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Showing posts with label NCAA wrestling flowrestling High School wrestling programs Blair Academy Penn State Wrestling Wrestling tournament. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NCAA wrestling flowrestling High School wrestling programs Blair Academy Penn State Wrestling Wrestling tournament. Show all posts

Monday, January 28, 2019

CoachTube Presents: WVU Wrestling Recruiting Video

WVU Wrestling Recruiting Video [Below]

Presented by CoachTube Wrestling!


Wrestling Tie-ups, Shots and Defense featuring Coach Jeremy Spates

Every wrestler needs to know how to execute and master various tie-ups, shots and defenses. In this comprehensive video, Coach Jeremy Spates demonstrates a system of techniques and drills designed to develop high percentage offensive and defensive moves. Among the topics covered are: attacking ties and moving your opponent, defending ties, defending ties to shots, defending shots and much more. This video is an essential training tool for players and coaches at any competitive level! 52 minutes. Book this course.....
Jeremy Spates has been the head wrestling coach for the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Cougars (SIUE) since July, 2013. Prior to SIUE, Jeremy spent four seasons as an assistant at Cornell University under Head Coach Rob Koll. He also spent five seasons as an assistant coach under his father, Jack Spates, at the University of Oklahoma. Jeremy Spates was a 2004 NCAA All-American wrestler at the University of Missouri. He was a three-time team captain under Head Coach Brian Smith.
Master Your Sport

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Flowrestling Featuring Logan Stieber vs Joey McKenna Hype Video

Logan Stieber vs Joey McKenna Hype Video [Below]

Presented on US Sports Net by CoachTube Wrestling!

Lines of Defense in Wrestling

Learn all the lines of defense needed to put your opponent down and your hand up at the end of the match. In this instructional video course, Coach Dave Esposito uses techniques gained though his 25 years of coaching and wrestling experience to demonstrate great wrestling defense. Learn from his unique style of coaching with these defensive drills designed to help you escape any attack.
CoachEspositoDave EspositoHead Wrestling Coach at the Edge School of Wrestling
Dave is the Head Wrestling Coach at the Edge School of Wrestling in Hoboken and the Hoboken PAL Youth Wrestling Team. He has been involved in wrestling for 25 years. He wrestled at Lehigh University where he received his B.S. in Marketing and was an Assistant Wrestling Coach at Columbia University where he received his Master’s degree in Communication and Education. 

Among his accomplishments as a college and high school wrestler and coach include: NCAA Division 1 Finalist, NCAA Division 1 3rd place finish, 2 Time EIWA Champion, 105 Career Victories, University Nationals Finalist, Ranked 5th on US Open Level, Lehigh University Male Athlete of the Year 2001, 3 Time NJ State place finisher, Coached NCAA Division 1 Champions, Coached NCAA Division 1 All-Americans, Coached NJ State Champions and Placers

Ohio RTC teammates Joey McKenna and Logan Stieber do battle at Final X - State College June 16th live on FloWrestling for a spot on the men's freestyle world team. Website: Subscribe: Get the FloSports iOS app: Follow FloWrestling Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Monday, June 4, 2018

Flowrestling Featuring: James Green On The 2015 Nick Marable Saga

"I can't believe this is really happening. This guy fell of a treadmill and hit his head and now we're back here waiting to make a world team." James Green explains the 2015 Nick Marable saga from his perspective.[Video Below]

Presented on US Sports Net by CoachTube Wrestling!


Wrestling Takedowns, Stand-Ups and Pin Moves

About this Course
Whether you're being attacked or you are the aggressor, having the stability, technique and stance to take advantage of your opponent is vital to your success on the wrestling mat. Two-time All-American, Carlos Restrepo takes you through the crucial takedown, stand-up and pinning moves that every wrestler needs to know in this essential guide to gaining a true competitive advantage.
Carlos RestrepoWrestling Instructor, All-American Wrestler
Carlos Restrepo coaches wrestling at Brentwood High School in Brentwood, N.Y. During his college career at Ithaca College, Restrepo was a two-time All-American and a two-time Academic All-American.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Flowrestling Featuring: Jordan Oliver vs. Frank Chamizo at Beat the Streets

Oliver pushes Chamizo to the limit at the 2017 Beat the Streets event. [Video below]

Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube Wrestling.

