These people don't get cancer!
But when they move away from their native land and changetheir diet, they get cancer just like anybody else...
Could their health secret cure "terminal" cancer patients?
Whatever you think about Bill Clinton, he’s right about eating this particular food! It’s edible, flavorful, non-toxic, and highly nutritious.
When you bite into this food, you taste a strong flavor, like an extract that’s used in some cake recipes.
When you bite into this food, you taste a strong flavor, like an extract that’s used in some cake recipes.
Doctor tells his "terminal" patient:
"Congratulations, you're cancer free!"
Rev. Rudolph used the remedy and sent me this e-mail a few months later:
“My blood was tested on September 9, 2009 and the following day, the oncologist told me: “Congratulations, you are cancer free!” I thank God for my healing. Thirty-one different tests were performed on my blood and I am perfectly healed. No cancer in my body!”
“My blood was tested on September 9, 2009 and the following day, the oncologist told me: “Congratulations, you are cancer free!” I thank God for my healing. Thirty-one different tests were performed on my blood and I am perfectly healed. No cancer in my body!”
- The following November one of my grandfathers died of cancer
- In May 1997 one of my cousins died of cancer
- The following July one of my uncles died of cancer
- In February 1999 one of my grandmothers died of cancer
- The following August my other grandfather died of cancer
- And in February 2004, my mom died of cancer.
They didn't know about these cures. Neither did I.
How I cured the skin cancer on my face

San Francisco doctors kill cancer cells using the remedy from India
Cancer treatment racketeers fire a whistle-blower!
Amazing stories of death sentences reversed!

Conspiracy to keep Americans in the dark
Better than nothing? Don’t count on it!
Actor Patrick Swayze was poisoned,declares Suzanne Somers

How the cancer cure from northern India works

Natural pain remedy
Doctor told Frank he had a year to live – a few weeks later he couldn’t even FIND Frank’s cancer!

Here’s some other fascinating infoyou’ll get in my book
- Best way to get rid of dead cancer cells as your tumors dissolve (Page 132)
- Burn your child with radiation OR ELSE! The shocking story of medical terrorism against 12-year-old Katie and her parents (Pages 80-1)
- Brain cancer specialist says, “I’d never have radiation if I had a brain tumor” – yet he still prescribes radiation for his patients! (Page 66)
- Chemotherapist with cancer tells colleagues, “Do anything you want, but no chemotherapy!” (Page 71)
- Letting the fox into the henhouse: How conventional cancer doctors almost guarantee their stage-four patients will die (Page 77)
- JFK’s personal physician cured his own cancer with a natural cure that you can easily make on your stove. What it is, and how to make it (Pages 136-8)
- The alternative doctor with the 93 percent cure rate, based on his 32,507 cancer patients! Beats conventional medicine’s cancer cure rate of 2 percent. (Page 132)
- The natural cancer cure that vibrates cancer cells to death – the way an opera singer shatters a glass – with no damage to your normal cells (Page 51)
- 7-time Nobel Prize nominee discovers natural cure that has reversed more “terminal” cancers than perhaps any other treatment (Page 119)
- Why you should be eating this cancer-fighting food from the Bible! (Page 246)
- The mineral that disrupts the cancer cells’ fermentation process, starving them to death. Inexpensive and easily available. No side effects (Page 127).
How to cancer-proof yourself

Fast-response BONUS:How to get Five Bonus Reports as a FREE GIFT
To encourage you to take advantage of my no-risk 90-day unconditional
money back guarantee, I’ll send you these five FREE reports as a fast response bonus if you order within the next 24 hours:

money back guarantee, I’ll send you these five FREE reports as a fast response bonus if you order within the next 24 hours:

- Irregular heartbeat? Natural remedy from Japan helps correct it. Also lowers triglycerides, high blood pressure, and excess cholesterol
- Giant 100-pound plant with gigantic anti-cancer effect. Good for stomach cancer, lung cancer, even leukemia
- Strange but true: beer can help correct blood-sugar imbalances. Other natural substances also contain the missing ingredient
- Urinary incontinence? Natural remedy from Asia helps regain control fast
- Nature’s answer to the “carb high” and “sugar high.” Evens out your blood sugar imbalances
- Acne, rash, skin inflammation? This natural anti-inflammatory remedy was used in ancient Egypt – still works today
- Worried about swine flu or H1N1? Nature’s remedy comes from the Asian wilderness. No side effects
- Nature’s way to kill fungus, parasites, and candida (nasty yeast) in the gut. Comes from the Holy Land and is as powerful as it is old
- WARNING: Certain dairy products linked to cancer. But when you see these five words on the label, you know the dairy product is safe.
- Arthritis? Rheumatism? Treat the cause, not just the symptoms. The biblical remedy that detoxifies while it soothes your inflammation
- Best way to get hydrogen peroxide into your body. Safe method takes only 30 minutes and saturates your cells with cancer-killing oxygen