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Showing posts with label StandUp2Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label StandUp2Cancer. Show all posts

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Cancer Survivor Suffering From Long Term Side Effects of Treatment Needs Your Help - Support Mark Everett Kelly

SOURCE: Worldwide Sports Radio Network/Mark Everett Kelly/
Living As A Cancer Survivor/"My Scars Tell A Story"

Help Support Cancer Survivor Who Cannot Work Due To Long Term Side Effects of Chemo and Radiation

Living As A Cancer Survivor - December 17-24, 1990 - Surviving My First Round of Chemo - Mark Everett Kelly

SOURCE: Mark Everett Kelly/CKMagicSports/Worldwide Sports Radio Network (WWSRN)

December 17-24, 1990 - Surviving My First Round Of Chemo

December 19, 2019

Mark Everett Kelly celebrated his 29th year since his diagnosis of Stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma on December 12, 1990.
Mark Everett Kelly celebrated his 29th year since his diagnosis of Stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma on December 12, 1990.
The week before Christmas in 1990, I spent receiving my very first dose of chemotherapy. My doctors at Memorial Sloan Kettering put me on an experimental protocol of treatment for Rhabdomyosarcoma. The protocol called for five days of treatment during the first cycle. 
One of the reasons I decided to go into detail of my first treatment is because hospitals today still use the same types of chemotherapy they used on me almost 30 years ago. They include Ifosfamide, etoposide, Cytoxan, doxorubicin/adriamycin and vincristine.
The fact that these drugs are still so commonly used, despite knowing the long-term side effects they will cause, greatly disturbs me. Please look at this link to discover the over 40 diseases/conditions that will eventually replace cancer. Despite "beating" the disease, patients will forever be dealing with long-term issues that will permanently change their quality of life.
If I wanted to deal with a much more deadly, aggressive form of Rhabdomyosarcoma a few months down the line, then no, it wasn’t a choice. The tumor was also a little too large to remove all at once. The hope was that chemotherapy would shrink it enough to be removed before beginning bone-marrow transplant.
Below is an explanation from the same website that lists the diseases I referred to in my previous paragraph. 
"Only about 15-20% of patients will have visible spreading (metastasis) of Rhabdomyosarcoma, but all patients are considered to have micrometastatic spread (too small for detection by radiologic tests). For this reason, chemotherapy should be used to treat all patients with RMS to eliminate micrometastatic tumor cells and decrease the likelihood of recurrence. Many different types of chemotherapy are used, and usually in combination. The specific combination selected depends on cell type, primary tumor location, and extent of the disease."
Micrometastatic cancer cells hide and are undetectable on most diagnostic tests such as an MRI, Bone Scan and Cat Scan. My oncologist, Dr. Ghavimi, who designed my protocol, said if I didn’t complete the entire protocol, then I might as well shoot a bullet through my skull.
I work up from surgery on December 17, groggy, and in pain from the lymph nodes they surgically removed from my right groin. They also inserted a broviac which had running through it my first dose of chemotherapy. Later that evening, I vomited about 20 times, which was a common occurrence for the remainder of the week. 
Despite all these horrible side effects, there was one very positive result. My first round of treatment ended at midnight on December 23/24. When my doctor examined before sending me home for Christmas, he discovered my tumor had shrunk about 50 percent from the start of treatment on Monday. 
Please make sure you read my next blog entry next week.
If you wish to purchase a copy, please email Mark at The publisher continues to charge too much, and the purpose of the book was so others could be inspired by it, not overpay. As Mark puts it, "I didn't write "War & Peace." 

Click on logo to view “The Morning Boys” on Tuesday & Friday, 8-11 AM.

Click on logo to view “The Morning Boys” on Tuesday & Friday, 8-11 AM.
I no longer am accepting any earnings from the publisher due to this unfortunate decision by Dorrance. Whatever copies I have left, I will send it to whoever wants one. 
I now do a sports radio show every Tuesday and Friday from 8-11 AM EST. You can find all our shows, live and via podcast, here. 
I can always be reached by email (CKMagicSports@gmail or LivingAsACancerSurvivor@gmail). Please see the links below to follow me or contact me on social sites. I welcome (need) more followers and supporters. Please don't be shy about sharing your thoughts.  
Please reach out to me or anyone in the beautiful support groups on Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, or other social sites. 

