Video games have been around since the 70s, steadily gaining more and more popularity as the technology used to create them becomes more advanced. Naturally, as the games advance, so do the skills of the players. Today, gaming is more than just a pastime. It requires extreme focus, lightning-fast reflexes, rapid decision-making skills and fast twitch muscle responses on par with athletes in other professional sports. The best players can now make a career doing what they love.
As the landscape becomes more competitive, performance-enhancing supplements are on the rise. Gamers are looking for something that can give them an edge, just like athletes in other sports.

Pioneering Sports Nutrition for Gaming

Gamers are not known for their healthy habits. Sodas and energy drinks are commonly linked to the gaming lifestyle, along with focus pills like Adderall and Ritalin. The reasons center around the length and intensity of tournament gameplay. Gamers can spend hours on end, locked in combat of the mind. Intense gameplay challenges problem solving abilities, perception, reflexes, cognition, mental endurance and strategic thinking. The need for any edge that can keep you alert and focused is crystal clear. Most players are willing to sacrifice their health by relying on sugary drinks, overly caffeinated beverages or focus pills to get even the slightest edge on their competition.
Level Up with Focus Mind Connection
An alternative to gaming’s sugar and stimulant-heavy counterparts, BPI’s Focus Mind Connection is formulated with ingredients to promote energy, memory and well-being.
  • Niacin – Niacin, also known as B3, supports central dopaminergic activity, which is important to brain function for better focus and coordination.
  • Vitamin B12 – This vitamin supports memory and mental clarity for decision making and strategizing.
  • Glycine – Glycine acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, making it capable of supporting mood and cognition. It can also help you stay hydrated.
  • D-Ribose – D-Ribose helps with ATP levels, providing energy and stamina.
  • Phosphatidylcholine – Phosphatidylcholine is used to produce acetylcholine, which is important for memory.
  • Alpha GPC – This advanced nootropic is the most effective source of choline. Choline increases acetylcholine in the brain, which is responsible for every cognitive function. You need your brain to be firing at full capacity to level up in your next go.
  • No caffeine – Since this product is stimulant free, you don’t have to worry about the jitters or a crash.

Andy Leon and BPI Gaming

As a Professional Smite Player and BPI Gaming athlete, Andy Leon must be able to maintain focus and concentration for extended periods of time.
“Focusing on your every move is what determines you or the opponent a winner,” stated, Andy. “With more money on the line as gaming gets bigger you have to ask yourself how you can get 8-10 hours of efficient practice to be the best with just raw energy. Sometimes the answer is you can’t. You need that extra edge to stay focused and continue to practice and perform better and more consistent to then be the best.”