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Showing posts with label Bodybuilding Dips Dumbbell lateral raise Hammer curl In shape Man Men Pullups Pushups Rear delt row Romanian deadlift Squats Warm up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bodybuilding Dips Dumbbell lateral raise Hammer curl In shape Man Men Pullups Pushups Rear delt row Romanian deadlift Squats Warm up. Show all posts

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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

How to Simplify Your Training


From BBcom

Get back to the basics of strength training.

How to Simplify Your Training

Wanting to hear one quick tip to revolutionize your workout routine? Wanting to learn how to lose 10 pounds of body fat in one week? Promises like these are not only misleading but can even be dangerous to your training regimen. Your training sessions don’t have to be anything special, as more minimalist strategies for hypertrophy are consistently reliable and often the most effective. Learn how simplifying your routine can benefit your goals and how to do so in the following paragraphs.

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Training Organization

How you structure your training will be what sets you up to maximize weight loss or muscle building. There is no need to obsess over manipulating rest periods or hyper-fixating on specific sides of muscle groups, if getting the most out of your training is your goal. Instead, prioritizing consistency and effort will ensure you have the most effective training program without the headache. Having a clearly defined training split with clearly defined exercise progressions is what will set you out on top. Day after day putting in the work brings home the gains.

Compound Power

Beginning this simplification of training starts with exercise selection. Targeting compound exercises allows you to target whole muscle groups rather than minute details and gain muscle and strength in larger movement groups. Exercises that have movement over multiple joints, such as the bench press or deadlift work best to have these types of effects. There are compound movements for each body part: overhead press for shoulders, pull ups for back, or lunges for legs. Doing these exercises also comes at the benefit of functionality. Working movements instead of individual muscles builds strength that translates to all walks of life. Sticking with the fundamentals provides the foundation for everything else.


Simplicity doesn’t mean abandoning all complexity. Incorporating unilateral training, range of motion emphasized work, or other focused endeavors will enhance the concise ways of training you’ve been implementing. Incorporating dumbbell work to target each side of the body which cannot be done as effectively with barbell work is great. Staggering training days in certain splits is also an effective way to maximize growth while minimizing overtraining. This will also help you splice in other forms of training, such as cardio or other wellness goals. With your fundamentals at the helm, your training eccentricities can thrive.

Keeping It Simple, Stupid

Whatever way you choose to train, focusing on the fundamentals will allow you to maximize your results in less time. Lifters of any discipline can benefit from taking the time to strip down their training regimen and finding out what is truly effective for building muscle and what would best be left behind. Last year may have been about different goals, but this year will be all about the right goals. Emphasize the training that works; get the most out of your gym.


Jake Stewart

Jake Stewart

Jake is an author and weightlifter from the San Diego area. He has been in the gym for the past eight years, experimenting with weight training focused on aesthetics and strength. He...

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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

BBcom Featuring: Mike O'Hearn's Power Bodybuilding 12-Week Training Program

Mike O'Hearn's Power Bodybuilding 12-Week Training Program

Want to get big, strong, and cut? Part bodybuilding, part powerlifting, Mike O'Hearn's "power bodybuilding" training concept builds muscle, strength, and overall fitness all at the same time. Get with the program!

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12 Weeks to Insane Strength, Size, and Fitness

5 workouts per week / 60-90 min. workouts

Strength-building powerlifts (squat, deadlift, bench press) form the core of Mike O'Hearn's program, but they’re surrounded by bodybuilding exercises and rep ranges. Every four weeks, you'll systematically increase the weight you use on your main lifts. The result is a body that's not just show and go but show and dominate—superhero-style.

Start Mike O'Hearn's Power Bodybuilding 12-Week Training Program for FREE today!

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Sunday, August 9, 2020

The StrengthCast Power Show Featuring Kris Gethin's Delt Destruction

Big, round delts will set great physiques apart from the rest. Train shoulders at home using minimal equipment with Kris Gethin.
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00:00 - Intro
00:34 - Shoulder Circuit Workout
02:47 - Supplements for Working Out
03:30 - Post Workout Shake
03:39 - Outro

Your shoulders aren't a particularly massive muscle group, but in order to hit them from every angle, you'll need to do a lot of reps. In today's video, Kris breaks down how to isolate your deltoid heads effectively, and shows you which portion of your delts each exercise emphasizes.

| Kris Gethin's Muscle-Building 12-Week Trainer |
Over the course of 15 years of working with some of the world's best experts, Kris Gethin synthesized their techniques into the ultimate plan for building an extreme amount of size in 12 weeks. Kris tested the program on himself and gained an astonishing 20 pounds. Now it's your turn.

