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Showing posts with label cancer survivor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer survivor. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2020

Living As A Cancer Survivor - Honest Evaluations Can Hurt - by Mark Everett Kelly

Source: Mark Everett Kelly (CKMagicSports/Worldwide Sports Radio Network)

Living As A Cancer Survivor - Honest Evaluations Can Hurt

If you have consistently read my blog (this is my 47th entry), you should have a good understanding of my personality. It's hard to put into perspective how I gauge my emotions every day. Nothing causes more stress and desperation than hearing someone I love, worried. I automatically speed through my mind how I could be responsible. I react that way because it breaks my heart to see a loved one hurting. 


I am under no exaggeration as to what my value is overall in society.  

Surviving cancer has created such a thorn in my side. I am grateful for surviving because of all the others that have suffered and died from this disease. However, I also find myself humiliated because of the ways it affected my body and took away so many things I loved. 

I can understand why those who lost someone to this disease would be offended by that. I don't feel that way all the time, but when I'm unable to walk because of the severe pain I deal with, or I can't leave my house due to Crohn's, I break down a little.

I am extremely tough on myself. I try to hold myself to a standard (I can hear the laughter of those who would disagree from here). For the majority of my life, I have tried to represent Christ with my actions, words, and behavior (that I know others are laughing at). It's hard to explain how much my relationship with Jesus means to me. I could not live without it. I know what touches my heart because God distinctly created specific characteristics that bring out tears, joy, sorrow, sincerity, and especially hope.

I am an empathetic person. I try my best to put myself in someone else shoes when they are experiencing something. I do my best no to judge others because I know how much I hate when others judge me.


I think we all come to a point in life where we want to make a difference with the talents given to us. I'm certainly not unique when I say I have failed to accomplish those things. I'm trying, but lately, I look around and see the reality of what I have become. That scares me to death. 

What if I never achieve? What if I let everyone down who chose to believe in me? I look up and see zero followers on Patreon. I've had to chase people down who said they would get back to me. I've thoroughly embarrassed myself, reaching out to people asking for speaking opportunities. My book was a total failure (only 23 copies sold).

Former NFL Coach Bill Parcells says, "You are what your record says you are." Well, if that's the case, then the results are apparent. I want everyone to understand that I'm the last thing that someone would call a success. I have to prove myself every day as well.


Former UCLA Head Coach John Wooden used to tell his players, "Never mistake activity for achievement." When you reach my age, you should have certain things that you earned. Everything I had, I was given. I don't feel like I can call myself anything other than a burden until the results say something different.

While I'm currently laying the groundwork to be self-supporting, I have experienced countless potholes. I find myself needing motivation most mornings to get out of bed. Some days my legs are so swollen I am unable to put on pants. Other days I can't go 10 feet without having to circle back because of stomach issues. The battle is exhausting at times.


I can't expect those who read this blog to support someone who is phony. I despise artificial people and those who purposely deceive others. If I can't be honest with my failures and in my desire to be better, then how can I be trusted? My heart is pure, but it's broken. It's broken because I see others around me who need me to be better and achieve success. 

I would appreciate those who pray to please say a prayer for me this week. Someone close to me is also facing a situation that is causing an enormous amount of stress. 


One thing I don't want to ever be is fake. I owe honesty, integrity, and sincerity to all who cross my path. I want everyone to know that it's OK if you don't feel like conquering the world every day. It's OK if you suffer from depression, loneliness, feeling left out, confused, or like you don't fit in. Do the best you can and don't be afraid to reach out to others who you trust. 

Friday, January 10, 2020

Living As A Cancer Survivor: Confusion By Cancer

SOURCE: MARK EVERETT KELLY/ Sports Radio Network/"My Scars Tell A Story"

Living As A Cancer Survivor: Confusion by Cancer

Welcome to my first blog entry of 2020. Thank you for reading, and please share with others who you believe can identify with some of the issues facing survivors.

What do I mean by my title? We already know cancer itself causes much confusion. How did I get this? What is wrong with my body? What can I do to avoid another relapse? These are all vital questions that survivors must ask themselves.

As we enter 2020, much of the cancer world still has it's head up its ass. There is no long-term advantage to radiation besides a burning on your insides. There is no long-term advantage to chemotherapy other than having toxins put in your body. 

Why are medical communities sprouting with more chemo centers and radiation clinics? I honestly thought by now there would have been a cure. Why isn't more being put into the health of our T-cells and how they can be used to kill cancer without any damage from other treatments? 

There are thousands of products out there that identity with cancer, but none of them should be confused with "treatment." Greed is everywhere. Predators are seeking people like you to "sell" you on the latest thing (diet, exercise, potion, powder, pills, shakes, etc...). Please don't fall for it.

I hope this helps in laying out some options. I understand how overwhelming a diagnosis can be. Education and empowerment help people make better choices.

Renowned Medical Practices & Hospitals  

Places such as Memorial Sloan-KetteringShriners Hospitals for Children,  UAB HospitalSt. Judes Children's Research Hospital, and Cancer Treatment Centers of America are all options to consider. Costs can vary depending on insurance, while others like Shriners and St. Judes have endowments that help cover the costs.

