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Monday, March 28, 2016

Do You Believe This Belly Fat Lie?


So you want to get rid of some belly fat.

And you can't help but be on the lookout for that magical exercise that will give you flat abs once-and-for-all.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble of hope...

But all the ab crunches in the world won't make a dent in your muffin top, as long as you continue with your unhealthy lifestyle.

This isn't a cutting edge discovery. In fact, by now it's common knowledge that spot reduction is a myth.

And yet, time after time, I'm asked to reveal the exercise, or exercise machine, that gets rid of stomach fat.

There is no such magical exercise.

The magic is found in altering your diet and exercise routine to promote fat loss from your overall body, including - but not limited to - your midsection.

Here's how to really get rid of that belly fat:

Flat Belly Tip #1: Cut Out Processed Foods
You know how Disneyland has the FastPass tickets that allow you to cut to the front of the ride lines?

Consider processed foods as a FastPass ticket to belly fat.

I wouldn't be surprised if future studies show that the over-processing, chemical additives and high fructose corn syrup that are pumped into processed food specifically adds fat around your belly.

If you want to lose pounds then stay away from sugars, sodas, chemically altered fats, processed, packaged, fried and preserved foods.

Flat Belly Tip #2: Eat Fresh, Whole Foods
Once you've cut the garbage out of your diet, fill in the void with fresh foods such as:

  • Green veggies
  • Whole fruit
  • Lean, high quality meat
  • Colorful veggies
  • Whole grains, in moderation
While these foods may seem boring at first, stick with it long enough and you'll grow to love the unadulterated flavor of real food.

Eating a diet filled with the foods listed above will give your body all the nutrients it needs to shed pounds and lean out.

Flat Belly Tip #3: A Consistent, Challenging Exercise Program
The absolute best way to fight the battle of the muffin top is with a consistent, challenging exercise program.

  • Consistent: You should exercise 3-5 times each week.
  • Challenging: If you want to see results then keep your body guessing with new exercises and varied intensity.
My exercise programs are specifically crafted to get you into the best shape of your life.

I'd love to hear from you. Click here, Call (571)5015306 or email ( ) today to get started.
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Skinny on Weight Control

How much should you exercise to maintain your weight loss?
Originally featured in:
After you lose weight, how much exercise do you need to keep it off?
80 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (walking between 2.2 and 3.7 mph, playing softball, golf or table tennis) a day or 35 minutes of vigorous activity (jogging, active dancing, tennis) a day.
That's according to researchers at the University of Chicago and the University of Wisconsin at Madison who followed 33 women, ages 20-50, for one year after they had lost at least 26 pounds.
This amount of exercise -- the 80 minutes of moderate or 35 minutes of vigorous activity a day -- which the study found necessary for maintaining weight control is much higher than the half hour a day of moderate intensity activity generally recommended to promote health. The researchers suggest that, if you want to try it, the most practical approach is to alternate vigorous exercise one day, moderate the next.
But don't take these numbers as gospel. "It's a good study," Says John Foreyt, Ph.D., a leading obesity researcher at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. "But it's one study. Many people are able to maintain their body weight with less exercise [than this]." While physical activity is a must to keep off weight, he says, those who maintain a weight loss often figure out for themselves how much they can eat and how long and hard they must exercise. It varies from person to person.