Living As A Cancer Survivor - Ghosts Of Christmas Pasts & Hope For 2020 - Mark Everett Kelly

SOURCE: Mark Everett Kelly/CKMagicSports/Worldwide Sports Radio Network (WWSRN)

Living As A Cancer Survivor - Ghosts Of Christmas Pasts and Hope For 2020

December 26, 2019

Mark Everett Kelly, seen here with his Uncle John Harper, is a 29-year survivor of Stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Mark Everett Kelly, seen here with his Uncle John Harper, is a 29-year survivor of Stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Merry day after Christmas, everyone. I had planned on continuing my post from last week on the Christmas of 1990. I wanted to say something else today, but I will do both things that I want to put in this blog today.
I was released from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital around 2:00 PM on Christmas Eve. I had so much stuff sent to me from friends and family since my admission that I needed four or five bags to fit all of my stuff.
Christmas Eve, I spent with my girlfriend, whom I had just started to date three weeks prior. A death notice from cancer wasn't the best gift idea, but to her credit, it did not scare her away. I had not been home since my diagnosis, so the feeling was one that I never experienced before. It was gloomy, strange, and awkward. I was happy to be home, but this was not the same home I left on December 10.
Christmas Day was much that same. Friends came over to see me, family stopped over, and we exchanged gifts, but no one who came over knew what to say. Hope was not present. The unknown invaded our house like someone coming to steal from us. Whenever the unknown is involved, things feel messed up. No one wants to say the wrong something. Everyone comes across your path picks up on that feeling. I hope I never experience that again. 
Whenever I visit families on the pediatric cancer floor, I see that look and feel that presence. Whatever you may be feeling this Christmas and whoever you are celebrating with this new year, please take a moment to pray for the other society that exists. I never could imagine such despair existed, but it does. 
There are also infants, babies, toddlers, young children, and teenagers facing a future that only existed in movies and other people's world. There are survivors facing cancer returning and the mental exhaustion of what that can entail. Count your blessings, and please encourage anyone open to helping the cancer community. 
Now that I got that out of the way, 2019 was a hard year for this blogger. I learned many hard, embarrassing lessons, and the timeline I gave myself to succeed following my divorce, I did not meet. That said, I did take encouraging steps in many directions. 
May God continue to shine His blessing on everyone. If you are alone and feel worthless, shame, guilt, lonely, and like you don't matter. You do. I think the same way. Don't blame God or believe that His promises aren't sufficient. The only thing we can do as believers or non-believers is to be present. Be accountable. Be honest. Be sincere. Give of yourself whatever you have. Use the talents God gave you to honor the fact that He created you for a specific purpose that was just yours. Realize, no other person in the world can give the world what you can. 
God knew YOU - how you think, how you feel, what you are sensitive to, what you are corrupted by, what your failures would be, your list of failures, lies, deceit. He knew all of it. However, He came to take those burdens and throw them away. That does not mean we continue to carelessly do those things because we know the price has been paid and covered. Much the same way, you would not continue to gorge yourself with food despite the bill already being paid. What you owe others, yourself, and your Creator - REAL. HONESTY. You try. You GET UP. You go to the people you lied to, betrayed, and let down, and you OWN UP. BE A MAN/WOMAN. Don't make excuses. 
Don't allow the shit in this world and lies of the enemy that wants to destroy you and take away that purpose that can transform others - whether you see it or not. You ARE Important. You DO MATTER. You are LOVED. Keep trying. Keep plugging. Your sins, mistakes, and transgressions are over. I am down now. I am hurting now. I am broke, behind on bills, and so fucking stressed about what other bills and payments I can't make. My body is breaking down. I have to drag my skinny ass out of bed and deal with pain, fevers, intestinal blockages, etc. 
The world sees me as a loser now. But I will continue to spit in the eye of the enemy that wants me to give up. That will NEVER happen. They will have to drag my skinny ass to the grave to stop me from fighting, kicking, and screaming. Keep fighting. Don't quit. You do matter. May God continue to bless and keep you. Happy New Year!
There will be no blog for the week of December 30.

To view episodes of “The Morning Boys” click on the photo.

To view episodes of “The Morning Boys” click on the photo.
I now do a sports radio show every Tuesday and Friday from 8-11 AM EST. You can find all our shows, live and via podcast, here. 
I can always be reached by email (CKMagicSports@gmail or LivingAsACancerSurvivor@gmail). Please see the links below to follow me or contact me on social sites. I welcome (need) more followers and supporters. Please don't be shy about sharing your thoughts.  
Please reach out to me or anyone in the beautiful support groups on Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, or other social sites.