Featured Course:


Wrestling Takedowns, Stand-Ups and Pin Moves by Carlos Restrepo

About this Course
Whether you're being attacked or you are the aggressor, having the stability, technique and stance to take advantage of your opponent is vital to your success on the wrestling mat. Two-time All-American, Carlos Restrepo takes you through the crucial takedown, stand-up and pinning moves that every wrestler needs to know in this essential guide to gaining a true competitive advantage.

Coach Credentials
Carlos Restrepo coaches wrestling at Brentwood High School in Brentwood, N.Y. During his college career at Ithaca College, Restrepo was a two-time All-American and a two-time Academic All-American.  
Book This Course...

Oliver pushes Chamizo to the limit at the 2017 Beat the Streets event. Website: Subscribe: Get the FloSports iOS app: Follow FloWrestling Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Flowrestling Featuring: Zahid Valencia's Head Position Technique and How To Build Six-Pack Abs

How To Build Six-Pack Abs
By: Mick Hayes
In these latest years, both mean and women have become more vain about their bodies, and especially how it looks to members of the opposite sex. Experts will attribute this fact to advertising mostly, as well as an increased overall awareness of the health hazards of being overweight. Obesity is still a problem, and probably will be for the foreseeable future. So it is ironic that more and more people are trying to improve their body shape and look, yet the obesity rate increases faster and faster. These facts are what supports the popularity of programs to lose weight, or in this case, tighten up abs.

As a matter of fact, these sorts of programs and websites continue to be the most popular of all. All a site has to do is claim the ability to help people lose weight and it will become instantly popular. Add to that something specific such as how to flatten the stomach, or how to get a six-pack, and the effect increases ten fold. Interestingly, people are also looking for the easiest way to achieve these goals as well. We are at heart, a very lazy society when looked at in a historical context. What people are missing is the reality that it took sometimes years to put on weight or lose the shape of your stomach, so it won't be easy or fast to get back to where you once were. We lull ourselves into thinking there is some miracle pill or quick short cut when in fact there really isn't.

The fact is, there is no real miracle cure for reshaping any part of our body. Yes, we do not want to accept that, but our body does not change shape fast. In the deepest part of our hearts and minds we already know this. It is part of what makes supposed miracle cures so tempting. This difficulty is especially true of our mid-section area. This applies to both sexes as well, which is kind of unusual. So both men and women need to accept that having a perfect set of abs, or flat stomach, is possible but not without a plan. A plan that also has your complete commitment.

Your plan, or if you buy a commercial system, needs to include two goals: to strengthen the muscles in the mid-section, and to lose body fat. Unfortunately there is no way to target a specific area of the body for weight loss. Many if not most of the systems or plans that you can buy commercially may actually work for building up the core abdominal muscles, but this alone will still leave you only half the way there. You may strengthen the muscles and even have a really nice form for them, but if your muscles remain under a nice soft layer of body fat what good has all that working out done you?

An effective plan that you either buy or make yourself, needs to involve your diet, and your exercise routine. On the diet side, you need to make smart choices of what to eat, but also plan WHEN you eat. Eating late in the day can offset many hours of effort. When planning the work out, you need to weave a good cardio workout into the obvious core abdominal strengthening work out.

So for instance, a high intensity resistance work out might be coupled with a cardio workout such as a bike ride. Or you might just warm up on some steps and while you are resting or cooling down, start doing some crunches. Then switch to leg raises or move to an ab machine. You probably already know from past experience what will work for your particular body type, and what you are comfortable with. The important thing is making sure your plan is holistic and not just a workout regimen.