| Rebuild Yourself Stronger Than Ever |
Your mission is to annihilate the old you and stimulate all the mechanisms that will grow the new you. Type 1, type 2a, type 2b—no muscle fiber will be spared. Day by grueling day, you'll exhaust each of your body's energy systems, leaving you with the only energy source that truly matters: your will. What you know about concepts like training intensity and volume will be challenged, cast aside, and redefined.

| Expert Instruction |
Kris Gethin inflicted this plan on himself while living in India. Prepare yourself for 84 daily videos, epic workouts, and Gethin at his most intense and personal as you follow him into the gym and through the streets of Mumbai.

| Nutrition and Supplement Plan |
Fuel your fitness every day with a timeless Kris Gethin nutrition plan built on ample protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, clearly laid out in an in-depth guide and video feature. Eat clean, eat big, and grow like crazy!

| Kaged Muscle Supplements |
Kaged Muscle aims to take your training to another level with supplements made from only pure, high-quality ingredients. Kaged gives your body the sports nutrition it needs, helping muscles perform at their best every time you train.

► Shop Kaged Muscle Supplements:
► Try Kris Gethin's Muscle-Building Training Program:
► BodyFit Training Programs:

Your shoulders aren't a particularly massive muscle group, but in order to hit them from every angle, you'll need to do a lot of reps. In today's video, Kris breaks down how to isolate your deltoid heads effectively, and shows you which portion of your delts each exercise emphasizes.

| Kris Gethin's Muscle-Building 12-Week Trainer |
Over the course of 15 years of working with some of the world's best experts, Kris Gethin synthesized their techniques into the ultimate plan for building an extreme amount of size in 12 weeks. Kris tested the program on himself and gained an astonishing 20 pounds. Now it's your turn.

| Rebuild Yourself Stronger Than Ever |
Your mission is to annihilate the old you and stimulate all the mechanisms that will grow the new you. Type 1, type 2a, type 2b—no muscle fiber will be spared. Day by grueling day, you'll exhaust each of your body's energy systems, leaving you with the only energy source that truly matters: your will. What you know about concepts like training intensity and volume will be challenged, cast aside, and redefined.

| Expert Instruction |
Kris Gethin inflicted this plan on himself while living in India. Prepare yourself for 84 daily videos, epic workouts, and Gethin at his most intense and personal as you follow him into the gym and through the streets of Mumbai.

| Nutrition and Supplement Plan |
Fuel your fitness every day with a timeless Kris Gethin nutrition plan built on ample protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, clearly laid out in an in-depth guide and video feature. Eat clean, eat big, and grow like crazy!

| Kaged Muscle Supplements |
Kaged Muscle aims to take your training to another level with supplements made from only pure, high-quality ingredients. Kaged gives your body the sports nutrition it needs, helping muscles perform at their best every time you train.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Shoulders and Triceps with Martyn Ford Presented on US Sports Net by BBcom!

The Simple Workout for Super Shoulders

Looking for max results with little time and no machines? Free weights are your friend in this no-BS workout for blasting your shoulders.
Two good examples here on how to train your shoulders for max gains in less time.(Continued below).................

The Simple Workout for Super Shoulders
Sculpting your physique and achieving great shape takes time. But a long process doesn't need to be a complicated process.
Today, we're focusing on the basics for shoulders. The exercises here are easy to perform and don't require a lot of weight in order to be effective. As long as you execute these movements using proper form, where you can feel the target muscles working, results will come.
Grab a bar with moderate weight, a pair of dumbbells, and find some open space. Your deltoids will be burning like a blowtorch in short order!
The Simple Workout for Super Shoulders
Pike Push-Up
3 sets, 6-8 reps
3 sets
Barbell Front Raise
3 sets, 10 reps
Barbell Rear Delt Row
3 sets, 10 reps
4 sets
Side Lateral Raise
4 sets, 12 reps
Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise
4 sets, 12 reps

Technique Tips

Pike Push-up

Pike Push-up
Pike Push-up
From the starting push-up position, slowly walk your hands back until your body forms an inverted V, with your hips in a peak. Remain in this position and perform as many push-ups as you can without sacrificing form. Shoot for around 8 reps. This angle, and keeping your elbows out, will do more work for the entire shoulder area while reducing chest involvement.

Front Barbell Raise

Your grip should be at shoulder width or a little wider to fully benefit the anterior (front) heads of the deltoids. If you want to work the front delts only, raise the bar until your upper arms are parallel with the floor. Rising any higher from this point will recruit the traps.
A note on form: If you have to swing the weight up with momentum from your hips or legs, it's too heavy. Going lighter will lessen the chance of injury and make your shoulders do the heavy lifting.