Natural Doctors

I understand that the medical community scoffs at this notion. However, it would be best if you researched what they are claiming. I know several homeopathic doctors that care about lies the medical community tries to spew and desires to educate people on how our bodies work.

Each person needs to decide for themself what to do. I believe in treating the patient and finding the underlying cause of what caused cancer instead of just treating the symptoms. I would never tell someone NOT to do treatment, but damaging the body more isn't always the best option.

Cancer University

Click on the logo to see more information.

Click on the logo to see more information.

Before I begin, I am on the board of Cancer U. None of us on the board benefit financially. I know each individual involved and the motivation behind the company. The sole purpose it exists is to educate & empower patients who feel lost and overwhelmed upon diagnosis.

I encourage each of you to check out the site (cancer university) and gain access to their library and thrivers forum. Right now, all of their services are free or should be. If there is a charge, email me, and I will help. The point of this is to help others while giving them hope and options, not make people more hopeless and broke.


Check out the latest episodes of “The Morning Boys” by clicking here.

Check out the latest episodes of “The Morning Boys” by clicking here.

I now do a sports radio show every Monday and Thursday from 8-11 AM EST. You can find all our shows, live and via podcast, here. 


I can always be reached by email (CKMagicSports@gmail or LivingAsACancerSurvivor@gmail). Please see the links below to follow me or contact me on social sites. I welcome (need) more followers and supporters. Please don't be shy about sharing your thoughts.  


Please reach out to me or anyone in the beautiful support groups on Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, or other social sites. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Living As A Cancer Survivor - December 17-24, 1990 - Surviving My First Round of Chemo - Mark Everett Kelly

SOURCE: Mark Everett Kelly/CKMagicSports/Worldwide Sports Radio Network (WWSRN)

December 17-24, 1990 - Surviving My First Round Of Chemo

December 19, 2019

Mark Everett Kelly celebrated his 29th year since his diagnosis of Stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma on December 12, 1990.
Mark Everett Kelly celebrated his 29th year since his diagnosis of Stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma on December 12, 1990.
The week before Christmas in 1990, I spent receiving my very first dose of chemotherapy. My doctors at Memorial Sloan Kettering put me on an experimental protocol of treatment for Rhabdomyosarcoma. The protocol called for five days of treatment during the first cycle. 
One of the reasons I decided to go into detail of my first treatment is because hospitals today still use the same types of chemotherapy they used on me almost 30 years ago. They include Ifosfamide, etoposide, Cytoxan, doxorubicin/adriamycin and vincristine.
The fact that these drugs are still so commonly used, despite knowing the long-term side effects they will cause, greatly disturbs me. Please look at this link to discover the over 40 diseases/conditions that will eventually replace cancer. Despite "beating" the disease, patients will forever be dealing with long-term issues that will permanently change their quality of life.
If I wanted to deal with a much more deadly, aggressive form of Rhabdomyosarcoma a few months down the line, then no, it wasn’t a choice. The tumor was also a little too large to remove all at once. The hope was that chemotherapy would shrink it enough to be removed before beginning bone-marrow transplant.
Below is an explanation from the same website that lists the diseases I referred to in my previous paragraph. 
"Only about 15-20% of patients will have visible spreading (metastasis) of Rhabdomyosarcoma, but all patients are considered to have micrometastatic spread (too small for detection by radiologic tests). For this reason, chemotherapy should be used to treat all patients with RMS to eliminate micrometastatic tumor cells and decrease the likelihood of recurrence. Many different types of chemotherapy are used, and usually in combination. The specific combination selected depends on cell type, primary tumor location, and extent of the disease."
Micrometastatic cancer cells hide and are undetectable on most diagnostic tests such as an MRI, Bone Scan and Cat Scan. My oncologist, Dr. Ghavimi, who designed my protocol, said if I didn’t complete the entire protocol, then I might as well shoot a bullet through my skull.
I work up from surgery on December 17, groggy, and in pain from the lymph nodes they surgically removed from my right groin. They also inserted a broviac which had running through it my first dose of chemotherapy. Later that evening, I vomited about 20 times, which was a common occurrence for the remainder of the week. 
Despite all these horrible side effects, there was one very positive result. My first round of treatment ended at midnight on December 23/24. When my doctor examined before sending me home for Christmas, he discovered my tumor had shrunk about 50 percent from the start of treatment on Monday. 
Please make sure you read my next blog entry next week.
If you wish to purchase a copy, please email Mark at The publisher continues to charge too much, and the purpose of the book was so others could be inspired by it, not overpay. As Mark puts it, "I didn't write "War & Peace." 

Click on logo to view “The Morning Boys” on Tuesday & Friday, 8-11 AM.