If you make sure that your journey to perfect abs includes what to eat, and when to eat, and your work out includes muscle strengthening and body fat removal strategies, you'll be on your way to perfect abs in no time at all.

Mick worked as a personal trainer in the past and competed in NCAA wrestling in college, where weight was of paramount importance. Looking for a six pack? Then check out our blog 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Flowrestling Featuring: Adam Coon on NCAA Loss to Kyle Snyder and Building the Lower Legs

Presented on US Sports Net by Ticket Network!

Michigan's Adam Coon discusses his loss to Kyle Snyder in the 2018 NCAA Wrestling Tournament.
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 Building the Lower Legs

By: Daniel Green


Calves used to be the bugbear of bodybuilders all over the world, this changed with the introduction of the standing calf machine enabled bodybuilders to use very heavy poundage's each leg work out that the lower legs really started to blossom. Today we also have the seated calf machine and the leg press apparatus to help keep the calves growing, so it is no longer considered "impossible" to develop the calf muscle to any great degree.

There are many ways to achieve calf size and definition, individuals will structure their workouts in a manner which suits them, an example on how to remodel the calf can be performed on a daily basis, with ever increasing weight loads on a standing calf machine. If you are unable to use the calf machine, then consider performing donkey calf raises with two heavy training partners sitting across your back.

Way back in the last century when men wore tights, it was common practise for men to wear false calves, just as today we wear jackets fitted with shoulder pads to give the visual appearance of added width. To get the best from your calves, it is recommended to spend at least twenty minutes each workout stretching your calves. This can be done by standing on a high block without any weights, stretching as high as you can, and then lowering down to maximize the effect. By this stage you should only be interested in getting full and complete stretching action. Later in the workout, you can train the lower legs with resistance exercise (calf machines) and follows the traditional pattern of working them with about 5 sets of 15 to 20 reps.

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The following are specific calf exercise which should be seriously considered when developing well defines calves. The Donkey Calf Raise, there is no doubt that the bent over position one adopts for the donkey calf raise exercise does something very special for the lower legs. This exercise is a great favourite of many Mr. Olympia contestants. Lean on a bench or table top so that your upper body is comfortably supported parallel to the floor. Have a training partner sit on your lower back, over the hip area. Rise up and down on your toes until you cannot perform another rep. Use a 4 - inch block under
your toes to give greater range to the foot movement. You should always aim to perform at least 20 reps in this exercise.

The Standing calf raise, it is important that calf machine you use is capable of loading on heavy weights. The apparatus should either carry a huge stack of weights or else be set up with a leverage benefit, so that comparatively small weights give a considerably increased overall load. Rise up and down on your toes without excessive knee bending and without bouncing at the bottom of the movement. Finally there is the Seated calf raise; this exercise too, is performed on a special leverage machine. The principal muscle worked in this movement is the soleus rather than the gastrocnemius. Perform as many heel raises as you can, concentrating on maximising total calf stretch with each
For more information, please visit the Smart Physical Workout website, although often neglected, the well-developed calf is an overlooked asset.

 The concept of Smartphysicalworkout was developed by Daniel Green who has been involved with the Health and Fitness industry since 1999, providing health and fitness products, services to both the local and online community.

After a slow start, the has grown into a well received site for the Health and Fitness community and the team strive to offer the best quality products available, customer service and satisfaction will always be the key to their success.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Flowrestling Featuring: Austin DeSanto, Yianni Diakomihalis Primed for EIWAs Presented on US Sports Net By:

[Video below]-Previewing the 2018 EIWA tournament at 133 pounts. Website: Subscribe: Get the FloSports iOS app: Follow FloWrestling Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Check 'Em Out: Big Ten Pre-seeds!

Richard Immel
  Isaiah White Te'shan Campbell

The Big Ten Conference released the pre-seeds to the 2018 Championships. Check 'em out below, and then tune in over the weekend and watch it all go down on FloWrestling.