Rear Delt Barbell Row

Rear Delt Barbell Row
Rear Delt Barbell Row
As soon as you finish the front raises, go straight into rear delt rows without any rest. For this exercise, use an overhand grip with your hands just wider than shoulder-width apart. Instead of pulling the bar into your bellybutton or waist like you would for a bent-over barbell row, pull the bar into your chest. Pause here at the top for a second before lowering the weight. Focus on contracting your rear delts and feeling your entire upper back working.

Lateral Raise

Choose a weight that's challenging but can be handled with good form. Take 3 seconds to lower the weight in a controlled manner before raising the dumbbells again. The burn will be serious, but, hey, that's what you want.

Bent-Over Rear Delt Lateral Raise

Bent-Over Rear Delt Lateral Raise
Bent-Over Rear Delt Lateral Raise
The rear delts are often neglected when it comes to training shoulders, so we're doubling down with two exercises to target them. If you feel the rear delts are a weak area for you, then do these first before performing the lateral raises.
Bend over as far as you comfortably can, or do these seated with the weights going under your legs and your chest resting on your thighs. Just make sure your traps don't join the party. Some people hold the dumbbells so their palms face behind them, while others use a neutral grip. Use whatever grip you feel more comfortable with.

Monday, February 26, 2018

BPI Sports Featuring: Couples Workout with Regan Grimes and Victoria D'Ariano and For Him: 10 Exercises to Get You Back in Shape

[Video below]-Couples Workout with Regan Grimes and Victoria D'Ariano

For Him: 10 Exercises to Get You Back in Shape

in shape
Getting back in the gym after a long absence can be difficult. Since it only takes three days without training for you to start losing some of your cardio capacity, you should not expect to return immediately to the workouts you “used” to do after weeks, months or even years of absence. When you are committed to regaining your fitness, these are the top ten exercises for getting back in shape.


Stretch, get on the elliptical for a few minutes, jump rope or just do something that loosens you up and lets your body know it should be ready for action. Take about 10-15 minutes to get loose before you begin.


Everyone should know how to do this and if you did 2000 pushups every day like Walter Payton, maybe you would always be in shape. It’s simple and there are multiple variations that work different muscle groups.  Put your hands about shoulder-width apart on the floor. Keep your body straight and lower yourself down and back up.


Grab the bar with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Take an overhand grip with your thumbs wrapped atop the bar with your fingers. Pull yourself up. As you reach the bar, pull your elbows down and back to get more height over the bar.


Stand with the dumbbells in each hand at your side with the palms of your hands facing towards you. Keeping good posture and your upper body stationary, lift the dumbbells out to each side, slightly bending the elbow and tilting the weight as if you were pouring water from a pitcher. Raise arms until they are parallel to the floor.


This exercise is simple and works different muscles in your upper body with slight variations in form. Simply grab the bars with both hands and lower yourself down and up. Hold your body straight up and down to work triceps and bend your legs and lean over to focus on the chest.


This exercise targets those back muscles you’re trying to get back in shape. Stand with the dumbbells in each hand at your side with the palms of your hands facing towards you. Keeping good posture and your upper body stationary, flex at the hip to lean forward. Keep your back straight throughout the lift. Keep your elbows to your sides. Extend the shoulder, flex the elbows and row the dumbbells up towards your torso until your elbows are at 90-degree angles. Keeping your shoulders retracted, squeeze your scapulae. Slowly return the dumbbells to the starting position and repeat.


This is one of the basics for building your body and staying in shape. It can be done with and without weights. While standing with your feet a little wider than your hips, point your toes slightly outward. Look straight ahead. You can focus on a spot on the wall for balance. Squat down until your hip joint comes lower than your knees. Repeat.


Stand with a dumbbell in each hand. Hold your upper arm stationary, and keep your elbows close to your body as you curl the weight towards your shoulders. Your hands should remain facing inwards. Hold for a moment, feeling the squeeze in your biceps. Slowly lower back down.


Hold a barbell at hip level with a palms-down grip. Keep your shoulders back, arch your back, and slightly bend your knees. Move your butt back as far as you can to lower the bar until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Keep the bar close to your body, your head forward and your shoulders back. Return to the starting position by driving your hips forward and standing up tall.

All readers are advised to consult their physician before beginning any exercise and nutrition program. BPI Sports and the contributors do not accept any responsibility for injury sustained as a result of following the advice or suggestions contained within the content.