Click on logo to view “The Morning Boys” on Tuesday & Friday, 8-11 AM.
I no longer am accepting any earnings from the publisher due to this unfortunate decision by Dorrance. Whatever copies I have left, I will send it to whoever wants one. 
I now do a sports radio show every Tuesday and Friday from 8-11 AM EST. You can find all our shows, live and via podcast, here. 
I can always be reached by email (CKMagicSports@gmail or LivingAsACancerSurvivor@gmail). Please see the links below to follow me or contact me on social sites. I welcome (need) more followers and supporters. Please don't be shy about sharing your thoughts.  
Please reach out to me or anyone in the beautiful support groups on Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, or other social sites. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Diagnosed with Colon Cancer - How The Truth About Cancer Impacted My Cancer Journey

Here's the second video of colon cancer survivor, Marietta. Make sure to subscribe to our channel here: and be sure to watch her full cancer survivor story: Here are her 3 Health Tips to To Stay "Cancer-Free": 1. Choose foods that are high in nutrients. Avoid processed foods. Pay attention to what you put in your body. 2. Slow down - give meditation a try. Live in the present moment and pay attention to the thoughts you think and the words you use. 3. Know your supplements - our bodies need more than what we can get from foods. If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up and share it with others you love and care about.

-------------------------------------------------- About The Truth About Cancer -------------------------------------------------- The Truth About Cancer’s mission is to inform, educate, and eradicate the pandemic of cancer in our modern world. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer (and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love. --------------------------------------- About Ty Bollinger --------------------------------------- Ty Bollinger is a devoted husband, father, a best-selling author, and a Christian. He is also a licensed CPA, health freedom advocate, cancer researcher, former competitive bodybuilder, and author of the best-selling book Cancer - Step Outside the Box, which has sold over 100,000 copies worldwide. After losing his mother and father and several family members to cancer, Ty’s heartbreak and grief coupled with his firm belief that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the NOT the most effective treatments available for cancer patients led him on a path of discovery. He began a quest to learn everything he possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry. What he uncovered was shocking. On his journey, he’s interviewed cutting-edge scientists, leading alternative doctors, and groundbreaking researchers to learn about hidden alternative cancer treatments. What he uncovered help to create The Truth About Cancer and its 3 awe-inspiring docu-series: The Quest for The Cures, The Quest For The Cures Continues, and The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. Ty has touched the hearts and changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. Ty speaks frequently at conferences, local health group meetings, churches, and guest stars on multiple radio and TV shows and writes for numerous magazines and websites.

Friday, February 16, 2018

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Cancer Survivor Story - Norma Harrison - Breast Cancer

To discover how Norma beat breast cancer and to hear about the top four things that helped her heal, watch this video now. For more moving and brave survivor stories, click here: Norma was on vacation in Portugal when it happened. She felt lumps in her breasts. She was shocked because she had always gone in for her annual mammogram and there had never been any sign of cancer. Norma’s breast cancer diagnosis was confirmed when she went home to Sydney, Australia. And that’s when things got even tougher. Because her doctor's recommended breast cancer treatment didn't sit right with her, she took matters into her own hands and looked for natural cancer treatments. When you watch you’ll hear how this breast cancer survivor found her own path to healing. You’ll also hear about her career challenge during this difficult time. She simply couldn’t take sick leave because of her unique circumstances. But in the end, working turned out to be a part of her solution. Watch this breast cancer story now and you’ll also discover the 4 things she did that helped her heal. One of the reasons surprised her. Norma also discusses how she found out about natural treatments for cancer that made sense to her and are based on solid research. They may work for you and your loved ones, too. If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up and share it with others you love and care about. WATCH MORE INCREDIBLE CANCER SURVIVOR STORIES:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have you survived a cancer diagnosis and lived to tell about it? We hear so many amazing stories from our readers about how they beat cancer using the very techniques they’ve learned from The Truth About Cancer… and we’d love to hear YOUR story! Sharing these stories brings hope to those who have been diagnosed with or are currently dealing with cancer. So, if you have a personal story to share of your triumph over cancer, please follow this link and tell us all about it: . Each week we’ll post a new story on our site from the submissions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit our website: Join TTAC's 1 million FB fans: Follow us on PINTEREST: Find us on INSTAGRAM: Support our mission by commenting and sharing with your friends and family below. -------------------------------------------------- About The Truth About Cancer -------------------------------------------------- The Truth About Cancer’s mission is to inform, educate, and eradicate the pandemic of cancer in our modern world. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer (and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love. --------------------------------------- About Ty Bollinger --------------------------------------- Ty Bollinger is a devoted husband, father, a best-selling author, and a Christian. He is also a licensed CPA, health freedom advocate, cancer researcher, former competitive bodybuilder, and author of the best-selling book Cancer - Step Outside the Box, which has sold over 100,000 copies worldwide. After losing his mother and father and several family members to cancer, Ty’s heartbreak and grief coupled with his firm belief that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the NOT the most effective treatments available for cancer patients led him on a path of discovery. He began a quest to learn everything he possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry. What he uncovered was shocking. On his journey, he’s interviewed cutting-edge scientists, leading alternative doctors, and groundbreaking researchers to learn about hidden alternative cancer treatments. What he uncovered help to create The Truth About Cancer and its 3 awe-inspiring docu-series: The Quest for The Cures, The Quest For The Cures Continues, and The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. Ty has touched the hearts and changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. Ty speaks frequently at conferences, local health group meetings, churches, and guest stars on multiple radio and TV shows and writes for numerous magazines and websites.
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