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Showing posts with label abs workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abs workout. Show all posts

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Before and After Weight Loss Pictures of Top Fitness Model Revealed!

Nate-@-Gilman-2.jpgHappy May Day Athletes and Warriors! Today's transformation is a bit of a long one but well worth the read. So many years and I still marvel when a human being tires of being average and activates their faith to transform and change their lives for the better. Which simply means, if they can do it, why not you too?

Before and After Weight Loss Pictures of Top Fitness Model Revealed!

Hitch Fit Co-Founder & Co-Owner Diana Chaloux – LaCerte shares her story and never before seen before and after photos!

Before and After Weight Loss Pictures of Top Fitness Model RevealedBefore and After pictures of top fitness model Diana Chaloux – LaCerte!

All too often, people see me now, and think that I’ve never had my own personal weight battles. They may think that it’s always been easy or natural for me to make healthy choices. Or that I have been lean my entire life. What they don’t realize is that transformation is so personal to me, and I’m so passionate about it, because I have BEEN there myself. Everything we preach at Hitch Fit, I have had to put into practice in my personal life!

I recently had the chance to share my story and some never before seen “Before” pictures on KCTV5’s Better Kansas City show. These were images that have been hidden in boxes, in a closet for over a decade. I’ve shared my personal transformation story before, but never shared some of the pictures that just felt a little too embarrassing for me. I realized it was time to let it all out, to be truthful about the challenges that I personally faced, and hopefully inspire someone else to just take those first steps to positive change just like I did!

At my heaviest weight I was at least 175 pounds. I say at least because I hopped on a scale one day in 2004 and it went up over 175. I didn’t step on a scale again for several months, and not until that weight had already come down a bit. I didn’t take a lot of pictures during that time. I avoided cameras, or hid behind people. I gained this amount of weight because of some very unhealthy emotional eating habits. I was binge eating in the night. I was a compulsive over-eater. Once I started eating, I wouldn’t stop. I would starve myself all day, mostly as punishment for the binge I had undertaken the night before, then when I couldn’t stand my hunger any longer, I would eat until I couldn’t eat anymore. This hidden behavior always happened at night, when no one was watching. I never admitted it to anyone. I claimed to not have any idea why I was gaining weight. Guess what. I KNEW, and I was scared. I felt out of control. Each morning I woke up and vowed that it wouldn’t happen again. But as the night grew closer, the old habits continued to creep in and take over.Weight Loss Story

I needed motivation. I needed a goal strong enough to catapult me past these negative behaviors, and enable me to start realizing my true potential. For me, that goal was competition. Something I had dreamed of for years. But my excuses and procrastination were getting me nowhere closer to achieving my aspirations. I finally had enough. I was tired of not feeling well. Tired of my low self-esteem. Tired of not liking what I saw in the mirror. Tired of not fitting into my clothes. Tired of feeling disappointed with myself. Tired of talking and talking and not doing. In July 2005 I finally started to take action, and most importantly to take power and responsibility for my choices. Specifically my eating choices. I realized I DO have control. I changed my mindset towards food and started using it to help me rather than hurt me.

When I finally made the commitment and was ready for change, an interesting thing happened. I LOVED this new life. I didn’t miss the old one. Didn’t miss the binge eating. Didn’t miss the horrible feelings in the morning. Didn’t miss compromising myself because of my low self-esteem. I didn’t miss a thing. What I discovered was something that I loved. A body that I felt strong and confident in. Confidence that made me believe in myself and my ability to succeed. I found FREEDOM in the discipline that I learned through transformation. I also discovered that everything I had dreamed of, my goals and dreams, were all just waiting for me on the other side of this new disciplined lifestyle.

What happened next? 

Well, thanks to God’s grace and what I believe His purpose is for my life, I lost over 40 pounds, won my first show, went on to compete for 7 years, won 7 shows including two World Champion titles, had the chance to be in my favorite fitness magazines, met the man of my dreams through the fitness industry, moved to a city that I love, started a business that I love and wake up passionate and excited about each and every day! All of this happened for me because I decided to make a change. I decided to take action. I don’t know where my life would be if I hadn’t made that choice, but I’m so grateful I did, because I sure do love this one!

So here’s the segment from Better Kansas City – below that I will share some additional thoughts I didn’t have time for on the show!

YES it’s TRUE that Arnold Schwarzenneger picked me out of the crowd and said “Nice Abs” .

I was taking his picture as he walked by, so actually got the shot of him looking and pointing at me! 

Arnold says Nice ABsArnold says “Nice Abs”

Oxygen Magazine Fitness Model Diana Chaloux - LaCerte

Then Oxygen Magazine did a little blurb about Arnold’s compliment!

Here are some of the strategies that worked for me as I went through transformation and then transitioned to maintenance.

If you would like my help as you go through your own transformation journey, please check out the Online Personal Training options that we have available right here at Hitch Fit. If you’re in Kansas City area, contact me to find out more about our one on one transformation training gyms.

  1. I realized the importance of nutrition. I took power and responsibility for my choices. I recognized that the only one making my food choices was ME. I could either make the ones that kept me back from achieving my goals OR I could make the ones that brought me closer to my goals.
  2. I stopped telling myself that I couldn’t control my patterns. I changed my mindset. This can be done INTENTIONALLY. If you catch yourself saying something negative or untrue (I can’t control myself or I had no choice), stop yourself immediately and replace that with the truth. You DO have a choice, you CAN make the right choice, you DO have control.
  3. I realized that I COULD eat anything and everything I wanted. It wasn’t a matter of not being able to eat something. I didn’t say “I can’t eat that”, because that wasn’t the truth. The truth was that I could eat anything, but certain choices would push me further away from my goal, while others would get me closer to it. So it became a matter of “not wanting” things that prevented me from success. When I realized I just didn’t want those things. It relieved a lot of stress and anxiety over food. When you tell yourself you can’t have something, you want it all the more, that simple switch in thinking opened the door for great freedom from food obsession.
  4. I walked out my choices and recognized the REAL sacrifice. It wasn’t not getting to eat something in the moment. The REAL sacrifice was giving up my goal for a few seconds of chewing and swallowing. I mentally linked up the negative consequences of my poor eating habits to the choices themselves. When I looked at a former temptation and suddenly it represented something negative to me, it became easy to not want it.
  5. I stayed diligent. I knew that this process was not going to be easy. I knew it would not happen overnight. I knew I would need diligence and consistency to get there.
  6. I focused on positive and small successes. Every week wasn’t an amazing loss or change. There were weeks when I worked so hard and saw nothing happen. But I always focused on the positives, even if it was a little thing. A gain in strength. Able to see a muscle more visibly. My clothes fitting better. Whatever little success was there, that’s what I focused on.
  7. I read positive affirmations every single day. These were statements written in present tense “I am” statements. I read them every single morning. I planted those thoughts into my mind so that they would become my reality.
  8. When I was finished with my first transformation, I knew that the key to maintaining my losses was all about my eating choices. I stuck with the habits that I had learned, and gradually transitioned into a maintenance lifestyle.
  9. I embraced a new lifestyle. This was not a quick fix or a diet. I looked at the long term and the new habits I developed I was determined that this was the new me. There was no going back!
  10. I reached out for help along this journey anytime I needed it. I found support in family and friends and coaches along the way. It’s important to have cheerleaders who are encouraging to you!
Here is my original transformation feature that I shared on the Hitch Fit site back in 2015! 

Before and After Pictures of Top Fitness Model Diana Chaloux LaCerteBefore and After Transformation Photos of Hitch Fit Owner Diana Chaloux LaCerte

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