit your hips back (like you are going to sit in a chair), bend your knees, and lean forward slightly at your waist. Breath in during this phase of the exercise. You will lower yourself fairly quickly. Lower yourself until your knees are bent approximately 90 degrees. At this point, your knees should be directly over your toes, your hips should be sitting back, and your chest should be directly over the middle of your thighs. Now, you will immediately jump straight up. Breath out during this phase of the exercise. Upon landing, immediately begin your next repetition.

View a video of this exercise
Nathan Lewis CSCS
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