DATE: March 3-4  | TIME: 10 AM ET | WHERE: Michigan State University

1251Nick SurianoRutgers
1252Spencer LeeIowa
1253Nathan TomaselloOhio State
1254Sebastian RiveraNorthwestern
1255Ethan LizakMinnesota
1256Luke WelchPurdue
1257RayVon FoleyMichigan State
1258Drew MattinMIchigan
1259Travis PiotrowskiIllinois
12510Elijah OliverIndiana
12511Mitch MaginnisNebraska
12512Johnny JimenezWisconsin
12513Brandon CrayMaryland
12514Carson KuhnPenn State

1331Stevan MicicMIchigan
1332Luke PletcherOhio State
1333Mitch McKeeMinnesota
1334Jason RenteriaNebraska
1335Scott DelvecchioRutgers
1336Corey KeenerPenn State
1337Dylan DuncanIllinois
1338Ben ThorntonPurdue

1411Joey McKennaOhio State
1412Nick LeePenn State
1413Michael CarrIllinois
1414Chad RedNebraska
1415Nate LimmexPurdue
1416Tommy ThornMinnesota
1417Cole WeaverIndiana
1418Eli StickleyWisconsin

1491Zain RetherfordPenn State
1492Brandon SorensenIowa
1493Ryan DeakinNorthwestern
1494Colton McCrystalNebraska
1495Ke-Shawn HayesOhio State
1496Eleazar DelucaRutgers
1497Alfred BannisterMaryland
1498Malik AmineMIchigan
1499Steve BleiseMinnesota
14910Cole MartinWisconsin
14911Austin NashPurdue
14912Eric BaroneIllinois
14913Jwan BrittonMichigan State
14914AJ RayaIndiana

157T1Michael KemererIowa
157T1Jason NolfPenn State
1573Alec PantaleoMIchigan
1574Micah JordanOhio State
1575Tyler BergerNebraska
1576Andrew CroneWisconsin
1577Jake ShortMinnesota
1578John VanschenkbrillRutgers

1651Isaiah MartinezIllinois
1652Alex MarinelliIowa
1653Vincenzo JosephPenn State
1654Richie LewisRutgers
1655Evan WickWisconsin
1656Nick WanzekMinnesota
1657Logan MassaMIchigan
1658Isaiah WhiteNebraska
1659Te'Shan CampbellOhio State
16510Jacob MorrisseyPurdue
16511Bryce MartinIndiana
16512Austin HilesMichigan State
16513Brendan BurnhamMaryland
16514Mike SepkleNorthwestern

1741Mark HallPenn State
1742Bo JordanOhio State
1743Myles AmineMIchigan
1744Dylan LydyPurdue
1745Johnny SebastianNorthwestern
1746Devin SkatzkaIndiana
1747Joey GuntherIowa
1748Ryan ChristensenWisconsin

1841Bo NickalPenn State
1842Myles MartinOhio State
1843Dom AbounaderMIchigan
1844Emery ParkerIllinois
1845Nick GravinaRutgers
1846Tyler VenzNebraska
1847Ricky RobertsonWisconsin
1848Mitch BowmanIowa

1971Kollin MooreOhio State
1972Shakur RasheedPenn State
1973Cash WilckeIowa
1974Kevin BeazleyMIchigan
1975Hunter RitterWisconsin
1976Christian BrunnerPurdue
1977Zack ChakonisNorthwestern
1978Eric SchultzNebraska

2851Adam CoonMIchigan
2852Kyle SnyderOhio State
2853Nick NevillsPenn State
2854Sam StollIowa
2855Youssif HemidaMaryland
2856Conan JenningsNorthwestern
2857Shawn StreckPurdue
2858Rylee StreifelMinnesota

Our very own Daniel Nomad took a crack at projecting the B1G pre-seeds not long ago and got pretty dang close to nailing them. You can find Daniel's projections here, and our Big Ten Conference rankings here